Exemplo n.º 1
  private void writePixels(String chunk, byte[] stream, int x, int y, int width, int height)
      throws FormatException, IOException {
    MetadataRetrieve r = getMetadataRetrieve();
    int sizeC = getSamplesPerPixel();
    String type = r.getPixelsType(series).toString();
    int pixelType = FormatTools.pixelTypeFromString(type);
    boolean signed = FormatTools.isSigned(pixelType);

    if (!isFullPlane(x, y, width, height)) {
      throw new FormatException("APNGWriter does not support writing tiles.");

    ByteArrayOutputStream s = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    if (chunk.equals("fdAT")) {
      s.write(DataTools.intToBytes(nextSequenceNumber++, false));
    DeflaterOutputStream deflater = new DeflaterOutputStream(s);
    int planeSize = stream.length / sizeC;
    int rowLen = stream.length / height;
    int bytesPerPixel = stream.length / (width * height * sizeC);
    byte[] rowBuf = new byte[rowLen];
    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
      if (interleaved) {
        if (littleEndian) {
          for (int col = 0; col < width * sizeC; col++) {
            int offset = (i * sizeC * width + col) * bytesPerPixel;
            int pixel = DataTools.bytesToInt(stream, offset, bytesPerPixel, littleEndian);
            DataTools.unpackBytes(pixel, rowBuf, col * bytesPerPixel, bytesPerPixel, false);
        } else System.arraycopy(stream, i * rowLen, rowBuf, 0, rowLen);
      } else {
        int max = (int) Math.pow(2, bytesPerPixel * 8 - 1);
        for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) {
          for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++) {
            int offset = c * planeSize + (i * width + col) * bytesPerPixel;
            int pixel = DataTools.bytesToInt(stream, offset, bytesPerPixel, littleEndian);
            if (signed) {
              if (pixel < max) pixel += max;
              else pixel -= max;
            int output = (col * sizeC + c) * bytesPerPixel;
            DataTools.unpackBytes(pixel, rowBuf, output, bytesPerPixel, false);
    byte[] b = s.toByteArray();

    // write chunk length
    out.writeInt(b.length - 4);

    // write checksum
Exemplo n.º 2
  protected void initFile(String id) throws FormatException, IOException {
    LOGGER.debug("OmeroReader.initFile({})", id);


    if (!id.startsWith("omero:")) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not an OMERO id: " + id);

    // parse credentials from id string

    LOGGER.info("Parsing credentials");

    String address = server, user = username, pass = password;
    int port = thePort;
    long iid = -1;

    final String[] tokens = id.substring(6).split("\n");
    for (String token : tokens) {
      final int equals = token.indexOf("=");
      if (equals < 0) continue;
      final String key = token.substring(0, equals);
      final String val = token.substring(equals + 1);
      if (key.equals("server")) address = val;
      else if (key.equals("user")) user = val;
      else if (key.equals("pass")) pass = val;
      else if (key.equals("port")) {
        try {
          port = Integer.parseInt(val);
        } catch (NumberFormatException exc) {
      } else if (key.equals("session")) {
        sessionID = val;
      } else if (key.equals("groupName")) {
        group = val;
      } else if (key.equals("groupID")) {
        groupID = new Long(val);
      } else if (key.equals("iid")) {
        try {
          iid = Long.parseLong(val);
        } catch (NumberFormatException exc) {

    if (address == null) {
      throw new FormatException("Invalid server address");
    if (user == null && sessionID == null) {
      throw new FormatException("Invalid username");
    if (pass == null && sessionID == null) {
      throw new FormatException("Invalid password");
    if (iid < 0) {
      throw new FormatException("Invalid image ID");

    try {
      // authenticate with OMERO server

      LOGGER.info("Logging in");

      client = new omero.client(address, port);
      ServiceFactoryPrx serviceFactory = null;
      if (user != null && pass != null) {
        serviceFactory = client.createSession(user, pass);
      } else {
        serviceFactory = client.createSession(sessionID, sessionID);

      if (!encrypted) {
        client = client.createClient(false);
        serviceFactory = client.getSession();

      if (group != null || groupID != null) {
        IAdminPrx iAdmin = serviceFactory.getAdminService();
        IQueryPrx iQuery = serviceFactory.getQueryService();
        EventContext eventContext = iAdmin.getEventContext();
        ExperimenterGroup defaultGroup = iAdmin.getDefaultGroup(eventContext.userId);
        if (!defaultGroup.getName().getValue().equals(group)
            && !new Long(defaultGroup.getId().getValue()).equals(groupID)) {
          Experimenter exp = iAdmin.getExperimenter(eventContext.userId);

          ParametersI p = new ParametersI();
          List<IObject> groupList =
                  "select distinct g from ExperimenterGroup as g "
                      + "join fetch g.groupExperimenterMap as map "
                      + "join fetch map.parent e "
                      + "left outer join fetch map.child u "
                      + "left outer join fetch u.groupExperimenterMap m2 "
                      + "left outer join fetch m2.parent p "
                      + "where g.id in "
                      + "  (select m.parent from GroupExperimenterMap m "
                      + "  where m.child.id = :id )",

          Iterator<IObject> i = groupList.iterator();

          ExperimenterGroup g = null;

          boolean in = false;
          while (i.hasNext()) {
            g = (ExperimenterGroup) i.next();
            if (g.getName().getValue().equals(group)
                || new Long(g.getId().getValue()).equals(groupID)) {
              in = true;
              groupID = g.getId().getValue();
          if (in) {
            iAdmin.setDefaultGroup(exp, iAdmin.getGroup(groupID));
            serviceFactory.setSecurityContext(new ExperimenterGroupI(groupID, false));

      // get raw pixels store and pixels

      store = serviceFactory.createRawPixelsStore();

      final GatewayPrx gateway = serviceFactory.createGateway();
      img = gateway.getImage(iid);

      if (img == null) {
        throw new FormatException(
            "Could not find Image with ID=" + iid + " in group '" + group + "'.");

      long pixelsId = img.getPixels(0).getId().getValue();

      store.setPixelsId(pixelsId, false);

      pix = gateway.getPixels(pixelsId);
      final int sizeX = pix.getSizeX().getValue();
      final int sizeY = pix.getSizeY().getValue();
      final int sizeZ = pix.getSizeZ().getValue();
      final int sizeC = pix.getSizeC().getValue();
      final int sizeT = pix.getSizeT().getValue();
      final String pixelType = pix.getPixelsType().getValue().getValue();

      // populate metadata

      LOGGER.info("Populating metadata");

      core[0].sizeX = sizeX;
      core[0].sizeY = sizeY;
      core[0].sizeZ = sizeZ;
      core[0].sizeC = sizeC;
      core[0].sizeT = sizeT;
      core[0].rgb = false;
      core[0].littleEndian = false;
      core[0].dimensionOrder = "XYZCT";
      core[0].imageCount = sizeZ * sizeC * sizeT;
      core[0].pixelType = FormatTools.pixelTypeFromString(pixelType);

      RDouble x = pix.getPhysicalSizeX();
      Double px = x == null ? null : x.getValue();
      RDouble y = pix.getPhysicalSizeY();
      Double py = y == null ? null : y.getValue();
      RDouble z = pix.getPhysicalSizeZ();
      Double pz = z == null ? null : z.getValue();
      RDouble t = pix.getTimeIncrement();
      Double time = t == null ? null : t.getValue();

      RString imageName = img.getName();
      String name = imageName == null ? null : imageName.getValue();

      if (name != null) {
        currentId = name;
      } else {
        currentId = "Image ID " + iid;

      RString imgDescription = img.getDescription();
      String description = imgDescription == null ? null : imgDescription.getValue();
      RTime date = img.getAcquisitionDate();

      MetadataStore store = getMetadataStore();
      MetadataTools.populatePixels(store, this);
      store.setImageName(name, 0);
      store.setImageDescription(description, 0);
      if (date != null) {
            new Timestamp(DateTools.convertDate(date.getValue(), (int) DateTools.UNIX_EPOCH)), 0);

      if (px != null && px > 0) {
        store.setPixelsPhysicalSizeX(new PositiveFloat(px), 0);
      if (py != null && py > 0) {
        store.setPixelsPhysicalSizeY(new PositiveFloat(py), 0);
      if (pz != null && pz > 0) {
        store.setPixelsPhysicalSizeZ(new PositiveFloat(pz), 0);
      if (time != null) {
        store.setPixelsTimeIncrement(time, 0);

      List<Channel> channels = pix.copyChannels();
      for (int c = 0; c < channels.size(); c++) {
        LogicalChannel channel = channels.get(c).getLogicalChannel();

        RInt emWave = channel.getEmissionWave();
        RInt exWave = channel.getExcitationWave();
        RDouble pinholeSize = channel.getPinHoleSize();
        RString cname = channel.getName();

        Integer emission = emWave == null ? null : emWave.getValue();
        Integer excitation = exWave == null ? null : exWave.getValue();
        String channelName = cname == null ? null : cname.getValue();
        Double pinhole = pinholeSize == null ? null : pinholeSize.getValue();

        if (channelName != null) {
          store.setChannelName(channelName, 0, c);
        if (pinhole != null) {
          store.setChannelPinholeSize(pinhole, 0, c);
        if (emission != null && emission > 0) {
          store.setChannelEmissionWavelength(new PositiveInteger(emission), 0, c);
        if (excitation != null && excitation > 0) {
          store.setChannelExcitationWavelength(new PositiveInteger(excitation), 0, c);
    } catch (CannotCreateSessionException e) {
      throw new FormatException(e);
    } catch (PermissionDeniedException e) {
      throw new FormatException(e);
    } catch (ServerError e) {
      throw new FormatException(e);
Exemplo n.º 3
  /* @see loci.formats.FormatReader#initFile(String) */
  protected void initFile(String id) throws FormatException, IOException {
    if (noOME) {
      throw new MissingLibraryException(OMEXMLServiceImpl.NO_OME_XML_MSG);

    in = new RandomAccessInputStream(id);

    binData = new Vector<BinData>();
    binDataOffsets = new Vector<Long>();
    compression = new Vector<String>();

    DefaultHandler handler = new OMEXMLHandler();
    try {
      RandomAccessInputStream s = new RandomAccessInputStream(id);
      XMLTools.parseXML(s, handler);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new FormatException("Malformed OME-XML", e);

    int lineNumber = 1;
    for (BinData bin : binData) {
      int line = bin.getRow();
      int col = bin.getColumn();

      while (lineNumber < line) {
      binDataOffsets.add(in.getFilePointer() + col - 1);

    if (binDataOffsets.size() == 0) {
      throw new FormatException("Pixel data not found");

    LOGGER.info("Populating metadata");

    OMEXMLMetadata omexmlMeta;
    OMEXMLService service;
    try {
      ServiceFactory factory = new ServiceFactory();
      service = factory.getInstance(OMEXMLService.class);
      omexmlMeta = service.createOMEXMLMetadata(omexml);
    } catch (DependencyException de) {
      throw new MissingLibraryException(OMEXMLServiceImpl.NO_OME_XML_MSG, de);
    } catch (ServiceException se) {
      throw new FormatException(se);

    hasSPW = omexmlMeta.getPlateCount() > 0;
    addGlobalMeta("Is SPW file", hasSPW);

    // TODO
    // Hashtable originalMetadata = omexmlMeta.getOriginalMetadata();
    // if (originalMetadata != null) metadata = originalMetadata;

    int numDatasets = omexmlMeta.getImageCount();

    core = new CoreMetadata[numDatasets];

    int oldSeries = getSeries();

    for (int i = 0; i < numDatasets; i++) {

      core[i] = new CoreMetadata();

      Integer w = omexmlMeta.getPixelsSizeX(i).getValue();
      Integer h = omexmlMeta.getPixelsSizeY(i).getValue();
      Integer t = omexmlMeta.getPixelsSizeT(i).getValue();
      Integer z = omexmlMeta.getPixelsSizeZ(i).getValue();
      Integer c = omexmlMeta.getPixelsSizeC(i).getValue();
      if (w == null || h == null || t == null || z == null | c == null) {
        throw new FormatException("Image dimensions not found");

      Boolean endian = omexmlMeta.getPixelsBinDataBigEndian(i, 0);
      String pixType = omexmlMeta.getPixelsType(i).toString();
      core[i].dimensionOrder = omexmlMeta.getPixelsDimensionOrder(i).toString();
      core[i].sizeX = w.intValue();
      core[i].sizeY = h.intValue();
      core[i].sizeT = t.intValue();
      core[i].sizeZ = z.intValue();
      core[i].sizeC = c.intValue();
      core[i].imageCount = getSizeZ() * getSizeC() * getSizeT();
      core[i].littleEndian = endian == null ? false : !endian.booleanValue();
      core[i].rgb = false;
      core[i].interleaved = false;
      core[i].indexed = false;
      core[i].falseColor = true;
      core[i].pixelType = FormatTools.pixelTypeFromString(pixType);
      core[i].orderCertain = true;

    // populate assigned metadata store with the
    // contents of the internal OME-XML metadata object
    MetadataStore store = getMetadataStore();
    MetadataTools.populatePixels(store, this);
    service.convertMetadata(omexmlMeta, store);