Exemplo n.º 1
 public void parseNameValueBlock() throws IOException {
   List<Header> headerBlock =
           "cache-control", "no-cache, no-store",
           "set-cookie", "Cookie1\u0000Cookie2",
           ":status", "200 OK",
           ":version", "HTTP/1.1");
   Request request = new Request.Builder().url("http://square.com/").build();
   Response response = Http2xStream.readSpdy3HeadersList(headerBlock).request(request).build();
   Headers headers = response.headers();
   assertEquals(3, headers.size());
   Assert.assertEquals(Protocol.SPDY_3, response.protocol());
   assertEquals(200, response.code());
   assertEquals("OK", response.message());
   assertEquals("no-cache, no-store", headers.get("cache-control"));
   assertEquals("Cookie2", headers.get("set-cookie"));
   assertEquals("cache-control", headers.name(0));
   assertEquals("no-cache, no-store", headers.value(0));
   assertEquals("set-cookie", headers.name(1));
   assertEquals("Cookie1", headers.value(1));
   assertEquals("set-cookie", headers.name(2));
   assertEquals("Cookie2", headers.value(2));
    public Response intercept(Interceptor.Chain chain) throws IOException {
      Request request = chain.request();
      Response response = null;
      boolean responseOK = false;
      int tryCount = 0;

      while (!responseOK && tryCount < MAX_RETRY) {
        try {
          response = chain.proceed(request);
          int statusCode = response.code();
          if (statusCode == 200) {
            responseOK = response.isSuccessful();
          } else {
            // rate is limited by the number of calls per min
        } catch (Exception e) {
          Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Request is not successful - " + tryCount);
        } finally {
      // otherwise just pass the original response on
      return response;
  private String authorize() {
    try {
      OkHttpClient.Builder builder = client.newBuilder();
      OkHttpClient clone = builder.build();

      String credential = Credentials.basic(config.getUsername(), new String(config.getPassword()));
      URL url = new URL(URLUtils.join(config.getMasterUrl(), AUTHORIZE_PATH));
      Response response =
                  new Request.Builder().get().url(url).header(AUTHORIZATION, credential).build())

      response = response.priorResponse() != null ? response.priorResponse() : response;
      response = response.networkResponse() != null ? response.networkResponse() : response;
      String token = response.header(LOCATION);
      if (token == null || token.isEmpty()) {
        throw new KubernetesClientException(
            "Unexpected response ("
                + response.code()
                + " "
                + response.message()
                + "), to the authorization request. Missing header:["
                + LOCATION
                + "]!");
      token = token.substring(token.indexOf(BEFORE_TOKEN) + BEFORE_TOKEN.length());
      token = token.substring(0, token.indexOf(AFTER_TOKEN));
      return token;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw KubernetesClientException.launderThrowable(e);
  public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
    Request request = chain.request();

    // Build new request
    Request.Builder builder = request.newBuilder();
    builder.header("Accept", "application/json");

    String token = oauthToken.get();
    if (Utils.isNotNullOrEmpty(token)) {
      setAuthHeader(builder, token);

    request = builder.build();
    Response response = chain.proceed(request);

    // If response is Forbidden or Unauthorized, try to obtain a token via authorize() or via
    // config.
    if (response.code() != 401 && response.code() != 403) {
      return response;
    } else if (Utils.isNotNullOrEmpty(config.getUsername())
        && Utils.isNotNullOrEmpty(config.getPassword())) {
      synchronized (client) {
        token = authorize();
        if (token != null) {
    } else if (Utils.isNotNullOrEmpty(config.getOauthToken())) {
      token = config.getOauthToken();

    // If token was obtain, then retry request using the obtained token.
    if (Utils.isNotNullOrEmpty(token)) {
      // Close the previous response to prevent leaked connections.

      setAuthHeader(builder, token);
      request = builder.build();
      return chain.proceed(request); // repeat request with new token
    } else {
      return response;
Exemplo n.º 5
  private InputStream prepareConnection() throws IOException {
    Request request = new Request.Builder().url(url).build();

    Response response = CLIENT.newCall(request).execute();

    if (response.code() != 200) {
      Log.e("ERROR", "Server returned HTTP " + response.message());
      return null;

    return response.body().byteStream();
  public long open(DataSpec dataSpec) throws HttpDataSourceException {
    this.dataSpec = dataSpec;
    this.bytesRead = 0;
    this.bytesSkipped = 0;
    Request request = makeRequest(dataSpec);
    try {
      response = okHttpClient.newCall(request).execute();
      responseByteStream = response.body().byteStream();
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new HttpDataSourceException(
          "Unable to connect to " + dataSpec.uri.toString(), e, dataSpec);

    int responseCode = response.code();

    // Check for a valid response code.
    if (!response.isSuccessful()) {
      Map<String, List<String>> headers = request.headers().toMultimap();
      throw new InvalidResponseCodeException(responseCode, headers, dataSpec);

    // Check for a valid content type.
    MediaType mediaType = response.body().contentType();
    String contentType = mediaType != null ? mediaType.toString() : null;
    if (contentTypePredicate != null && !contentTypePredicate.evaluate(contentType)) {
      throw new InvalidContentTypeException(contentType, dataSpec);

    // If we requested a range starting from a non-zero position and received a 200 rather than a
    // 206, then the server does not support partial requests. We'll need to manually skip to the
    // requested position.
    bytesToSkip = responseCode == 200 && dataSpec.position != 0 ? dataSpec.position : 0;

    // Determine the length of the data to be read, after skipping.
    long contentLength = response.body().contentLength();
    bytesToRead =
        dataSpec.length != C.LENGTH_UNBOUNDED
            ? dataSpec.length
            : contentLength != -1 ? contentLength - bytesToSkip : C.LENGTH_UNBOUNDED;

    opened = true;
    if (listener != null) {

    return bytesToRead;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public static <R> R parseJson(okhttp3.Response response, Type bodyType)
     throws HasuraJsonException {
   int code = response.code();
   try {
     String rawBody = response.body().string();
     return gson.fromJson(rawBody, bodyType);
   } catch (JsonSyntaxException e) {
     String msg =
         "FATAL : JSON strucutre not as expected. Schema changed maybe? : " + e.getMessage();
     throw new HasuraJsonException(code, msg, e);
   } catch (JsonParseException e) {
     String msg = "FATAL : Server didn't return vaild JSON : " + e.getMessage();
     throw new HasuraJsonException(code, msg, e);
   } catch (IOException e) {
     String msg = "FATAL : Decoding response body failed : " + e.getMessage();
     throw new HasuraJsonException(code, msg, e);
Exemplo n.º 8
  * 加载图片 返回 InputStream
  * @param url
  * @return
 public static InputStream loadImageStream(String url) {
   Request.Builder builder = new Request.Builder().url(url);
   try {
     Response response = mOkHttpClient.newCall(builder.build()).execute();
     int responseCode = response.code();
     if (responseCode >= 300) {
       try {
       } catch (Exception e) {
     try {
       return response.body().byteStream();
     } catch (Exception e) {
   } catch (Exception e) {
   return null;
Exemplo n.º 9
    protected String doInBackground(String... params) {
      UserData userData = UserData.getInstance();
      String login = userData.getLogin();
      String token = userData.getToken();

      Request request =
          new Request.Builder()
              .url("http://epitech-api.herokuapp.com/user?user="******"&token=" + token)

      try {
        Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
        if (response.code() == 200) {
          return response.body().string();
      } catch (IOException e) {
      return null;
  public T call() throws Exception {
    Request request = null;
    Response response = null;
    Exception exception = null;
    Call call = null;

    try {
      MNSLog.logD("[call] - ");

      if (context.getCancellationHandler().isCancelled()) {
        throw new InterruptedIOException("This task is cancelled!");

      Request.Builder requestBuilder = new Request.Builder();

      // build request url
      String url = message.buildCanonicalURL();
      requestBuilder = requestBuilder.url(url);

      // set request headers
      for (String key : message.getHeaders().keySet()) {
        requestBuilder = requestBuilder.addHeader(key, message.getHeaders().get(key));

      String contentType = message.getHeaders().get(MNSHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE);
      String content = message.getContent();

      // set request body
      if (message.getContent() != null) {
        MNSUtils.assertTrue(contentType != null, "Content type can't be null when send data!");
        requestBuilder =
                new ProgressTouchableRequestBody(
                    message.getContent().getBytes(), contentType, context.getProgressCallback()));
      } else {
        switch (message.getMethod()) {
          case PUT:
            requestBuilder =
                    message.getMethod().toString(), RequestBody.create(null, new byte[0]));
          case GET:
            requestBuilder = requestBuilder.get();
          case HEAD:
            requestBuilder = requestBuilder.head();
          case DELETE:
            requestBuilder = requestBuilder.delete();

      request = requestBuilder.build();

      if (MNSLog.isEnableLog()) {
        MNSLog.logD("request url: " + request.url());
        Map<String, List<String>> headerMap = request.headers().toMultimap();
        for (String key : headerMap.keySet()) {
          MNSLog.logD("requestHeader " + key + ": " + headerMap.get(key).get(0));

      call = client.newCall(request);

      // send request
      response = call.execute();

      if (MNSLog.isEnableLog()) {
        MNSLog.logD("response code: " + response.code() + " for url: " + request.url());
        Map<String, List<String>> headerMap = response.headers().toMultimap();
        for (String key : headerMap.keySet()) {
          MNSLog.logD("responseHeader " + key + ": " + headerMap.get(key).get(0));
    } catch (Exception e) {
      MNSLog.logE("Encounter local execpiton: " + e.toString());
      if (MNSLog.isEnableLog()) {
      exception = new ClientException(e.getMessage(), e);

    if (exception == null && (response.code() == 203 || response.code() >= 300)) {
      try {
        exception = ResponseParsers.parseResponseErrorXML(response);
      } catch (IOException e) {
        exception = new ClientException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } else if (exception == null) {
      try {
        T result = responseParser.parse(response);
        if (context.getCompletedCallback() != null) {
          context.getCompletedCallback().onSuccess(context.getRequest(), result);
        return result;
      } catch (IOException e) {
        exception = new ClientException(e.getMessage(), e);

    // reconstruct exception caused by manually cancelling
    if ((call != null && call.isCanceled()) || context.getCancellationHandler().isCancelled()) {
      exception = new ClientException("Task is cancelled!", exception.getCause(), true);

    if (exception instanceof ClientException) {
      if (context.getCompletedCallback() != null) {
            .onFailure(context.getRequest(), (ClientException) exception, null);
    } else {
      if (context.getCompletedCallback() != null) {
            .onFailure(context.getRequest(), null, (ServiceException) exception);
    throw exception;
   * Begin a static scan on FoD
   * @param uploadRequest zip file to upload
   * @return true if the scan succeeded
      value = "REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION",
      justification =
          "The intent of the catch-all is to make sure that the Jenkins user and logs show the plugin's problem in the build log.")
  public boolean startStaticScan(final JobConfigModel uploadRequest) {
    PrintStream logger = FodUploaderPlugin.getLogger();

    PostStartScanResponse scanStartedResponse = null;

    File uploadFile = uploadRequest.getUploadFile();
    try (FileInputStream fs = new FileInputStream(uploadFile)) {
      byte[] readByteArray = new byte[CHUNK_SIZE];
      byte[] sendByteArray;
      int fragmentNumber = 0;
      int byteCount;
      long offset = 0;

      if (api.getToken() == null) api.authenticate();

      if (!uploadRequest.hasAssessmentTypeId() && !uploadRequest.hasTechnologyStack()) {
        logger.println("Missing Assessment Type or Technology Stack.");
        return false;

      // Build 'static' portion of url
      String fragUrl =
              + "/api/v3/releases/"
              + uploadRequest.getReleaseId()
              + "/static-scans/start-scan?";
      fragUrl += "assessmentTypeId=" + uploadRequest.getAssessmentTypeId();
      fragUrl += "&technologyStack=" + uploadRequest.getTechnologyStack();
      fragUrl += "&entitlementId=" + uploadRequest.getEntitlementId();
      fragUrl += "&entitlementFrequencyType=" + uploadRequest.getEntitlementFrequencyTypeId();

      if (uploadRequest.hasLanguageLevel())
        fragUrl += "&languageLevel=" + uploadRequest.getLanguageLevel();
      if (uploadRequest.getIsExpressScan()) fragUrl += "&scanPreferenceType=2";
      if (uploadRequest.getIsExpressAudit()) fragUrl += "&auditPreferenceType=2";
      if (uploadRequest.getRunOpenSourceAnalysis())
        fragUrl += "&doSonatypeScan=" + uploadRequest.getRunOpenSourceAnalysis();
      if (uploadRequest.getIsRemediationScan())
        fragUrl += "&isRemediationScan=" + uploadRequest.getIsRemediationScan();
      if (uploadRequest.getExcludeThirdParty())
        fragUrl += "&excludeThirdPartyLibs=" + uploadRequest.getExcludeThirdParty();

      Gson gson = new Gson();

      // Loop through chunks

      logger.println("TOTAL FILE SIZE = " + uploadFile.length());
      logger.println("CHUNK_SIZE = " + CHUNK_SIZE);
      while ((byteCount = fs.read(readByteArray)) != -1) {

        if (byteCount < CHUNK_SIZE) {
          sendByteArray = Arrays.copyOf(readByteArray, byteCount);
          fragmentNumber = -1;
        } else {
          sendByteArray = readByteArray;

        MediaType byteArray = MediaType.parse("application/octet-stream");
        Request request =
            new Request.Builder()
                .addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + api.getToken())
                .addHeader("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")
                // Add offsets
                .url(fragUrl + "&fragNo=" + fragmentNumber++ + "&offset=" + offset)
                .post(RequestBody.create(byteArray, sendByteArray))

        // Get the response
        Response response = api.getClient().newCall(request).execute();

        if (response.code()
            == HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN) { // got logged out during polling so log back in
          // Re-authenticate

          // if you had to reauthenticate here, would the loop and request not need to be
          // resubmitted?
          // possible continue?

        offset += byteCount;

        if (fragmentNumber % 5 == 0) {
              "Upload Status - Fragment No: "
                  + fragmentNumber
                  + ", Bytes sent: "
                  + offset
                  + " (Response: "
                  + response.code()
                  + ")");

        if (response.code() != 202) {
          String responseJsonStr = IOUtils.toString(response.body().byteStream(), "utf-8");

          // final response has 200, try to deserialize it
          if (response.code() == 200) {

            scanStartedResponse = gson.fromJson(responseJsonStr, PostStartScanResponse.class);
                "Scan "
                    + scanStartedResponse.getScanId()
                    + " uploaded successfully. Total bytes sent: "
                    + offset);
            return true;

          } else if (!response
              .isSuccessful()) { // There was an error along the lines of 'another scan in progress'
                                 // or something

            logger.println("An error occurred during the upload.");
            GenericErrorResponse errors =
                gson.fromJson(responseJsonStr, GenericErrorResponse.class);
            if (errors != null)
                  "Package upload failed for the following reasons: " + errors.toString());
            return false; // if there is an error, get out of loop and mark build unstable
      } // end while
    } catch (Exception e) {
      return false;

    return false;
Exemplo n.º 12
  public void onTrigger(final ProcessContext context, final ProcessSession session)
      throws ProcessException {

    FlowFile flowFile = null;
    if (context.hasIncomingConnection()) {
      flowFile = session.get();

      // If we have no FlowFile, and all incoming connections are self-loops then we can continue
      // on.
      // However, if we have no FlowFile and we have connections coming from other Processors, then
      // we know that we should run only if we have a FlowFile.
      if (flowFile == null && context.hasNonLoopConnection()) {

    OkHttpClient okHttpClient = getClient();

    if (flowFile == null) {
      flowFile = session.create();

    final String index =
    final String docId =
    final String docType =
    final String fields =
            ? context.getProperty(FIELDS).evaluateAttributeExpressions(flowFile).getValue()
            : null;

    // Authentication
    final String username =
    final String password = context.getProperty(PASSWORD).evaluateAttributeExpressions().getValue();

    final ComponentLog logger = getLogger();

    Response getResponse = null;

    try {
      logger.debug("Fetching {}/{}/{} from Elasticsearch", new Object[] {index, docType, docId});

      // read the url property from the context
      final String urlstr =
      final URL url = buildRequestURL(urlstr, docId, index, docType, fields);
      final long startNanos = System.nanoTime();

      getResponse = sendRequestToElasticsearch(okHttpClient, url, username, password, "GET", null);
      final int statusCode = getResponse.code();

      if (isSuccess(statusCode)) {
        ResponseBody body = getResponse.body();
        final byte[] bodyBytes = body.bytes();
        JsonNode responseJson = parseJsonResponse(new ByteArrayInputStream(bodyBytes));
        boolean found = responseJson.get("found").asBoolean(false);
        String retrievedIndex = responseJson.get("_index").asText();
        String retrievedType = responseJson.get("_type").asText();
        String retrievedId = responseJson.get("_id").asText();

        if (found) {
          JsonNode source = responseJson.get("_source");
          flowFile = session.putAttribute(flowFile, "filename", retrievedId);
          flowFile = session.putAttribute(flowFile, "es.index", retrievedIndex);
          flowFile = session.putAttribute(flowFile, "es.type", retrievedType);
          if (source != null) {
            flowFile =
                    out -> {
          logger.debug("Elasticsearch document " + retrievedId + " fetched, routing to success");

          // emit provenance event
          final long millis = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - startNanos);
          if (context.hasNonLoopConnection()) {
            session.getProvenanceReporter().fetch(flowFile, url.toExternalForm(), millis);
          } else {
            session.getProvenanceReporter().receive(flowFile, url.toExternalForm(), millis);
          session.transfer(flowFile, REL_SUCCESS);
        } else {
              "Failed to read {}/{}/{} from Elasticsearch: Document not found",
              new Object[] {index, docType, docId});

          // We couldn't find the document, so send it to "not found"
          session.transfer(flowFile, REL_NOT_FOUND);
      } else {
        if (statusCode == 404) {
              "Failed to read {}/{}/{} from Elasticsearch: Document not found",
              new Object[] {index, docType, docId});

          // We couldn't find the document, so penalize it and send it to "not found"
          session.transfer(flowFile, REL_NOT_FOUND);
        } else {
          // 5xx -> RETRY, but a server error might last a while, so yield
          if (statusCode / 100 == 5) {

                "Elasticsearch returned code {} with message {}, transferring flow file to retry. This is likely a server problem, yielding...",
                new Object[] {statusCode, getResponse.message()});
            session.transfer(flowFile, REL_RETRY);
          } else if (context.hasIncomingConnection()) { // 1xx, 3xx, 4xx -> NO RETRY
                "Elasticsearch returned code {} with message {}, transferring flow file to failure",
                new Object[] {statusCode, getResponse.message()});
            session.transfer(flowFile, REL_FAILURE);
          } else {
                "Elasticsearch returned code {} with message {}",
                new Object[] {statusCode, getResponse.message()});
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
          "Failed to read from Elasticsearch due to {}, this may indicate an error in configuration "
              + "(hosts, username/password, etc.). Routing to retry",
          new Object[] {ioe.getLocalizedMessage()},
      if (context.hasIncomingConnection()) {
        session.transfer(flowFile, REL_RETRY);
      } else {

    } catch (Exception e) {
          "Failed to read {} from Elasticsearch due to {}",
          new Object[] {flowFile, e.getLocalizedMessage()},
      if (context.hasIncomingConnection()) {
        session.transfer(flowFile, REL_FAILURE);
      } else {
    } finally {
      if (getResponse != null) {
Exemplo n.º 13
  public static InputStream openUri(Context context, Uri uri, String reqContentTypeSubstring)
      throws OpenUriException {

    if (uri == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Uri cannot be empty");

    String scheme = uri.getScheme();
    if (scheme == null) {
      throw new OpenUriException(false, new IOException("Uri had no scheme"));

    InputStream in = null;
    if ("content".equals(scheme)) {
      try {
        in = context.getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri);
      } catch (FileNotFoundException | SecurityException e) {
        throw new OpenUriException(false, e);

    } else if ("file".equals(scheme)) {
      List<String> segments = uri.getPathSegments();
      if (segments != null && segments.size() > 1 && "android_asset".equals(segments.get(0))) {
        AssetManager assetManager = context.getAssets();
        StringBuilder assetPath = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 1; i < segments.size(); i++) {
          if (i > 1) {
        try {
          in = assetManager.open(assetPath.toString());
        } catch (IOException e) {
          throw new OpenUriException(false, e);
      } else {
        try {
          in = new FileInputStream(new File(uri.getPath()));
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
          throw new OpenUriException(false, e);

    } else if ("http".equals(scheme) || "https".equals(scheme)) {
      OkHttpClient client =
          new OkHttpClient.Builder()
              .connectTimeout(DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
              .readTimeout(DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
      Request request;
      int responseCode = 0;
      String responseMessage = null;
      try {
        request = new Request.Builder().url(new URL(uri.toString())).build();
      } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        throw new OpenUriException(false, e);

      try {
        Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
        responseCode = response.code();
        responseMessage = response.message();
        if (!(responseCode >= 200 && responseCode < 300)) {
          throw new IOException("HTTP error response.");
        if (reqContentTypeSubstring != null) {
          String contentType = response.header("Content-Type");
          if (contentType == null || !contentType.contains(reqContentTypeSubstring)) {
            throw new IOException(
                "HTTP content type '"
                    + contentType
                    + "' didn't match '"
                    + reqContentTypeSubstring
                    + "'.");
        in = response.body().byteStream();

      } catch (IOException e) {
        if (responseCode > 0) {
          throw new OpenUriException(500 <= responseCode && responseCode < 600, responseMessage, e);
        } else {
          throw new OpenUriException(false, e);

    if (in == null) {
      throw new OpenUriException(false, "Null input stream for URI: " + uri, null);

    return in;