   * @param ctx Kernal context.
   * @param cfg Ignite configuration.
   * @param providers Plugin providers.
  public IgnitePluginProcessor(
      GridKernalContext ctx, IgniteConfiguration cfg, List<PluginProvider> providers) {

    ExtensionRegistryImpl registry = new ExtensionRegistryImpl();

    for (PluginProvider provider : providers) {
      GridPluginContext pluginCtx = new GridPluginContext(ctx, cfg);

      if (F.isEmpty(provider.name())) throw new IgniteException("Plugin name can not be empty.");

      if (plugins.containsKey(provider.name()))
        throw new IgniteException("Duplicated plugin name: " + provider.name());

      plugins.put(provider.name(), provider);

      pluginCtxMap.put(provider, pluginCtx);

      provider.initExtensions(pluginCtx, registry);

      if (provider.plugin() == null) throw new IgniteException("Plugin is null.");

    extensions = registry.createExtensionMap();
   * Query all purchases made at a specific store for 3 specific products. This query uses
   * cross-cache joins between {@link DimStore}, {@link DimProduct} objects stored in {@code
   * 'replicated'} cache and {@link FactPurchase} objects stored in {@code 'partitioned'} cache.
   * @throws IgniteException If failed.
  private static void queryProductPurchases() {
    IgniteCache<Integer, FactPurchase> factCache = Ignition.ignite().cache(PARTITIONED_CACHE_NAME);

    // All purchases for certain product made at store2.
    // =================================================

    DimProduct p1 = rand(dataProduct.values());
    DimProduct p2 = rand(dataProduct.values());
    DimProduct p3 = rand(dataProduct.values());

        "IDs of products [p1=" + p1.getId() + ", p2=" + p2.getId() + ", p3=" + p3.getId() + ']');

    // Create cross cache query to get all purchases made at store2
    // for specified products.
    QueryCursor<Cache.Entry<Integer, FactPurchase>> prodPurchases =
            new SqlQuery(
                    "from \""
                        + REPLICATED_CACHE_NAME
                        + "\".DimStore, \""
                        + REPLICATED_CACHE_NAME
                        + "\".DimProduct, "
                        + "\""
                        + PARTITIONED_CACHE_NAME
                        + "\".FactPurchase "
                        + "where DimStore.id=FactPurchase.storeId and DimProduct.id=FactPurchase.productId "
                        + "and DimStore.name=? and DimProduct.id in(?, ?, ?)")
                .setArgs("Store2", p1.getId(), p2.getId(), p3.getId()));

        "All purchases made at store2 for 3 specific products:", prodPurchases.getAll());
   * Populate cache with {@code 'facts'}, which in our case are {@link FactPurchase} objects.
   * @param factCache Cache to populate.
   * @throws IgniteException If failed.
  private static void populateFacts(Cache<Integer, FactPurchase> factCache) throws IgniteException {
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
      int id = idGen++;

      DimStore store = rand(dataStore.values());
      DimProduct prod = rand(dataProduct.values());

      factCache.put(id, new FactPurchase(id, prod.getId(), store.getId(), (i + 1)));
Exemplo n.º 4
   * @param springCfgPath Spring configuration file path.
   * @return Grid configuration.
   * @throws Exception If failed.
  protected static IgniteConfiguration loadConfiguration(String springCfgPath) throws Exception {
    URL url;

    try {
      url = new URL(springCfgPath);
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
      url = IgniteUtils.resolveIgniteUrl(springCfgPath);

      if (url == null)
        throw new IgniteCheckedException(
            "Spring XML configuration path is invalid: "
                + springCfgPath
                + ". Note that this path should be either absolute or a relative local file system path, "
                + "relative to META-INF in classpath or valid URL to IGNITE_HOME.",

    GenericApplicationContext springCtx;

    try {
      springCtx = new GenericApplicationContext();

      new XmlBeanDefinitionReader(springCtx).loadBeanDefinitions(new UrlResource(url));

    } catch (BeansException e) {
      throw new Exception(
          "Failed to instantiate Spring XML application context [springUrl="
              + url
              + ", err="
              + e.getMessage()
              + ']',

    Map<String, IgniteConfiguration> cfgMap;

    try {
      cfgMap = springCtx.getBeansOfType(IgniteConfiguration.class);
    } catch (BeansException e) {
      throw new Exception(
          "Failed to instantiate bean [type="
              + IgniteConfiguration.class
              + ", err="
              + e.getMessage()
              + ']',

    if (cfgMap == null || cfgMap.isEmpty())
      throw new Exception("Failed to find ignite configuration in: " + url);

    return cfgMap.values().iterator().next();
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public void onDiscoveryDataReceived(UUID nodeId, UUID rmtNodeId, Serializable data) {
    Map<String, Serializable> discData = (Map<String, Serializable>) data;

    if (discData != null) {
      for (Map.Entry<String, Serializable> e : discData.entrySet()) {
        PluginProvider provider = plugins.get(e.getKey());

        if (provider != null) provider.receiveDiscoveryData(nodeId, e.getValue());
        else U.warn(log, "Received discovery data for unknown plugin: " + e.getKey());
  /** Print plugins information. */
  private void ackPluginsInfo() {
    U.quietAndInfo(log, "Configured plugins:");

    if (plugins.isEmpty()) {
      U.quietAndInfo(log, "  ^-- None");
      U.quietAndInfo(log, "");
    } else {
      for (PluginProvider plugin : plugins.values()) {
        U.quietAndInfo(log, "  ^-- " + plugin.name() + " " + plugin.version());
        U.quietAndInfo(log, "  ^-- " + plugin.copyright());
        U.quietAndInfo(log, "");
   * @param cls Component class.
   * @param <T> Component type.
   * @return Component class instance or {@code null} if no one plugin override this component.
  public <T> T createComponent(Class<T> cls) {
    for (PluginProvider plugin : plugins.values()) {
      PluginContext ctx = pluginContextForProvider(plugin);

      T comp = (T) plugin.createComponent(ctx, cls);

      if (comp != null) return comp;

    return null;
   * Load grid configuration for specified node type.
   * @param type Node type to load configuration for.
   * @return Grid configuration for specified node type.
  static IgniteConfiguration getConfig(String type) {
    String path = NODE_CFG.get(type);

    if (path == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported node type: " + type);

    URL url = U.resolveIgniteUrl(path);

    BeanFactory ctx = new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext(url.toString());

    return (IgniteConfiguration) ctx.getBean("grid.cfg");
   * Populate cache with {@code 'dimensions'} which in our case are {@link DimStore} and {@link
   * DimProduct} instances.
   * @param dimCache Cache to populate.
   * @throws IgniteException If failed.
  private static void populateDimensions(Cache<Integer, Object> dimCache) throws IgniteException {
    DimStore store1 = new DimStore(idGen++, "Store1", "12345", "321 Chilly Dr, NY");
    DimStore store2 = new DimStore(idGen++, "Store2", "54321", "123 Windy Dr, San Francisco");

    // Populate stores.
    dimCache.put(store1.getId(), store1);
    dimCache.put(store2.getId(), store2);

    dataStore.put(store1.getId(), store1);
    dataStore.put(store2.getId(), store2);

    // Populate products
    for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
      int id = idGen++;

      DimProduct product = new DimProduct(id, "Product" + i, i + 1, (i + 1) * 10);

      dimCache.put(id, product);

      dataProduct.put(id, product);
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public void testClear() throws Exception {
    IgniteCache<String, Integer> nearCache = jcache();
    IgniteCache<String, Integer> primary = fullCache();

    Collection<String> keys = primaryKeysForCache(primary, 3);

    Map<String, Integer> vals = new HashMap<>();

    int i = 0;

    for (String key : keys) {
      nearCache.put(key, i);

      vals.put(key, i);


    i = 0;

    for (String key : keys)
      assertEquals((Integer) i++, nearCache.localPeek(key, CachePeekMode.ONHEAP));


    for (String key : keys) assertNull(nearCache.localPeek(key, CachePeekMode.ONHEAP));

    for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : vals.entrySet())
      nearCache.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

    i = 0;

    for (String key : keys)
      assertEquals((Integer) i++, nearCache.localPeek(key, CachePeekMode.ONHEAP));
Exemplo n.º 11
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public Serializable collectDiscoveryData(UUID nodeId) {
    HashMap<String, Serializable> discData = null;

    for (Map.Entry<String, PluginProvider> e : plugins.entrySet()) {
      Serializable data = e.getValue().provideDiscoveryData(nodeId);

      if (data != null) {
        if (discData == null) discData = new HashMap<>();

        discData.put(e.getKey(), data);

    return discData;
   * Example for start/stop node tasks.
   * @param args Not used.
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String nodeType = "tcp+ssl";

    // Start initial node = 1
    try (Ignite g = G.start(NODE_CFG.get(nodeType))) {
      // Change topology.
      changeTopology(g, 4, 1, nodeType);
      changeTopology(g, 1, 4, nodeType);

      // Stop node by id = 0
      g.compute().execute(ClientStopNodeTask.class, g.cluster().localNode().id().toString());

      // Wait for node stops.
      // U.sleep(1000);

      assert G.allGrids().isEmpty();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      System.err.println("Uncaught exception: " + e.getMessage());

Exemplo n.º 13
 /** @return All plugin providers. */
 public Collection<PluginProvider> allProviders() {
   return plugins.values();
Exemplo n.º 14
  * @param name Plugin name.
  * @return Plugin provider.
 public <T extends PluginProvider> T pluginProvider(String name) {
   return (T) plugins.get(name);
Exemplo n.º 15
  * @param provider Plugin context.
  * @return Plugin context.
 public <T extends PluginContext> T pluginContextForProvider(PluginProvider provider) {
   return (T) pluginCtxMap.get(provider);