  public void testBasicOperation() throws ConnectionException, InterruptedException {

    ApplicationScope scope = new ApplicationScopeImpl(new SimpleId("organization"));

    IntegerField field = new IntegerField("count", 5);
    Id entityId = new SimpleId(UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID(), "entity");
    UUID version = UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID();
    UniqueValue stored = new UniqueValueImpl(field, entityId, version);
    strategy.write(scope, stored).execute();

    UniqueValueSet fields =
        strategy.load(scope, entityId.getType(), Collections.<Field>singleton(field));

    UniqueValue retrieved = fields.getValue(field.getName());
    assertEquals(stored, retrieved);

    Iterator<UniqueValue> allFieldsWritten = strategy.getAllUniqueFields(scope, entityId);


    // test this interface. In most cases, we won't know the field name, so we want them all
    UniqueValue allFieldsValue = allFieldsWritten.next();

    assertEquals(field, allFieldsValue.getField());
    assertEquals(version, allFieldsValue.getEntityVersion());

  public void testCapitalizationFixes() throws ConnectionException {

    ApplicationScope scope = new ApplicationScopeImpl(new SimpleId("organization"));

    StringField field = new StringField("count", "MiXeD CaSe");
    Id entityId = new SimpleId(UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID(), "entity");
    UUID version = UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID();
    UniqueValue stored = new UniqueValueImpl(field, entityId, version);
    strategy.write(scope, stored).execute();

    UniqueValueSet fields =
        strategy.load(scope, entityId.getType(), Collections.<Field>singleton(field));

    UniqueValue value = fields.getValue(field.getName());

    assertEquals(field.getName(), value.getField().getName());

    assertEquals(entityId, value.getEntityId());

    // now test will all upper and all lower, we should get it all the same
    fields =
            Collections.<Field>singleton(new StringField(field.getName(), "MIXED CASE")));

    value = fields.getValue(field.getName());

    assertEquals(field.getName(), value.getField().getName());

    assertEquals(entityId, value.getEntityId());

    fields =
            Collections.<Field>singleton(new StringField(field.getName(), "mixed case")));

    value = fields.getValue(field.getName());

    assertEquals(field.getName(), value.getField().getName());

    assertEquals(entityId, value.getEntityId());

    Iterator<UniqueValue> allFieldsWritten = strategy.getAllUniqueFields(scope, entityId);


    // test this interface. In most cases, we won't know the field name, so we want them all
    UniqueValue writtenFieldEntry = allFieldsWritten.next();

    assertEquals(field.getName(), writtenFieldEntry.getField().getName());
    assertEquals(field.getValue().toLowerCase(), writtenFieldEntry.getField().getValue());
    assertEquals(version, writtenFieldEntry.getEntityVersion());

Exemplo n.º 3
   * Queue up an indexOperationMessage for multi region execution
   * @param indexOperationMessage
  public void queueIndexOperationMessage(final IndexOperationMessage indexOperationMessage) {

    // don't try to produce something with nothing
    if (indexOperationMessage == null || indexOperationMessage.isEmpty()) {

    final String jsonValue = ObjectJsonSerializer.INSTANCE.toString(indexOperationMessage);

    final UUID newMessageId = UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID();

    final int expirationTimeInSeconds =
        (int) TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(indexProcessorFig.getIndexMessageTtl());

    // write to the map in ES
    esMapPersistence.putString(newMessageId.toString(), jsonValue, expirationTimeInSeconds);

    // now queue up the index message

    final ElasticsearchIndexEvent elasticsearchIndexEvent =
        new ElasticsearchIndexEvent(queueFig.getPrimaryRegion(), newMessageId);

    // send to the topic so all regions index the batch

  public void testWriteWithTTL() throws InterruptedException, ConnectionException {

    ApplicationScope scope = new ApplicationScopeImpl(new SimpleId("organization"));

    // write object that lives 2 seconds
    IntegerField field = new IntegerField("count", 5);
    Id entityId = new SimpleId(UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID(), "entity");
    UUID version = UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID();
    UniqueValue stored = new UniqueValueImpl(field, entityId, version);
    strategy.write(scope, stored, 5).execute();


    // waited one sec, should be still here
    UniqueValueSet fields =
        strategy.load(scope, entityId.getType(), Collections.<Field>singleton(field));

    UniqueValue retrieved = fields.getValue(field.getName());

    assertEquals(stored, retrieved);


    // wait another second, should be gone now
    fields = strategy.load(scope, entityId.getType(), Collections.<Field>singleton(field));

    UniqueValue nullExpected = fields.getValue(field.getName());

    // we still want to retain the log entry, even if we don't retain the unique value.  Deleting
    // something
    // that doesn't exist is a tombstone, but so is the timeout.
    Iterator<UniqueValue> allFieldsWritten = strategy.getAllUniqueFields(scope, entityId);


    // test this interface. In most cases, we won't know the field name, so we want them all
    UniqueValue writtenFieldEntry = allFieldsWritten.next();

    assertEquals(field, writtenFieldEntry.getField());
    assertEquals(version, writtenFieldEntry.getEntityVersion());

  @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
  public void loadListParamEntityId() throws ConnectionException {

        new ApplicationScopeImpl(new SimpleId("organization")),
  @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
  public void loadListParamSize() throws ConnectionException {

        new ApplicationScopeImpl(new SimpleId("organization")),
        new SimpleId("test"),
  public void getMultipleEntries() throws ConnectionException {

    final Id applicationId = new SimpleId("application");

    ApplicationScope context = new ApplicationScopeImpl(applicationId);

    final Id id = new SimpleId("test");

    int count = 10;

    final UUID[] versions = new UUID[count];
    final Stage COMPLETE = Stage.COMPLETE;
    final MvccLogEntry[] entries = new MvccLogEntry[count];

    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      versions[i] = UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID();

      entries[i] = new MvccLogEntryImpl(id, versions[i], COMPLETE, MvccLogEntry.State.COMPLETE);
      logEntryStrategy.write(context, entries[i]).execute();

      // Read it back

      MvccLogEntry returned =
          logEntryStrategy.load(context, Collections.singleton(id), versions[i]).getMaxVersion(id);

      assertNotNull("Returned value should not be null", returned);

      assertEquals("Returned should equal the saved", entries[i], returned);

    // now do a range scan from the end

    List<MvccLogEntry> results = logEntryStrategy.load(context, id, versions[count - 1], count);

    assertEquals(count, results.size());

    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      final MvccLogEntry saved = entries[count - i - 1];
      final MvccLogEntry returned = results.get(i);

      assertEquals("Entry was not equal to the saved value", saved, returned);

    // now delete them all and ensure we get no results back
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      logEntryStrategy.delete(context, id, versions[i]).execute();

    results = logEntryStrategy.load(context, id, versions[versions.length - 1], versions.length);

    assertEquals("All log entries were deleted", 0, results.size());
  public ReIndexStatus rebuildIndex(final ReIndexRequestBuilder reIndexRequestBuilder) {

    // load our last emitted Scope if a cursor is present

    final Optional<EdgeScope> cursor = parseCursor(reIndexRequestBuilder.getCursor());

    final CursorSeek<Edge> cursorSeek = getResumeEdge(cursor);

    final Optional<ApplicationScope> appId = reIndexRequestBuilder.getApplicationScope();

        !(cursor.isPresent() && appId.isPresent()),
        "You cannot specify an app id and a cursor.  When resuming with cursor you must omit the appid");

    final Observable<ApplicationScope> applicationScopes = getApplications(cursor, appId);

    final String jobId = StringUtils.sanitizeUUID(UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID());

    final long modifiedSince = reIndexRequestBuilder.getUpdateTimestamp().or(Long.MIN_VALUE);

    // create an observable that loads a batch to be indexed

    final Observable<List<EdgeScope>> runningReIndex =
                edges -> {
                  logger.info("Sending batch of {} to be indexed.", edges.size());
                  indexService.indexBatch(edges, modifiedSince);

    // start our sampler and state persistence
    // take a sample every sample interval to allow us to resume state with minimal loss
    // create our flushing collector and flush the edge scopes to it
            () -> new FlushingCollector(jobId),
            ((flushingCollector, edgeScopes) -> flushingCollector.flushBuffer(edgeScopes)))
        .doOnNext(flushingCollector -> flushingCollector.complete())
        // subscribe on our I/O scheduler and run the task
        .subscribe(); // want reindex to continually run so leave subscribe.

    return new ReIndexStatus(jobId, Status.STARTED, 0, 0);
  public void testDelete() throws ConnectionException {

    ApplicationScope scope = new ApplicationScopeImpl(new SimpleId("organization"));

    IntegerField field = new IntegerField("count", 5);
    Id entityId = new SimpleId(UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID(), "entity");
    UUID version = UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID();
    UniqueValue stored = new UniqueValueImpl(field, entityId, version);
    strategy.write(scope, stored).execute();

    strategy.delete(scope, stored).execute();

    UniqueValueSet fields =
        strategy.load(scope, entityId.getType(), Collections.<Field>singleton(field));

    UniqueValue nullExpected = fields.getValue(field.getName());


    Iterator<UniqueValue> allFieldsWritten = strategy.getAllUniqueFields(scope, entityId);

    assertFalse("No entries left", allFieldsWritten.hasNext());
  public void loadNoData() throws ConnectionException {

    final Id applicationId = new SimpleId("application");

    ApplicationScope context = new ApplicationScopeImpl(applicationId);

    final Id id = new SimpleId("test");
    final UUID version = UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID();

    MvccLogEntry returned =
        logEntryStrategy.load(context, Collections.singleton(id), version).getMaxVersion(id);

    assertNull("Returned value should not exist", returned);
  public void createAndDeleteEntries() throws ConnectionException {

    final Id applicationId = new SimpleId("application");

    ApplicationScope context = new ApplicationScopeImpl(applicationId);

    final Id id = new SimpleId("test");

    final int size = 10;

    final List<MvccLogEntry> savedEntries = new ArrayList<>(size);

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
      final UUID version = UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID();
      MvccLogEntry saved =
          new MvccLogEntryImpl(id, version, Stage.COMMITTED, MvccLogEntry.State.COMPLETE);
      logEntryStrategy.write(context, saved).execute();


    // now test we get them all back

    final List<MvccLogEntry> results = logEntryStrategy.loadReversed(context, id, null, size);

    assertEquals(size, results.size());

    // assert they're the same
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
      assertEquals(savedEntries.get(i), results.get(i));

    // now delete them all

    for (final MvccLogEntry mvccLogEntry : savedEntries) {
      logEntryStrategy.delete(context, id, mvccLogEntry.getVersion()).execute();

    // now get them back, should be empty
    final List<MvccLogEntry> emptyResults = logEntryStrategy.loadReversed(context, id, null, size);

    assertEquals(0, emptyResults.size());
  public void createAndDelete() throws ConnectionException {

    final Id applicationId = new SimpleId("application");

    ApplicationScope context = new ApplicationScopeImpl(applicationId);

    final Id id = new SimpleId("test");
    final UUID version = UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID();

    for (Stage stage : Stage.values()) {
      MvccLogEntry saved = new MvccLogEntryImpl(id, version, stage, MvccLogEntry.State.COMPLETE);
      logEntryStrategy.write(context, saved).execute();

      // Read it back

      MvccLogEntry returned =
          logEntryStrategy.load(context, Collections.singleton(id), version).getMaxVersion(id);

      assertNotNull("Returned value should not be null", returned);

      assertEquals("Returned should equal the saved", saved, returned);
  public void twoFieldsPerVersion() throws ConnectionException, InterruptedException {

    ApplicationScope scope = new ApplicationScopeImpl(new SimpleId("organization"));

    Id entityId = new SimpleId(UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID(), "entity");
    final UUID version1 = UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID();

    // write V1 of everything
    IntegerField version1Field1 = new IntegerField("count", 1);
    StringField version1Field2 = new StringField("field", "v1value");

    UniqueValue version1Field1Value = new UniqueValueImpl(version1Field1, entityId, version1);
    UniqueValue version1Field2Value = new UniqueValueImpl(version1Field2, entityId, version1);

    final MutationBatch batch = strategy.write(scope, version1Field1Value);
    batch.mergeShallow(strategy.write(scope, version1Field2Value));

    // write V2 of everything
    final UUID version2 = UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID();

    IntegerField version2Field1 = new IntegerField("count", 2);
    StringField version2Field2 = new StringField("field", "v2value");

    UniqueValue version2Field1Value = new UniqueValueImpl(version2Field1, entityId, version2);
    UniqueValue version2Field2Value = new UniqueValueImpl(version2Field2, entityId, version2);

    batch.mergeShallow(strategy.write(scope, version2Field1Value));
    batch.mergeShallow(strategy.write(scope, version2Field2Value));


    UniqueValueSet fields =
            scope, entityId.getType(), Arrays.<Field>asList(version1Field1, version1Field2));

    UniqueValue retrieved = fields.getValue(version1Field1.getName());

    assertEquals(version1Field1Value, retrieved);

    retrieved = fields.getValue(version1Field2.getName());
    assertEquals(version1Field2Value, retrieved);

    Iterator<UniqueValue> allFieldsWritten = strategy.getAllUniqueFields(scope, entityId);


    // test this interface. In most cases, we won't know the field name, so we want them all
    UniqueValue allFieldsValue = allFieldsWritten.next();

    // version 2 fields should come first, ordered by field name
    assertEquals(version2Field1, allFieldsValue.getField());
    assertEquals(version2, allFieldsValue.getEntityVersion());

    allFieldsValue = allFieldsWritten.next();

    assertEquals(version2Field2, allFieldsValue.getField());
    assertEquals(version2, allFieldsValue.getEntityVersion());

    // version 1 should come next ordered by field name
    allFieldsValue = allFieldsWritten.next();

    assertEquals(version1Field1, allFieldsValue.getField());
    assertEquals(version1, allFieldsValue.getEntityVersion());

    allFieldsValue = allFieldsWritten.next();

    assertEquals(version1Field2, allFieldsValue.getField());
    assertEquals(version1, allFieldsValue.getEntityVersion());

 @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
 public void loadListParamContext() throws ConnectionException {
   logEntryStrategy.load(null, new SimpleId("test"), UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID(), 1);
 @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
 public void loadParamContext() throws ConnectionException {
   logEntryStrategy.load(null, Collections.<Id>emptyList(), UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID());
  public void getReversedEntries() throws ConnectionException {

    final Id applicationId = new SimpleId("application");

    ApplicationScope context = new ApplicationScopeImpl(applicationId);

    final Id id = new SimpleId("test");

    int count = 10;

    final UUID[] versions = new UUID[count];
    final Stage COMPLETE = Stage.COMPLETE;
    final MvccLogEntry[] entries = new MvccLogEntry[count];

    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      versions[i] = UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID();

      entries[i] = new MvccLogEntryImpl(id, versions[i], COMPLETE, MvccLogEntry.State.COMPLETE);
      logEntryStrategy.write(context, entries[i]).execute();

      // Read it back

      MvccLogEntry returned =
          logEntryStrategy.load(context, Collections.singleton(id), versions[i]).getMaxVersion(id);

      assertNotNull("Returned value should not be null", returned);

      assertEquals("Returned should equal the saved", entries[i], returned);

    final UUID[] assertVersions = Arrays.copyOf(versions, versions.length);

    Arrays.sort(assertVersions, (v1, v2) -> UUIDComparator.staticCompare(v1, v2) * -1);

    // now do a range scan from the end

    final int half = count / 2;

    final List<MvccLogEntry> results =
        logEntryStrategy.loadReversed(context, id, versions[0], half);

    assertEquals(half, results.size());

    for (int i = 0; i < count / 2; i++) {
      final MvccLogEntry saved = entries[i];
      final MvccLogEntry returned = results.get(i);

      assertEquals("Entry was not equal to the saved value", saved, returned);

    // now get the next batch
    final List<MvccLogEntry> results2 =
        logEntryStrategy.loadReversed(context, id, versions[half], count);

    assertEquals(half, results2.size());

    for (int i = 0; i < half; i++) {
      final MvccLogEntry saved = entries[half + i];
      final MvccLogEntry returned = results2.get(i);

      assertEquals("Entry was not equal to the saved value", saved, returned);

    // now delete them all and ensure we get no results back
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      logEntryStrategy.delete(context, id, versions[i]).execute();

    final List<MvccLogEntry> results3 =
        logEntryStrategy.loadReversed(context, id, null, versions.length);

    assertEquals("All log entries were deleted", 0, results3.size());