Exemplo n.º 1
 public void setTablaPrincipal(java.util.List val) {
   DefaultTableModel modelo = ((DefaultTableModel) this.tablaPrincipal.getModel());
   for (int i = 0; i < val.size(); i++) {
     modelo.addRow(((java.util.ArrayList) val.get(i)).toArray());
 public com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.KDToolBar[] getUIMultiToolBar() {
   java.util.List list = new java.util.ArrayList();
   com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.KDToolBar[] bars = super.getUIMultiToolBar();
   if (bars != null) {
   return (com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.KDToolBar[])
       list.toArray(new com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.KDToolBar[list.size()]);
Exemplo n.º 3
   * Gets the data from the <tt>ConfigurationService</tt> that will construct the
   * <tt>PropsTableModel</tt> for the properties table.
   * @return The data necessary to initialize the <tt>PropsTableModel</tt>
  private Object[][] initTableModel() {
    ConfigurationService confService = PropertiesEditorActivator.getConfigurationService();
    java.util.List<String> properties = confService.getAllPropertyNames();
    Object[][] data = new Object[properties.size()][];
    int i = 0;

    for (String property : properties) {
      data[i++] = new Object[] {property, confService.getProperty(property)};

    return data;
Exemplo n.º 4
  public String getPreviousStage(String currStage) {

    if (currStage == null) {

      return null;

    int ind = currStage.indexOf(":");

    Version v = new Version(currStage.substring(0, ind));

    int lind = Integer.parseInt(currStage.substring(ind + 1));

    java.util.List<WhatsNewItem> its = this.items.get(v);

    if (its == null) {

      return null;


    if (lind > -1) {

      return v.getVersion() + ":" + lind;

    Version p = this.items.lowerKey(v);

    if (p == null) {

      return null;

    java.util.List<WhatsNewItem> pits = this.items.get(p);

    if (pits != null) {

      return p.getVersion() + ":" + (pits.size() - 1);

    return null;
Exemplo n.º 5
  public String getNextStage(String currStage) {

    if (currStage == null) {

      return this.getStartStage();

    int ind = currStage.indexOf(":");

    Version v = new Version(currStage.substring(0, ind));

    int lind = Integer.parseInt(currStage.substring(ind + 1));

    java.util.List<WhatsNewItem> its = this.items.get(v);

    if (its == null) {

      return null;


    if (lind <= (its.size() - 1)) {

      return v.getVersion() + ":" + lind;

    Version n = this.items.higherKey(v);

    if (n == null) {

      return null;

    java.util.List<WhatsNewItem> nits = this.items.get(n);

    if (nits != null) {

      return n.getVersion() + ":0";

    return null;
Exemplo n.º 6
  public WhatsNew(AbstractProjectViewer pv, boolean onlyShowCurrentVersion)
      throws GeneralException {


    String wn = Environment.getProperty(Constants.WHATS_NEW_VERSION_VIEWED_PROPERTY_NAME);

    if (wn == null) {

      wn = "0";

    // Get the current whats new version (i.e. old).
    Version lastWhatsNewVersion = new Version(wn);

    boolean betasAllowed =

    try {

      String whatsNew = Environment.getResourceFileAsString(Constants.WHATS_NEW_FILE);

      // Load up all the whats new for greater versions.
      Element root = JDOMUtils.getStringAsElement(whatsNew);

      java.util.List verEls = JDOMUtils.getChildElements(root, XMLConstants.version, false);

      // Assume they are in the right order
      // TODO: Enforce the order and/or sort.
      for (int i = 0; i < verEls.size(); i++) {

        Element vEl = (Element) verEls.get(i);

        String id = JDOMUtils.getAttributeValue(vEl, XMLConstants.id, true);

        Version v = new Version(id);
                      if ((v.isBeta ())

                          // Ignore, the user isn't interested in betas.

        if ((lastWhatsNewVersion.isNewer(v))
            || ((onlyShowCurrentVersion) && (v.isSame(Environment.getQuollWriterVersion())))) {

          String c = WhatsNewComponentProvider.class.getName();

          int ind = c.lastIndexOf(".");

          if (ind > 0) {

            c = c.substring(0, ind);

          WhatsNewComponentProvider compProv = null;

          String cl = JDOMUtils.getAttributeValue(vEl, XMLConstants.clazz, false);

          if (!cl.equals("")) {

            Class clz = null;

            try {

              clz = Class.forName(cl);

              if (WhatsNewComponentProvider.class.isAssignableFrom(clz)) {

                compProv = (WhatsNewComponentProvider) clz.newInstance();

            } catch (Exception e) {


          // This is a version we are interested in.
          java.util.List itemEls =
              JDOMUtils.getChildElements(vEl, WhatsNewItem.XMLConstants.root, true);

          java.util.List<WhatsNewItem> its = new ArrayList();

          for (int j = 0; j < itemEls.size(); j++) {

            Element itEl = (Element) itemEls.get(j);

            WhatsNewItem it = new WhatsNewItem(itEl, compProv, pv);

            if (it.onlyIfCurrentVersion) {

              if (!Environment.getQuollWriterVersion().isSame(v)) {


            if ((it.description == null) && (it.component == null)) {

                  "Whats new item has no description or component, referenced by: "
                      + JDOMUtils.getPath(itEl));



          if (its.size() > 0) {

            this.items.put(v, its);

    } catch (Exception e) {

      throw new GeneralException("Unable to init whats new", e);