Exemplo n.º 1
  /** Gets the <tt>HasFields</tt> type for C++. */
  public CharSequence getCPPFieldType() {
    Type t = getType();
    String prefix = "";
    if (t.isArrayType()) {
      prefix = "(ValueType)-";
      t = t.getArrayType();

    if (t == BOOLEAN) return prefix + "ValueType_Bool";
    if (t == BOOLNULL) return prefix + "ValueType_BoolNull";
    if (t == INETADDR) return prefix + "ValueType_VRTObject";
    if (t == UUID) return prefix + "ValueType_VRTObject";
    if (t == BYTE) return prefix + "ValueType_Int8";
    if (t == SHORT) return prefix + "ValueType_Int16";
    if (t == INT) return prefix + "ValueType_Int32";
    if (t == LONG) return prefix + "ValueType_Int64";
    if (t == FLOAT) return prefix + "ValueType_Float";
    if (t == DOUBLE) return prefix + "ValueType_Double";
    if (t == UTCTIME) return prefix + "ValueType_VRTObject";
    if (t == GPSTIME) return prefix + "ValueType_VRTObject";
    if (t.isAsciiType()) return prefix + "ValueType_String";
    if (t.isUTF8Type()) return prefix + "ValueType_WString";
    if (t.isAsciiTypeStr()) return prefix + "ValueType_String";
    if (t.isUTF8TypeStr()) return prefix + "ValueType_WString";
    if (t.isMetadataType()) return prefix + "ValueType_VRTObject";
    if (t instanceof Record) return prefix + "ValueType_VRTObject";
    if (t instanceof Enumeration) return prefix + "ValueType_Int8";
    throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported type " + t.getTypeName());
Exemplo n.º 2
  /** Returns the function call to pack a given type. */
  private String getPackFuncJava(Type t, Object off, Object len) {
    String prefix = (record != packetType) ? "pack" : "packPayload";

    if (t == BOOLEAN) return prefix + "Boolean(" + off + ", val)";
    if (t == BOOLNULL) return prefix + "Boolean(" + off + ", val)";
    if (t == INETADDR) return prefix + "InetAddr(" + off + ", val)";
    if (t == UUID) return prefix + "UUID(" + off + ", val)";
    if (t == BYTE) return prefix + "Byte(" + off + ", val)";
    if (t == SHORT) return prefix + "Short(" + off + ", val)";
    if (t == INT) return prefix + "Int(" + off + ", val)";
    if (t == LONG) return prefix + "Long(" + off + ", val)";
    if (t == FLOAT) return prefix + "Float(" + off + ", val)";
    if (t == DOUBLE) return prefix + "Double(" + off + ", val)";
    if (t == UTCTIME)
      return prefix + "TimeStamp(" + off + ", val, nxm.vrt.lib.TimeStamp.IntegerMode.UTC)";
    if (t == GPSTIME)
      return prefix + "TimeStamp(" + off + ", val, nxm.vrt.lib.TimeStamp.IntegerMode.GPS)";
    if (t.isAsciiType()) return prefix + "Ascii(" + off + ", val, " + len + ")";
    if (t.isUTF8Type()) return prefix + "UTF8(" + off + ", val, " + len + ")";
    if (t.isAsciiTypeStr()) return prefix + "Ascii(" + off + ", val, " + len + ")";
    if (t.isUTF8TypeStr()) return prefix + "UTF8(" + off + ", val, " + len + ")";
    if (t.isMetadataType()) return prefix + "Metadata(" + off + ", val, " + len + ")";
    if (t instanceof Record) return prefix + "Record(" + off + ", val)";
    if (t instanceof Enumeration)
      return prefix + "Byte(" + off + ", " + t.getTypeJavaGet() + ".getValue(val))";
    throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported type " + t.getTypeName());
Exemplo n.º 3
  /** Returns the function call to unpack a given type. */
  private String getUnpackFuncCPP(Type t, Object off, Object len) {
    String prefix = (record != packetType) ? "unpack" : "unpackPayload";

    if (t == BOOLEAN) return prefix + "Boolean(" + off + ")";
    if (t == BOOLNULL) return prefix + "Boolean(" + off + ")";
    if (t == INETADDR) return prefix + "InetAddr(" + off + ")";
    if (t == UUID) return prefix + "UUID(" + off + ")";
    if (t == BYTE) return prefix + "Byte(" + off + ")";
    if (t == SHORT) return prefix + "Short(" + off + ")";
    if (t == INT) return prefix + "Int(" + off + ")";
    if (t == LONG) return prefix + "Long(" + off + ")";
    if (t == FLOAT) return prefix + "Float(" + off + ")";
    if (t == DOUBLE) return prefix + "Double(" + off + ")";
    if (t == UTCTIME) return prefix + "TimeStamp(" + off + ", IntegerMode_UTC)";
    if (t == GPSTIME) return prefix + "TimeStamp(" + off + ", IntegerMode_GPS)";
    if (t.isAsciiType()) return prefix + "Ascii(" + off + ", " + len + ")";
    if (t.isUTF8Type()) return prefix + "UTF8(" + off + ", " + len + ")";
    if (t.isAsciiTypeStr()) return prefix + "Ascii(" + off + ", " + len + ")";
    if (t.isUTF8TypeStr()) return prefix + "UTF8(" + off + ", " + len + ")";
    if (t.isMetadataType()) return prefix + "Metadata(" + off + ", " + len + ")";
    if (t instanceof Record) return prefix + "Record(" + off + ", r)"; // <-- special handling
    if (t instanceof Enumeration)
      return "(" + t.getTypeJavaGet() + ")" + prefix + "Byte(" + off + ")";
    throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported type " + t.getTypeName());
Exemplo n.º 4
  /** Is the given type a native type in C++ (or an array of native types)? */
  private boolean isCPPNativeType(Type t) {
    if (t.isArrayType()) return isCPPNativeType(t.getArrayType());

    if (t == BOOLEAN) return true;
    if (t == BOOLNULL) return true;
    if (t == BYTE) return true;
    if (t == SHORT) return true;
    if (t == INT) return true;
    if (t == LONG) return true;
    if (t == FLOAT) return true;
    if (t == DOUBLE) return true;
    if (t.isAsciiType()) return true; // string
    if (t.isUTF8Type()) return true; // wstring
    if (t.isAsciiTypeStr()) return true; // string
    if (t.isUTF8TypeStr()) return true; // wstring
    if (t instanceof Enumeration) return true; // int8_t

    return false;
Exemplo n.º 5
  /** Write the set method. */
  private void writeJavaSet(
      PrintStream out,
      String permission,
      String html,
      String size,
      String limit,
      String len,
      String indent) {
    html = html.replace("\n", "\n   *  ");
    Type t = getType();
    int b = t.getTypeBytes();
    // === DOCS ===
    out.println(indent + "  ");
    out.println(indent + "  /** Set " + html + " ");
    if ((units != null) && (units.length() > 0)) {
      out.println(indent + "   *  <br> Units: <i>" + units + "</i>");
    if ((range != null) && (range.length() > 0)) {
      out.println(indent + "   *  <br> Range: <tt>" + range + "</tt>");
    if (t.isArrayType() || t.isStringType()) {
      out.println(indent + "   *  <br> Size: <tt>" + size + "</tt>");
    if (t.isStringType()) {
      out.println(indent + "   *  @param val The new value to write to the packet.");
      if (t.isAsciiType()) {
                + "   *             Any non-ASCII characters in the string (numeric value &gt;0x7F) or ASCII");
                + "   *             control characters (numeric value &lt;0x20, 0x7F) will be replaced with \'?\'.");
      if (b >= 0) {
            indent + "   *             If the string is longer than the size allotted, it will be");
        out.println(indent + "   *             truncated without warning. ");
    } else {
      out.println(indent + "   *  @param val The new value to write to the packet.");
    if (t.isArrayType()) {
              + "   *  @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException If the length of <tt>val</tt> is invalid");
    out.println(indent + "   */");
    // === CODE ===
    if (!t.isArrayType()) {
              + "  "
              + permission
              + " void set"
              + methodName
              + " ("
              + t.getTypeJavaSet()
              + " val) {");
      if (b < 0) {
        if (limit != null) {
          out.println(indent + "    int limit  = " + limit + ";");
          out.println(indent + "    int length = " + len + ";");
          out.println(indent + "    int len    = (length > limit)? ((limit  + 3) & 0x7FFFFFFC)");
                  + "                                 : ((length + 3) & 0x7FFFFFFC); // length to next multiple of 4");
          out.println(indent + "    setPayloadLength(" + offset + " + len);");
        } else {
                  + "    int len = ("
                  + len
                  + " + 3) & 0x7FFFFFFC; // length to next multiple of 4");
          out.println(indent + "    setPayloadLength(" + offset + " + len);");
        len = "len";
      out.println(indent + "    " + getPackFuncJava(t, offset, len) + ";");
      out.println(indent + "  }");
    } else {
      Type arrayType = t.getArrayType();
      int count = t.getArrayLength();
      int bytes = arrayType.getTypeBytes();
      String singleName = notPlural(methodName);
      String getCount = "get" + singleName + "Count()";

              + "  "
              + permission
              + " void setAll"
              + methodName
              + " ("
              + arrayType.getTypeJavaGet()
              + " ... val) {");
      if (t.getArrayType() == BYTE) {
        out.println(indent + "    // Use fast method for packing an array of bytes");
        out.println(indent + "    packPayloadBytes(" + offset + ", val, " + getCount + ");");
      } else {
        if (count >= 0) {
          out.println(indent + "    if (val.length != " + b + ") {");
                  + "      throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(\"Invalid array length \"+val.length+\" for "
                  + name
                  + "\");");
          out.println(indent + "    }");
        } else {
          out.println(indent + "    set" + singleName + "Count(val.length);");
        out.println(indent + "    for (int i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {");
        out.println(indent + "      set" + singleName + "(i, val[i]);");
        out.println(indent + "    }");
      out.println(indent + "  }");
      out.println(indent + "  ");
      out.println(indent + "  /** Set item in " + html + " ");
      out.println(indent + "   *  @param i   The index.");
      out.println(indent + "   *  @param val The new value.");
              + "   *  @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if <tt>i</tt> is greater than or equal to "
              + getCount
              + "");
      out.println(indent + "   */");
              + "  "
              + permission
              + " void set"
              + singleName
              + " (int i, "
              + arrayType.getTypeJavaSet()
              + " val) {");
      out.println(indent + "    if ((i < 0) || (i > " + getCount + ")) {");
              + "      throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(\"Invalid index \"+i+\" into "
              + name
              + "\");");
      out.println(indent + "    }");
      out.println(indent + "    int off = " + offset + " + (" + bytes + " * i);");
      out.println(indent + "    " + getPackFuncJava(arrayType, "off", bytes) + ";");
      out.println(indent + "  }");
      if (count < 0) {
        out.println(indent + "  ");
        out.println(indent + "  /** Set length of " + html + " ");
        out.println(indent + "   *  @param length The number of entries.");
                + "   *  @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if <tt>length</tt> is negative");
        out.println(indent + "   */");
        out.println(indent + "  " + permission + " void set" + singleName + "Count (int length) {");
        out.println(indent + "    if (length < 0) {");
                + "      throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(\"Illegal length \"+length+\" for "
                + name
                + "\");");
        out.println(indent + "    }");
                + "    int len = ((length * "
                + bytes
                + ") + 3) & 0x7FFFFFFC; // length to next multiple of 4");
        out.println(indent + "    setPayloadLength(" + offset + " + len);");
        out.println(indent + "  }");
Exemplo n.º 6
  private CodeParams getCodeParams(boolean isJava) {
    // ignore the pad bytes
    Type t = getType();
    int b = getType().getTypeBytes();
    String lenGet;
    String lenSet;
    String limit;
    String size;
    if (b >= 0) {
      lenGet = Integer.toString(b);
      lenSet = Integer.toString(b);
      limit = null;
      size = Integer.toString(b);
    } else if (b != Type.STAR_LENGTH) {
      if (t.isStringType()) {
        lenGet = "getPayloadLength()-" + offset;
        lenSet = Integer.toString(b);
        limit = null;
        size = "0 to " + (-b - 1) + " octets";
      } else {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "The array syntax [0" + b + "] is only applicable to ascii and utf8 fields.");
    } else if (t.isAsciiType() || t.isAsciiTypeStr()) {
      lenGet = "getPayloadLength()-" + offset;
      lenSet = "val.length()";
      limit = "MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH-" + offset;
      size = "variable";
    } else if (t.isStringType()) {
      lenGet = "getPayloadLength()-" + offset;
      lenSet = (isJava) ? "nxm.vrt.lib.VRTMath.lengthUTF8(val)" : "vrt::VRTMath::lengthUTF8(val)";
      limit = "MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH-" + offset;
      size = "variable";
    } else if (t.isMetadataType()) {
      lenGet = "getPayloadLength()-" + offset;
      lenSet = "val.getLengthInBytes()";
      limit = null;
      size = "variable";
    } else if (t.isArrayType()) {
      int bytes = t.getArrayType().getTypeBytes();
      if (bytes == 0) {
        lenGet = "getPayloadLength()-" + offset;
        lenSet = "val.length";
        limit = null;
        size = "variable";
      } else if (bytes > 0) {
        lenGet = "(getPayloadLength()-" + offset + ")/" + bytes;
        lenSet = "val.length";
        limit = null;
        size = "variable";
      } else {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Could not determine length of " + t.getTypeName() + " for " + this);
    } else {
      throw new RuntimeException(
          "Could not determine length of " + t.getTypeName() + " for " + this);

    String html = toHtmlDoc(descr, "").trim();
    if (html.length() == 0) {
      html = methodName;
    if (!html.endsWith(".")) {
      html += ".";
    if (Character.isUpperCase(html.charAt(0)) && Character.isLowerCase(html.charAt(1))) {
      html = html.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() + html.substring(1);
    return new CodeParams(html, size, limit, lenGet, lenSet);
Exemplo n.º 7
  /** Write the set method. */
  private void writeCPPSet(
      PrintStream hdr,
      PrintStream cpp,
      String permission,
      String html,
      String size,
      String limit,
      String len,
      String indent,
      Type t) {
    html = html.replace("\n", "\n     *  ");
    int b = t.getTypeBytes();
    // === DOCS ===
    hdr.println(indent + "    ");
    hdr.println(indent + "    /** Set " + html + " ");
    if ((units != null) && (units.length() > 0)) {
      hdr.println(indent + "     *  <br> Units: <i>" + units + "</i>");
    if ((range != null) && (range.length() > 0)) {
      hdr.println(indent + "     *  <br> Range: <tt>" + range + "</tt>");
    if (t.isArrayType() || t.isStringType()) {
      hdr.println(indent + "     *  <br> Size: <tt>" + size + "</tt>");
    if (t.isStringType()) {
      hdr.println(indent + "     *  @param val The new value to write to the packet.");
      if (t.isAsciiType()) {
                + "     *             Any non-ASCII characters in the string (numeric value &gt;0x7F) or ASCII");
                + "     *             control characters (numeric value &lt;0x20, 0x7F) will be replaced with \'?\'.");
      if (b >= 0) {
                + "     *             If the string is longer than the size allotted, it will be");
        hdr.println(indent + "     *             truncated without warning. ");
    } else {
      hdr.println(indent + "     *  @param val The new value to write to the packet.");
    if (t.isArrayType()) {
      hdr.println(indent + "     *  @throws VRTException If the length of <tt>val</tt> is invalid");
    hdr.println(indent + "     */");
    // === CODE ===
    if (!t.isArrayType()) {
              + "    "
              + permission
              + ": inline void set"
              + methodName
              + " ("
              + t.getTypeCPPSet()
              + " val) {");
      if (b < 0) {
        if (limit != null) {
          hdr.println(indent + "    int32_t limit  = " + limit + ";");
          hdr.println(indent + "    int32_t length = " + len + ";");
              indent + "    int32_t len    = (length > limit)? ((limit  + 3) & 0x7FFFFFFC)");
                  + "                                     : ((length + 3) & 0x7FFFFFFC); // length to next multiple of 4");
          hdr.println(indent + "      setPayloadLength(" + offset + " + len);");
        } else {
                  + "      int32_t len = ("
                  + len
                  + " + 3) & 0x7FFFFFFC; // length to next multiple of 4");
          hdr.println(indent + "      setPayloadLength(" + offset + " + len);");
        len = "len";
      hdr.println(indent + "      " + getPackFuncCPP(t, offset, len) + ";");
      hdr.println(indent + "    }");
    } else {
      Type arrayType = t.getArrayType();
      int count = t.getArrayLength();
      int bytes = arrayType.getTypeBytes();
      String singleName = notPlural(methodName);
      String getCount = "get" + singleName + "Count()";

              + "    "
              + permission
              + ": void setAll"
              + methodName
              + " (const vector<"
              + arrayType.getTypeCPPGet()
              + "> &val);");
      hdr.println(indent + "    ");
      hdr.println(indent + "    /** Set method used by the HasFields functions. */");
      hdr.println(indent + "    private: void _setAll" + methodName + " (const Value *val);");
      hdr.println(indent + "    ");
      hdr.println(indent + "    /** Set item in " + html + " ");
      hdr.println(indent + "     *  @param i   The index.");
      hdr.println(indent + "     *  @param val The new value.");
              + "     *  @throws VRTException if <tt>i</tt> is greater than or equal to "
              + getCount
              + "");
      hdr.println(indent + "     */");
              + "    "
              + permission
              + ": void set"
              + singleName
              + " (int32_t i, "
              + arrayType.getTypeCPPSet()
              + " val);");
      if (count < 0) {
        hdr.println(indent + "    ");
        hdr.println(indent + "    /** Set length of " + html + " ");
        hdr.println(indent + "     *  @param length The number of entries.");
        hdr.println(indent + "     *  @throws VRTException if <tt>length</tt> is negative");
        hdr.println(indent + "     */");
            indent + "    " + permission + ": void set" + singleName + "Count (int32_t length);");

              + "void "
              + record.name
              + "::setAll"
              + methodName
              + " (const vector<"
              + arrayType.getTypeCPPGet()
              + "> &val) {");
      if (t.getArrayType() == BYTE) {
        cpp.println(indent + "  // Use fast method for packing an array of bytes");
        cpp.println(indent + "  packPayloadBytes(" + offset + ", val, " + getCount + ");");
      } else {
        if (count >= 0) {
          cpp.println(indent + "  if (val.size() != " + b + ") {");
                  + "    throw VRTException(\"Invalid array length %d for "
                  + name
                  + "\", val.size());");
          cpp.println(indent + "  }");
        } else {
          cpp.println(indent + "  set" + singleName + "Count(val.size());");
        cpp.println(indent + "  for (size_t i = 0; i < val.size(); i++) {");
        cpp.println(indent + "    set" + singleName + "(i, val[i]);");
        cpp.println(indent + "  }");
      cpp.println(indent + "}");
      cpp.println(indent + "");
              + "void "
              + record.name
              + "::set"
              + singleName
              + " (int32_t i, "
              + arrayType.getTypeCPPSet()
              + " val) {");
      cpp.println(indent + "  if ((i < 0) || (i > " + getCount + ")) {");
      cpp.println(indent + "    throw VRTException(\"Invalid index %d into " + name + "\", i);");
      cpp.println(indent + "  }");
      cpp.println(indent + "  int32_t off = " + offset + " + (" + bytes + " * i);");
      cpp.println(indent + "  " + getPackFuncCPP(arrayType, "off", bytes) + ";");
      cpp.println(indent + "}");
      if (count < 0) {
        cpp.println(indent + "");
            indent + "void " + record.name + "::set" + singleName + "Count (int32_t length) {");
        cpp.println(indent + "  if (length < 0) {");
            indent + "    throw VRTException(\"Illegal length %d for " + name + "\", length);");
        cpp.println(indent + "  }");
                + "  int32_t len = ((length * "
                + bytes
                + ") + 3) & 0x7FFFFFFC; // length to next multiple of 4");
        cpp.println(indent + "  setPayloadLength(" + offset + " + len);");
        cpp.println(indent + "}");
      cpp.println(indent + "");
          indent + "void " + record.name + "::_setAll" + methodName + " (const Value* val) {");
      if (count >= 0) {
        cpp.println(indent + "  if (val->size() != " + b + ") {");
                + "    throw VRTException(\"Invalid array length %d for "
                + name
                + "\", val->size());");
        cpp.println(indent + "  }");
      } else {
        cpp.println(indent + "  set" + singleName + "Count(val->size());");
      cpp.println(indent + "  for (size_t i = 0; i < val->size(); i++) {");
      cpp.println(indent + "    Value *v = val->at(i);");
      if (isCPPNativeType(t)) {
            indent + "    set" + singleName + "(i, v->as<" + arrayType.getTypeCPPGet() + ">());");
      } else {
                + "    set"
                + singleName
                + "(i, *v->cast<"
                + arrayType.getTypeCPPGet()
                + "*>());");
      cpp.println(indent + "    delete v;");
      cpp.println(indent + "  }");
      cpp.println(indent + "}");
      cpp.println(indent + "");