  public NetworkFile createFile(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, FileOpenParams params)
      throws IOException {
    try {
      int attr = params.getAttributes();
      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        int sharedAccess = params.getSharedAccess();
        String strSharedAccess = SharingMode.getSharingModeAsString(sharedAccess);

                + params.getPath()
                + ", isDirectory: "
                + params.isDirectory()
                + ", isStream: "
                + params.isStream()
                + ", readOnlyAccess: "
                + params.isReadOnlyAccess()
                + ", readWriteAccess: "
                + params.isReadWriteAccess()
                + ", writeOnlyAccess:"
                + params.isWriteOnlyAccess()
                + ", attributesOnlyAccess:"
                + params.isAttributesOnlyAccess()
                + ", sequentialAccessOnly:"
                + params.isSequentialAccessOnly()
                + ", requestBatchOpLock:"
                + params.requestBatchOpLock()
                + ", requestExclusiveOpLock:"
                + params.requestExclusiveOpLock()
                + ", isDeleteOnClose:"
                + params.isDeleteOnClose()
                + ", sharedAccess: "
                + strSharedAccess
                + ", allocationSize: "
                + params.getAllocationSize()
                + ", isHidden:"
                + FileAttribute.isHidden(attr)
                + ", isSystem:"
                + FileAttribute.isSystem(attr));

      long creationDateTime = params.getCreationDateTime();
      if (creationDateTime != 0) {
        logger.debug("creationDateTime is set:" + new Date(creationDateTime));

      ContentContext tctx = (ContentContext) tree.getContext();
      NodeRef rootNode = tctx.getRootNode();

      String[] paths = FileName.splitPath(params.getPath());
      String folder = paths[0];
      String file = paths[1];

      DriverState driverState = getDriverState(sess);
      EvaluatorContext ctx = getEvaluatorContext(driverState, folder);

      Operation o =
          new CreateFileOperation(
      Command c = ruleEvaluator.evaluate(ctx, o);

      Object ret = commandExecutor.execute(sess, tree, c);

      if (ret != null && ret instanceof NetworkFile) {
        return (NetworkFile) ret;
      } else {
        // Error - contact broken
            "contract broken - NetworkFile not returned. " + ret == null
                ? "Return value is null"
                : ret);
        return null;
    } catch (org.alfresco.repo.security.permissions.AccessDeniedException ade) {
      throw new AccessDeniedException("Unable to create file " + params.getPath(), ade);
Exemplo n.º 2
   * Create a file segment to load/save the file data
   * @param state FileState
   * @param params FileOpenParams
   * @param fname String
   * @param fid int
   * @param stid int
   * @param did int
   * @return CachedNetworkFile
   * @exception IOException
  private final CachedNetworkFile createNetworkFile(
      FileState state, FileOpenParams params, String fname, int fid, int stid, int did)
      throws IOException {

    // The file state is used to synchronize the creation of the file segment as there may be other
    // sessions opening the file at the same time. We have to be careful that only one thread
    // creates the
    // file segment.

    FileSegment fileSeg = null;
    CachedNetworkFile netFile = null;

    synchronized (state) {

      // Check if the file segment has been attached to the file state

      FileSegmentInfo fileSegInfo = (FileSegmentInfo) state.findAttribute(DBFileSegmentInfo);
      if (fileSegInfo == null) {

        // Check if we need to create a new temporary sub-drectory

        if (m_tempCount++ >= m_tempMax) createNewTempDirectory();

        // Create a unique temporary file name

        StringBuffer tempName = new StringBuffer();

        if (stid > 0) {

          // DEBUG

          if (Debug.EnableInfo && hasDebug()) Debug.println("## Temp file for stream ##");


        // Create a new file segment

        fileSegInfo = new FileSegmentInfo();
        fileSeg =
                fileSegInfo, tempName.toString(), m_curTempDir, params.isReadOnlyAccess() == false);

        // Add the segment to the file state cache

        state.addAttribute(DBFileSegmentInfo, fileSegInfo);

        // Check if the file is zero length, if so then set the file segment state to indicate it is
        // available

        DBFileInfo finfo = (DBFileInfo) state.findAttribute(FileState.FileInformation);
        if (finfo != null && finfo.getSize() == 0) fileSeg.setStatus(FileSegmentInfo.Available);
      } else {

        // Create the file segment to map to the existing temporary file

        fileSeg = new FileSegment(fileSegInfo, params.isReadOnlyAccess() == false);

        // Check if the temporary file exists, if not then create it

        File tempFile = new File(fileSeg.getTemporaryFile());
        if (tempFile.exists() == false) {

          // Create the temporary file


          // Reset the file segment state to indicate a file load is required


      // Create the new network file

      netFile =
          new CachedNetworkFile(
              fname, fid, stid, did, m_stateCache.getFileStateProxy(state), fileSeg, this);

          params.isReadOnlyAccess() ? NetworkFile.READONLY : NetworkFile.READWRITE);

      if (stid != 0) netFile.setStreamName(params.getStreamName());

    // Return the network file

    return netFile;