   * Extracts the username from the specified DN. If the username cannot be extracted because the CN
   * is in an unrecognized format, the entire CN is returned. If the CN cannot be extracted because
   * the DN is in an unrecognized format, the entire DN is returned.
   * @param dn the dn to extract the username from
   * @return the exatracted username
  public static String extractUsername(String dn) {
    String username = dn;
    String cn = "";

    // ensure the dn is specified
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dn)) {

      // attempt to locate the cn
      if (dn.startsWith("CN=")) {
        cn = StringUtils.substringBetween(dn, "CN=", ",");
      } else if (dn.startsWith("/CN=")) {
        cn = StringUtils.substringBetween(dn, "CN=", "/");
      } else if (dn.startsWith("C=") || dn.startsWith("/C=")) {
        cn = StringUtils.substringAfter(dn, "CN=");
      } else if (dn.startsWith("/") && StringUtils.contains(dn, "CN=")) {
        cn = StringUtils.substringAfter(dn, "CN=");

      // attempt to get the username from the cn
      if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(cn)) {
        if (cn.endsWith(")")) {
          username = StringUtils.substringBetween(cn, "(", ")");
        } else if (cn.contains(" ")) {
          username = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(cn, " ");
        } else {
          username = cn;

    return username;
Exemplo n.º 2
  public void load() throws IOException, SQLException {
    conn = Mysql.getConn("semsearch");
    List<String> lines = FileUtils.readLines(new File(this.filePath));
    AANPaper paper = new AANPaper();
    for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) {
      String line = lines.get(i).trim();
      if (line.equals("")) {
      if (line.startsWith("id")) {
        paper = new AANPaper();
        String temp = StringUtils.substringAfter(line, "{").trim();
        temp = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(temp, "}");
      } else if (line.startsWith("author")) {
        String temp = StringUtils.substringAfter(line, "{").trim();
        temp = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(temp, "}");
      } else if (line.startsWith("title")) {
        String temp = StringUtils.substringAfter(line, "{").trim();
        temp = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(temp, "}");
      } else if (line.startsWith("venue")) {
        String temp = StringUtils.substringAfter(line, "{").trim();
        temp = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(temp, "}");
      } else if (line.startsWith("year")) {
        String temp = StringUtils.substringAfter(line, "{").trim();
        temp = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(temp, "}");

  static RabbitConnectionFactoryConfig uriToConnectionConfig(String uri) {
    RabbitConnectionFactoryConfig properties = new RabbitConnectionFactoryConfig();
    if (isNotEmpty(uri)) {
      String username = StringUtils.substringBetween(uri, "amqp://", ":");
      String password = StringUtils.substringBetween(uri, username + ":", "@");
      String hostWithPort = StringUtils.substringBetween(uri, "@", "/");

      // If no virtual host is specified
      if (isEmpty(hostWithPort)) {
        hostWithPort = StringUtils.substringAfter(uri, "@");

      int port = properties.getPort();
      String host = hostWithPort;
      boolean hasPort = StringUtils.contains(hostWithPort, ":");
      if (hasPort) {
        host = StringUtils.substringBefore(hostWithPort, ":");
        port = NumberUtils.toInt(StringUtils.substringAfter(hostWithPort, ":"));
      String virtualHost = StringUtils.substringAfter(uri, hostWithPort + "/");


      if (isNotEmpty(virtualHost)) {
    return properties;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Build a new image.
  * @param deck Deck name
  * @param repo Repo
  * @return Image name
  * @throws IOException If fails
 private String build(final String deck, final XML repo) throws IOException {
   final String name = String.format("%s-%08x", deck, BuildImage.RND.nextInt());
   final String hash = "#";
   String uri = repo.xpath("uri/text()").get(0);
   final String branch;
   final String path;
   if (uri.contains(hash)) {
     final String[] tail = StringUtils.substringAfter(uri, hash).split(":", 2);
     branch = tail[0];
     path = tail[1];
     uri = StringUtils.substringBefore(uri, hash);
   } else {
     branch = "master";
     path = ".";
   final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
       new ArrayMap<String, String>()
           .with("image", name)
           .with("uri", uri)
           .with("branch", branch)
           .with("path", path));
   Logger.info(this, "Docker image %s built in %[ms]s", name, System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
   return name;
  public void verifyOK() throws Exception {
    final MockHttpServletRequest mockRequest =
        new MockHttpServletRequest("GET", CONTEXT + OAuthConstants.ACCESS_TOKEN_URL);
    mockRequest.setParameter(OAuthConstants.CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_ID);
    mockRequest.setParameter(OAuthConstants.REDIRECT_URI, REDIRECT_URI);
    mockRequest.setParameter(OAuthConstants.CLIENT_SECRET, CLIENT_SECRET);
    mockRequest.setParameter(OAuthConstants.CODE, CODE);
    final MockHttpServletResponse mockResponse = new MockHttpServletResponse();

    ((OAuth20WrapperController) oauth20WrapperController)
        .save(getRegisteredService(REDIRECT_URI, CLIENT_SECRET));

    final Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
    map.put(NAME, VALUE);
    final List<String> list = Arrays.asList(VALUE, VALUE);
    map.put(NAME2, list);

    final Principal p = org.jasig.cas.authentication.TestUtils.getPrincipal(ID, map);
    final TicketGrantingTicketImpl impl =
        new TicketGrantingTicketImpl(
            new NeverExpiresExpirationPolicy());

    ((OAuth20WrapperController) oauth20WrapperController)
            new ServiceTicketImpl(
                new ExpirationPolicy() {
                  private static final long serialVersionUID = -7321055962209199811L;

                  public boolean isExpired(final TicketState ticketState) {
                    return false;

    oauth20WrapperController.handleRequest(mockRequest, mockResponse);

    ((OAuth20WrapperController) oauth20WrapperController).getTicketRegistry().deleteTicket(CODE);

    assertEquals("text/plain", mockResponse.getContentType());
    assertEquals(200, mockResponse.getStatus());
    final String body = mockResponse.getContentAsString();

            OAuthConstants.ACCESS_TOKEN + '=' + TGT_ID + '&' + OAuthConstants.EXPIRES + '='));
    // delta = 2 seconds
    final int delta = 2;
    final int timeLeft =
        Integer.parseInt(StringUtils.substringAfter(body, '&' + OAuthConstants.EXPIRES + '='));
    assertTrue(timeLeft >= TIMEOUT - 10 - delta);
Exemplo n.º 6
  XMLNode(Object nodeObject) {

    String tagName = ((Element) userObject).getTagName();
    if ("book:book".equals(tagName)) {
      name = "root";
      iconName = "/";
      isFile = false;
    } else if ("coll:pages".equals(tagName)) {
      Element x = (Element) userObject;
      id = x.getAttribute("id");
      name = x.getAttribute("name");
      iconName = "collection";
      isFile = false;
    } else if ("book:pages".equals(tagName)) {
      Element x = (Element) userObject;
      id = x.getAttribute("id");
      name = x.getAttribute("name");
      iconName = "book";
      isFile = false;
    } else if ("book:structure".equals(tagName)) {
      Element x = (Element) userObject;
      name = x.getAttribute("name");
      id = x.getAttribute("id");
      iconName = "page";
      isFile = false;
    } else if ("book:page".equals(tagName)) {
      name = ((Element) userObject).getAttribute("pid");
      href = ((Element) userObject).getAttribute("href");

      iconName = StringUtils.substringAfter(name, ".").toLowerCase();
      isFile = true;
      if (((Element) userObject).getAttribute("firstpage").equals("true")) iconName = "firstpage";
Exemplo n.º 7
  @MetaData(value = "保存")
  protected HttpHeaders doSave() {

    // 附件关联处理,自动处理以attachment为前缀的参数
    if (bindingEntity instanceof AttachmentableEntity) {
      Enumeration<?> names = getRequest().getParameterNames();
      Set<String> attachmentNames = Sets.newHashSet();
      while (names.hasMoreElements()) {
        String name = (String) names.nextElement();
        if (name.startsWith("_attachment_")) {
      if (attachmentNames.size() > 0) {
        AttachmentFileService attachmentFileService =
        for (String attachmentName : attachmentNames) {
          String[] attachments = getParameterIds(attachmentName);
              StringUtils.substringAfter(attachmentName, "_attachment_"));
    setModel(OperationResult.buildSuccessResult("数据保存成功", bindingEntity));
    return buildDefaultHttpHeaders();
 private String cleanErrorMessageForDisplay(String errorMessage) {
   String clean =
           errorMessage, "org.mozilla.javascript.JavaScriptException: Error:");
   clean = clean.replaceAll("\\(handlebars\\.js#\\d+\\)", "");
   return clean;
Exemplo n.º 9
  private RoleGrantedAuthority renameProject(
      RoleGrantedAuthority authority, String projectName, String newProjectName) {
    GrantedAuthorityTarget target = authority.getTarget();
    String targetId = target.getTargetId();
    GrantedAuthorityTarget newTarget = null;
    switch (target.getType()) {
      case PROJECT:
          String projName = targetId;
          if (projName.equals(projectName)) {
            newTarget =
                new GrantedAuthorityTarget(newProjectName, GrantedAuthorityTarget.Type.PROJECT);

      case BRANCH:
          String projName = StringUtils.substringBefore(targetId, "/"); // $NON-NLS-1$
          if (projName.equals(projectName)) {
            String branchName = StringUtils.substringAfter(targetId, "/"); // $NON-NLS-1$
            String newTargetId = newProjectName + "/" + branchName; // $NON-NLS-1$
            newTarget = new GrantedAuthorityTarget(newTargetId, GrantedAuthorityTarget.Type.BRANCH);
    return (newTarget != null)
        ? new RoleGrantedAuthority(newTarget, authority.getRoleName())
        : null;
Exemplo n.º 10
  /** 分析并设置contentType与headers. */
  private static HttpServletResponse initResponseHeader(
      final String contentType, final String... headers) {
    // 分析headers参数
    String encoding = DEFAULT_ENCODING;
    boolean noCache = DEFAULT_NOCACHE;
    for (String header : headers) {
      String headerName = StringUtils.substringBefore(header, ":");
      String headerValue = StringUtils.substringAfter(header, ":");

      if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(headerName, HEADER_ENCODING)) {
        encoding = headerValue;
      } else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(headerName, HEADER_NOCACHE)) {
        noCache = Boolean.parseBoolean(headerValue);
      } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(headerName + "不是一个合法的header类型");

    HttpServletResponse response = ServletActionContext.getResponse();

    // 设置headers参数
    String fullContentType = contentType + ";charset=" + encoding;
    if (noCache) {

    return response;
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Creating a map which its key is a gene name and its value is the mappability. It also
  * calculates the number of tiles which are within the gene.
  * @param btOutputFileLines BowTie output file name
  * @param readFileLines Reads file content in a list
  * @param chr1FileLines chromosome file name in a list
  * @return
  * @throws IOException
 private Map<String, Mappability> createMappability(
     List<String> btOutputFileLines, List<String> readFileLines, List<String> chr1FileLines)
     throws IOException {
   Map<String, Mappability> result = new HashMap<>();
   for (String btOutputLine : btOutputFileLines) {
     String[] splittedLine = StringUtils.split(btOutputLine, FileUtils.SEPARATOR_TAB);
     Integer tileStart = getTileStartIndex(splittedLine);
     Integer tileEnd = getTileEndIndex(splittedLine);
     Gene gene = getGeneId(splittedLine);
     String geneName = gene.getName();
     if (!result.containsKey(geneName)) {
       result.put(geneName, new Mappability(0, getTotalNumberOfTiles(geneName, readFileLines)));
     Mappability output = result.get(geneName);
     if (isTileWithinGene(tileStart, tileEnd, gene)) {
     result.put(geneName, output);
   // Add the missing tiles from output
   for (int lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < chr1FileLines.size(); lineIndex++) {
     if (lineIndex % 2 == 0) {
       // Reading the first line
       String geneName =
           StringUtils.substringAfter(chr1FileLines.get(lineIndex), FileUtils.CHR_INDICATOR);
       if (!result.containsKey(geneName)) {
         result.put(geneName, null);
   return result;
  private void parseWebFragmentXml() throws XMLStreamException, IOException, TransformerException {
    final XMLInputFactory xif = XMLInputFactory.newInstance();
    final XMLStreamReader xsr = xif.createXMLStreamReader(getInputStream());
    xsr.nextTag(); // web-fragment tag skipped

    while (xsr.hasNext() && xsr.nextTag() == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT) {
      final String tagName = xsr.getLocalName();
      // webFragmentName
      if ("name".equalsIgnoreCase(tagName)) {
        final String element = xsr.getElementText();
        webFragmentXmlComponents.add("<name>" + element + "</name>");
      } else {
        final TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
        final Transformer t = tf.newTransformer();
        final StringWriter res = new StringWriter();
        t.transform(new StAXSource(xsr), new StreamResult(res));
        final String element =
            org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.substringAfter(res.toString(), "?>");
        if ("ordering".equalsIgnoreCase(tagName)) {
          // ordering
        } else {
          // webFragmentXmlComponents
    if (allWebFragmentNames.isEmpty()) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "Name tag is missing. Please specify a name in the web-fragment.xml!");
Exemplo n.º 13
 public static <T extends Comparable<T>> Range<T> parse(String value, Function<String, T> parser) {
   Validate.notNull(parser, "Parser is required");
   if (StringUtils.isBlank(value) || StringUtils.equals(SEPARATOR, value)) {
     return Ranges.all();
   } else if (!StringUtils.contains(value, SEPARATOR)) {
     T element = parser.apply(value);
     return Ranges.atMost(element);
   } else {
     String lower = StringUtils.substringBefore(value, SEPARATOR);
     String upper = StringUtils.substringAfter(value, SEPARATOR);
     if (StringUtils.isBlank(lower)) {
       // ..n
       Pair<T, BoundType> boundary = parseUpperBoundary(upper, parser);
       return Ranges.upTo(boundary.getLeft(), boundary.getRight());
     } else if (StringUtils.isBlank(upper)) {
       // n..
       Pair<T, BoundType> boundary = parseLowerBoundary(lower, parser);
       return Ranges.downTo(boundary.getLeft(), boundary.getRight());
     } else {
       // n..m
       Pair<T, BoundType> down = parseLowerBoundary(lower, parser);
       Pair<T, BoundType> up = parseUpperBoundary(upper, parser);
       return Ranges.range(down.getLeft(), down.getRight(), up.getLeft(), up.getRight());
Exemplo n.º 14
  private static Geopoint parseCoords(final String location) {
    final String latitude = StringUtils.substringBefore(location, SEPARATOR_STRING);
    final String longitude = StringUtils.substringAfter(location, SEPARATOR_STRING);
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(latitude) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(longitude)) {
      return new Geopoint(latitude, longitude);

    return null;
Exemplo n.º 15
  private String prepareCountHql(String orgHql) {
    String fromHql = orgHql;

    fromHql = "from " + StringUtils.substringAfter(fromHql, "from");
    fromHql = StringUtils.substringBefore(fromHql, "order by");

    String countHql = "select count(*) " + fromHql;
    return countHql;
Exemplo n.º 16
 private int count(String hql, Map<String, Object> paramMap) {
   StringBuffer sb =
       new StringBuffer("")
           .append("select count(*) from ")
               StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(StringUtils.substringAfter(hql, "from"), "order "));
   Query query = getSession().createQuery(sb.toString());
   setQuery(query, paramMap);
   return ((Long) query.uniqueResult()).intValue();
Exemplo n.º 17
  /** Converts a ConstraintViolation to a FieldError */
  private static FieldError of(ConstraintViolation<?> constraintViolation) {

    // Get the field name by removing the first part of the propertyPath.
    // (The first part would be the service method name)
    String field =
        StringUtils.substringAfter(constraintViolation.getPropertyPath().toString(), ".");

    return new FieldError(
        field, constraintViolation.getMessageTemplate(), constraintViolation.getMessage());
  * *
  * <li><b>Substring/Left/Right/Mid</b> - null-safe substring extractions
  * <li><b>SubstringBefore/SubstringAfter/SubstringBetween</b> - substring extraction relative to
  *     other strings
 public void testSubstringLeftStringUtils() {
   System.out.println(strOne + ":" + strOne.length());
   System.out.println(StringUtils.substring(strOne, 3));
   System.out.println(StringUtils.substring(strOne, 3, 7));
   System.out.println(StringUtils.substringAfter(strOne, " "));
   System.out.println(StringUtils.substringAfterLast(strOne, " "));
   System.out.println(StringUtils.substringBefore(strOne, " "));
   System.out.println(StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(strOne, " "));
   System.out.println(StringUtils.substringBetween(strOne, "the", "not"));
  private String getSimpleCountHQL(String hql) {

    String fromHql = hql;

    // select子句与order by子句会影响count查询,进行简单的排除.
    fromHql = "from " + StringUtils.substringAfter(fromHql, "from");
    fromHql = StringUtils.substringBefore(fromHql, "order by");

    String countHql = "select count(*) " + fromHql;
    return countHql;
Exemplo n.º 20
  * Get the guessed file extension of an URL. A file extension can contain up-to 4 characters in
  * addition to the dot.
  * @param url the relative or absolute URL
  * @return the file extension, including the leading dot, or the empty string if none could be
  *     determined
 static String getExtension(final String url) {
   final String urlExt;
   if (url.startsWith("data:")) {
     // "…" -> ".png"
     urlExt = StringUtils.substringAfter(StringUtils.substringBefore(url, ";"), "/");
   } else {
     // "http://example.com/foo/bar.png" -> ".png"
     urlExt = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(url, ".");
   return urlExt.length() >= 1 && urlExt.length() <= 4 ? "." + urlExt : "";
Exemplo n.º 21
 private static void saveBase64ToFile(final String url, final File file) {
   // TODO: when we use SDK level 8 or above, we can use the streaming version of the base64
   // Android utilities.
   OutputStream out = null;
   try {
     out = new FileOutputStream(file);
     out.write(Base64.decode(StringUtils.substringAfter(url, ";base64,"), Base64.DEFAULT));
   } catch (final IOException e) {
     Log.e("HtmlImage.saveBase64ToFile: cannot write file for decoded inline image", e);
   } finally {
Exemplo n.º 22
  public static String getQuartzParametersByFormula(String quartzExpr) {
    Map<String, String> resMap = new HashMap<String, String>();

    String arrayStrings[] = quartzExpr.split("\\s+");
    if (arrayStrings.length == 6) {
      String hours = arrayStrings[2];
      String interval = arrayStrings[1];

      String startHour = StringUtils.substringBefore(hours, "-");
      String endHour = StringUtils.substringAfter(hours, "-");
      String startMinute = StringUtils.substringBefore(interval, "/");
      String endMinute = "00";
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
      resMap.put("sRegionTime", sb.toString());

      String weekDays =
          arrayStrings[5].indexOf("\"") > 0
              ? StringUtils.substringBefore(arrayStrings[5], "\"")
              : arrayStrings[5];
      for (DAY_OF_WEEK b : DAY_OF_WEEK.values()) {
        weekDays = StringUtils.replace(weekDays, b.getQuartzStr(), b.getInternalStr());

      resMap.put("saRegionWeekDay", weekDays);

      resMap.put("nLen", StringUtils.substringAfter(interval, "/"));

    JSONObject res = new JSONObject(resMap);

    return res.toString();
Exemplo n.º 23
  public static String getQuartzFormulaByParameters(
      String sRegionTime, String saRegionWeekDay, Integer nLen) {
    // sRegionTime is in format HH:MM-HH:MM
    // saRegionWeekDay is in format "mo,tu,we,th,fr,sa". Need to convert to MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI,
    // SAT, SUN
    String startTime = StringUtils.substringBefore(sRegionTime, "-");
    String endTime = StringUtils.substringAfter(sRegionTime, "-");
    String startHour = StringUtils.substringBefore(startTime, ":");
    String startMinute = StringUtils.substringAfter(startTime, ":");
    String endHour = StringUtils.substringBefore(endTime, ":");

    for (DAY_OF_WEEK b : DAY_OF_WEEK.values()) {
      saRegionWeekDay = saRegionWeekDay.replace(b.getInternalStr(), b.getQuartzStr());

    String res = StringUtils.replace(QUARTZ_FORMAT, "[INTERVAL]", nLen.toString());
    res = StringUtils.replace(res, "[START_MINUTE]", startMinute);
    res = StringUtils.replace(res, "[HOURS_PERIOD]", startHour + "-" + endHour);
    res = StringUtils.replace(res, "[DAYS]", saRegionWeekDay);

    return res;
Exemplo n.º 24
   * @param filterName
   * @param value
  public PropertyFilter(final String filterName, final String value) {

    String matchTypeStr;
    String matchPattenCode = LikeMatchPatten.ALL.toString();
    String matchTypeCode;
    String propertyTypeCode;

    if (filterName.contains("LIKE") && filterName.charAt(0) != 'L') {
      matchTypeStr = StringUtils.substringBefore(filterName, PARAM_PREFIX);
      matchPattenCode = StringUtils.substring(matchTypeStr, 0, 1);
      matchTypeCode = StringUtils.substring(matchTypeStr, 1, matchTypeStr.length() - 1);
      propertyTypeCode =
          StringUtils.substring(matchTypeStr, matchTypeStr.length() - 1, matchTypeStr.length());
    } else {
      matchTypeStr = StringUtils.substringBefore(filterName, PARAM_PREFIX);
      matchTypeCode = StringUtils.substring(matchTypeStr, 0, matchTypeStr.length() - 1);
      propertyTypeCode =
          StringUtils.substring(matchTypeStr, matchTypeStr.length() - 1, matchTypeStr.length());

    try {
      matchType = Enum.valueOf(MatchType.class, matchTypeCode);
      likeMatchPatten = Enum.valueOf(LikeMatchPatten.class, matchPattenCode);
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "filter name: "
              + filterName
              + "Not prepared in accordance with rules, not get more types of property.",

    try {
      propertyType = Enum.valueOf(PropertyType.class, propertyTypeCode).getValue();
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "filter name: "
              + filterName
              + "Not prepared in accordance with the rules, attribute value types can not be.",

    String propertyNameStr = StringUtils.substringAfter(filterName, PARAM_PREFIX);
    propertyNames = StringUtils.split(propertyNameStr, PropertyFilter.OR_SEPARATOR);

        propertyNames.length > 0,
        "filter name: "
            + filterName
            + "Not prepared in accordance with the rules, property names can not be.");
    this.propertyValue = ConvertUtils.convert(value, propertyType);
Exemplo n.º 25
  * 将sql中问号替换成实际值
  * @param sql select * from a where name=?
  * @param paramValues
  * @return
 public static String formatSql(final String sql, final Object[] paramValues) {
   String fsql = sql;
   for (Object value : paramValues) {
     String tmp = fsql;
     fsql = StringUtils.substringBefore(tmp, "?");
     if (value instanceof String) {
       fsql += "'" + value + "'";
     } else {
       fsql += ClassUtil.convertValueToString(value);
     fsql += StringUtils.substringAfter(tmp, "?");
   return fsql;
Exemplo n.º 26
   * See class comment
   * @param file file
   * @param environment environment name for the file
   * @return map with properties TO, never null
  public List<Property> parseFile(@NonNull File file, String environment) {
    System.out.println(" - Parsing file: " + file);
    List<String> lines = FileUtils.readLines(file, "UTF-8");

    List<Property> properties = new ArrayList<>();

    StringBuilder comment = new StringBuilder();

    for (String line : lines) {

      line = line.trim();

      if (line.isEmpty()) {
        // reset current comment buffer
        comment = new StringBuilder();

      } else if (line.startsWith("#")) {
        // add next line of comment to the comment buffer

      } else {
        // reached the property definition - run parsing and reset the
        // buffer

        Property property = new Property();
        property.setName(StringUtils.substringBefore(line, "=").trim());
        property.setDefaultValue(StringUtils.substringAfter(line, "=").trim());

        String commentLines = comment.toString();

            " - - found property: '"
                + property.getName()
                + "' with comments: "
                + StringUtils.replace(commentLines, "\n", "\\n"));

        comment = new StringBuilder();


    return properties;
 private int getShowId(String name) {
   try {
     Response response =
             "http://www.tvrage.com/feeds/search.php?show=" + URLEncoder.encode(name, "utf-8"));
     String responseString = response.getBodyAsString();
     String sid =
             StringUtils.substringAfter(responseString, "<showid>"), "</showid>");
     if (sid == null) {
       return -1;
     log.debug("found id: {} for show: {}", sid, name);
     return Integer.parseInt(sid);
   } catch (Exception e) {
     throw new RuntimeException(e);
Exemplo n.º 28
  @Transactional(readOnly = true)
  public A authFind(final String key) {
    if (key == null) {
      throw new NotFoundException("Null key");

    A any = find(key);
    if (any == null) {
      throw new NotFoundException(
                  StringUtils.substringAfter(getClass().getSimpleName(), "JPA"), "DAO")
              + " "
              + key);


    return any;
Exemplo n.º 29
   * Extracts an UriBuilder for the current request, taking into account the possibility of
   * header-based URI override.
   * @param uriInfo
   * @param httpHeaders
   * @return
   * @throws URISyntaxException
  public static UriBuilder getUriBuilder(final UriInfo uriInfo, final HttpHeaders httpHeaders)
      throws URISyntaxException {
    final UriBuilder uriBuilder = uriInfo.getBaseUriBuilder();

    final List<String> hosts = httpHeaders.getRequestHeader(HttpHeaders.HOST);
    if ((hosts != null) && (!hosts.isEmpty())) {
      final String host = hosts.get(0);
      uriBuilder.host(StringUtils.substringBefore(host, ":"));

      final String port = StringUtils.substringAfter(host, ":");
      if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(port)) {

    final String protocol = getSingleHeader(httpHeaders, Constants.FORWARDED_PROTOCOL_HTTP_HEADER);
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(protocol)) {

    return uriBuilder;
Exemplo n.º 30
  private List<RoleGrantedAuthority> getUserAuthorities(String loginName, ILockedRepository repo) {
    String json = BlobUtils.getHeadContent(repo.r(), loginName + AUTHORITIES_SUFFIX);
    if (json == null) {
      throw new UserNotFoundException(loginName);

    Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().enableComplexMapKeySerialization().create();
    Map<String, Set<String>> authoritiesMap =
        gson.fromJson(json, new TypeToken<Map<String, Set<String>>>() {}.getType());
    List<RoleGrantedAuthority> authorities = Lists.newArrayList();
    for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : authoritiesMap.entrySet()) {
      String targetStr = entry.getKey();
      Type type = Type.valueOf(StringUtils.substringBefore(targetStr, ":")); // $NON-NLS-1$
      String targetId = StringUtils.substringAfter(targetStr, ":"); // $NON-NLS-1$
      for (String roleName : entry.getValue()) {
            new RoleGrantedAuthority(new GrantedAuthorityTarget(targetId, type), roleName));

    Collections.sort(authorities, new RoleGrantedAuthorityComparator());

    return authorities;