public String evaluate(Program pgm, Variables vars, Instruction inst) throws Exception { Object[] objs = Bit.getObjects(pgm, vars, inst, 1); String type = objs[0].toString(); String msg = ""; for (int i = 1; i < objs.length; i++) { msg += objs[i].toString(); } Type t = null; try { t = Type.valueOf(type); } catch (Exception e) { Bit.error(inst, "Invalid type, first parameter must be the type"); } if (t == null) Bit.error(inst, "First parameter must be the type"); String i; BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; System.out.print(msg); i = br.readLine(); while (!t.isValidValue(i)) { System.out.println("The value must be a valid " +; System.out.print(msg); i = br.readLine(); } Reference ref = new Reference(); ref.type = t; ref.value = t.getObject(i, null); return pgm.getReferences().newReference(ref); }
public String evaluate(Program pgm, Variables vars, Instruction inst) throws Exception { Object[] objs = Bit.getObjects(pgm, vars, inst, 1); String title = objs[0].toString(); String msg = objs[1].toString(); String btnlabel = objs[2].toString(); int width = Integer.parseInt(objs[3].toString()); String type = objs[4].toString(); Type t = Type.valueOf(type); if (t == null) Bit.error(inst, "Fifth parameter must be the type"); RequestInput ri = pgm.getInput(); Reference ref = ri.getInput(title, msg, width, btnlabel, t); ref.value = ref.value; return pgm.getReferences().newReference(ref); }