Exemplo n.º 1
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent ev) {
      Window w = (Window) ev.getSource();
      Frame f = null;

      if (w instanceof Frame) {
        f = (Frame) w;
      } else {

      Point convertedPoint = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(w, ev.getPoint(), getTitlePane());

      int state = f.getExtendedState();
      if (getTitlePane() != null && getTitlePane().contains(convertedPoint)) {
        if ((ev.getClickCount() % 2) == 0 && ((ev.getModifiers() & InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) != 0)) {
          if (f.isResizable()) {
            if ((state & Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH) != 0) {
              f.setExtendedState(state & ~Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH);
            } else {
              f.setExtendedState(state | Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH);
Exemplo n.º 2
    public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent ev) {
      JRootPane root = getRootPane();

      if (root.getWindowDecorationStyle() == JRootPane.NONE) {

      Window w = (Window) ev.getSource();

      Frame f = null;
      Dialog d = null;

      if (w instanceof Frame) {
        f = (Frame) w;
      } else if (w instanceof Dialog) {
        d = (Dialog) w;

      // Update the cursor
      int cursor = getCursor(calculateCorner(w, ev.getX(), ev.getY()));

      if (cursor != 0
          && ((f != null && (f.isResizable() && (f.getExtendedState() & Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH) == 0))
              || (d != null && d.isResizable()))) {
      } else {
Exemplo n.º 3
    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent ev) {
      JRootPane rootPane = getRootPane();

      if (rootPane.getWindowDecorationStyle() == JRootPane.NONE) {
      Point dragWindowOffset = ev.getPoint();
      Window w = (Window) ev.getSource();
      if (w != null) {
      Point convertedDragWindowOffset =
          SwingUtilities.convertPoint(w, dragWindowOffset, getTitlePane());

      Frame f = null;
      Dialog d = null;

      if (w instanceof Frame) {
        f = (Frame) w;
      } else if (w instanceof Dialog) {
        d = (Dialog) w;

      int frameState = (f != null) ? f.getExtendedState() : 0;

      if (getTitlePane() != null && getTitlePane().contains(convertedDragWindowOffset)) {
        if ((f != null && ((frameState & Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH) == 0) || (d != null))
            && dragWindowOffset.y >= BORDER_DRAG_THICKNESS
            && dragWindowOffset.x >= BORDER_DRAG_THICKNESS
            && dragWindowOffset.x < w.getWidth() - BORDER_DRAG_THICKNESS) {
          isMovingWindow = true;
          dragOffsetX = dragWindowOffset.x;
          dragOffsetY = dragWindowOffset.y;
      } else if (f != null && f.isResizable() && ((frameState & Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH) == 0)
          || (d != null && d.isResizable())) {
        dragOffsetX = dragWindowOffset.x;
        dragOffsetY = dragWindowOffset.y;
        dragWidth = w.getWidth();
        dragHeight = w.getHeight();
        dragCursor = getCursor(calculateCorner(w, dragWindowOffset.x, dragWindowOffset.y));
 /** Updates the UIs of all the known Frames. */
 private static void updateAllUIs() {
   // Check if the current UI is WindowsLookAndfeel and flush the XP style map.
   // Note: Change the package test if this class is moved to a different package.
   Class uiClass = UIManager.getLookAndFeel().getClass();
   if (uiClass.getPackage().equals(DesktopProperty.class.getPackage())) {
   Frame appFrames[] = Frame.getFrames();
   for (int j = 0; j < appFrames.length; j++) {