public Json makeTyped(Object anything) { boolean isarray = anything.getClass().isArray(); Class<?> type = isarray ? anything.getClass().getComponentType() : anything.getClass(); JsonConverter converter = converterMap.get(type.getName()); String typeName = shortNameMap.getY(type.getName()); if (typeName == null) typeName = type.getName(); if (isarray) { Json result = Json.array(); Object[] A = (Object[]) anything; for (Object x : A) { if (x == null) result.add(Json.nil()); else result.add(converter != null ? : make(x)); } return Json.object().set("javaArrayType", typeName).set("array", result); } else if (type.isEnum()) return Json.object().set("java.lang.Enum", type.getName()).set("value", anything.toString()); for (Class<?> abstractConv : converterFromAbstractMap.keySet()) if (abstractConv.isAssignableFrom(type)) return converterFromAbstractMap.get(abstractConv).to(anything); Json value = null; if (converter != null) value =; else if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || Map.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) value =; else try { value = f.make(anything); } catch (Throwable t) { value =; } return Json.object().set("javaType", typeName).set("value", value); }
private Json getAccessPolicies(Json groups) { if (!groups.isArray()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected Array of cirmusergroups. e.g. legacy:311.."); Json cirmUserGroupsWithAccessPolicies = Json.array(); for (Json iri : groups.asJsonList()) { OWLIndividual group = dataFactory().getOWLNamedIndividual(fullIri(iri.asString())); // Here we need to make sure that the serialization stops at e.g. // individuals that are the objects of an AccessPolicy! Json groupWithAccessPolicies = OWL.toJSON(group, stopExpansionCondition); cirmUserGroupsWithAccessPolicies.add(groupWithAccessPolicies); } // Array of cirm groups with all access policy information serialized. return cirmUserGroupsWithAccessPolicies; // userdata.set("cirmusergroups", // cirmUserGroupsWithAccessPolicies); }