Exemplo n.º 1
  public void tearDown() {
    totoProv = null;
    totoProv2 = null;

    // Reset counters
    TotoProvider.toto = 0;
    TotoProvider.toto_2 = 0;
    TotoProvider.toto_3 = 0;
    TotoProvider.toto_4 = 0;
    TotoProvider.toto1 = 0;
  /** Check if a pojo can correctly be cast in POJO. Check the getComponentInstance method. */
  public void testGetComponentInstance() {
    String factName = "Manipulation-FooProviderType-1";
    String compName = "FooProvider-1";
    ServiceReference ref = null;

    // Get the factory to create a component instance
    Factory fact = ipojoHelper.getFactory(factName);
    assertNotNull("Cannot find the factory FooProvider-1", fact);

    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.put("instance.name", compName);
    ComponentInstance ci = null;
    try {
      ci = fact.createComponentInstance(props);
    } catch (Exception e1) {

    assertEquals("Check instance name", compName, ci.getInstanceName());

    // Get a FooService provider
    ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(FooService.class.getName(), compName);

    assertNotNull("FS not available", ref);

    // Get foo object
    FooService fs = (FooService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(ref);

    // Cast to POJO
    Pojo pojo = (Pojo) fs;

    // GetComponentInstance
    ComponentInstance instance = pojo.getComponentInstance();
    assertEquals("Check component instance name", instance.getInstanceName(), compName);
    assertEquals("Check component factory name", instance.getFactory().getName(), factName);
    assertNotNull("Instance description not null", instance.getInstanceDescription());
    PrimitiveInstanceDescription id =
        (PrimitiveInstanceDescription) instance.getInstanceDescription();
    assertTrue("Check instance state", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);
    assertEquals("Check created pojo count", id.getCreatedObjects().length, 1);
    assertEquals("Check instance description name", id.getName(), compName);


    // Check that there is no more FooService
    ref = osgiHelper.getServiceReference(FooService.class.getName());
    assertNull("FS available, but component instance stopped", ref);
Exemplo n.º 3
  public void testSimple() {
    // Neither factory nor instance
    assertTrue("Assert under state - 1", under.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);
        "Assert no tota service - 1", getContext().getServiceReference(Tota.class.getName()));

    // Start the importer
    assertTrue("Assert under state - 2", under.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);
        "Assert no tota service - 2", getContext().getServiceReference(Tota.class.getName()));

    // Start the factory
    assertTrue("Assert under state - 3", under.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);
        "Assert tota service - 3", getContext().getServiceReference(Tota.class.getName()));
    ServiceReference ref = getContext().getServiceReference(Tota.class.getName());
    Tota tota = (Tota) getContext().getService(ref);
    // Check toto
    Properties props = tota.getProps();
    Integer toto = (Integer) props.get("toto");
    Integer toto_2 = (Integer) props.get("toto_2");
    Integer toto_3 = (Integer) props.get("toto_3");
    Integer toto_4 = (Integer) props.get("toto_4");
    assertEquals("Assert toto - 3 (" + toto.intValue() + ")", toto.intValue(), 1);
    assertEquals("Assert toto_2 - 3", toto_2.intValue(), 1);
    assertEquals("Assert toto_3 - 3", toto_3.intValue(), 1);
    assertEquals("Assert toto_4 - 3", toto_4.intValue(), 0);
    // Check tata
    props = tota.getPropsTata();
    Integer tata = (Integer) props.get("tata");
    Integer tataStr = (Integer) props.get("tataStr");
    Integer tataStrs = (Integer) props.get("tataStrs");
    Integer tata_2 = (Integer) props.get("tata_2");
    Integer tata_3 = (Integer) props.get("tata_3");
    Integer tata1 = (Integer) props.get("tata1");
    Integer tata1_1 = (Integer) props.get("tata1_1");
    Integer tata5 = (Integer) props.get("tata5");
    Integer tata5_1 = (Integer) props.get("tata5_1");
    Integer tata5_2 = (Integer) props.get("tata5_2");
    assertEquals("Assert tata - 3", tata.intValue(), 1);
    assertEquals("Assert tataStr - 3", tataStr.intValue(), 1);
    assertEquals("Assert tataStrs - 3", tataStrs.intValue(), 0);
    assertEquals("Assert tata_2 - 3", tata_2.intValue(), 1);
    assertEquals("Assert tata_3 - 3", tata_3.intValue(), 1);
    assertEquals("Assert tata1 - 3", tata1.intValue(), 1);
    assertEquals("Assert tata1_1 - 3", tata1_1.intValue(), 1);
    assertEquals("Assert tata5 - 3", tata5.intValue(), 1);
    assertEquals("Assert tata5_1 - 3", tata5_1.intValue(), 1);
    assertEquals("Assert tata5_2 - 3", tata5_2.intValue(), 1);
    tota = null;

    // Start a second import
    assertTrue("Assert under state - 4", under.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);
        "Assert tota service - 4", getContext().getServiceReference(Tota.class.getName()));
    ref = getContext().getServiceReference(Tota.class.getName());
    tota = (Tota) getContext().getService(ref);
    // Check toto
    props = tota.getProps();
    toto = (Integer) props.get("toto");
    toto_2 = (Integer) props.get("toto_2");
    toto_3 = (Integer) props.get("toto_3");
    toto_4 = (Integer) props.get("toto_4");
    assertEquals("Assert toto - 4", toto.intValue(), 2);
    assertEquals("Assert toto_2 - 4", toto_2.intValue(), 2);
    assertEquals("Assert toto_3 - 4", toto_3.intValue(), 2);
    assertEquals("Assert toto_4 - 4", toto_4.intValue(), 0);
    // Check tata
    props = tota.getPropsTata();
    tata = (Integer) props.get("tata");
    tataStr = (Integer) props.get("tataStr");
    tataStrs = (Integer) props.get("tataStrs");
    tata_2 = (Integer) props.get("tata_2");
    tata_3 = (Integer) props.get("tata_3");
    tata1 = (Integer) props.get("tata1");
    tata1_1 = (Integer) props.get("tata1_1");
    tata5 = (Integer) props.get("tata5");
    tata5_1 = (Integer) props.get("tata5_1");
    tata5_2 = (Integer) props.get("tata5_2");
    assertEquals("Assert tata - 4", tata.intValue(), 2);
    assertEquals("Assert tataStr - 4", tataStr.intValue(), 2);
    assertEquals("Assert tataStrs - 4", tataStrs.intValue(), 0);
    assertEquals("Assert tata_2 - 4", tata_2.intValue(), 2);
    assertEquals("Assert tata_3 - 4", tata_3.intValue(), 2);
    assertEquals("Assert tata1 - 4", tata1.intValue(), 2);
    assertEquals("Assert tata1_1 - 4", tata1_1.intValue(), 2);
    assertEquals("Assert tata5 - 4", tata5.intValue(), 2);
    assertEquals("Assert tata5_1 - 4", tata5_1.intValue(), 2);
    assertEquals("Assert tata5_2 - 4", tata5_2.intValue(), 2);

    tota = null;

    assertTrue("Assert under state - 5", under.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);
        "Assert no tota service - 5", getContext().getServiceReference(Tota.class.getName()));

    assertTrue("Assert under state - 6", under.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);
        "Assert tota service - 6", getContext().getServiceReference(Tota.class.getName()));
    ref = getContext().getServiceReference(Tota.class.getName());
    tota = (Tota) getContext().getService(ref);
    // Check toto
    props = tota.getProps();
    toto = (Integer) props.get("toto");
    toto_2 = (Integer) props.get("toto_2");
    toto_3 = (Integer) props.get("toto_3");
    toto_4 = (Integer) props.get("toto_4");
    assertEquals("Assert toto - 6", toto.intValue(), 3);
    assertEquals("Assert toto_2 - 6", toto_2.intValue(), 3);
    assertEquals("Assert toto_3 - 6", toto_3.intValue(), 3);
    assertEquals("Assert toto_4 - 6", toto_4.intValue(), 0);
    // Check tata
    props = tota.getPropsTata();
    tata = (Integer) props.get("tata");
    tataStr = (Integer) props.get("tataStr");
    tataStrs = (Integer) props.get("tataStrs");
    tata_2 = (Integer) props.get("tata_2");
    tata_3 = (Integer) props.get("tata_3");
    tata1 = (Integer) props.get("tata1");
    tata1_1 = (Integer) props.get("tata1_1");
    tata5 = (Integer) props.get("tata5");
    tata5_1 = (Integer) props.get("tata5_1");
    tata5_2 = (Integer) props.get("tata5_2");
    assertEquals("Assert tata - 6", 1, tata.intValue());
    assertEquals("Assert tataStr - 6", tataStr.intValue(), 1);
    assertEquals("Assert tataStrs - 6", tataStrs.intValue(), 0);
    assertEquals("Assert tata_2 - 6", tata_2.intValue(), 1);
    assertEquals("Assert tata_3 - 6", tata_3.intValue(), 1);
    assertEquals("Assert tata1 - 6", tata1.intValue(), 1);
    assertEquals("Assert tata1_1 - 6", tata1_1.intValue(), 1);
    assertEquals("Assert tata5 - 6", tata5.intValue(), 1);
    assertEquals("Assert tata5_1 - 6", tata5_1.intValue(), 1);
    assertEquals("Assert tata5_2 - 6", tata5_2.intValue(), 1);
    tota = null;

    // Is arch exposed
        "Test arch", ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), "ff"));


    assertTrue("Assert under state - 7", under.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);
        "Test arch-2", ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), "ff"));
        "Assert no tota service - 7", getContext().getServiceReference(Tota.class.getName()));

    under = null;