Exemplo n.º 1
 public void signalBlockComplete(int blockNumber) throws IOException {
   if (signalBlockCompleteCounter > SEND_BLOCKMASK_UPDATE_INTERVAL_IN_BLOCKS) {
     signalBlockCompleteCounter = 0;
     BlockFile bf = storage.getBlockFile(fd.getRootHash());
     if (bf == null) {
     List<Friend> list = manager.getFriendsInterestedIn(root);
     if (list != null) {
       for (Friend f : list) {
         FriendConnection fc = f.getFriendConnection();
         if (fc != null) {
           if (T.t) {
                 "Friend "
                     + f
                     + " is interested in file "
                     + root
                     + ". Sending updated block mask to him.");
           fc.send(new BlockMaskResult(root, bf.getBlockMask()));
Exemplo n.º 2
  public Download(
      DownloadManager parent,
      Hash root,
      BlockStorage storage,
      String filename,
      ArrayList<Integer> guids)
      throws IOException {
    this.manager = parent;
    this.root = root;
    this.storage = storage;
    this.auxInfoFilename = filename;
    this.auxInfoGuids = guids;

            .getFd(root)); // not sure there is one, but when resuming there is

    if (fd != null) {
      BlockFile bf = storage.getBlockFile(fd.getRootHash());
      if (bf != null) {
        bytesComplete = ((long) bf.getNumberOfBlocksComplete()) * BLOCK_SIZE;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public boolean isBlockComplete(int blockNumber) throws IOException {
   BlockFile bf = storage.getBlockFile(fd.getRootHash());
   if (bf == null) {
     return false;
   return bf.isBlockComplete(blockNumber);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public void abortAndRemovePerfmanently() throws IOException {
   for (DownloadConnection c : connections.values()) {
     if (c.isConnected()) {
Exemplo n.º 5
  public int selectBestBlockForDownload(Friend remoteFriend) throws IOException {
    if (T.t) {
      T.debug("Selecting best block for download. Remote: " + remoteFriend);
    BlockMask bm = blockMasks.get(remoteFriend.getGuid());
    if (bm == null) {
      if (T.t) {
        T.info("Ehh. Don't know anything about this friends block mask. Can't download.");
      return -1;

    BitSet interestingBlocks = getInterestingBlocks(bm);

    // remove bocks in progress from interesting blocks:
    BlockFile bf = storage.getBlockFile(root);
    BitSet blocksInProgress = bf == null ? new BitSet() : bf.getBlocksInProgress();
    blocksInProgress.flip(0, fd.getNumberOfBlocks());

    if (blocksInProgress.cardinality() > 0) {
      // there are blocks of interest that are NOT in progress. Take one of these
      interestingBlocks = blocksInProgress;
    } // else there are only blocks in progress. Use any of them

    int highestBlockNumber = 0;
    if (bf != null) {
      highestBlockNumber = bf.getHighestCompleteBlock();
    highestBlockNumber += manager.getCore().getSettings().getInternal().getMaxfileexpandinblocks();
    // we prefer to load blocks below highestBlockNumber
    if (interestingBlocks.nextSetBit(0) < highestBlockNumber) {
      // we're good - there are interesting blocks below the highest block number.

      // remove all blocks above highest block number:
      if (highestBlockNumber + 1 < fd.getNumberOfBlocks()) {
        interestingBlocks.clear(highestBlockNumber + 1, fd.getNumberOfBlocks());

    // select a random block of the ones we're interested in - change this to rarest first in the
    // future
    int c = interestingBlocks.cardinality();
    int n = (int) (Math.random() * c);
    for (int i = interestingBlocks.nextSetBit(0), j = 0;
        i >= 0;
        i = interestingBlocks.nextSetBit(i + 1), j++) {
      if (j == n) {
        return i;

    if (T.t) {
      T.trace("Can't find any block to download from " + remoteFriend);
    return -1;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public static Download createFrom(ObjectInputStream in, DownloadManager m) throws IOException {
   try {
     Hash h = new Hash();
     int r = in.read(h.array());
     String fn = in.readUTF();
     ArrayList<Integer> guids = (ArrayList<Integer>) in.readObject();
     if (T.t) {
       T.ass(r == h.array().length, "Incorrect length when deserializing download");
     BlockStorage bs = BlockStorage.getById(m.getCore(), in.readInt());
     Download d = new Download(m, h, bs, fn, guids);
     d.fd = d.manager.getCore().getFileManager().getFd(h);
     return d;
   } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
     throw new IOException("Could not find class while deserializing: " + e);
Exemplo n.º 7
 public void serializeTo(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException {