public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) { if (e.getSource() instanceof JComponent && "name".equals(e.getPropertyName())) { // Note - most components do NOT fire a property change on // setName(), but it is possible for this to be done intentionally if (e.getOldValue() instanceof String) { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { logger.fine( "Name of component changed from " + e.getOldValue() + // NOI18N " to " + e.getNewValue() + ". Removing any values for " + // NOI18N e.getOldValue() + " from the wizard data map"); // NOI18N } wizardPage.removeFromMap(e.getOldValue()); } if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { logger.fine( "Possibly update map for renamed component " + // NOI18N e.getSource()); } } else if (e.getSource() instanceof JFormattedTextField && "value".equals(e.getPropertyName())) { fire(e); wizardPage.maybeUpdateMap((JComponent) e.getSource()); } }
protected void attachTo(Component jc) { if (extListener != null && extListener.accept(jc)) { extListener.startListeningTo(jc, extNotifier); listenedTo.add(jc); if (wizardPage.getMapKeyFor(jc) != null) { wizardPage.maybeUpdateMap(jc); } return; } if (isProbablyAContainer(jc)) { attachToHierarchyOf((Container) jc); } else if (jc instanceof JList) { listenedTo.add(jc); ((JList) jc).addListSelectionListener(this); } else if (jc instanceof JComboBox) { ((JComboBox) jc).addActionListener(this); } else if (jc instanceof JTree) { listenedTo.add(jc); ((JTree) jc).getSelectionModel().addTreeSelectionListener(this); } else if (jc instanceof JToggleButton) { ((AbstractButton) jc).addItemListener(this); } else if (jc instanceof JFormattedTextField) { // JFormattedTextField must be tested before JTextCompoent jc.addPropertyChangeListener("value", this); } else if (jc instanceof JTextComponent) { listenedTo.add(jc); ((JTextComponent) jc).getDocument().addDocumentListener(this); } else if (jc instanceof JColorChooser) { listenedTo.add(jc); ((JColorChooser) jc).getSelectionModel().addChangeListener(this); } else if (jc instanceof JSpinner) { ((JSpinner) jc).addChangeListener(this); } else if (jc instanceof JSlider) { ((JSlider) jc).addChangeListener(this); } else if (jc instanceof JTable) { listenedTo.add(jc); ((JTable) jc).getSelectionModel().addListSelectionListener(this); } else { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { logger.fine( "Don't know how to listen to a " + // NOI18N jc.getClass().getName()); } } if (accept(jc) && !(jc instanceof JPanel)) { jc.addPropertyChangeListener("name", this); if (wizardPage.getMapKeyFor(jc) != null) { wizardPage.maybeUpdateMap(jc); } } if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE) && accept(jc)) { logger.fine("Begin listening to " + jc); // NOI18N } }
protected void detachFrom(Component jc) { listenedTo.remove(jc); if (extListener != null && extListener.accept(jc)) { extListener.stopListeningTo(jc); } if (isProbablyAContainer(jc)) { detachFromHierarchyOf((Container) jc); } else if (jc instanceof JList) { ((JList) jc).removeListSelectionListener(this); } else if (jc instanceof JComboBox) { ((JComboBox) jc).removeActionListener(this); } else if (jc instanceof JTree) { ((JTree) jc).getSelectionModel().removeTreeSelectionListener(this); } else if (jc instanceof JToggleButton) { ((AbstractButton) jc).removeActionListener(this); } else if (jc instanceof JTextComponent) { } else if (jc instanceof JFormattedTextField) { // JFormattedTextField must be tested before JTextCompoent jc.removePropertyChangeListener("value", this); ((JTextComponent) jc).getDocument().removeDocumentListener(this); } else if (jc instanceof JColorChooser) { ((JColorChooser) jc).getSelectionModel().removeChangeListener(this); } else if (jc instanceof JSpinner) { ((JSpinner) jc).removeChangeListener(this); } else if (jc instanceof JSlider) { ((JSlider) jc).removeChangeListener(this); } else if (jc instanceof JTable) { ((JTable) jc).getSelectionModel().removeListSelectionListener(this); } if (accept(jc) && !(jc instanceof JPanel)) { jc.removePropertyChangeListener("name", this); Object key = wizardPage.getMapKeyFor(jc); if (key != null) { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { logger.fine( "Named component removed from hierarchy: " + // NOI18N key + ". Removing any corresponding " + // NOI18N "value from the wizard settings map."); // NOI18N } wizardPage.removeFromMap(key); } } if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE) && accept(jc)) { logger.fine("Stop listening to " + jc); // NOI18N } }
public GenericListener( WizardPage wizardPage, WizardPage.CustomComponentListener l, WizardPage.CustomComponentNotifier n) { this.extListener = l; this.extNotifier = n; if ((extListener == null) != (extNotifier == null)) { throw new RuntimeException(); } // assert wizardPage != null : "WizardPage may not be null"; // NOI18N if (wizardPage == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("WizardPage may not be null"); // NOI18N) } this.wizardPage = wizardPage; wizardPage.addContainerListener(this); }
private void fire(Object e) { if (!ignoreEvents) { setIgnoreEvents(true); try { // XXX this could be prettier... if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { logger.fine("Event received: " + e); // NOI18N } if (e instanceof EventObject && ((EventObject) e).getSource() instanceof Component) { wizardPage.userInputReceived((Component) ((EventObject) e).getSource(), e); } else if (e instanceof TreeSelectionEvent) { logger.fine("Looking for a tree for a tree selection event"); // NOI18N TreeSelectionModel mdl = (TreeSelectionModel) ((TreeSelectionEvent) e).getSource(); for (Iterator i = listenedTo.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Object o =; if (o instanceof JTree && ((JTree) o).getSelectionModel() == mdl) { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { logger.fine(" found it: " + o); // NOI18N } wizardPage.userInputReceived((Component) o, e); break; } } } else if (e instanceof DocumentEvent) { logger.fine("Looking for a JTextComponent for a DocumentEvent"); // NOI18N Document document = ((DocumentEvent) e).getDocument(); for (Iterator i = listenedTo.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Object o =; if (o instanceof JTextComponent && ((JTextComponent) o).getDocument() == document) { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { logger.fine(" found it: " + o); // NOI18N } wizardPage.userInputReceived((Component) o, e); break; } } } else if (e instanceof ListSelectionEvent) { logger.fine("Looking for a JList or JTable for a ListSelectionEvent"); // NOI18N ListSelectionModel model = (ListSelectionModel) ((ListSelectionEvent) e).getSource(); for (Iterator i = listenedTo.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Object o =; if (o instanceof JList && ((JList) o).getSelectionModel() == model) { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { logger.fine(" found it: " + o); // NOI18N } wizardPage.userInputReceived((Component) o, e); break; } else if (o instanceof JTable && ((JTable) o).getSelectionModel() == model) { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { logger.fine(" found it: " + o); // NOI18N } wizardPage.userInputReceived((Component) o, e); break; } } } else { wizardPage.userInputReceived(null, e); } } finally { setIgnoreEvents(false); } } }