private void showOnMap(LatLon latLon, boolean updateCoords, boolean ignoreCoef) { AnimateDraggingMapThread thread = map.getAnimatedDraggingThread(); int fZoom = map.getZoom(); double flat = latLon.getLatitude(); double flon = latLon.getLongitude(); RotatedTileBox cp = map.getCurrentRotatedTileBox().copy(); if (ignoreCoef) { cp.setCenterLocation(0.5f, 0.5f); } else { cp.setCenterLocation( 0.5f, map.getMapPosition() == OsmandSettings.BOTTOM_CONSTANT ? 0.15f : 0.5f); } cp.setLatLonCenter(flat, flon); flat = cp.getLatFromPixel(cp.getPixWidth() / 2, cp.getPixHeight() / 2); flon = cp.getLonFromPixel(cp.getPixWidth() / 2, cp.getPixHeight() / 2); if (updateCoords) { mapCenter = new LatLon(flat, flon); menu.setMapCenter(mapCenter); origMarkerX = cp.getCenterPixelX(); origMarkerY = cp.getCenterPixelY(); } thread.startMoving(flat, flon, fZoom, true); }
@Override public void onDestroyView() { super.onDestroyView(); map.setLatLon(mapCenter.getLatitude(), mapCenter.getLongitude()); menu.setMapCenter(null); getMapActivity().getMapLayers().getMapControlsLayer().setControlsClickable(true); }
public void moveTo(float dx, float dy) { final QuadPoint cp = currentViewport.getCenterPixelPoint(); final LatLon latlon = currentViewport.getLatLonFromPixel(cp.x + dx, cp.y + dy); currentViewport.setLatLonCenter(latlon.getLatitude(), latlon.getLongitude()); refreshMap(); // do not notify here listener }
protected void click(final OsmandMapTileView view) { AnimateDraggingMapThread thread = view.getAnimatedDraggingThread(); LatLon pointToNavigate = getPointToNavigate(); if (pointToNavigate != null) { int fZoom = view.getZoom() < 15 ? 15 : view.getZoom(); thread.startMoving( pointToNavigate.getLatitude(), pointToNavigate.getLongitude(), fZoom, true); } }
@Override public void locationUpdate(LatLon loc) { if (view != null) { if (loc != null) { updateUI(loc.getLatitude(), loc.getLongitude()); } else { updateUI(0, 0); } } }
@Override public void onDestroyView() { super.onDestroyView(); if (mapCenter != null) { PointI centerI = Utilities.convertLatLonTo31( new net.osmand.core.jni.LatLon(mapCenter.getLatitude(), mapCenter.getLongitude())); getMainActivity().setTarget(centerI); } menu.setMapCenter(null); menu.setMapZoom(0); }
public int getDistance() { int d = 0; LatLon l = getPointToNavigate(); if (l != null) { Location.distanceBetween( view.getLatitude(), view.getLongitude(), l.getLatitude(), l.getLongitude(), calculations); d = (int) calculations[0]; } return d; }
public void searchTransport() { // use progress stopsAdapter.clear(); searchArea.setText(getSearchArea()); boolean routeCalculated = isRouteCalculated(); searchTransportLevel.setEnabled(false); if (!routeCalculated && getLocationToStart() != null) { final LatLon locationToStart = getLocationToStart(); final LatLon locationToGo = getLocationToGo(); List<TransportIndexRepository> rs = ((OsmandApplication) getApplication()) .getResourceManager() .searchTransportRepositories( locationToStart.getLatitude(), locationToStart.getLongitude()); if (!rs.isEmpty()) { repo = rs.get(0); progress.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); synchronized (this) { final Thread previousThread = thread; thread = new Thread( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (previousThread != null) { try { previousThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } List<RouteInfoLocation> res = repo.searchTransportRouteStops( locationToStart.getLatitude(), locationToStart.getLongitude(), locationToGo, zoom); updateUIList(res); } }, "SearchingTransport"); //$NON-NLS-1$ thread.start(); } } else { repo = null; } } else { updateSearchMoreButton(); } }
public void setFragmentVisibility(boolean visible) { if (visible) { view.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); if (mapCenter != null) { PointI targetI = Utilities.convertLatLonTo31( new net.osmand.core.jni.LatLon(mapCenter.getLatitude(), mapCenter.getLongitude())); getMainActivity().setTarget(targetI); } adjustMapPosition(getPosY(), true, false); } else { view.setVisibility(View.GONE); } }
@Override public boolean onTrackballEvent(MotionEvent event) { if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE && settings.USE_TRACKBALL_FOR_MOVEMENTS.get()) { float x = event.getX(); float y = event.getY(); LatLon l = mapView.getLatLonFromScreenPoint( mapView.getCenterPointX() + x * 15, mapView.getCenterPointY() + y * 15); setMapLocation(l.getLatitude(), l.getLongitude()); return true; } return super.onTrackballEvent(event); }
private void changeZoomPosition(float dz, float angle) { final QuadPoint cp = initialViewport.getCenterPixelPoint(); float dx = cp.x - initialMultiTouchCenterPoint.x; float dy = cp.y - initialMultiTouchCenterPoint.y; final RotatedTileBox calc = initialViewport.copy(); calc.setLatLonCenter(initialCenterLatLon.getLatitude(), initialCenterLatLon.getLongitude()); float calcZoom = initialViewport.getZoom() + dz + initialViewport.getZoomScale(); float calcRotate = calc.getRotate() + angle; calc.setRotate(calcRotate); calc.setZoomAnimation(dz); final LatLon r = calc.getLatLonFromPixel(cp.x + dx, cp.y + dy); setLatLon(r.getLatitude(), r.getLongitude()); zoomToAnimate(calcZoom, true); rotateToAnimate(calcRotate); }
@Override public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER && app.getInternalAPI().accessibilityEnabled()) { if (!uiHandler.hasMessages(LONG_KEYPRESS_MSG_ID)) { Message msg = Message.obtain( uiHandler, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { app.getLocationProvider().emitNavigationHint(); } }); msg.what = LONG_KEYPRESS_MSG_ID; uiHandler.sendMessageDelayed(msg, LONG_KEYPRESS_DELAY); } return true; } else if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU && event.getRepeatCount() == 0) { mapActions.openOptionsMenuAsList(); return true; } else if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SEARCH && event.getRepeatCount() == 0) { Intent newIntent = new Intent(MapActivity.this, OsmandIntents.getSearchActivity()); // causes wrong position caching: newIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT); LatLon loc = getMapLocation(); newIntent.putExtra(SearchActivity.SEARCH_LAT, loc.getLatitude()); newIntent.putExtra(SearchActivity.SEARCH_LON, loc.getLongitude()); startActivity(newIntent); newIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP); return true; } else if (!app.getRoutingHelper().isFollowingMode() && OsmandPlugin.getEnabledPlugin(AccessibilityPlugin.class) != null) { // Find more appropriate plugin for it? if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP && event.getRepeatCount() == 0) { if (mapView.isZooming()) { changeZoom(mapView.getZoom() + 2); } else { changeZoom(mapView.getZoom() + 1); } return true; } else if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN && event.getRepeatCount() == 0) { changeZoom(mapView.getZoom() - 1); return true; } } return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event); }
protected void select(int mode) { LatLon searchPoint = settings.getLastSearchedPoint(); AddressInformation ai = getAddressInformation(); if (ai != null) { if (mode == ADD_TO_FAVORITE) { Bundle b = new Bundle(); Dialog dlg = FavoriteDialogs.createAddFavouriteDialog(getActivity(), b);; FavoriteDialogs.prepareAddFavouriteDialog( getActivity(), dlg, b, searchPoint.getLatitude(), searchPoint.getLongitude(), new PointDescription(PointDescription.POINT_TYPE_ADDRESS, ai.objectName)); } else if (mode == NAVIGATE_TO) { DirectionsDialogs.directionsToDialogAndLaunchMap( getActivity(), searchPoint.getLatitude(), searchPoint.getLongitude(), ai.getHistoryName()); } else if (mode == ADD_WAYPOINT) { DirectionsDialogs.addWaypointDialogAndLaunchMap( getActivity(), searchPoint.getLatitude(), searchPoint.getLongitude(), ai.getHistoryName()); } else if (mode == SHOW_ON_MAP) { showOnMap(searchPoint, ai); } } }
@Override public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER) { if (!app.getInternalAPI().accessibilityEnabled()) { mapActions.contextMenuPoint(mapView.getLatitude(), mapView.getLongitude()); } else if (uiHandler.hasMessages(LONG_KEYPRESS_MSG_ID)) { uiHandler.removeMessages(LONG_KEYPRESS_MSG_ID); mapActions.contextMenuPoint(mapView.getLatitude(), mapView.getLongitude()); } return true; } else if (settings.ZOOM_BY_TRACKBALL.get()) { // Parrot device has only dpad left and right if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT) { changeZoom(mapView.getZoom() - 1); return true; } else if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT) { changeZoom(mapView.getZoom() + 1); return true; } } else if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT || keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT || keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN || keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP) { int dx = keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT ? 15 : (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT ? -15 : 0); int dy = keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN ? 15 : (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP ? -15 : 0); LatLon l = mapView.getLatLonFromScreenPoint( mapView.getCenterPointX() + dx, mapView.getCenterPointY() + dy); setMapLocation(l.getLatitude(), l.getLongitude()); return true; } else if (OsmandPlugin.onMapActivityKeyUp(this, keyCode)) { return true; } return super.onKeyUp(keyCode, event); }
@Override public void onZoomEnded(double relativeToStart, float angleRelative) { // 1.5 works better even on dm.density=1 devices float dz = (float) (Math.log(relativeToStart) / Math.log(2)) * 1.5f; setIntZoom(Math.round(dz) + initialViewport.getZoom()); if (Math.abs(angleRelative) < ANGLE_THRESHOLD) { angleRelative = 0; } rotateToAnimate(initialViewport.getRotate() + angleRelative); final int newZoom = getZoom(); if (application.getInternalAPI().accessibilityEnabled()) { if (newZoom != initialViewport.getZoom()) { showMessage(getContext().getString(R.string.zoomIs) + " " + newZoom); // $NON-NLS-1$ } else { final LatLon p1 = initialViewport.getLatLonFromPixel(x1, y1); final LatLon p2 = initialViewport.getLatLonFromPixel(x2, y2); showMessage( OsmAndFormatter.getFormattedDistance( (float) MapUtils.getDistance( p1.getLatitude(), p1.getLongitude(), p2.getLatitude(), p2.getLongitude()), application)); } } }
private void adjustMapPosition(int y, boolean animated) { double markerLat = menu.getLatLon().getLatitude(); double markerLon = menu.getLatLon().getLongitude(); RotatedTileBox box = map.getCurrentRotatedTileBox().copy(); LatLon latlon = mapCenter; if (menu.isLandscapeLayout()) { int markerX = (int) box.getPixXFromLatLon(markerLat, markerLon); int x = dpToPx(menu.getLandscapeWidthDp()); if (markerX - markerPaddingXPx < x || markerX > origMarkerX) { int dx = (x + markerPaddingXPx) - markerX; if (markerX - dx <= origMarkerX) { QuadPoint cp = box.getCenterPixelPoint(); latlon = box.getLatLonFromPixel(cp.x - dx, cp.y); } else { latlon = box.getCenterLatLon(); } } } else { int markerY = (int) box.getPixYFromLatLon(markerLat, markerLon); if (markerY + markerPaddingPx > y || markerY < origMarkerY) { int dy = markerY - (y - markerPaddingPx); if (markerY - dy <= origMarkerY) { QuadPoint cp = box.getCenterPixelPoint(); latlon = box.getLatLonFromPixel(cp.x + 0, cp.y + dy); } } } if (map.getLatitude() == latlon.getLatitude() && map.getLongitude() == latlon.getLongitude()) { return; } if (animated) { showOnMap(latlon, false, true); } else { map.setLatLon(latlon.getLatitude(), latlon.getLongitude()); } }
public View onCreateView( android.view.LayoutInflater inflater, android.view.ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.navigate_point, container, false); setHasOptionsMenu(true); LatLon loc = null; OsmandApplication app = (OsmandApplication) getActivity().getApplication(); Intent intent = getSherlockActivity().getIntent(); if (intent != null) { double lat = intent.getDoubleExtra(SEARCH_LAT, 0); double lon = intent.getDoubleExtra(SEARCH_LON, 0); if (lat != 0 || lon != 0) { loc = new LatLon(lat, lon); } } if (loc == null && getActivity() instanceof SearchActivity) { loc = ((SearchActivity) getActivity()).getSearchPoint(); } if (loc == null) { loc = app.getSettings().getLastKnownMapLocation(); } initUI(loc.getLatitude(), loc.getLongitude()); if (savedInstanceState != null && savedInstanceState.containsKey(SEARCH_LAT) && savedInstanceState.containsKey(SEARCH_LON)) { String lat = savedInstanceState.getString(SEARCH_LAT); String lon = savedInstanceState.getString(SEARCH_LON); if (lat != null && lon != null && lat.length() > 0 && lon.length() > 0) { ((Spinner) view.findViewById( .setSelection(savedInstanceState.getInt(SELECTION, 0)); currentFormat = savedInstanceState.getInt(SELECTION, 0); ((TextView) view.findViewById(; ((TextView) view.findViewById(; } } return view; };
private void filterPOI() { Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras(); boolean searchNearBy = true; LatLon lastKnownMapLocation = ((OsmandApplication) getApplication()).getSettings().getLastKnownMapLocation(); double latitude = lastKnownMapLocation != null ? lastKnownMapLocation.getLatitude() : 0; double longitude = lastKnownMapLocation != null ? lastKnownMapLocation.getLongitude() : 0; final Intent newIntent = new Intent(EditPOIFilterActivity.this, SearchPOIActivity.class); if (extras != null && extras.containsKey(SEARCH_LAT) && extras.containsKey(SEARCH_LON)) { latitude = extras.getDouble(SEARCH_LAT); longitude = extras.getDouble(SEARCH_LON); searchNearBy = false; } final double lat = latitude; final double lon = longitude; newIntent.putExtra(SearchPOIActivity.AMENITY_FILTER, filter.getFilterId()); if (searchNearBy) { AlertDialog.Builder b = new AlertDialog.Builder(EditPOIFilterActivity.this); b.setItems( new String[] {getString(R.string.search_nearby), getString(R.string.search_near_map)}, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { if (which == 1) { newIntent.putExtra(SearchPOIActivity.SEARCH_LAT, lat); newIntent.putExtra(SearchPOIActivity.SEARCH_LON, lon); } startActivity(newIntent); } });; } else { newIntent.putExtra(SearchPOIActivity.SEARCH_LAT, lat); newIntent.putExtra(SearchPOIActivity.SEARCH_LON, lon); startActivity(newIntent); } }
private void showOnMap( LatLon latLon, boolean updateCoords, boolean needMove, boolean alreadyAdjusted) { // AnimateDraggingMapThread thread = map.getAnimatedDraggingThread(); todo amimation int fZoom = getZoom(); double flat = latLon.getLatitude(); double flon = latLon.getLongitude(); RotatedTileBox cp = getBox(); // cp.setCenterLocation(0.5f, map.getMapPosition() == OsmandSettings.BOTTOM_CONSTANT ? 0.15f : // 0.5f); cp.setLatLonCenter(flat, flon); cp.setZoom(fZoom); flat = cp.getLatFromPixel(cp.getPixWidth() / 2, cp.getPixHeight() / 2); flon = cp.getLonFromPixel(cp.getPixWidth() / 2, cp.getPixHeight() / 2); if (updateCoords) { mapCenter = new LatLon(flat, flon); menu.setMapCenter(mapCenter); origMarkerX = cp.getCenterPixelX(); origMarkerY = cp.getCenterPixelY(); } if (!alreadyAdjusted) { LatLon adjustedLatLon = getAdjustedMarkerLocation(getPosY(), new LatLon(flat, flon), true, fZoom); flat = adjustedLatLon.getLatitude(); flon = adjustedLatLon.getLongitude(); } if (needMove) { // thread.startMoving(flat, flon, fZoom, true); todo animation PointI targetI = Utilities.convertLatLonTo31(new net.osmand.core.jni.LatLon(flat, flon)); getMainActivity().setTarget(targetI); getMainActivity().setZoom(fZoom); } }
private void adjustMapPosition(int y, boolean animated, boolean center) { // map.getAnimatedDraggingThread().stopAnimatingSync(); todo animation LatLon latlon = getAdjustedMarkerLocation(y, menu.getLatLon(), center, getZoom()); LatLon mapLatLon = getMainActivity().getScreenCenter(); if (mapLatLon.getLatitude() == latlon.getLatitude() && mapLatLon.getLongitude() == latlon.getLongitude()) { return; } if (animated) { showOnMap(latlon, false, true, true); } else { PointI targetI = Utilities.convertLatLonTo31( new net.osmand.core.jni.LatLon(latlon.getLatitude(), latlon.getLongitude())); getMainActivity().setTarget(targetI); } }
@Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); cancelNotification(); if (settings.MAP_SCREEN_ORIENTATION.get() != getRequestedOrientation()) { setRequestedOrientation(settings.MAP_SCREEN_ORIENTATION.get()); // can't return from this method we are not sure if activity will be recreated or not } app.getLocationProvider().checkIfLastKnownLocationIsValid(); // for voice navigation if (settings.AUDIO_STREAM_GUIDANCE.get() != null) { setVolumeControlStream(settings.AUDIO_STREAM_GUIDANCE.get()); } else { setVolumeControlStream(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC); } applicationModeListener = new StateChangedListener<ApplicationMode>() { @Override public void stateChanged(ApplicationMode change) { updateApplicationModeSettings(); } }; settings.APPLICATION_MODE.addListener(applicationModeListener); updateApplicationModeSettings(); String filterId = settings.getPoiFilterForMap(); PoiFilter poiFilter = app.getPoiFilters().getFilterById(filterId); if (poiFilter == null) { poiFilter = new PoiFilter(null, app); } mapLayers.getPoiMapLayer().setFilter(poiFilter); // if destination point was changed try to recalculate route TargetPointsHelper targets = app.getTargetPointsHelper(); RoutingHelper routingHelper = app.getRoutingHelper(); if (routingHelper.isFollowingMode() && (!Algorithms.objectEquals(targets.getPointToNavigate(), routingHelper.getFinalLocation()) || !Algorithms.objectEquals( targets.getIntermediatePoints(), routingHelper.getIntermediatePoints()))) { routingHelper.setFinalAndCurrentLocation( targets.getPointToNavigate(), targets.getIntermediatePoints(), app.getLocationProvider().getLastKnownLocation(), routingHelper.getCurrentGPXRoute()); } app.getLocationProvider().resumeAllUpdates(); if (settings != null && settings.isLastKnownMapLocation()) { LatLon l = settings.getLastKnownMapLocation(); mapView.setLatLon(l.getLatitude(), l.getLongitude()); mapView.setZoom(settings.getLastKnownMapZoom()); } settings.MAP_ACTIVITY_ENABLED.set(true); checkExternalStorage(); showAndHideMapPosition(); LatLon cur = new LatLon(mapView.getLatitude(), mapView.getLongitude()); LatLon latLonToShow = settings.getAndClearMapLocationToShow(); String mapLabelToShow = settings.getAndClearMapLabelToShow(); Object toShow = settings.getAndClearObjectToShow(); if (settings.isRouteToPointNavigateAndClear()) { // always enable and follow and let calculate it (GPS is not accessible in garage) mapActions.getDirections(null, null, false); } if (mapLabelToShow != null && latLonToShow != null) { mapLayers.getContextMenuLayer().setSelectedObject(toShow); mapLayers.getContextMenuLayer().setLocation(latLonToShow, mapLabelToShow); } if (latLonToShow != null && !latLonToShow.equals(cur)) { mapView .getAnimatedDraggingThread() .startMoving( latLonToShow.getLatitude(), latLonToShow.getLongitude(), settings.getMapZoomToShow(), true); } if (latLonToShow != null) { // remember if map should come back to isMapLinkedToLocation=true mapViewTrackingUtilities.setMapLinkedToLocation(false); } View progress = mapLayers.getMapInfoLayer().getProgressBar(); if (progress != null) { app.getResourceManager().setBusyIndicator(new BusyIndicator(this, progress)); } OsmandPlugin.onMapActivityResume(this); mapView.refreshMap(true); }
private Location setCurrentLocation( Location currentLocation, boolean returnUpdatedLocation, RouteCalculationResult previousRoute) { Location locationProjection = currentLocation; if (finalLocation == null || currentLocation == null) { makeUturnWhenPossible = false; return locationProjection; } float posTolerance = POSITION_TOLERANCE; if (currentLocation.hasAccuracy()) { posTolerance = POSITION_TOLERANCE / 2 + currentLocation.getAccuracy(); } boolean calculateRoute = false; synchronized (this) { // 0. Route empty or needs to be extended? Then re-calculate route. if (route.isEmpty()) { calculateRoute = true; } else { // 1. Update current route position status according to latest received location boolean finished = updateCurrentRouteStatus(currentLocation, posTolerance); if (finished) { return null; } List<Location> routeNodes = route.getImmutableAllLocations(); int currentRoute = route.currentRoute; // 2. Analyze if we need to recalculate route // >100m off current route (sideways) if (currentRoute > 0) { double dist = getOrthogonalDistance( currentLocation, routeNodes.get(currentRoute - 1), routeNodes.get(currentRoute)); if (dist > 1.7 * posTolerance) {"Recalculate route, because correlation : " + dist); // $NON-NLS-1$ calculateRoute = true; } if (dist > 350) { voiceRouter.announceOffRoute(dist); } } // 3. Identify wrong movement direction Location next = route.getNextRouteLocation(); boolean wrongMovementDirection = checkWrongMovementDirection(currentLocation, next); if (wrongMovementDirection && currentLocation.distanceTo(routeNodes.get(currentRoute)) > 2 * posTolerance) { "Recalculate route, because wrong movement direction: " + currentLocation.distanceTo(routeNodes.get(currentRoute))); // $NON-NLS-1$ calculateRoute = true; } // 4. Identify if UTurn is needed boolean uTurnIsNeeded = identifyUTurnIsNeeded(currentLocation, posTolerance); // 5. Update Voice router if (isFollowingMode) { // don't update in route planing mode announceGpxWaypoints(currentLocation); boolean inRecalc = calculateRoute || isRouteBeingCalculated(); if (!inRecalc && !uTurnIsNeeded && !wrongMovementDirection) { voiceRouter.updateStatus(currentLocation, false); } else if (uTurnIsNeeded) { voiceRouter.makeUTStatus(); } } // calculate projection of current location if (currentRoute > 0) { locationProjection = new Location(currentLocation); Location nextLocation = routeNodes.get(currentRoute); LatLon project = getProject( currentLocation, routeNodes.get(currentRoute - 1), routeNodes.get(currentRoute)); locationProjection.setLatitude(project.getLatitude()); locationProjection.setLongitude(project.getLongitude()); // we need to update bearing too float bearingTo = locationProjection.bearingTo(nextLocation); locationProjection.setBearing(bearingTo); } } lastFixedLocation = currentLocation; lastProjection = locationProjection; } if (calculateRoute) { recalculateRouteInBackground( false, currentLocation, finalLocation, intermediatePoints, currentGPXRoute, previousRoute.isCalculated() ? previousRoute : null); } else if (currentRunningJob != null && currentRunningJob instanceof RouteRecalculationThread) { RouteRecalculationThread thread = (RouteRecalculationThread) currentRunningJob; thread.stopCalculation(); } double projectDist = mode != null && mode.hasFastSpeed() ? posTolerance : posTolerance / 2; if (returnUpdatedLocation && locationProjection != null && currentLocation.distanceTo(locationProjection) < projectDist) { return locationProjection; } else { return currentLocation; } }
public void showOnMap(LatLon searchPoint, AddressInformation ai) { settings.setMapLocationToShow( searchPoint.getLatitude(), searchPoint.getLongitude(), ai.zoom, ai.getHistoryName()); MapActivity.launchMapActivityMoveToTop(getActivity()); }
private LatLon getAdjustedMarkerLocation( int y, LatLon reqMarkerLocation, boolean center, int zoom) { double markerLat = reqMarkerLocation.getLatitude(); double markerLon = reqMarkerLocation.getLongitude(); RotatedTileBox box = getBox(); // box.setCenterLocation(0.5f, map.getMapPosition() == OsmandSettings.BOTTOM_CONSTANT ? 0.15f : // 0.5f); box.setZoom(zoom); int markerMapCenterX = (int) box.getPixXFromLatLon(mapCenter.getLatitude(), mapCenter.getLongitude()); int markerMapCenterY = (int) box.getPixYFromLatLon(mapCenter.getLatitude(), mapCenter.getLongitude()); float cpyOrig = box.getCenterPixelPoint().y; box.setCenterLocation(0.5f, 0.5f); int markerX = (int) box.getPixXFromLatLon(markerLat, markerLon); int markerY = (int) box.getPixYFromLatLon(markerLat, markerLon); QuadPoint cp = box.getCenterPixelPoint(); float cpx = cp.x; float cpy = cp.y; float cpyDelta = menu.isLandscapeLayout() ? 0 : cpyOrig - cpy; markerY += cpyDelta; y += cpyDelta; float origMarkerY = this.origMarkerY + cpyDelta; LatLon latlon; if (center) { latlon = reqMarkerLocation; } else { latlon = box.getLatLonFromPixel(markerMapCenterX, markerMapCenterY); } if (menu.isLandscapeLayout()) { int x = menu.getLandscapeWidthPx(); if (markerX - markerPaddingXPx < x || markerX > origMarkerX) { int dx = (x + markerPaddingXPx) - markerX; int dy = 0; if (center) { dy = (int) cpy - markerY; } else { cpy = cpyOrig; } if (dx >= 0 || center) { latlon = box.getLatLonFromPixel(cpx - dx, cpy - dy); } } } else { if (markerY + markerPaddingPx > y || markerY < origMarkerY) { int dx = 0; int dy = markerY - (y - markerPaddingPx); if (markerY - dy <= origMarkerY) { if (center) { dx = markerX - (int) cpx; } latlon = box.getLatLonFromPixel(cpx + dx, cpy + dy); } } } return latlon; }