public boolean setPlayerInventorySlot( String playerName, int slot, int blockID, int damage, int quantity) { try { if (blockID == 0) { return clearPlayerInventorySlot(playerName, slot); } Player p = getPlayerExact(playerName); PlayerInventory inv = p.getInventory(); ItemStack it = new ItemStack(blockID, quantity, Short.valueOf(String.valueOf(damage)).shortValue()); if (slot == 103) inv.setHelmet(it); else if (slot == 102) inv.setChestplate(it); else if (slot == 101) inv.setLeggings(it); else if (slot == 100) inv.setBoots(it); else inv.setItem(slot, it); p.saveData(); return true; } catch (NullPointerException e) { return false; } }
public static short getAnyDataShort(String objectString, String enumValue) throws IllegalArgumentException { // Firstly, can the string be cast directly as a short? try { Short s = Short.parseShort(enumValue); return s; } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { } // If not, test the enum if (objectString.equalsIgnoreCase("LOG") || objectString.equalsIgnoreCase("LEAVES") || objectString.equalsIgnoreCase("SAPLING")) { return (short) TreeSpecies.valueOf(enumValue).getData(); } else if (objectString.equalsIgnoreCase("WOOL") || objectString.equalsIgnoreCase("CREATURE_SHEEP")) { return (short) DyeColor.valueOf(enumValue).getData(); } else if (objectString.equalsIgnoreCase("INK_SACK")) { return (short) (0xF - DyeColor.valueOf(enumValue).getData()); } else if (objectString.equalsIgnoreCase("COAL")) { return (short) (CoalType.valueOf(enumValue).getData()); } else if (objectString.equalsIgnoreCase("CROPS")) { return (short) (CropState.valueOf(enumValue).getData()); } else if (objectString.equalsIgnoreCase("STEP") || objectString.equalsIgnoreCase("DOUBLE_STEP")) { if (enumValue.equalsIgnoreCase("STONE")) return 0; else if (enumValue.equalsIgnoreCase("SANDSTONE")) return 1; else if (enumValue.equalsIgnoreCase("WOOD")) return 2; else if (enumValue.equalsIgnoreCase("COBBLESTONE")) return 3; else throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } else if (objectString.equalsIgnoreCase("CREATURE_PIG")) { if (enumValue.equalsIgnoreCase("UNSADDLED")) return 0; else if (enumValue.equalsIgnoreCase("SADDLED")) return 1; else throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } else if (objectString.equalsIgnoreCase("CREATURE_CREEPER")) { if (enumValue.equalsIgnoreCase("UNPOWERED")) return 0; else if (enumValue.equalsIgnoreCase("POWERED")) return 1; else throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } else if (objectString.equalsIgnoreCase("CREATURE_WOLF")) { if (enumValue.equalsIgnoreCase("NEUTRAL")) return 0; else if (enumValue.equalsIgnoreCase("TAME")) return 1; else if (enumValue.equalsIgnoreCase("TAMED")) return 1; else if (enumValue.equalsIgnoreCase("ANGRY")) return 2; else throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } else if (objectString.equalsIgnoreCase("CREATURE_SLIME")) { if (enumValue.equalsIgnoreCase("TINY")) return 1; else if (enumValue.equalsIgnoreCase("SMALL")) return 2; else if (enumValue.equalsIgnoreCase("BIG")) return 3; else if (enumValue.equalsIgnoreCase("HUGE")) return 4; else throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } else { return 0; } }
public ItemStack parseItemStack(String itemstr) { if (itemstr.isEmpty()) return null; String istr = itemstr; String enchant = ""; String name = ""; if (istr.contains("$")) { name = istr.substring(0, istr.indexOf("$")); istr = istr.substring(name.length() + 1); } if (istr.contains("@")) { enchant = istr.substring(istr.indexOf("@") + 1); istr = istr.substring(0, istr.indexOf("@")); } int id = -1; int amount = 1; short data = 0; String[] si = istr.split("\\*"); if (si.length > 0) { if (si.length == 2) amount = Math.max(getMinMaxRandom(si[1]), 1); String ti[] = si[0].split(":"); if (ti.length > 0) { if (ti[0].matches("[0-9]*")) id = Integer.parseInt(ti[0]); else { Material m = Material.getMaterial(ti[0].toUpperCase()); if (m == null) { logOnce("wrongitem" + ti[0], "Could not parse item material name (id) " + ti[0]); return null; } id = m.getId(); } if ((ti.length == 2) && (ti[1]).matches("[0-9]*")) data = Short.parseShort(ti[1]); ItemStack item = new ItemStack(id, amount, data); if (!enchant.isEmpty()) { item = setEnchantments(item, enchant); } if (!name.isEmpty()) { ItemMeta im = item.getItemMeta(); im.setDisplayName(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', name.replace("_", " "))); item.setItemMeta(im); } return item; } } return null; }
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override protected boolean onCommand(Player player, String command, String[] args) { if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("createkit")) { if (player.hasPermission(Permissions.COMMAND_KIT_CREATE)) { if (this.getPlugin().cmdValues.createKits) { if (Utilities.inPvPWorld(player)) { if (args.length == 0) { Lang.sendMessage( player, Lang.COMMAND_GEN_USAGE, command.toLowerCase() + " [<kit>|<kit> <guiitem>]"); Lang.sendMessage(player, Lang.COMMAND_CREATE_KIT_DESCRIPTION); } else if (args.length > 0 && args.length < 3) { String kitName = args[0]; boolean containsKit = this.getPlugin().getKitsConfig().contains(kitName); if (!containsKit) { List<String> currentKits = this.getPlugin().getKitList(); List<String> currentKitsLC = Utilities.toLowerCaseList(currentKits); if (currentKitsLC.contains(kitName.toLowerCase())) kitName = currentKits.get(currentKitsLC.indexOf(kitName.toLowerCase())); containsKit = this.getPlugin().getKitsConfig().contains(kitName); } if (!this.containsIllegalCharacters(kitName)) { if (args.length == 2) { if (args[1].contains(":")) { String[] guiSplit = args[1].split(":"); if (guiSplit.length == 2) { if (!this.isInteger(guiSplit[0]) || !this.isInteger(guiSplit[1])) { Lang.sendMessage( player, Lang.COMMAND_GEN_USAGE, command.toLowerCase() + " [<kit>|<kit> <guiitem>]"); return true; } } else { if (!this.isInteger(args[1])) { Lang.sendMessage( player, Lang.COMMAND_GEN_USAGE, command.toLowerCase() + " [<kit>|<kit> <guiitem>]"); return true; } } } else { if (!this.isInteger(args[1])) { Lang.sendMessage( player, Lang.COMMAND_GEN_USAGE, command.toLowerCase() + " [<kit>|<kit> <guiitem>]"); return true; } } } Map<Integer, ItemStack> itemsInInv = new HashMap<>(); List<ItemStack> armourInInv = new ArrayList<>(); ItemStack[] pContents = player.getInventory().getContents(); if (pContents == null) pContents = new ItemStack[player.getInventory().getSize()]; for (int i = 0; i < player.getInventory().getSize(); i++) { if (pContents.length > i && pContents[i] != null) itemsInInv.put(i, pContents[i]); else itemsInInv.put(i, new ItemStack(Material.AIR)); } for (ItemStack armour : player.getInventory().getArmorContents()) if (armour != null && armour.getType() != Material.AIR) armourInInv.add(armour); PlayerCreateKitEvent createKitEvent = new PlayerCreateKitEvent(player, kitName, itemsInInv, armourInInv, false); player.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(createKitEvent); if (!createKitEvent.isCancelled()) { itemsInInv = createKitEvent.getKitContentsWithSlots(); armourInInv = createKitEvent.getKitArmour(); if (itemsInInv.size() > 0 || armourInInv.size() > 0) { if (containsKit) { this.getPlugin().getKitsConfig().set(kitName, null); this.getPlugin().saveKitsConfig(); if (this.getPlugin().kitList.containsKey(kitName)) this.getPlugin().kitList.remove(kitName); } final Kit kit = new Kit(kitName, itemsInInv).setRealName(kitName).setArmour(armourInInv); if (args.length == 2) { ItemStack guiItem = null; try { guiItem = new ItemStack(Integer.parseInt(args[1])); } catch (Exception ignored) { } try { if (args[1].contains(":")) { String[] guiSplit = args[1].split(":"); guiItem = new ItemStack(Integer.parseInt(guiSplit[0])); guiItem.setDurability(Short.parseShort(guiSplit[1])); } } catch (Exception ignored) { } if (guiItem != null) { if (guiItem.getType() != Material.AIR) { kit.setGuiItem(guiItem); } } } List<PotionEffect> kitPotionEffects = new ArrayList<>(); for (PotionEffect potionEffect : player.getActivePotionEffects()) { if (potionEffect != null) kitPotionEffects.add(potionEffect); } if (!kitPotionEffects.isEmpty()) kit.setPotionEffects(kitPotionEffects); kit.setMaxHealth((int) player.getMaxHealth()); this.getPlugin().getKitsConfig().set(kitName, kit.serialize()); this.getPlugin().kitList.put(kitName, kit); this.getPlugin().saveKitsConfig(); try { player .getServer() .getPluginManager() .addPermission(new Permission("kingkits.kits." + kitName.toLowerCase())); player .getServer() .getPluginManager() .addPermission(new Permission("" + kitName.toLowerCase())); } catch (Exception ignored) { } Lang.sendMessage( player, containsKit ? Lang.COMMAND_CREATE_OVERWRITTEN : Lang.COMMAND_CREATE_CREATED, kitName); if (this.getPlugin().configValues.removeItemsOnCreateKit) { player.getInventory().clear(); player.getInventory().setArmorContents(null); } } else { Lang.sendMessage(player, Lang.COMMAND_CREATE_EMPTY_INV); } } else { Lang.sendMessage(player, Lang.COMMAND_CREATE_DENIED); } } else { Lang.sendMessage(player, Lang.COMMAND_CREATE_ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS); } } else { Lang.sendMessage( player, Lang.COMMAND_GEN_USAGE, command.toLowerCase() + " [<kit>|<kit> <guiitem>]"); } } else { Lang.sendMessage(player, Lang.COMMAND_GEN_WORLD); } } else { Lang.sendMessage(player, Lang.COMMAND_GEN_DISABLED); } } else { this.sendNoAccess(player); } return true; } return false; }