/** * Nachos main entry point. * * @param args the command line arguments. */ public static void main(final String[] args) { System.out.print("nachos 5.0j initializing..."); Lib.assertTrue(Machine.args == null); Machine.args = args; processArgs(); Config.load(configFileName); // get the current directory (.) baseDirectory = new File(new File("").getAbsolutePath()); // get the nachos directory (./nachos) nachosDirectory = new File(baseDirectory, "nachos"); String testDirectoryName = Config.getString("FileSystem.testDirectory"); // get the test directory if (testDirectoryName != null) { testDirectory = new File(testDirectoryName); } else { // use ../test testDirectory = new File(baseDirectory.getParentFile(), "test"); } securityManager = new NachosSecurityManager(testDirectory); privilege = securityManager.getPrivilege(); privilege.machine = new MachinePrivilege(); TCB.givePrivilege(privilege); privilege.stats = stats; securityManager.enable(); createDevices(); checkUserClasses(); autoGrader = (AutoGrader) Lib.constructObject(autoGraderClassName); new TCB() .start( new Runnable() { public void run() { autoGrader.start(privilege); } }); }
private static void processArgs() { for (int i = 0; i < args.length; ) { String arg = args[i++]; if (arg.length() > 0 && arg.charAt(0) == '-') { if (arg.equals("-d")) { Lib.assertTrue(i < args.length, "switch without argument"); Lib.enableDebugFlags(args[i++]); } else if (arg.equals("-h")) { System.out.print(help); System.exit(1); } else if (arg.equals("-m")) { Lib.assertTrue(i < args.length, "switch without argument"); try { numPhysPages = Integer.parseInt(args[i++]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Lib.assertNotReached("bad value for -m switch"); } } else if (arg.equals("-s")) { Lib.assertTrue(i < args.length, "switch without argument"); try { randomSeed = Long.parseLong(args[i++]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Lib.assertNotReached("bad value for -s switch"); } } else if (arg.equals("-x")) { Lib.assertTrue(i < args.length, "switch without argument"); shellProgramName = args[i++]; } else if (arg.equals("-z")) { System.out.print(copyright); System.exit(1); } // these switches are reserved for the autograder else if (arg.equals("-[]")) { Lib.assertTrue(i < args.length, "switch without argument"); configFileName = args[i++]; } else if (arg.equals("--")) { Lib.assertTrue(i < args.length, "switch without argument"); autoGraderClassName = args[i++]; } } } Lib.seedRandom(randomSeed); }
/** * Return the name of the process class that the kernel should use. In the multi-programming * project, returns <tt>nachos.userprog.UserProcess</tt>. In the VM project, returns * <tt>nachos.vm.VMProcess</tt>. In the networking project, returns * <tt>nachos.network.NetProcess</tt>. * * @return the name of the process class that the kernel should use. * @see nachos.userprog.UserKernel#run * @see nachos.userprog.UserProcess * @see nachos.vm.VMProcess * @see nachos.network.NetProcess */ public static String getProcessClassName() { if (processClassName == null) processClassName = Config.getString("Kernel.processClassName"); Lib.assertTrue(processClassName != null); return processClassName; }
/** * Return the name of the shell program that a user-programming kernel must run. Make sure * <tt>UserKernel.run()</tt> <i>always</i> uses this method to decide which program to run. * * @return the name of the shell program to run. */ public static String getShellProgramName() { if (shellProgramName == null) shellProgramName = Config.getString("Kernel.shellProgram"); Lib.assertTrue(shellProgramName != null); return shellProgramName; }
private static void checkUserClasses() { System.out.print(" user-check"); Class aclsInt = (new int[0]).getClass(); Class clsObject = Lib.loadClass("java.lang.Object"); Class clsRunnable = Lib.loadClass("java.lang.Runnable"); Class clsString = Lib.loadClass("java.lang.String"); Class clsKernel = Lib.loadClass("nachos.machine.Kernel"); Class clsFileSystem = Lib.loadClass("nachos.machine.FileSystem"); Class clsRiderControls = Lib.loadClass("nachos.machine.RiderControls"); Class clsElevatorControls = Lib.loadClass("nachos.machine.ElevatorControls"); Class clsRiderInterface = Lib.loadClass("nachos.machine.RiderInterface"); Class clsElevatorControllerInterface = Lib.loadClass("nachos.machine.ElevatorControllerInterface"); Class clsAlarm = Lib.loadClass("nachos.threads.Alarm"); Class clsThreadedKernel = Lib.loadClass("nachos.threads.ThreadedKernel"); Class clsKThread = Lib.loadClass("nachos.threads.KThread"); Class clsCommunicator = Lib.loadClass("nachos.threads.Communicator"); Class clsSemaphore = Lib.loadClass("nachos.threads.Semaphore"); Class clsLock = Lib.loadClass("nachos.threads.Lock"); Class clsCondition = Lib.loadClass("nachos.threads.Condition"); Class clsCondition2 = Lib.loadClass("nachos.threads.Condition2"); Class clsRider = Lib.loadClass("nachos.threads.Rider"); Class clsElevatorController = Lib.loadClass("nachos.threads.ElevatorController"); Lib.checkDerivation(clsThreadedKernel, clsKernel); Lib.checkStaticField(clsThreadedKernel, "alarm", clsAlarm); Lib.checkStaticField(clsThreadedKernel, "fileSystem", clsFileSystem); Lib.checkMethod(clsAlarm, "waitUntil", new Class[] {long.class}, void.class); Lib.checkConstructor(clsKThread, new Class[] {}); Lib.checkConstructor(clsKThread, new Class[] {clsRunnable}); Lib.checkStaticMethod(clsKThread, "currentThread", new Class[] {}, clsKThread); Lib.checkStaticMethod(clsKThread, "finish", new Class[] {}, void.class); Lib.checkStaticMethod(clsKThread, "yield", new Class[] {}, void.class); Lib.checkStaticMethod(clsKThread, "sleep", new Class[] {}, void.class); Lib.checkMethod(clsKThread, "setTarget", new Class[] {clsRunnable}, clsKThread); Lib.checkMethod(clsKThread, "setName", new Class[] {clsString}, clsKThread); Lib.checkMethod(clsKThread, "getName", new Class[] {}, clsString); Lib.checkMethod(clsKThread, "fork", new Class[] {}, void.class); Lib.checkMethod(clsKThread, "ready", new Class[] {}, void.class); Lib.checkMethod(clsKThread, "join", new Class[] {}, void.class); Lib.checkField(clsKThread, "schedulingState", clsObject); Lib.checkConstructor(clsCommunicator, new Class[] {}); Lib.checkMethod(clsCommunicator, "speak", new Class[] {int.class}, void.class); Lib.checkMethod(clsCommunicator, "listen", new Class[] {}, int.class); Lib.checkConstructor(clsSemaphore, new Class[] {int.class}); Lib.checkMethod(clsSemaphore, "P", new Class[] {}, void.class); Lib.checkMethod(clsSemaphore, "V", new Class[] {}, void.class); Lib.checkConstructor(clsLock, new Class[] {}); Lib.checkMethod(clsLock, "acquire", new Class[] {}, void.class); Lib.checkMethod(clsLock, "release", new Class[] {}, void.class); Lib.checkMethod(clsLock, "isHeldByCurrentThread", new Class[] {}, boolean.class); Lib.checkConstructor(clsCondition, new Class[] {clsLock}); Lib.checkConstructor(clsCondition2, new Class[] {clsLock}); Lib.checkMethod(clsCondition, "sleep", new Class[] {}, void.class); Lib.checkMethod(clsCondition, "wake", new Class[] {}, void.class); Lib.checkMethod(clsCondition, "wakeAll", new Class[] {}, void.class); Lib.checkMethod(clsCondition2, "sleep", new Class[] {}, void.class); Lib.checkMethod(clsCondition2, "wake", new Class[] {}, void.class); Lib.checkMethod(clsCondition2, "wakeAll", new Class[] {}, void.class); Lib.checkDerivation(clsRider, clsRiderInterface); Lib.checkConstructor(clsRider, new Class[] {}); Lib.checkMethod(clsRider, "initialize", new Class[] {clsRiderControls, aclsInt}, void.class); Lib.checkDerivation(clsElevatorController, clsElevatorControllerInterface); Lib.checkConstructor(clsElevatorController, new Class[] {}); Lib.checkMethod( clsElevatorController, "initialize", new Class[] {clsElevatorControls}, void.class); }