   * Marshal inputObjects to SOAP xml. If the exchange or message has an EXCEPTION_CAUGTH property
   * or header then instead of the object the exception is marshaled.
   * <p>To determine the name of the top level xml elements the elementNameStrategy is used.
   * @throws IOException,SAXException
  public void marshal(Exchange exchange, Object inputObject, OutputStream stream)
      throws IOException, SAXException {

    String soapAction = getSoapActionFromExchange(exchange);
    if (soapAction == null && inputObject instanceof BeanInvocation) {
      BeanInvocation beanInvocation = (BeanInvocation) inputObject;
      WebMethod webMethod = beanInvocation.getMethod().getAnnotation(WebMethod.class);
      if (webMethod != null && webMethod.action() != null) {
        soapAction = webMethod.action();

    Object envelope = adapter.doMarshal(exchange, inputObject, stream, soapAction);

    // and continue in super
    super.marshal(exchange, envelope, stream);