ITraitVisitor declareVariable(
      VariableNode varNode,
      DefinitionBase varDef,
      boolean is_static,
      boolean is_const,
      Object initializer) {
    final ICompilerProject project = this.classScope.getProject();
    Name var_name = varDef.getMName(project);

    TypeDefinitionBase typeDef = varDef.resolveType(project);
    Name var_type = typeDef != null ? typeDef.getMName(project) : null;

    int trait_kind = is_const ? TRAIT_Const : TRAIT_Var;

    LexicalScope ls = is_static ? this.classStaticScope : this.classScope;


    ITraitVisitor tv =
            trait_kind, var_name, ITraitsVisitor.RUNTIME_SLOT, var_type, initializer);

    if (!is_static)
      if (varDef.getNamespaceReference()
          instanceof NamespaceDefinition.IProtectedNamespaceDefinition)
        this.iinfo.flags |= ABCConstants.CLASS_FLAG_protected;

        this.classScope, varNode, varDef, this.className.getBaseName());

    return tv;
 public BURMPatternMatchFailureProblem(IASNode site) {
   super(site, "");
   node = SemanticUtils.getDiagnosticString(site);
   * This method performs the semantic analysis of a function declared in a class.
   * @param node the FunctionNode to semantically analyze
  void functionSemanticChecks(FunctionNode node) {

    FunctionDefinition func = node.getDefinition();

    Collection<ICompilerProblem> problems = classScope.getProblems();

    // code model has some peculiar ideas about what makes a function a constructor or not
    boolean looks_like_ctor = func.isConstructor();
    looks_like_ctor |=
        func.getBaseName() != null
            && this.className != null
            && func.getBaseName().equals(this.className.getBaseName());

    if (!looks_like_ctor && (func.getBaseName() != null)) {
          classScope, node, func, this.classDefinition.getQualifiedName());
    if (looks_like_ctor) {
      // If a constructor has a namespace as part of it's declaration, it must be declared public.
      // It is ok to omit the namespace
      // We must check the AST, as CM treats all ctors as public no matter what the user typed in
      // so the FunctionDefinition will always be in the public namespace
      if (node.getActualNamespaceNode() != null
          && node.getActualNamespaceNode().getName() != IASKeywordConstants.PUBLIC)
        problems.add(new ConstructorMustBePublicProblem(node.getActualNamespaceNode()));

      // A constructor cannot be static
      if (func.isStatic()) problems.add(new ConstructorIsStaticProblem(node));

      // A constructor cannot declare a return type, other than void.
      IExpressionNode returnTypeExpression = node.getReturnTypeNode();
      if (returnTypeExpression != null) {
        // We cannot check whether node.resolveReturnType() returns the definition
        // for the void type, because  the return type of a constructor is considered
        // to be the class of the object being constructed, rather than void.
        // So instead we simply check whether the type annotation was void.
        boolean returnTypeIsVoid = false;
        if (returnTypeExpression instanceof ILanguageIdentifierNode) {
          LanguageIdentifierKind kind = ((ILanguageIdentifierNode) returnTypeExpression).getKind();
          if (kind == LanguageIdentifierKind.VOID) returnTypeIsVoid = true;
        if (!returnTypeIsVoid) {
          ICompilerProblem problem =
              new ConstructorCannotHaveReturnTypeProblem(returnTypeExpression);

      // Is it a getter or setter that appears to be the constructor?
      if (func instanceof IAccessorDefinition)
        problems.add(new ConstructorIsGetterSetterProblem(node.getNameExpressionNode()));
    } else if (!func.isStatic()) {
      // We have to find the (potentially) overriden function whether we are an override or
      // not/
      FunctionDefinition override = func.resolveOverriddenFunction(classScope.getProject());
      if (func.isOverride()) {
        if (override == null) {
          // Didn't find the function we are supposed to be overriding
          problems.add(new OverrideNotFoundProblem(node.getNameExpressionNode()));
        } else {
          if (!func.hasCompatibleSignature(override, classScope.getProject())) {
            // Signatures didn't match
            problems.add(new IncompatibleOverrideProblem(node.getNameExpressionNode()));
          if (override.isFinal()) {
            // overriding final
            problems.add(new OverrideFinalProblem(node.getNameExpressionNode()));
      } else if (override != null) {
        // found overriden function, but function not marked as override
        problems.add(new FunctionNotMarkedOverrideProblem(node.getNameExpressionNode()));
  /** Declare a variable. */
  void declareVariable(VariableNode var) {

    VariableDefinition varDef = (VariableDefinition) var.getDefinition();

    boolean is_static = var.hasModifier(ASModifier.STATIC);
    boolean is_const = SemanticUtils.isConst(var, classScope.getProject());

    final ICompilerProject project = this.classScope.getProject();

    ICodeGenerator codeGenerator = classScope.getGenerator();
    IExpressionNode assignedValueNode = var.getAssignedValueNode();
    IConstantValue constantValue = codeGenerator.generateConstantValue(assignedValueNode, project);

    //  initializer is null if no constant value
    //  can be generated, and null is the correct value for "no value."
    Object initializer = constantValue != null ? constantValue.getValue() : null;

    // Reducing the constant value may have produced problems in the
    // LexicalScope used for constant reduction. Transfer them over
    // to the LexicalScope for this class.
    Collection<ICompilerProblem> problems =
        constantValue != null ? constantValue.getProblems() : null;
    if (problems != null) classScope.addProblems(problems);

    final MethodBodySemanticChecker checker =
        MethodBodySemanticCheckerFactory.getChecker(this.classScope); // CO-5148

    DefinitionBase varType = (DefinitionBase) varDef.resolveType(project);

    Object transformed_initializer = null;

    if ((initializer != null) && (varType != null)) {
      transformed_initializer =
                  new Binding(null, varType.getMName(this.classScope.getProject()), varType),
                  new PooledValue(initializer))
    } else {
      transformed_initializer = initializer;

    ITraitVisitor tv = declareVariable(var, varDef, is_static, is_const, transformed_initializer);
    if (is_static) this.classStaticScope.processMetadata(tv, getAllMetaTags(varDef));
    else this.classScope.processMetadata(tv, getAllMetaTags(varDef));

    //  Generate variable initializers and append them to the
    //  proper initialization list.
    if (transformed_initializer == null && var.getAssignedValueNode() != null) {
      // Emit initialization instructions for non-static vars.  Static var
      // instructions will be emitted during finishClassDefinition()
      if (is_static) staticVariableInitializers.add(var);
      else generateInstructions(var, false);
    } else {
      checker.checkClassField(var, is_static);
      //  Massive kludge -- grovel over chained variable decls and add them one by one
      for (int i = 0; i < var.getChildCount(); i++) {
        IASNode candidate = var.getChild(i);

        if (candidate instanceof VariableNode) {
          declareVariable((VariableNode) candidate);
   * Constructor. Initializes the ClassDirectiveProcessor and its associated AET data structures.
   * @param node - the AST that starts the class' definition in source; used for diagnostics.
   * @param class_definition - the class' definition
   * @param enclosing_scope - the immediately enclosing lexical scope.
   * @param emitter - the active ABC emitter.
      ICommonClassNode node,
      ClassDefinition class_definition,
      LexicalScope enclosing_scope,
      IABCVisitor emitter) {

    this.emitter = emitter;
    this.definitionSource = node;
    assert (this.definitionSource != null) : "Class definition AST must be provided.";

    this.classScope = enclosing_scope.pushFrame();
    this.classStaticScope = enclosing_scope.pushFrame();

    if (node.getNodeID() == ASTNodeID.ClassID) {
      classScope.setInitialControlFlowRegionNode(((ClassNode) node).getScopedNode());
      classStaticScope.setInitialControlFlowRegionNode(((ClassNode) node).getScopedNode());

    ICompilerProject project = classScope.getProject();

    // Set the class Name.
    this.classDefinition = class_definition;
    this.className = classDefinition.getMName(project); = className;

    // Check for a duplicate class name.
    switch (SemanticUtils.getMultiDefinitionType(this.classDefinition, project)) {
      case AMBIGUOUS:
            new DuplicateClassDefinitionProblem(node, class_definition.getBaseName()));
      case NONE:
        assert false; // I don't think classes can have other type of multiple definitions

    if (node instanceof BaseDefinitionNode) // test doesn't work for MXML, which is OK.
      BaseDefinitionNode n = (BaseDefinitionNode) node;
      SemanticUtils.checkScopedToDefaultNamespaceProblem(classScope, n, classDefinition, null);
    // Resolve the super class, checking that it exists,
    // that it is a class rather than an interface,
    // that it isn't final, and that it isn't the same as this class.
    ClassDefinition superclassDefinition =
        SemanticUtils.resolveBaseClass(node, class_definition, project, classScope.getProblems());

    // Check that the superclass isn't a forward reference, but only need to do this if both
    // definitions come from the same containing source.  getContainingFilePath() returns the file
    // from the ASFileScope, so no need to worry about included files.
    if (!classDefinition.isGeneratedEmbedClass()
        && classDefinition
            .equals(superclassDefinition.getContainingFilePath())) {
      // If the absolute offset in the class is less than the
      // offset of the super class, it must be a forward reference in the file
      int classOffset = classDefinition.getAbsoluteStart();
      int superClassOffset = superclassDefinition.getAbsoluteEnd();
      if (classOffset < superClassOffset)
            new ForwardReferenceToBaseClassProblem(node, superclassDefinition.getQualifiedName()));

    // Set the superclass Name.
    this.superclassName = superclassDefinition.getMName(project);
    iinfo.superName = superclassName;

    // Resolve the interfaces.
    IInterfaceDefinition[] interfaces =
        classDefinition.resolveImplementedInterfaces(project, classScope.getProblems());

    // Set the interface Names.
    int n_interfaces = interfaces.length;
    ArrayList<Name> interface_names = new ArrayList<Name>(n_interfaces);
    for (int i = 0; i < n_interfaces; i++) {
      InterfaceDefinition idef = (InterfaceDefinition) interfaces[i];
      if (idef != null) {
        Name interfaceName = ((InterfaceDefinition) interfaces[i]).getMName(project);
    iinfo.interfaceNames = interface_names.toArray(new Name[interface_names.size()]);

    // Set the flags corresponding to 'final' and 'dynamic'.
    if (classDefinition.isFinal()) iinfo.flags |= ABCConstants.CLASS_FLAG_final;
    if (!classDefinition.isDynamic()) iinfo.flags |= ABCConstants.CLASS_FLAG_sealed;

    iinfo.protectedNs =
        ((NamespaceDefinition) classDefinition.getProtectedNamespaceReference()).getAETNamespace(); = emitter.visitClass(iinfo, cinfo);

    this.itraits = cv.visitInstanceTraits();
    this.ctraits = cv.visitClassTraits();

    this.classScope.traitsVisitor = this.itraits;
    this.classStaticScope.traitsVisitor = this.ctraits;

    // Build an array of the names of all the ancestor classes.
    ArrayList<Name> ancestorClassNames = new ArrayList<Name>();

    // Walk the superclass chain, starting with this class
    // and (unless there are problems) ending with Object.
    // This will accomplish three things:
    // - find loops;
    // - build the array of names of ancestor classes;
    // - set the needsProtected flag if this class or any of its ancestor classes needs it.

    boolean needsProtected = false;

    //  Remember the most recently examined class in case there's a cycle in the superclass
    //  chain, in which case we'll need it to issue a diagnostic.
    ClassDefinition c = null;

    IClassDefinition.IClassIterator classIterator = classDefinition.classIterator(project, true);

    while (classIterator.hasNext()) {
      c = (ClassDefinition);
      needsProtected |= c.getOwnNeedsProtected();
      if (c != classDefinition) ancestorClassNames.add(c.getMName(project));

    // Report a loop in the superclass chain, such as A extends B and B extends A.
    // Note: A extends A was found previously by SemanticUtils.resolveBaseClass().
    if (classIterator.foundLoop())
      classScope.addProblem(new CircularTypeReferenceProblem(c, c.getQualifiedName()));

    // In the case of class A extends A, ancestorClassNames will be empty at this point.
    // Change it to be Object to prevent "Warning: Stack underflow" in the script init code below.
    if (ancestorClassNames.isEmpty()) {
      ClassDefinition objectDefinition =
          (ClassDefinition) project.getBuiltinType(IASLanguageConstants.BuiltinType.OBJECT);

    // If this class or any of its ancestor classes needs the protected flag set, set it.
    if (needsProtected) iinfo.flags |= ABCConstants.CLASS_FLAG_protected;

    // Add the class initialization logic to the script init.
    // For class B extends A, where class A extends Object, this looks like
    // getscopeobject
    // findpropstrict Object
    // getproperty Object
    // pushscope
    // findpropstrict A
    // getproperty A
    // dup
    // pushscope
    // newclass
    // popscope
    // popscope
    // initproperty B
    InstructionList initInstructions = this.classScope.getInitInstructions();
    initInstructions.addInstruction(OP_getscopeobject, 0);

    // Push ancestor classes onto the scope stack.
    for (int i = ancestorClassNames.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      Name ancestorClassName = ancestorClassNames.get(i);
      initInstructions.addInstruction(OP_getlex, ancestorClassName);
      // The newclass instruction below also needs the superclass on the stack, so dup it
      if (i == 0) initInstructions.addInstruction(OP_dup);

    initInstructions.addInstruction(OP_newclass, cinfo);

    for (int i = 0; i < ancestorClassNames.size(); i++)

    initInstructions.addInstruction(OP_initproperty, className);


    processResourceBundles(class_definition, project, classScope.getProblems());