Exemplo n.º 1
  public void compose(StylesheetRoot sroot) throws TransformerException {
    String prefix = getPrefix();
    String declNamespace = getNamespaceForPrefix(prefix);
    String lang = null;
    String srcURL = null;
    String scriptSrc = null;
    if (null == declNamespace)
      throw new TransformerException(
              XSLTErrorResources.ER_NO_NAMESPACE_DECL, new Object[] {prefix}));
    // "Prefix " + prefix does not have a corresponding namespace declaration");
    for (ElemTemplateElement child = getFirstChildElem();
        child != null;
        child = child.getNextSiblingElem()) {
      if (Constants.ELEMNAME_EXTENSIONSCRIPT == child.getXSLToken()) {
        ElemExtensionScript sdecl = (ElemExtensionScript) child;
        lang = sdecl.getLang();
        srcURL = sdecl.getSrc();
        ElemTemplateElement childOfSDecl = sdecl.getFirstChildElem();
        if (null != childOfSDecl) {
          if (Constants.ELEMNAME_TEXTLITERALRESULT == childOfSDecl.getXSLToken()) {
            ElemTextLiteral tl = (ElemTextLiteral) childOfSDecl;
            char[] chars = tl.getChars();
            scriptSrc = new String(chars);
            if (scriptSrc.trim().length() == 0) scriptSrc = null;
    if (null == lang) lang = "javaclass";
    if (lang.equals("javaclass") && (scriptSrc != null))
      throw new TransformerException(
              XSLTErrorResources.ER_ELEM_CONTENT_NOT_ALLOWED, new Object[] {scriptSrc}));
    // "Element content not allowed for lang=javaclass " + scriptSrc);

    // Register the extension namespace if it has not already been registered.
    ExtensionNamespaceSupport extNsSpt = null;
    ExtensionNamespacesManager extNsMgr = sroot.getExtensionNamespacesManager();
    if (extNsMgr.namespaceIndex(declNamespace, extNsMgr.getExtensions()) == -1) {
      if (lang.equals("javaclass")) {
        if (null == srcURL) {
          extNsSpt = extNsMgr.defineJavaNamespace(declNamespace);
        } else if (extNsMgr.namespaceIndex(srcURL, extNsMgr.getExtensions()) == -1) {
          extNsSpt = extNsMgr.defineJavaNamespace(declNamespace, srcURL);
      } else // not java
        String handler = "org.apache.xalan.extensions.ExtensionHandlerGeneral";
        Object[] args = {
          declNamespace, this.m_elements, this.m_functions, lang, srcURL, scriptSrc, getSystemId()
        extNsSpt = new ExtensionNamespaceSupport(declNamespace, handler, args);
    if (extNsSpt != null) extNsMgr.registerExtension(extNsSpt);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Get the owning xsl:template element.
  * @return The owning xsl:template element, this element if it is a xsl:template, or null if not
  *     found.
 public ElemTemplate getOwnerXSLTemplate() {
   ElemTemplateElement el = this;
   int type = el.getXSLToken();
   while ((null != el) && (type != Constants.ELEMNAME_TEMPLATE)) {
     el = el.getParentElem();
     if (null != el) type = el.getXSLToken();
   return (ElemTemplate) el;
   * If the children of a variable is a single xsl:value-of or text literal, it is cheaper to
   * evaluate this as an expression, so try and adapt the child an an expression.
   * @param varElem Should be a ElemParam, ElemVariable, or ElemWithParam.
   * @return An XPath if rewrite is possible, else null.
   * @throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException
  static XPath rewriteChildToExpression(ElemTemplateElement varElem) throws TransformerException {

    ElemTemplateElement t = varElem.getFirstChildElem();

    // Down the line this can be done with multiple string objects using
    // the concat function.
    if (null != t && null == t.getNextSiblingElem()) {
      int etype = t.getXSLToken();

      if (Constants.ELEMNAME_VALUEOF == etype) {
        ElemValueOf valueof = (ElemValueOf) t;

        // %TBD% I'm worried about extended attributes here.
        if (valueof.getDisableOutputEscaping() == false && valueof.getDOMBackPointer() == null) {
          varElem.m_firstChild = null;

          return new XPath(new XRTreeFragSelectWrapper(valueof.getSelect().getExpression()));
      } else if (Constants.ELEMNAME_TEXTLITERALRESULT == etype) {
        ElemTextLiteral lit = (ElemTextLiteral) t;

        if (lit.getDisableOutputEscaping() == false && lit.getDOMBackPointer() == null) {
          String str = lit.getNodeValue();
          XString xstr = new XString(str);

          varElem.m_firstChild = null;

          return new XPath(new XRTreeFragSelectWrapper(xstr));

    return null;
Exemplo n.º 4
 /*  35:    */
 /*  36:    */ private boolean hasFallbackChildren() /*  37:    */ {
   /*  38: 86 */ for (ElemTemplateElement child = this.m_firstChild;
       child != null;
       child = child.m_nextSibling) {
     /*  39: 89 */ if (child.getXSLToken() == 57) {
       /*  40: 90 */ return true;
       /*  41:    */ }
     /*  42:    */ }
   /*  43: 93 */ return false;
   /*  44:    */ }
Exemplo n.º 5
   * This function is called after everything else has been recomposed, and allows the template to
   * set remaining values that may be based on some other property that depends on recomposition.
  public void compose(StylesheetRoot sroot) throws TransformerException {
    ElemTemplateElement t = getFirstChildElem();
    m_hasTextLitOnly =
        ((t != null)
            && (t.getXSLToken() == Constants.ELEMNAME_TEXTLITERALRESULT)
            && (t.getNextSiblingElem() == null));

    StylesheetRoot.ComposeState cstate = sroot.getComposeState();
Exemplo n.º 6
   * This function is called after everything else has been recomposed, and allows the template to
   * set remaining values that may be based on some other property that depends on recomposition.
  public void compose(StylesheetRoot sroot) throws TransformerException {

    // Call compose on each param no matter if this is apply-templates
    // or call templates.
    int length = getParamElemCount();
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      ElemWithParam ewp = getParamElem(i);

    if ((null != m_templateName) && (null == m_template)) {
      m_template = this.getStylesheetRoot().getTemplateComposed(m_templateName);

      if (null == m_template) {
        String themsg =
                XSLTErrorResources.ER_ELEMTEMPLATEELEM_ERR, new Object[] {m_templateName});

        throw new TransformerException(themsg, this);
        // "Could not find template named: '"+templateName+"'");

      length = getParamElemCount();
      for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        ElemWithParam ewp = getParamElem(i);
        ewp.m_index = -1;
        // Find the position of the param in the template being called,
        // and set the index of the param slot.
        int etePos = 0;
        for (ElemTemplateElement ete = m_template.getFirstChildElem();
            null != ete;
            ete = ete.getNextSiblingElem()) {
          if (ete.getXSLToken() == Constants.ELEMNAME_PARAMVARIABLE) {
            ElemParam ep = (ElemParam) ete;
            if (ep.getName().equals(ewp.getName())) {
              ewp.m_index = etePos;
          } else break;
Exemplo n.º 7
 /*  17:    */
 /*  18:    */ private void executeFallbacks(TransformerImpl transformer)
     /*  19:    */ throws TransformerException
       /*  20:    */ {
   /*  21: 60 */ for (ElemTemplateElement child = this.m_firstChild;
       child != null;
       child = child.m_nextSibling) {
     /*  22: 63 */ if (child.getXSLToken() == 57) {
       /*  23:    */ try
       /*  24:    */ {
         /*  25: 67 */ transformer.pushElemTemplateElement(child);
         /*  26: 68 */ ((ElemFallback) child).executeFallback(transformer);
         /*  27:    */ }
       /*  28:    */ finally
       /*  29:    */ {
         /*  30: 72 */ transformer.popElemTemplateElement();
         /*  31:    */ }
       /*  32:    */ }
     /*  33:    */ }
   /*  34:    */ }
   * <meta name="usage" content="advanced"/> Perform a query if needed, and call transformNode for
   * each child.
   * @param transformer non-null reference to the the current transform-time state.
   * @param template The owning template context.
   * @throws TransformerException Thrown in a variety of circumstances.
  public void transformSelectedNodes(TransformerImpl transformer) throws TransformerException {

    final XPathContext xctxt = transformer.getXPathContext();
    final int sourceNode = xctxt.getCurrentNode();
    DTMIterator sourceNodes = m_selectExpression.asIterator(xctxt, sourceNode);
    VariableStack vars = xctxt.getVarStack();
    int nParams = getParamElemCount();
    int thisframe = vars.getStackFrame();
    StackGuard guard = transformer.getStackGuard();
    boolean check = (guard.getRecursionLimit() > -1) ? true : false;

    try {

      final Vector keys =
          (m_sortElems == null) ? null : transformer.processSortKeys(this, sourceNode);

      // Sort if we need to.
      if (null != keys) sourceNodes = sortNodes(xctxt, keys, sourceNodes);

      if (TransformerImpl.S_DEBUG) {
                new XPath(m_selectExpression),
                new org.apache.xpath.objects.XNodeSet(sourceNodes));

      final ResultTreeHandler rth = transformer.getResultTreeHandler();
      ContentHandler chandler = rth.getContentHandler();
      final StylesheetRoot sroot = transformer.getStylesheet();
      final TemplateList tl = sroot.getTemplateListComposed();
      final boolean quiet = transformer.getQuietConflictWarnings();

      // Should be able to get this from the iterator but there must be a bug.
      DTM dtm = xctxt.getDTM(sourceNode);

      int argsFrame = -1;
      if (nParams > 0) {
        // This code will create a section on the stack that is all the
        // evaluated arguments.  These will be copied into the real params
        // section of each called template.
        argsFrame = vars.link(nParams);

        for (int i = 0; i < nParams; i++) {
          ElemWithParam ewp = m_paramElems[i];
          XObject obj = ewp.getValue(transformer, sourceNode);

          vars.setLocalVariable(i, obj, argsFrame);

      IntStack currentNodes = xctxt.getCurrentNodeStack();

      IntStack currentExpressionNodes = xctxt.getCurrentExpressionNodeStack();

      // pushParams(transformer, xctxt);

      int child;
      while (DTM.NULL != (child = sourceNodes.nextNode())) {

        if (xctxt.getDTM(child) != dtm) {
          dtm = xctxt.getDTM(child);

        final int exNodeType = dtm.getExpandedTypeID(child);
        final int nodeType = dtm.getNodeType(child);

        final QName mode = transformer.getMode();

        ElemTemplate template = tl.getTemplateFast(xctxt, child, exNodeType, mode, -1, quiet, dtm);

        // If that didn't locate a node, fall back to a default template rule.
        // See http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt#built-in-rule.
        if (null == template) {
          switch (nodeType) {
            case DTM.ELEMENT_NODE:
              template = sroot.getDefaultRule();
              // %OPT% direct faster?
            case DTM.ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
            case DTM.CDATA_SECTION_NODE:
            case DTM.TEXT_NODE:
              // if(rth.m_elemIsPending || rth.m_docPending)
              //  rth.flushPending(true);
              transformer.pushPairCurrentMatched(sroot.getDefaultTextRule(), child);
              // dtm.dispatchCharactersEvents(child, chandler, false);
              dtm.dispatchCharactersEvents(child, rth, false);
            case DTM.DOCUMENT_NODE:
              template = sroot.getDefaultRootRule();

              // No default rules for processing instructions and the like.
        } else {

        transformer.pushPairCurrentMatched(template, child);
        if (check) guard.checkForInfinateLoop();

        int currentFrameBottom; // See comment with unlink, below
        if (template.m_frameSize > 0) {
          currentFrameBottom = vars.getStackFrame(); // See comment with unlink, below
          // You can't do the check for nParams here, otherwise the
          // xsl:params might not be nulled.
          if (
          /* nParams > 0 && */ template.m_inArgsSize > 0) {
            int paramIndex = 0;
            for (ElemTemplateElement elem = template.getFirstChildElem();
                null != elem;
                elem = elem.getNextSiblingElem()) {
              if (Constants.ELEMNAME_PARAMVARIABLE == elem.getXSLToken()) {
                ElemParam ep = (ElemParam) elem;

                int i;
                for (i = 0; i < nParams; i++) {
                  ElemWithParam ewp = m_paramElems[i];
                  if (ewp.m_qnameID == ep.m_qnameID) {
                    XObject obj = vars.getLocalVariable(i, argsFrame);
                    vars.setLocalVariable(paramIndex, obj);
                if (i == nParams) vars.setLocalVariable(paramIndex, null);
              } else break;
        } else currentFrameBottom = 0;

        // Fire a trace event for the template.
        if (TransformerImpl.S_DEBUG) transformer.getTraceManager().fireTraceEvent(template);

        // And execute the child templates.
        // Loop through the children of the template, calling execute on
        // each of them.
        for (ElemTemplateElement t = template.m_firstChild; t != null; t = t.m_nextSibling) {
          try {
          } finally {

        if (TransformerImpl.S_DEBUG) transformer.getTraceManager().fireTraceEndEvent(template);

        if (template.m_frameSize > 0) {
          // See Frank Weiss bug around 03/19/2002 (no Bugzilla report yet).
          // While unlink will restore to the proper place, the real position
          // may have been changed for xsl:with-param, so that variables
          // can be accessed.
          // of right now.
          // More:
          // When we entered this function, the current
          // frame buffer (cfb) index in the variable stack may
          // have been manually set.  If we just call
          // unlink(), however, it will restore the cfb to the
          // previous link index from the link stack, rather than
          // the manually set cfb.  So,
          // the only safe solution is to restore it back
          // to the same position it was on entry, since we're
          // really not working in a stack context here. (Bug4218)

      } // end while (DTM.NULL != (child = sourceNodes.nextNode()))
    } catch (SAXException se) {
      transformer.getErrorListener().fatalError(new TransformerException(se));
    } finally {
      if (TransformerImpl.S_DEBUG)
                new XPath(m_selectExpression),
                new org.apache.xpath.objects.XNodeSet(sourceNodes));

      // Unlink to the original stack frame
      if (nParams > 0) vars.unlink(thisframe);