Exemplo n.º 1
 // Update vsh inside the statcom converter
 public void update(AclfNetwork net) throws InterpssException {
   Complex vi = net.getAclfBus(id).getVoltage();
   Complex vsh1 = this.converter.getVth();
   if (type == StatcomControlType.ConstB) { // Control of constant shunt admittance
     Complex vsh = solveConstB(vsh1, vi, this.converter, tunedValue);
   } else if (type
       == StatcomControlType.ConstQ) { // Control of constant shunt reactive power compensation
     Complex vsh = solveConstQ(vsh1, vi, this.converter, tunedValue);
   } else if (type == StatcomControlType.ConstV) { // Control of constant voltage magnitude
     Complex vsh = solveConstV(vsh1, vi, this.converter, tunedValue);
   Complex vsh2 = this.converter.getVth();
   if (type != StatcomControlType.ConstV) err = (vsh1.subtract(vsh2)).abs();
Exemplo n.º 2
 // Calculate Vsh to match the tuned constant Q
 private Complex solveConstQ(Complex vsh1, Complex vi, ConverterLF converter, double tunedValue) {
   double qerr = 100.0;
   Complex vsh = vsh1;
   double vmsh = vsh.abs();
   double thetash = Math.atan2(vsh.getImaginary(), vsh.getReal());
   double vmi = vi.abs();
   double thetai = Math.atan2(vi.getImaginary(), vi.getReal());
   double gsh = converter.getYth().getReal();
   double bsh = converter.getYth().getImaginary();
   // Iteration by Newton method
   while (qerr > 0.0001) {
     // Active power balance equation Fp: active output of v source = 0
     double fp =
         vmsh * vmsh * gsh
             - vmi * vmsh * (gsh * Math.cos(thetai - thetash) - bsh * Math.sin(thetai - thetash));
     // Reactive power balance equation Fq: reactive injection at bus i = -Qsh ("-" means injecting
     // other than absorbing)
     double fq =
             + vmi * vmi * bsh
             + vmi * vmsh * (gsh * Math.sin(thetai - thetash) - bsh * Math.cos(thetai - thetash));
     // Update the mismatch
     qerr = Math.max(Math.abs(fp), Math.abs(fq));
     // Jacobian
     double a =
         2 * vmsh * gsh
             - vmi
                 * (gsh * Math.cos(thetai - thetash)
                     - bsh * Math.sin(thetai - thetash)); // dFp/dVsh
     double b =
             * vmsh
             * (gsh * Math.sin(thetai - thetash)
                 + bsh * Math.cos(thetai - thetash)); // dFp/dThetash
     double c =
         vmi * (gsh * Math.sin(thetai - thetash) - bsh * Math.cos(thetai - thetash)); // dFq/dVsh
     double d =
             * vmsh
             * (gsh * Math.cos(thetai - thetash)
                 + bsh * Math.sin(thetai - thetash)); // dFq/dThetash
     // Solve the mismatch equation
     double det = a * d - b * c;
     double dvmsh = (d * fp - b * fq) / det;
     double dthetash = (-c * fp + a * fq) / det;
     // Update Vsh and thetash
     vmsh -= dvmsh;
     thetash -= dthetash;
   System.out.println("thetai=" + thetai + ", thetash=" + thetash);
   return new Complex(vmsh * Math.cos(thetash), vmsh * Math.sin(thetash));
Exemplo n.º 3
 // Calculate Vsh to match the tuned constant B
 private Complex solveConstB(Complex vsh1, Complex vi, ConverterLF converter, double tunedValue) {
   double berr = 100.0;
   Complex vsh = vsh1;
   double vmsh = vsh.abs();
   double thetash = Math.atan2(vsh.getImaginary(), vsh.getReal());
   double vmi = vi.abs();
   double thetai = Math.atan2(vi.getImaginary(), vi.getReal());
   double gsh = converter.getYth().getReal();
   double bsh = converter.getYth().getImaginary();
   // Iteration by Newton method
   while (berr > 0.00001) {
     // Active power balance equation Fp: active output of v source = 0
     double fp =
         vmsh * vmsh * gsh
             - vmi * vmsh * (gsh * Math.cos(thetai - thetash) - bsh * Math.sin(thetai - thetash));
     // Shunt admittance equation Fb: shunt admittance at bus i = Vi / Ishunt
     double fb =
         vmsh * (gsh * Math.sin(thetash - thetai) + bsh * Math.cos(thetash - thetai))
             + vmi * (tunedValue - bsh);
     // Update the mismatch
     berr = Math.max(Math.abs(fp), Math.abs(fb));
     // Jacobian
     double a =
         2 * vmsh * gsh
             - vmi
                 * (gsh * Math.cos(thetai - thetash)
                     - bsh * Math.sin(thetai - thetash)); // dFp/dVsh
     double b =
             * vmsh
             * (gsh * Math.sin(thetai - thetash)
                 + bsh * Math.cos(thetai - thetash)); // dFp/dThetash
     double c = gsh * Math.sin(thetash - thetai) + bsh * Math.cos(thetash - thetai); // dFb/dVsh
     double d =
             * (gsh * Math.cos(thetash - thetai)
                 - bsh * Math.sin(thetash - thetai)); // dFb/dThetash
     // Solve the mismatch equation
     double det = a * d - b * c;
     double dvmsh = (d * fp - b * fb) / det;
     double dthetash = (-c * fp + a * fb) / det;
     // Update Vsh and thetash
     vmsh -= dvmsh;
     thetash -= dthetash;
   return new Complex(vmsh * Math.cos(thetash), vmsh * Math.sin(thetash));
   * This operation returns the value of the squared modulus of the specular reflectivity for a
   * single wave vector Q.
   * @param waveVectorQ the value of the wave vector
   * @param wavelength the wavelength of the incident neutrons
   * @param tiles the list of Tiles that contains the physical parameters needed for the
   *     calculation, including the scattering densities, absorption parameters and thicknesses.
   * @return the squared modulus of the specular reflectivity
  public double getModSqrdSpecRef(double waveVectorQ, double wavelength, Tile[] tiles) {

    double modSqrdSpecRef = 0.0;

    if (wavelength > 0.0) {
      // Variables only needed if we are going to do the work, i.e. -
      // wavelength > 0.0.
      Tile tile;
      Complex aNm1Sq,
          rNm1N = new Complex(0.0, 0.0),
          one = new Complex(1.0, 0.0),
          qN = new Complex(0.0, 0.0),
          rNNp1 = new Complex(0.0, 0.0);
      // Get the bottom tile
      int nLayers = tiles.length;
      tile = tiles[nLayers - 1];
      // Starting point--no reflected beam in bottom-most (bulk) layer
      double qCSq = 16.0 * Math.PI * tile.scatteringLength;
      double muLAbs = tile.trueAbsLength;
      double mulInc = tile.incAbsLength;
      double thickness = tile.thickness;
      // Setup other values for the problem
      double betaNm1 = 4.0 * Math.PI * (muLAbs + mulInc / wavelength);
      Complex qNm1 = new Complex(waveVectorQ * waveVectorQ - qCSq, -2.0 * betaNm1);
      qNm1 = qNm1.sqrt();
      // Loop through to calculate recursion formula described in Parratt.
      // Start at the bottom and work up.
      for (int i = nLayers - 1; i > 0; i--) {
        // Get the tile above tile[i] (started at the bottom
        tile = tiles[i - 1];
        // Calculate the normal component of Q for layer and layer-1
        qN = qNm1;
        qCSq = 16.0 * Math.PI * tile.scatteringLength;
        muLAbs = tile.trueAbsLength;
        mulInc = tile.incAbsLength;
        thickness = tile.thickness;
        betaNm1 = 4.0 * Math.PI * (muLAbs + mulInc / wavelength);
        qNm1 = new Complex(waveVectorQ * waveVectorQ - qCSq, -2.0 * betaNm1);
        qNm1 = qNm1.sqrt();
        // Calculate phase factor, e^(-0.5*d*qNm1)
        aNm1Sq =
            (new Complex(qNm1.getImaginary(), qNm1.getReal()).multiply(-0.5 * thickness)).exp();
        // CDiv(qNm1-qN,qNm1+qN)
        fNm1N = qNm1.subtract(qN).divide(qNm1.add(qN));
        // Calculate the reflectivity amplitude.
        // CMult(aNm1Sq, CMult(aNm1Sq, CDiv(CAdd(rNNp1, fNm1N),
        // CAdd(CMult(rNNp1, fNm1N), CReal(1)))))
        Complex y = rNNp1.multiply(fNm1N).add(one);
        Complex z = rNNp1.add(fNm1N);
        rNm1N = aNm1Sq.multiply(aNm1Sq).multiply(z.divide((y)));
        // Carry over to the next iteration
        rNNp1 = rNm1N;
      modSqrdSpecRef =
          rNm1N.getReal() * rNm1N.getReal() + rNm1N.getImaginary() * rNm1N.getImaginary();

    return modSqrdSpecRef;