Exemplo n.º 1
  public void testRandom() throws Exception {
    List<TermFreq> freqs = new ArrayList<TermFreq>();
    Random rnd = random();
    for (int i = 0; i < 2500 + rnd.nextInt(2500); i++) {
      int weight = rnd.nextInt(100);
      freqs.add(new TermFreq("" + rnd.nextLong(), weight));

    FSTCompletionLookup lookup = new FSTCompletionLookup();
    lookup.build(new TermFreqArrayIterator(freqs.toArray(new TermFreq[freqs.size()])));

    for (TermFreq tf : freqs) {
      final String term = tf.term.utf8ToString();
      for (int i = 1; i < term.length(); i++) {
        String prefix = term.substring(0, i);
        for (LookupResult lr : lookup.lookup(stringToCharSequence(prefix), true, 10)) {
Exemplo n.º 2
  public void testLargeInputConstantWeights() throws Exception {
    FSTCompletionLookup lookup = new FSTCompletionLookup(10, true);

    Random r = random();
    List<TermFreq> keys = new ArrayList<TermFreq>();
    for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++) {
      keys.add(new TermFreq(_TestUtil.randomSimpleString(r), -1));

    lookup.build(new TermFreqArrayIterator(keys));

    // All the weights were constant, so all returned buckets must be constant, whatever they
    // are.
    Long previous = null;
    for (TermFreq tf : keys) {
      Long current =
          ((Number) lookup.get(_TestUtil.bytesToCharSequence(tf.term, random()))).longValue();
      if (previous != null) {
        assertEquals(previous, current);
      previous = current;