Exemplo n.º 1
  * Determine if the given loc overlaps any loc in the sorted set
  * @param loc the location to test
  * @return
 public boolean overlaps(final GenomeLoc loc) {
   for (final GenomeLoc e : mArray) {
     if (e.overlapsP(loc)) {
       return true;
   return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
  public GenomeLocSortedSet subtractRegions(GenomeLocSortedSet toRemoveSet) {
    LinkedList<GenomeLoc> good = new LinkedList<GenomeLoc>();
    Stack<GenomeLoc> toProcess = new Stack<GenomeLoc>();
    Stack<GenomeLoc> toExclude = new Stack<GenomeLoc>();

    // initialize the stacks

    int i = 0;
    while (!toProcess.empty()) { // while there's still stuff to process
      if (toExclude.empty()) {
        good.addAll(toProcess); // no more excludes, all the processing stuff is good

      GenomeLoc p = toProcess.peek();
      GenomeLoc e = toExclude.peek();

      if (p.overlapsP(e)) {
        for (GenomeLoc newP : p.subtract(e)) toProcess.push(newP);
      } else if (p.compareContigs(e) < 0) {
        good.add(toProcess.pop()); // p is now good
      } else if (p.compareContigs(e) > 0) {
        toExclude.pop(); // e can't effect anything
      } else if (p.getStop() < e.getStart()) {
        good.add(toProcess.pop()); // p stops before e starts, p is good
      } else if (e.getStop() < p.getStart()) {
        toExclude.pop(); // p starts after e stops, e is done
      } else {
        throw new ReviewedStingException("BUG: unexpected condition: p=" + p + ", e=" + e);

      if (i++ % 10000 == 0) logger.debug("removeRegions operation: i = " + i);

    return createSetFromList(genomeLocParser, good);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Fully qualified constructor: instantiates a new GATKFeatureRecordList object with specified
  * GATKFeature track name, location on the reference, and list of associated GATKFeatures. This is
  * a knee-deep COPY constructor: passed name, loc, and data element objects will be referenced
  * from the created GATKFeatureRecordList (so that changing them from outside will affect data in
  * this object), however, the data elements will be copied into a newly allocated list, so that
  * the 'data' collection argument can be modified afterwards without affecting the state of this
  * record list. WARNING: this constructor is (semi-)validating: passed name and location are
  * allowed to be nulls (although it maybe unsafe, use caution), but if they are not nulls, then
  * passed non-null GATKFeature data elements must have same track name, and their locations must
  * overlap with the passed 'location' argument. Null data elements or null 'data' collection
  * argument are allowed as well.
  * @param name the name of the track
  * @param data the collection of features at this location
  * @param loc the location
 public RODRecordListImpl(String name, Collection<GATKFeature> data, GenomeLoc loc) {
   this.records = new ArrayList<GATKFeature>(data == null ? 0 : data.size());
   this.name = name;
   this.location = loc;
   if (data == null || data.size() == 0) return; // empty dataset, nothing to do
   for (GATKFeature r : data) {
     if (r == null) continue;
     if (!this.name.equals(r.getName())) {
       throw new ReviewedStingException(
           "Attempt to add GATKFeature with non-matching name "
               + r.getName()
               + " to the track "
               + name);
     if (location != null && !location.overlapsP(r.getLocation())) {
       throw new ReviewedStingException(
           "Attempt to add GATKFeature that lies outside of specified interval "
               + location
               + "; offending GATKFeature:\n"
               + r.toString());