Exemplo n.º 1
  * Displays the aggregate utilization for the entire cluster.
  * @return HTML-formatted cluster utilization.
 public Response aggregateCluster() {
   Iterable<DisplayMetric> metrics =
   return Response.ok(fillTemplate(metrics)).build();
Exemplo n.º 2
   * Displays the aggregate utilization for jobs within a role.
   * @param metric Metric id.
   * @param role Role for jobs to aggregate.
   * @return HTML-formatted utilization within the metric/role.
  public Response aggregateJobs(
      @PathParam("metric") String metric, @PathParam("role") String role) {

    MetricType type = getTypeByName(metric);
    Function<ITaskConfig, Display> toKey =
        new Function<ITaskConfig, Display>() {
          public Display apply(ITaskConfig task) {
            return new Display(task.getJobName(), null);
    Map<Display, Metric> byJob =
        counter.computeAggregates(Query.roleScoped(role).active(), type.filter, toKey);
    return Response.ok(fillTemplate(byJob)).build();
Exemplo n.º 3
   * Displays the aggregate utilization for roles within a metric type.
   * @param metric Metric id.
   * @return HTML-formatted utilization within the metric type.
  public Response aggregateRoles(@PathParam("metric") final String metric) {
    final MetricType type = getTypeByName(metric);

    Function<ITaskConfig, Display> toKey =
        new Function<ITaskConfig, Display>() {
          public Display apply(ITaskConfig task) {
            String role = task.getJob().getRole();
            return new Display(role, metric + "/" + role);
    Map<Display, Metric> byRole =
        counter.computeAggregates(Query.unscoped().active(), type.filter, toKey);
    return Response.ok(fillTemplate(byRole)).build();