private void createReport() { Engine engine = EngineFactory.getEngine(EngineFactory.DEFAULT); Account root = engine.getRootAccount(); baseCommodity = engine.getDefaultCurrency(); numberFormat = CommodityFormat.getFullNumberFormat(baseCommodity); SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMMMM-yyyy"); dates = getDates(); // title and dates pl.add(rb.getString("Title.ProfitLoss")); pl.add(""); pl.add("From " + df.format(dates[0]) + " To " + df.format(dates[1])); pl.add(""); pl.add(""); // Income pl.add("Income"); pl.add("------------------------------------------------------"); getBalances(root, dates, AccountType.INCOME); // Add up the Gross Income. BigDecimal total1 = BigDecimal.ZERO; for (Object aBalance1 : balance) { total1 = total1.add((BigDecimal) aBalance1); } pl.add("------------------------------------------------------"); pl.add(formatAcctNameOut(rb.getString("Word.GrossIncome")) + " " + formatDecimalOut(total1)); pl.add("------------------------------------------------------"); pl.add(""); pl.add(""); // Expense pl.add("Expenses"); pl.add("------------------------------------------------------"); balance = new ArrayList<>(); getBalances(root, dates, AccountType.EXPENSE); // Add up the Gross Expenses BigDecimal total2 = BigDecimal.ZERO; for (Object aBalance : balance) { total2 = total2.add((BigDecimal) aBalance); } pl.add("------------------------------------------------------"); pl.add(formatAcctNameOut(rb.getString("Word.GrossExpense")) + " " + formatDecimalOut(total2)); pl.add("------------------------------------------------------"); pl.add(""); pl.add(""); // Net Total pl.add("------------------------------------------------------"); pl.add( formatAcctNameOut(rb.getString("Word.NetIncome")) + " " + formatDecimalOut(total1.add(total2))); pl.add("======================================================"); }
private void initComponents() { Preferences preferences = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(RemoteConnectionDialog.class); setPort(preferences.getInt(LAST_PORT, JpaNetworkServer.DEFAULT_PORT)); setHost(preferences.get(LAST_HOST, "localhost")); cancelButton = new JButton(rb.getString("Button.Cancel")); okButton = new JButton(rb.getString("Button.Ok")); cancelButton.addActionListener(this); okButton.addActionListener(this); }
private void initComponents() { datePanel = new DatePanel(); numberCombo = new TransactionNumberComboBox(account); okButton = new JButton(rb.getString("Button.Ok")); cancelButton = new JButton(rb.getString("Button.Cancel")); okButton.addActionListener(this); cancelButton.addActionListener(this); getRootPane().setDefaultButton(okButton); }
private void initComponents() { final Resource rb = Resource.get(); setTitle(rb.getString("Title.DefTranNum")); okButton = new JButton(rb.getString("Button.Ok")); cancelButton = new JButton(rb.getString("Button.Cancel")); insertButton = new JButton(rb.getString("Button.Insert")); removeButton = new JButton(rb.getString("Button.Remove")); upButton = new JButton(Resource.getIcon("/jgnash/resource/stock_up-16.png")); downButton = new JButton(Resource.getIcon("/jgnash/resource/stock_down-16.png")); insertButton.addActionListener(this); cancelButton.addActionListener(this); okButton.addActionListener(this); removeButton.addActionListener(this); upButton.addActionListener(this); downButton.addActionListener(this); model = new DefaultListModel<>(); final List<String> items = EngineFactory.getEngine(EngineFactory.DEFAULT).getTransactionNumberList(); for (String s : items) { model.addElement(s); } list = new JList<>(model); entryField = new JTextFieldEx(10); }
private void initComponents() { feeField = new JFloatField(account.getCurrencyNode()); feeButton = new JButton(Resource.getIcon("/jgnash/resource/document-properties.png")); feeButton.setMargin(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0)); feeButton.addActionListener(this); feeButton.setFocusPainted(false); if (ThemeManager.isLookAndFeelNimbus()) { NimbusUtils.reduceNimbusButtonMargin(feeButton); feeButton.setIcon( NimbusUtils.scaleIcon(Resource.getIcon("/jgnash/resource/document-properties.png"))); } }
private void layoutMainPanel() { Resource rb = Resource.get(); initComponents(); FormLayout layout = new FormLayout("2dlu, right:d, $lcgap, max(40dlu;d), $lcgap, d", "min"); DefaultFormBuilder builder = new DefaultFormBuilder(layout, this); setLayout(layout); setBorder(Borders.EMPTY); builder.add(new JLabel(rb.getString("Label.Year")), CC.xy(2, 1)); builder.add(yearSpinner, CC.xy(4, 1)); builder.add(sparklinePanel, CC.xy(6, 1)); }
private void layoutMainPanel() { initComponents(); FormLayout layout = new FormLayout("p:g", ""); DefaultFormBuilder builder = new DefaultFormBuilder(layout); builder.setDefaultDialogBorder(); builder.appendTitle(rb.getString("Message.TransToPrint")); builder.append(ButtonBarFactory.buildLeftAlignedBar(selectButton, clearButton, invertButton)); builder.nextLine(); builder.appendUnrelatedComponentsGapRow(); builder.nextLine(); builder.appendRow(RowSpec.decode("f:75dlu:g")); builder.append(new JScrollPane(table)); builder.nextLine(); builder.appendUnrelatedComponentsGapRow(); builder.nextLine(); builder.append(ButtonBarFactory.buildOKCancelBar(okButton, cancelButton)); getContentPane().add(builder.getPanel(), BorderLayout.CENTER); pack(); setMinimumSize(getSize()); }
public GenericCloseDialog(final Window parent, final JComponent panel, final String title) { super(parent); setTitle(title); setModal(true); setIconImage(Resource.getImage("/jgnash/resource/gnome-money.png")); this.component = panel; layoutMainPanel(); setDefaultCloseOperation(DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); setLocationRelativeTo(parent); }
/** * A simple dialog with a close button * * @author Craig Cavanaugh */ public class GenericCloseDialog extends JDialog implements ActionListener { private final Resource rb = Resource.get(); private JButton closeButton; private final JComponent component; public GenericCloseDialog(final Window parent, final JComponent panel, final String title) { super(parent); setTitle(title); setModal(true); setIconImage(Resource.getImage("/jgnash/resource/gnome-money.png")); this.component = panel; layoutMainPanel(); setDefaultCloseOperation(DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); setLocationRelativeTo(parent); } public GenericCloseDialog(final JComponent panel, final String title) { this(UIApplication.getFrame(), panel, title); } JComponent getComponent() { return component; } private void layoutMainPanel() { FormLayout layout = new FormLayout("fill:p:g", "f:p:g, $ugap, f:p"); DefaultFormBuilder builder = new DefaultFormBuilder(layout); builder.border(Borders.DIALOG); closeButton = new JButton(rb.getString("Button.Close")); builder.append(component); builder.nextLine(); builder.nextLine(); builder.append(StaticUIMethods.buildCloseBar(closeButton)); getContentPane().add(builder.getPanel()); pack(); closeButton.addActionListener(this); } /** Invoked when an action occurs. */ @Override public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == closeButton) { dispatchEvent(new WindowEvent(this, WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING)); } } }
public RemoteConnectionDialog(final JFrame parent) { super(parent, true); setTitle(rb.getString("Title.ConnectServer")); layoutMainPanel(); setMinimumSize(getSize()); setDefaultCloseOperation(DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); DialogUtils.addBoundsListener(this); }
private void layoutMainPanel() { initComponents(); FormLayout layout = new FormLayout("p, 8dlu, 85dlu:g", ""); DefaultFormBuilder builder = new DefaultFormBuilder(layout, this); builder.appendSeparator(rb.getString("Title.SelDestAccount")); builder.nextLine(); builder.appendRelatedComponentsGapRow(); builder.nextLine(); builder.appendRow(RowSpec.decode("p")); builder.append(helpPane, 3); builder.nextLine(); builder.appendRelatedComponentsGapRow(); builder.nextLine(); builder.append(rb.getString("Label.DestAccount"), accountCombo); builder.nextLine(); builder.append(rb.getString("Label.DateFormat"), dateFormatCombo); }
private void buildPanel() { initComponents(); FormLayout layout = new FormLayout("max(20dlu;d), 4dlu, 75dlu:grow(1.0)", "f:d, 3dlu, f:d, 10dlu, f:d"); CellConstraints cc = new CellConstraints(); layout.setRowGroups(new int[][] {{1, 3, 5}}); JPanel p = new JPanel(layout); p.setBorder(Borders.DIALOG); p.add(new JLabel(rb.getString("Label.Date")), cc.xy(1, 1)); p.add(datePanel, cc.xy(3, 1)); p.add(new JLabel(rb.getString("Label.Number")), cc.xy(1, 3)); p.add(numberCombo, cc.xy(3, 3)); p.add(StaticUIMethods.buildOKCancelBar(okButton, cancelButton), cc.xyw(1, 5, 3)); getContentPane().add(p, BorderLayout.CENTER); }
private void layoutMainPanel() { initComponents(); FormLayout layout = new FormLayout("p, 4dlu, fill:70dlu:g", ""); DefaultFormBuilder builder = new DefaultFormBuilder(layout); builder.border(Borders.DIALOG); builder.append(rb.getString("Label.DatabaseServer"), hostField); builder.append(rb.getString("Label.Port"), portField); builder.append(rb.getString("Label.Password"), passwordField); builder.nextLine(); builder.appendUnrelatedComponentsGapRow(); builder.nextLine(); builder.append(StaticUIMethods.buildOKCancelBar(okButton, cancelButton), 3); getContentPane().add(builder.getPanel()); pack(); setResizable(false); }
Date[] getDates() { Date start = new Date(); start = DateUtils.subtractYear(start); JDateField startField = new JDateField(); JDateField endField = new JDateField(); startField.setValue(start); FormLayout layout = new FormLayout("right:p, 4dlu, p:g", ""); DefaultFormBuilder builder = new DefaultFormBuilder(layout); builder.setRowGroupingEnabled(true); builder.append(rb.getString("Label.StartDate"), startField); builder.append(rb.getString("Label.EndDate"), endField); builder.nextLine(); builder.appendUnrelatedComponentsGapRow(); builder.nextLine(); JPanel panel = builder.getPanel(); int option = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( null, new Object[] {panel}, rb.getString("Message.StartEndDate"), JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); if (option == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { return getLastDays(startField.dateValue(), endField.dateValue()); } return null; }
String getFileName() { JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(); chooser.setMultiSelectionEnabled(false); chooser.addChoosableFileFilter( new FileNameExtensionFilter(rb.getString("Message.TXTFile"), "txt")); if (chooser.showSaveDialog(null) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { String fileName = chooser.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath(); if (!fileName.endsWith(".txt")) { fileName = fileName + ".txt"; } return fileName; } return null; }
static void fixWindowManager() { Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); if (toolkit.getClass().getName().equals("sun.awt.X11.XToolkit")) { // Oracle Bug #6528430 - provide proper app name on Linux try { Field awtAppClassNameField = toolkit.getClass().getDeclaredField("awtAppClassName"); awtAppClassNameField.setAccessible(true); awtAppClassNameField.set(toolkit, Resource.getAppName()); } catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException ex) { Logger.getLogger(StaticUIMethods.class.getName()) .log(Level.INFO, ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); } // Workaround for main menu, pop-up & mouse issues for Gnome 3 shell and Cinnamon if ("gnome-shell".equals(System.getenv("DESKTOP_SESSION")) || "cinnamon".equals(System.getenv("DESKTOP_SESSION")) || "gnome".equals(System.getenv("DESKTOP_SESSION")) || (System.getenv("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP") != null && System.getenv("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP").contains("GNOME"))) { try { Class<?> x11_wm = Class.forName("sun.awt.X11.XWM"); Field awt_wMgr = x11_wm.getDeclaredField("awt_wmgr"); awt_wMgr.setAccessible(true); Field other_wm = x11_wm.getDeclaredField("OTHER_WM"); other_wm.setAccessible(true); if (awt_wMgr.get(null).equals(other_wm.get(null))) { Field metaCity_Wm = x11_wm.getDeclaredField("METACITY_WM"); metaCity_Wm.setAccessible(true); awt_wMgr.set(null, metaCity_Wm.get(null)); Logger.getLogger(StaticUIMethods.class.getName()) .info("Installed window manager workaround"); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException | IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException ex) { Logger.getLogger(StaticUIMethods.class.getName()) .log(Level.INFO, ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); } } } }
private void layoutMainPanel() { FormLayout layout = new FormLayout("fill:p:g", "f:p:g, $ugap, f:p"); DefaultFormBuilder builder = new DefaultFormBuilder(layout); builder.border(Borders.DIALOG); closeButton = new JButton(rb.getString("Button.Close")); builder.append(component); builder.nextLine(); builder.nextLine(); builder.append(StaticUIMethods.buildCloseBar(closeButton)); getContentPane().add(builder.getPanel()); pack(); closeButton.addActionListener(this); }
public AccountSecurityComboBox(final Account acc) { super(); if (acc == null || acc.getAccountType().getAccountGroup() != AccountGroup.INVEST) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( Resource.get().getString("Message.Error.InvalidAccountGroup")); } this.account = acc; addAll(account.getSecurities()); if (model.getSize() > 0) { setSelectedIndex(0); } registerListeners(); }
private void initComponents() { setTitle(rb.getString("Title.TransactionList")); selectButton = new JButton(rb.getString("Button.SelectAll")); clearButton = new JButton(rb.getString("Button.ClearAll")); invertButton = new JButton(rb.getString("Button.InvertSelection")); okButton = new JButton(rb.getString("Button.Ok")); cancelButton = new JButton(rb.getString("Button.Cancel")); model = new Model(_getPrintableTransactions()); table = new FormattedJTable(model); table.getSelectionModel().addListSelectionListener(this); cancelButton.addActionListener(this); okButton.addActionListener(this); selectButton.addActionListener(this); clearButton.addActionListener(this); invertButton.addActionListener(this); }
/** * Displays a dialog that list all printable transactions. Specific transactions can be selected to * print. * * @author Craig Cavanaugh */ public class TransactionListDialog extends JDialog implements ActionListener, ListSelectionListener { private final Resource rb = Resource.get(); private final String PRINT = rb.getString("Item.Print"); private Model model = null; private boolean returnStatus = false; // return status of dialog private JTable table; private JButton cancelButton; private JButton clearButton; private JButton invertButton; private JButton okButton; private JButton selectButton; public TransactionListDialog() { super(UIApplication.getFrame(), true); setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); layoutMainPanel(); setLocationRelativeTo(UIApplication.getFrame()); } private void initComponents() { setTitle(rb.getString("Title.TransactionList")); selectButton = new JButton(rb.getString("Button.SelectAll")); clearButton = new JButton(rb.getString("Button.ClearAll")); invertButton = new JButton(rb.getString("Button.InvertSelection")); okButton = new JButton(rb.getString("Button.Ok")); cancelButton = new JButton(rb.getString("Button.Cancel")); model = new Model(_getPrintableTransactions()); table = new FormattedJTable(model); table.getSelectionModel().addListSelectionListener(this); cancelButton.addActionListener(this); okButton.addActionListener(this); selectButton.addActionListener(this); clearButton.addActionListener(this); invertButton.addActionListener(this); } private void layoutMainPanel() { initComponents(); FormLayout layout = new FormLayout("p:g", ""); DefaultFormBuilder builder = new DefaultFormBuilder(layout); builder.setDefaultDialogBorder(); builder.appendTitle(rb.getString("Message.TransToPrint")); builder.append(ButtonBarFactory.buildLeftAlignedBar(selectButton, clearButton, invertButton)); builder.nextLine(); builder.appendUnrelatedComponentsGapRow(); builder.nextLine(); builder.appendRow(RowSpec.decode("f:75dlu:g")); builder.append(new JScrollPane(table)); builder.nextLine(); builder.appendUnrelatedComponentsGapRow(); builder.nextLine(); builder.append(ButtonBarFactory.buildOKCancelBar(okButton, cancelButton)); getContentPane().add(builder.getPanel(), BorderLayout.CENTER); pack(); setMinimumSize(getSize()); } /** Closes the dialog */ private void closeDialog() { dispatchEvent(new WindowEvent(TransactionListDialog.this, WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING)); table.getSelectionModel().removeListSelectionListener(this); table = null; } private List<Transaction> _getPrintableTransactions() { List<Transaction> l = new ArrayList<>(); for (Transaction t : EngineFactory.getEngine(EngineFactory.DEFAULT).getTransactions()) { if (PRINT.equalsIgnoreCase(t.getNumber())) { l.add(t); } } Collections.sort(l); // use natural sort order return l; } public boolean getReturnStatus() { return returnStatus; } public List<Transaction> getPrintableTransactions() { return model.getPrintableTransactions(); } /** * Invoked when an action occurs. * * @param e event */ @Override public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == okButton) { returnStatus = true; closeDialog(); } else if (e.getSource() == cancelButton) { returnStatus = false; closeDialog(); } else if (e.getSource() == clearButton) { model.clearAll(); } else if (e.getSource() == selectButton) { model.selectAll(); } else if (e.getSource() == invertButton) { model.invertAll(); } } /** * Called whenever the value of the selection changes. * * @param e the event that characterizes the change. */ @Override public void valueChanged(final ListSelectionEvent e) { if (e.getValueIsAdjusting()) { return; } // ignore extra messages if (e.getSource() == table.getSelectionModel()) { int i = table.getSelectedRow(); if (i >= 0) { Wrapper w = model.getWrapperAt(i); w.print = !w.print; model.fireTableRowsUpdated(i, i); table.clearSelection(); } } } private class Model extends AbstractTableModel { private static final long serialVersionUID = 6665735758964949493L; private final ArrayList<Wrapper> wrapperList = new ArrayList<>(); // list of transactions private final String[] columnNames = { rb.getString("Column.Print"), rb.getString("Column.Date"), rb.getString("Column.Payee"), rb.getString("Column.Account"), rb.getString("Column.Amount") }; private final DateFormat dateFormatter = DateUtils.getShortDateFormat(); private final CommodityFormat commodityformat = CommodityFormat.getFullFormat(); protected Model(final List<Transaction> list) { for (Transaction t : list) { wrapperList.add(new Wrapper(t)); } } @Override public String getColumnName(final int c) { return columnNames[c]; } @Override public Class<?> getColumnClass(final int column) { if (column == 4) { return BigDecimal.class; } return String.class; } /** * Returns the number of columns in the model. A <code>JTable</code> uses this method to * determine how many columns it should create and display by default. * * @return the number of columns in the model * @see #getRowCount */ @Override public int getColumnCount() { return columnNames.length; } /** * Returns the number of rows in the model. A <code>JTable</code> uses this method to determine * how many rows it should display. This method should be quick, as it is called frequently * during rendering. * * @return the number of rows in the model * @see #getColumnCount */ @Override public int getRowCount() { return wrapperList.size(); } /** * Returns the value for the cell at <code>columnIndex</code> and <code>rowIndex</code>. * * @param rowIndex the row whose value is to be queried * @param columnIndex the column whose value is to be queried * @return the value Object at the specified cell */ @Override public Object getValueAt(final int rowIndex, final int columnIndex) { Wrapper w = wrapperList.get(rowIndex); Account baseAccount; if (w.transaction.getTransactionEntries().size() > 1) { baseAccount = w.transaction.getCommonAccount(); } else { baseAccount = w.transaction.getTransactionEntries().get(0).getDebitAccount(); } switch (columnIndex) { case 0: if (w.print) { return AccountTableModel.RECONCILED_SYM; } return null; case 1: return dateFormatter.format(w.transaction.getDate()); case 2: return w.transaction.getPayee(); case 3: return baseAccount.getName(); case 4: return commodityformat.format( w.transaction.getAmount(baseAccount).abs(), baseAccount.getCurrencyNode()); default: return null; } } protected Wrapper getWrapperAt(final int i) { return wrapperList.get(i); } public List<Transaction> getPrintableTransactions() { ArrayList<Transaction> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (Wrapper w : wrapperList) { if (w.print) { list.add(w.transaction); } } return list; } protected void clearAll() { int size = wrapperList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { getWrapperAt(i).print = false; } fireTableDataChanged(); } protected void selectAll() { int size = wrapperList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { getWrapperAt(i).print = true; } fireTableDataChanged(); } protected void invertAll() { int size = wrapperList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { getWrapperAt(i).print = !getWrapperAt(i).print; } fireTableDataChanged(); } } /** Class to wrap a transaction and maintain the selection state of the transaction */ private static final class Wrapper { Transaction transaction; boolean print; protected Wrapper(final Transaction t) { assert t != null; this.transaction = t; } } }
/** * A Dialog for getting a date and transaction number. * * @author Craig Cavanaugh */ class DateChkNumberDialog extends JDialog implements ActionListener { private final Resource rb = Resource.get(); private JButton okButton; private JButton cancelButton; DatePanel datePanel; TransactionNumberComboBox numberCombo; private final Account account; private boolean result = false; /** * Creates new form AbstractDateChkNumberDialog * * @param a the account for the transaction. This can be null. * @param title Title for the dialog */ DateChkNumberDialog(final Account a, final String title) { super(UIApplication.getFrame(), ModalityType.APPLICATION_MODAL); setTitle(title); setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); this.account = a; buildPanel(); if (a != null) { numberCombo.setText(a.getNextTransactionNumber()); } pack(); setMinimumSize(getSize()); DialogUtils.addBoundsListener(this); } /** Closes the dialog */ private void closeDialog() { dispatchEvent(new WindowEvent(this, WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING)); } private void initComponents() { datePanel = new DatePanel(); numberCombo = new TransactionNumberComboBox(account); okButton = new JButton(rb.getString("Button.Ok")); cancelButton = new JButton(rb.getString("Button.Cancel")); okButton.addActionListener(this); cancelButton.addActionListener(this); getRootPane().setDefaultButton(okButton); } private void buildPanel() { initComponents(); FormLayout layout = new FormLayout("max(20dlu;d), 4dlu, 75dlu:grow(1.0)", "f:d, 3dlu, f:d, 10dlu, f:d"); CellConstraints cc = new CellConstraints(); layout.setRowGroups(new int[][] {{1, 3, 5}}); JPanel p = new JPanel(layout); p.setBorder(Borders.DIALOG); p.add(new JLabel(rb.getString("Label.Date")), cc.xy(1, 1)); p.add(datePanel, cc.xy(3, 1)); p.add(new JLabel(rb.getString("Label.Number")), cc.xy(1, 3)); p.add(numberCombo, cc.xy(3, 3)); p.add(StaticUIMethods.buildOKCancelBar(okButton, cancelButton), cc.xyw(1, 5, 3)); getContentPane().add(p, BorderLayout.CENTER); } void okAction() { result = true; closeDialog(); } /** * Gets the date entered in the form * * @return The date entered in the form */ public Date getDate() { return datePanel.getDate(); } /** * Gets the number entered in the form * * @return The number entered in the form */ public String getNumber() { return numberCombo.getText(); } /** @return true if closed with the Ok Button */ public boolean getResult() { return result; } @Override public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == okButton) { okAction(); } else if (e.getSource() == cancelButton) { closeDialog(); } } }
/** * Profit loss report * * @author Michael Mueller * @author Craig Cavanaugh * @author David Robertson */ public class ProfitLossTXT { private NumberFormat numberFormat; private static final boolean SHOW_EMPTY_ACCOUNT = false; private ArrayList<BigDecimal> balance = new ArrayList<>(); private ArrayList<String> pl = new ArrayList<>(); private CurrencyNode baseCommodity; private Date[] dates; private final Resource rb = Resource.get(); public void run() { createReport(); writePLFile(getFileName()); } private void createReport() { Engine engine = EngineFactory.getEngine(EngineFactory.DEFAULT); Account root = engine.getRootAccount(); baseCommodity = engine.getDefaultCurrency(); numberFormat = CommodityFormat.getFullNumberFormat(baseCommodity); SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMMMM-yyyy"); dates = getDates(); // title and dates pl.add(rb.getString("Title.ProfitLoss")); pl.add(""); pl.add("From " + df.format(dates[0]) + " To " + df.format(dates[1])); pl.add(""); pl.add(""); // Income pl.add("Income"); pl.add("------------------------------------------------------"); getBalances(root, dates, AccountType.INCOME); // Add up the Gross Income. BigDecimal total1 = BigDecimal.ZERO; for (Object aBalance1 : balance) { total1 = total1.add((BigDecimal) aBalance1); } pl.add("------------------------------------------------------"); pl.add(formatAcctNameOut(rb.getString("Word.GrossIncome")) + " " + formatDecimalOut(total1)); pl.add("------------------------------------------------------"); pl.add(""); pl.add(""); // Expense pl.add("Expenses"); pl.add("------------------------------------------------------"); balance = new ArrayList<>(); getBalances(root, dates, AccountType.EXPENSE); // Add up the Gross Expenses BigDecimal total2 = BigDecimal.ZERO; for (Object aBalance : balance) { total2 = total2.add((BigDecimal) aBalance); } pl.add("------------------------------------------------------"); pl.add(formatAcctNameOut(rb.getString("Word.GrossExpense")) + " " + formatDecimalOut(total2)); pl.add("------------------------------------------------------"); pl.add(""); pl.add(""); // Net Total pl.add("------------------------------------------------------"); pl.add( formatAcctNameOut(rb.getString("Word.NetIncome")) + " " + formatDecimalOut(total1.add(total2))); pl.add("======================================================"); } void writePLFile(final String fileName) { if (fileName == null || dates == null) { return; } try (BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(fileName)))) { for (Object aPl : pl) { // write the array list pl to the file // print (pl.get(i)); writer.write(aPl.toString()); writer.newLine(); } writer.newLine(); } catch (IOException e) { Logger.getLogger(ProfitLossTXT.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } private static Date[] getLastDays(final Date start, final Date stop) { ArrayList<Date> list = new ArrayList<>(); Date s = DateUtils.trimDate(start); Date t = DateUtils.trimDate(stop); list.add(s); list.add(t); return list.toArray(new Date[list.size()]); } Date[] getDates() { Date start = new Date(); start = DateUtils.subtractYear(start); JDateField startField = new JDateField(); JDateField endField = new JDateField(); startField.setValue(start); FormLayout layout = new FormLayout("right:p, 4dlu, p:g", ""); DefaultFormBuilder builder = new DefaultFormBuilder(layout); builder.setRowGroupingEnabled(true); builder.append(rb.getString("Label.StartDate"), startField); builder.append(rb.getString("Label.EndDate"), endField); builder.nextLine(); builder.appendUnrelatedComponentsGapRow(); builder.nextLine(); JPanel panel = builder.getPanel(); int option = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( null, new Object[] {panel}, rb.getString("Message.StartEndDate"), JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); if (option == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { return getLastDays(startField.dateValue(), endField.dateValue()); } return null; } String getFileName() { JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(); chooser.setMultiSelectionEnabled(false); chooser.addChoosableFileFilter( new FileNameExtensionFilter(rb.getString("Message.TXTFile"), "txt")); if (chooser.showSaveDialog(null) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { String fileName = chooser.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath(); if (!fileName.endsWith(".txt")) { fileName = fileName + ".txt"; } return fileName; } return null; } /** * format output decimal amount * * @param amt the BigDecimal value to format * @return formated string */ private String formatDecimalOut(final BigDecimal amt) { int maxLen = 15; // (-000,000,000.00) StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String formattedAmt = numberFormat.format(amt); // right align amount to pre-defined maximum length (maxLen) int amtLen = formattedAmt.length(); if (amtLen < maxLen) { for (int ix = amtLen; ix < maxLen; ix++) { sb.append(' '); } } sb.append(formattedAmt); return sb.toString(); } /** * format output account name * * @param acctName the account name to format * @return the formatted account name */ private static String formatAcctNameOut(final String acctName) { int maxLen = 30; // max 30 characters StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(maxLen); sb.append(acctName); // set name to pre-defined maximum length (maxLen) int nameLen = acctName.length(); for (int ix = nameLen; ix < maxLen; ix++) { sb.append(' '); } sb.setLength(maxLen); return sb.toString(); } void getBalances(final Account a, final Date[] dates1, final AccountType type) { for (Account child : a.getChildren()) { int len = child.getTransactionCount(); if ((SHOW_EMPTY_ACCOUNT || len > 0) && type == child.getAccountType()) { String acctName = child.getName(); BigDecimal acctBal = AccountBalanceDisplayManager.convertToSelectedBalanceMode( child.getAccountType(), child.getBalance(dates1[0], dates1[1], baseCommodity)); // output account name and balance pl.add(formatAcctNameOut(acctName) + " " + formatDecimalOut(acctBal)); balance.add(acctBal); } if (child.isParent()) { getBalances(child, dates1, type); } } } }
/** * Display an error message * * @param message error message to display */ public static void displayWarning(final String message) { displayMessage(message, Resource.get().getString("Title.Warning"), JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); }
/** * toString must return a valid description for this page that will appear in the task list of the * WizardDialog */ @Override public String toString() { return "1. " + rb.getString("Title.SelDestAccount"); }
/** * Remote Connection Dialog * * @author Craig Cavanaugh */ public class RemoteConnectionDialog extends JDialog implements ActionListener { private final Resource rb = Resource.get(); private final JPasswordField passwordField = new JPasswordField(); private final JTextField hostField = new JTextFieldEx(); private JButton okButton; private JButton cancelButton; private final JIntegerField portField = new JIntegerField(); private boolean result = false; private static final String LAST_PORT = "lastPort"; private static final String LAST_HOST = "lastHost"; public RemoteConnectionDialog(final JFrame parent) { super(parent, true); setTitle(rb.getString("Title.ConnectServer")); layoutMainPanel(); setMinimumSize(getSize()); setDefaultCloseOperation(DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); DialogUtils.addBoundsListener(this); } @Override public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == cancelButton) { dispatchEvent(new WindowEvent(this, WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING)); } else if (e.getSource() == okButton) { result = true; Preferences preferences = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(RemoteConnectionDialog.class); preferences.put(LAST_HOST, hostField.getText()); preferences.putInt(LAST_PORT, portField.intValue()); dispatchEvent(new WindowEvent(this, WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING)); } } public char[] getPassword() { return passwordField.getPassword(); } public boolean getResult() { return result; } public String getHost() { return hostField.getText(); } public void setHost(String host) { hostField.setText(host); } public void setPort(int port) { portField.setIntValue(port); } public int getPort() { return portField.intValue(); } private void initComponents() { Preferences preferences = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(RemoteConnectionDialog.class); setPort(preferences.getInt(LAST_PORT, JpaNetworkServer.DEFAULT_PORT)); setHost(preferences.get(LAST_HOST, "localhost")); cancelButton = new JButton(rb.getString("Button.Cancel")); okButton = new JButton(rb.getString("Button.Ok")); cancelButton.addActionListener(this); okButton.addActionListener(this); } private void layoutMainPanel() { initComponents(); FormLayout layout = new FormLayout("p, 4dlu, fill:70dlu:g", ""); DefaultFormBuilder builder = new DefaultFormBuilder(layout); builder.border(Borders.DIALOG); builder.append(rb.getString("Label.DatabaseServer"), hostField); builder.append(rb.getString("Label.Port"), portField); builder.append(rb.getString("Label.Password"), passwordField); builder.nextLine(); builder.appendUnrelatedComponentsGapRow(); builder.nextLine(); builder.append(StaticUIMethods.buildOKCancelBar(okButton, cancelButton), 3); getContentPane().add(builder.getPanel()); pack(); setResizable(false); } }
/** * First part of import wizard for import of QIF files from online sources. * * @author Craig Cavanaugh */ public class PartialOne extends JPanel implements WizardPage, ActionListener { private Account destinationAccount; private AccountListComboBox accountCombo; private JTextPane helpPane; private JComboBox<String> dateFormatCombo; private final QifAccount qAcc; private final Preferences pref = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(PartialOne.class); private static final String LAST_ACCOUNT = "lastAccount"; private static final String DATE_FORMAT = "dateFormat"; private final Resource rb = Resource.get(); public PartialOne(QifAccount qAcc) { this.qAcc = qAcc; layoutMainPanel(); } private void initComponents() { accountCombo = new AccountListComboBox(); helpPane = new JTextPane(); helpPane.setEditable(false); helpPane.setEditorKit(new StyledEditorKit()); helpPane.setBackground(getBackground()); helpPane.setText(TextResource.getString("QifOne.txt")); /* Create the combo for date format selection */ String[] formats = {QifUtils.US_FORMAT, QifUtils.EU_FORMAT}; dateFormatCombo = new JComboBox<>(formats); dateFormatCombo.addActionListener(this); dateFormatCombo.setSelectedIndex(pref.getInt(DATE_FORMAT, 0)); accountCombo.addActionListener(this); /* Try a set the combobox to the last selected account */ String lastAccount = pref.get(LAST_ACCOUNT, ""); Account last = EngineFactory.getEngine(EngineFactory.DEFAULT).getAccountByUuid(lastAccount); if (last != null) { setAccount(last); } } private void layoutMainPanel() { initComponents(); FormLayout layout = new FormLayout("p, 8dlu, 85dlu:g", ""); DefaultFormBuilder builder = new DefaultFormBuilder(layout, this); builder.appendSeparator(rb.getString("Title.SelDestAccount")); builder.nextLine(); builder.appendRelatedComponentsGapRow(); builder.nextLine(); builder.appendRow(RowSpec.decode("p")); builder.append(helpPane, 3); builder.nextLine(); builder.appendRelatedComponentsGapRow(); builder.nextLine(); builder.append(rb.getString("Label.DestAccount"), accountCombo); builder.nextLine(); builder.append(rb.getString("Label.DateFormat"), dateFormatCombo); } private void accountAction() { destinationAccount = accountCombo.getSelectedAccount(); /* Save the id of the selected account */ if (destinationAccount != null) { pref.put(LAST_ACCOUNT, destinationAccount.getUuid()); pref.putInt(DATE_FORMAT, dateFormatCombo.getSelectedIndex()); } } @Override public boolean isPageValid() { // an account was selected, make sure that the destination is valid if (destinationAccount == null) { destinationAccount = accountCombo.getSelectedAccount(); } return true; } public Account getAccount() { if (destinationAccount == null) { destinationAccount = accountCombo.getSelectedAccount(); } return destinationAccount; } void setAccount(Account account) { destinationAccount = account; accountCombo.setSelectedAccount(destinationAccount); } String getDateFormat() { return (String) dateFormatCombo.getSelectedItem(); } /** Reparse the dates based on the date format in the combo */ private void reparseDates() { String df = getDateFormat(); int count = qAcc.numItems(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { QifTransaction qt = qAcc.get(i); = QifUtils.parseDate(qt.oDate, df); } System.out.println("reparse"); } /** * toString must return a valid description for this page that will appear in the task list of the * WizardDialog */ @Override public String toString() { return "1. " + rb.getString("Title.SelDestAccount"); } /** @see java.awt.event.ActionListener#actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) */ @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == accountCombo) { accountAction(); } else if (e.getSource() == dateFormatCombo) { reparseDates(); } } @Override public void getSettings(Map<Enum<?>, Object> map) {} @Override public void putSettings(Map<Enum<?>, Object> map) {} }
/** * Display an error message * * @param message error message to display */ public static void displayError(final String message) { displayMessage(message, Resource.get().getString("Title.Error"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); }