Exemplo n.º 1
 /** {@inheritDoc} */
 public S hasSameSizeAs(Iterable<?> other) {
   maps.assertHasSameSizeAs(info, actual, other);
   return myself;
Exemplo n.º 2
 /** {@inheritDoc} */
 public S hasSize(int expected) {
   maps.assertHasSize(info, actual, expected);
   return myself;
Exemplo n.º 3
 /** {@inheritDoc} */
 public S hasSameSizeAs(Object other) {
   maps.assertHasSameSizeAs(info, actual, other);
   return myself;
Exemplo n.º 4
 /** {@inheritDoc} */
 public void isEmpty() {
   maps.assertEmpty(info, actual);
Exemplo n.º 5
 /** {@inheritDoc} */
 public S isNotEmpty() {
   maps.assertNotEmpty(info, actual);
   return myself;
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Verifies that the actual map contains only the given entries and nothing else, <b>in order</b>.
  * <br>
  * This assertion should only be used with map that have a consistent iteration order (i.e. don't
  * use it with {@link java.util.HashMap}, prefer {@link
  * #containsOnly(org.assertj.core.data.MapEntry...)} in that case).
  * <p>Example :
  * <pre><code class='java'>
  * Map&lt;Ring, TolkienCharacter&gt; ringBearers = newLinkedHashMap(entry(oneRing, frodo), entry(nenya, galadriel),
  *                                                            entry(narya, gandalf));
  * // assertion will pass
  * assertThat(ringBearers).containsExactly(entry(oneRing, frodo), entry(nenya, galadriel), entry(narya, gandalf));
  * // assertion will fail as actual and expected orders differ.
  * assertThat(ringBearers).containsExactly(entry(nenya, galadriel), entry(narya, gandalf), entry(oneRing, frodo));
  * </code></pre>
  * @param entries the given entries.
  * @throws NullPointerException if the given entries array is {@code null}.
  * @throws AssertionError if the actual map is {@code null}.
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given entries array is empty.
  * @throws AssertionError if the actual map does not contain the given entries with same order,
  *     i.e. the actual map contains some or none of the given entries, or the actual map contains
  *     more entries than the given ones or entries are the same but the order is not.
 public S containsExactly(
     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") MapEntry<? extends K, ? extends V>... entries) {
   maps.assertContainsExactly(info, actual, entries);
   return myself;
Exemplo n.º 7
 /** {@inheritDoc} */
 public void isNullOrEmpty() {
   maps.assertNullOrEmpty(info, actual);
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Verifies that the actual map does not contain the given value.
  * <p>Example :
  * <pre><code class='java'>
  * Map<Ring, TolkienCharacter> ringBearers = ... // init with elves rings and the one ring
  * assertThat(ringBearers).doesNotContainValue(aragorn);
  * </code></pre>
  * @param value the value that should not be in actual map.
  * @throws AssertionError if the actual map is {@code null}.
  * @throws AssertionError if the actual map contains the given value.
 public S doesNotContainValue(V value) {
   maps.assertDoesNotContainValue(info, actual, value);
   return myself;
Exemplo n.º 9
 * Base class for all implementations of assertions for {@link Map}s.
 * @param <S> the "self" type of this assertion class. Please read &quot;<a
 *     href="http://bit.ly/anMa4g" target="_blank">Emulating 'self types' using Java Generics to
 *     simplify fluent API implementation</a>&quot; for more details.
 * @param <A> the type of the "actual" value.
 * @param <K> the type of keys in map.
 * @param <V> the type of values in map.
 * @author David DIDIER
 * @author Yvonne Wang
 * @author Alex Ruiz
 * @author Mikhail Mazursky
 * @author Nicolas François
 * @author dorzey
public abstract class AbstractMapAssert<
        S extends AbstractMapAssert<S, A, K, V>, A extends Map<K, V>, K, V>
    extends AbstractAssert<S, A>
    implements EnumerableAssert<S, MapEntry<? extends K, ? extends V>> {

  @VisibleForTesting Maps maps = Maps.instance();

  protected AbstractMapAssert(A actual, Class<?> selfType) {
    super(actual, selfType);

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public void isNullOrEmpty() {
    maps.assertNullOrEmpty(info, actual);

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public void isEmpty() {
    maps.assertEmpty(info, actual);

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public S isNotEmpty() {
    maps.assertNotEmpty(info, actual);
    return myself;

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public S hasSize(int expected) {
    maps.assertHasSize(info, actual, expected);
    return myself;

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public S hasSameSizeAs(Object other) {
    maps.assertHasSameSizeAs(info, actual, other);
    return myself;

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public S hasSameSizeAs(Iterable<?> other) {
    maps.assertHasSameSizeAs(info, actual, other);
    return myself;

   * Verifies that the actual map has the same size as the given {@link Map}.
   * <p>Example :
   * <pre><code class='java'>
   * Map<Ring, TolkienCharacter> ringBearers = ... // init with elves rings and the one ring
   * assertThat(ringBearers).hasSameSizeAs(mapOf(entry(oneRing, frodo),
   *                                             entry(narya, gandalf),
   *                                             entry(nenya, galadriel),
   *                                             entry(vilya, elrond)));
   * </code></pre>
   * @param other the {@code Map} to compare size with actual map
   * @return {@code this} assertion object
   * @throws NullPointerException if the other {@code Map} is {@code null}
   * @throws AssertionError if the actual map is {@code null}
   * @throws AssertionError if the actual map and the given {@code Map} don't have the same size
  public S hasSameSizeAs(Map<?, ?> other) {
    maps.assertHasSameSizeAs(info, actual, other);
    return myself;

   * Verifies that the actual map contains the given entries, in any order.
   * <p>Example :
   * <pre><code class='java'>
   * Map<Ring, TolkienCharacter> ringBearers = ... // init with elves rings and the one ring
   * assertThat(ringBearers).contains(entry(oneRing, frodo), entry(nenya, galadriel));
   * </code></pre>
   * @param entries the given entries.
   * @return {@code this} assertion object.
   * @throws NullPointerException if the given argument is {@code null}.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given argument is an empty array.
   * @throws NullPointerException if any of the entries in the given array is {@code null}.
   * @throws AssertionError if the actual map is {@code null}.
   * @throws AssertionError if the actual map does not contain the given entries.
  public S contains(@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") MapEntry<? extends K, ? extends V>... entries) {
    maps.assertContains(info, actual, entries);
    return myself;

   * Verifies that the actual map contains the given entry.
   * <p>Example :
   * <pre><code class='java'>
   * Map<Ring, TolkienCharacter> ringBearers = ... // init with elves rings and the one ring
   * assertThat(ringBearers).containsEntry(oneRing, frodo).containsEntry(nenya, galadriel);
   * </code></pre>
   * @param key the given key to check.
   * @param value the given value to check.
   * @return {@code this} assertion object.
   * @throws NullPointerException if the given argument is {@code null}.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given argument is an empty array.
   * @throws NullPointerException if any of the entries in the given array is {@code null}.
   * @throws AssertionError if the actual map is {@code null}.
   * @throws AssertionError if the actual map does not contain the given entries.
  public S containsEntry(K key, V value) {
    maps.assertContains(info, actual, array(entry(key, value)));
    return myself;

   * Verifies that the actual map does not contain the given entries.
   * <p>Example :
   * <pre><code class='java'>
   * Map<Ring, TolkienCharacter> ringBearers = ... // init omitted
   * assertThat(ringBearers).doesNotContain(entry(oneRing, aragorn));
   * </code></pre>
   * @param entries the given entries.
   * @return {@code this} assertion object.
   * @throws NullPointerException if the given argument is {@code null}.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given argument is an empty array.
   * @throws AssertionError if the actual map is {@code null}.
   * @throws AssertionError if the actual map contains any of the given entries.
  public S doesNotContain(
      @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") MapEntry<? extends K, ? extends V>... entries) {
    maps.assertDoesNotContain(info, actual, entries);
    return myself;

   * Verifies that the actual map does not contain the given entry.
   * <p>Example :
   * <pre><code class='java'>
   * Map<Ring, TolkienCharacter> ringBearers = ... // init with elves rings and the one ring
   * assertThat(ringBearers).doesNotContainEntry(oneRing, aragorn);
   * </code></pre>
   * @param key key of the entry.
   * @param value value of the entry.
   * @return {@code this} assertion object.
   * @throws NullPointerException if the given argument is {@code null}.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given argument is an empty array.
   * @throws AssertionError if the actual map is {@code null}.
   * @throws AssertionError if the actual map contains any of the given entries.
  public S doesNotContainEntry(K key, V value) {
    maps.assertDoesNotContain(info, actual, array(entry(key, value)));
    return myself;

   * Verifies that the actual map contains the given key.
   * <p>Example :
   * <pre><code class='java'>
   * Map<Ring, TolkienCharacter> ringBearers = ... // init with elves rings and the one ring
   * assertThat(ringBearers).containsKey(oneRing);
   * </code></pre>
   * @param key the given key
   * @throws AssertionError if the actual map is {@code null}.
   * @throws AssertionError if the actual map does not contain the given key.
  public S containsKey(K key) {
    return containsKeys(key);

   * Verifies that the actual map contains the given keys.
   * <p>Example :
   * <pre><code class='java'>
   * Map<Ring, TolkienCharacter> ringBearers = ... // init with elves rings and the one ring
   * assertThat(ringBearers).containsKeys(nenya, oneRing);
   * </code></pre>
   * @param keys the given keys
   * @throws AssertionError if the actual map is {@code null}.
   * @throws AssertionError if the actual map does not contain the given key.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given argument is an empty array.
  public S containsKeys(@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") K... keys) {
    maps.assertContainsKeys(info, actual, keys);
    return myself;

   * Verifies that the actual map does not contain the given key.
   * <p>Example :
   * <pre><code class='java'>
   * Map<Ring, TolkienCharacter> ringBearers = ... // init with elves rings only
   * assertThat(ringBearers).doesNotContainKey(oneRing);
   * </code></pre>
   * @param key the given key
   * @throws AssertionError if the actual map is {@code null}.
   * @throws AssertionError if the actual map contains the given key.
  public S doesNotContainKey(K key) {
    return doesNotContainKeys(key);

   * Verifies that the actual map does not contain any of the given keys.
   * <p>Example :
   * <pre><code class='java'>
   * Map<Ring, TolkienCharacter> ringBearers = ... // init with elves rings only
   * assertThat(ringBearers).doesNotContainKeys(oneRing, someManRing);
   * </code></pre>
   * @param key the given key
   * @throws AssertionError if the actual map is {@code null}.
   * @throws AssertionError if the actual map contains the given key.
  public S doesNotContainKeys(@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") K... keys) {
    maps.assertDoesNotContainKeys(info, actual, keys);
    return myself;

   * Verifies that the actual map contains only the given keys and nothing else, in any order.
   * <p>Examples :
   * <pre><code class='java'>
   * Map<Ring, TolkienCharacter> ringBearers = ... // init with elves rings and the one ring
   * // assertion will pass
   * assertThat(ringBearers).containsOnlyKeys(oneRing, nenya, narya, vilya);
   * // assertion will fail
   * assertThat(ringBearers).containsOnlyKeys(oneRing, nenya);
   * </code></pre>
   * @param keys the given keys that should be in the actual map.
   * @throws AssertionError if the actual map is {@code null}.
   * @throws AssertionError if the actual map does not contain the given keys, i.e. the actual map
   *     contains some or none of the given keys, or the actual map contains more entries than the
   *     given ones.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given argument is an empty array.
  public S containsOnlyKeys(@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") K... keys) {
    maps.assertContainsOnlyKeys(info, actual, keys);
    return myself;

   * Verifies that the actual map contains the given value.
   * <p>Example :
   * <pre><code class='java'>
   * Map<Ring, TolkienCharacter> ringBearers = ... // init with elves rings and the one ring
   * assertThat(ringBearers).containsValue(frodo);
   * </code></pre>
   * @param value the value to look for.
   * @throws AssertionError if the actual map is {@code null}.
   * @throws AssertionError if the actual map does not contain the given value.
  public S containsValue(V value) {
    maps.assertContainsValue(info, actual, value);
    return myself;

   * Verifies that the actual map contains the given values.
   * <p>Example :
   * <pre><code class='java'>
   * Map<Ring, TolkienCharacter> ringBearers = ... // init with elves rings and the one ring
   * assertThat(ringBearers).containsValues(frodo, galadriel);
   * </code></pre>
   * @param values the values to look for in the actual map.
   * @throws AssertionError if the actual map is {@code null}.
   * @throws AssertionError if the actual map does not contain the given values.
  public S containsValues(@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") V... values) {
    maps.assertContainsValues(info, actual, values);
    return myself;

   * Verifies that the actual map does not contain the given value.
   * <p>Example :
   * <pre><code class='java'>
   * Map<Ring, TolkienCharacter> ringBearers = ... // init with elves rings and the one ring
   * assertThat(ringBearers).doesNotContainValue(aragorn);
   * </code></pre>
   * @param value the value that should not be in actual map.
   * @throws AssertionError if the actual map is {@code null}.
   * @throws AssertionError if the actual map contains the given value.
  public S doesNotContainValue(V value) {
    maps.assertDoesNotContainValue(info, actual, value);
    return myself;

   * Verifies that the actual map contains only the given entries and nothing else, in any order.
   * <p>Examples :
   * <pre><code class='java'>
   * Map<Ring, TolkienCharacter> ringBearers = ... // init with elves rings and the one ring
   * // assertion will pass
   * assertThat(ringBearers).containsOnly(entry(oneRing, frodo), entry(nenya, galadriel), entry(narya, gandalf), entry(vilya, elrond));
   * // assertion will fail
   * assertThat(ringBearers).containsOnly(entry(oneRing, frodo), entry(nenya, galadriel));
   * </code></pre>
   * @param entries the entries that should be in the actual map.
   * @throws AssertionError if the actual map is {@code null}.
   * @throws NullPointerException if the given argument is {@code null}.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given argument is an empty array.
   * @throws AssertionError if the actual map does not contain the given entries, i.e. the actual
   *     map contains some or none of the given entries, or the actual map contains more entries
   *     than the given ones.
  public S containsOnly(
      @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") MapEntry<? extends K, ? extends V>... entries) {
    maps.assertContainsOnly(info, actual, entries);
    return myself;

   * Verifies that the actual map contains only the given entries and nothing else, <b>in order</b>.
   * <br>
   * This assertion should only be used with map that have a consistent iteration order (i.e. don't
   * use it with {@link java.util.HashMap}, prefer {@link
   * #containsOnly(org.assertj.core.data.MapEntry...)} in that case).
   * <p>Example :
   * <pre><code class='java'>
   * Map&lt;Ring, TolkienCharacter&gt; ringBearers = newLinkedHashMap(entry(oneRing, frodo), entry(nenya, galadriel),
   *                                                            entry(narya, gandalf));
   * // assertion will pass
   * assertThat(ringBearers).containsExactly(entry(oneRing, frodo), entry(nenya, galadriel), entry(narya, gandalf));
   * // assertion will fail as actual and expected orders differ.
   * assertThat(ringBearers).containsExactly(entry(nenya, galadriel), entry(narya, gandalf), entry(oneRing, frodo));
   * </code></pre>
   * @param entries the given entries.
   * @throws NullPointerException if the given entries array is {@code null}.
   * @throws AssertionError if the actual map is {@code null}.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given entries array is empty.
   * @throws AssertionError if the actual map does not contain the given entries with same order,
   *     i.e. the actual map contains some or none of the given entries, or the actual map contains
   *     more entries than the given ones or entries are the same but the order is not.
  public S containsExactly(
      @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") MapEntry<? extends K, ? extends V>... entries) {
    maps.assertContainsExactly(info, actual, entries);
    return myself;

   * Do not use this method.
   * @deprecated Custom element Comparator is not supported for MapEntry comparison.
   * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this method is called.
  public S usingElementComparator(
      Comparator<? super MapEntry<? extends K, ? extends V>> customComparator) {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
        "custom element Comparator is not supported for MapEntry comparison");

   * Do not use this method.
   * @deprecated Custom element Comparator is not supported for MapEntry comparison.
   * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this method is called.
  public S usingDefaultElementComparator() {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
        "custom element Comparator is not supported for MapEntry comparison");
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Verifies that the actual map contains the given value.
  * <p>Example :
  * <pre><code class='java'>
  * Map<Ring, TolkienCharacter> ringBearers = ... // init with elves rings and the one ring
  * assertThat(ringBearers).containsValue(frodo);
  * </code></pre>
  * @param value the value to look for.
  * @throws AssertionError if the actual map is {@code null}.
  * @throws AssertionError if the actual map does not contain the given value.
 public S containsValue(V value) {
   maps.assertContainsValue(info, actual, value);
   return myself;
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Verifies that the actual map contains the given values.
  * <p>Example :
  * <pre><code class='java'>
  * Map<Ring, TolkienCharacter> ringBearers = ... // init with elves rings and the one ring
  * assertThat(ringBearers).containsValues(frodo, galadriel);
  * </code></pre>
  * @param values the values to look for in the actual map.
  * @throws AssertionError if the actual map is {@code null}.
  * @throws AssertionError if the actual map does not contain the given values.
 public S containsValues(@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") V... values) {
   maps.assertContainsValues(info, actual, values);
   return myself;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Verifies that the actual map contains only the given keys and nothing else, in any order.
  * <p>Examples :
  * <pre><code class='java'>
  * Map<Ring, TolkienCharacter> ringBearers = ... // init with elves rings and the one ring
  * // assertion will pass
  * assertThat(ringBearers).containsOnlyKeys(oneRing, nenya, narya, vilya);
  * // assertion will fail
  * assertThat(ringBearers).containsOnlyKeys(oneRing, nenya);
  * </code></pre>
  * @param keys the given keys that should be in the actual map.
  * @throws AssertionError if the actual map is {@code null}.
  * @throws AssertionError if the actual map does not contain the given keys, i.e. the actual map
  *     contains some or none of the given keys, or the actual map contains more entries than the
  *     given ones.
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given argument is an empty array.
 public S containsOnlyKeys(@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") K... keys) {
   maps.assertContainsOnlyKeys(info, actual, keys);
   return myself;
Exemplo n.º 13
  * Verifies that the actual map does not contain any of the given keys.
  * <p>Example :
  * <pre><code class='java'>
  * Map<Ring, TolkienCharacter> ringBearers = ... // init with elves rings only
  * assertThat(ringBearers).doesNotContainKeys(oneRing, someManRing);
  * </code></pre>
  * @param key the given key
  * @throws AssertionError if the actual map is {@code null}.
  * @throws AssertionError if the actual map contains the given key.
 public S doesNotContainKeys(@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") K... keys) {
   maps.assertDoesNotContainKeys(info, actual, keys);
   return myself;
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Verifies that the actual map does not contain the given entry.
  * <p>Example :
  * <pre><code class='java'>
  * Map<Ring, TolkienCharacter> ringBearers = ... // init with elves rings and the one ring
  * assertThat(ringBearers).doesNotContainEntry(oneRing, aragorn);
  * </code></pre>
  * @param key key of the entry.
  * @param value value of the entry.
  * @return {@code this} assertion object.
  * @throws NullPointerException if the given argument is {@code null}.
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given argument is an empty array.
  * @throws AssertionError if the actual map is {@code null}.
  * @throws AssertionError if the actual map contains any of the given entries.
 public S doesNotContainEntry(K key, V value) {
   maps.assertDoesNotContain(info, actual, array(entry(key, value)));
   return myself;
Exemplo n.º 15
  * Verifies that the actual map contains the given entry.
  * <p>Example :
  * <pre><code class='java'>
  * Map<Ring, TolkienCharacter> ringBearers = ... // init with elves rings and the one ring
  * assertThat(ringBearers).containsEntry(oneRing, frodo).containsEntry(nenya, galadriel);
  * </code></pre>
  * @param key the given key to check.
  * @param value the given value to check.
  * @return {@code this} assertion object.
  * @throws NullPointerException if the given argument is {@code null}.
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given argument is an empty array.
  * @throws NullPointerException if any of the entries in the given array is {@code null}.
  * @throws AssertionError if the actual map is {@code null}.
  * @throws AssertionError if the actual map does not contain the given entries.
 public S containsEntry(K key, V value) {
   maps.assertContains(info, actual, array(entry(key, value)));
   return myself;
Exemplo n.º 16
  * Verifies that the actual map has the same size as the given {@link Map}.
  * <p>Example :
  * <pre><code class='java'>
  * Map<Ring, TolkienCharacter> ringBearers = ... // init with elves rings and the one ring
  * assertThat(ringBearers).hasSameSizeAs(mapOf(entry(oneRing, frodo),
  *                                             entry(narya, gandalf),
  *                                             entry(nenya, galadriel),
  *                                             entry(vilya, elrond)));
  * </code></pre>
  * @param other the {@code Map} to compare size with actual map
  * @return {@code this} assertion object
  * @throws NullPointerException if the other {@code Map} is {@code null}
  * @throws AssertionError if the actual map is {@code null}
  * @throws AssertionError if the actual map and the given {@code Map} don't have the same size
 public S hasSameSizeAs(Map<?, ?> other) {
   maps.assertHasSameSizeAs(info, actual, other);
   return myself;