   * Creates a default SIPResquest message that would cancel this request. Note that tag assignment
   * and removal of is left to the caller (we use whatever tags are present in the original
   * request).
   * @return A CANCEL SIPRequest constructed according to RFC3261 section 9.1
   * @throws SipException
   * @throws ParseException
  public SIPRequest createCancelRequest() throws SipException {

    // see RFC3261 9.1

    // A CANCEL request SHOULD NOT be sent to cancel a request other than
    // INVITE

    if (!this.getMethod().equals(Request.INVITE))
      throw new SipException("Attempt to create CANCEL for " + this.getMethod());

     * The following procedures are used to construct a CANCEL request. The Request-URI,
     * Call-ID, To, the numeric part of CSeq, and From header fields in the CANCEL request
     * MUST be identical to those in the request being cancelled, including tags. A CANCEL
     * constructed by a client MUST have only a single Via header field value matching the top
     * Via value in the request being cancelled. Using the same values for these header fields
     * allows the CANCEL to be matched with the request it cancels (Section 9.2 indicates how
     * such matching occurs). However, the method part of the CSeq header field MUST have a
     * value of CANCEL. This allows it to be identified and processed as a transaction in its
     * own right (See Section 17).
    SIPRequest cancel = new SIPRequest();
    cancel.setRequestLine((RequestLine) this.requestLine.clone());
    cancel.setHeader((Header) this.callIdHeader.clone());
    cancel.setHeader((Header) this.toHeader.clone());
    cancel.setHeader((Header) cSeqHeader.clone());
    try {
    } catch (ParseException e) {
      e.printStackTrace(); // should not happen
    cancel.setHeader((Header) this.fromHeader.clone());

    cancel.addFirst((Header) this.getTopmostVia().clone());
    cancel.setHeader((Header) this.maxForwardsHeader.clone());

     * If the request being cancelled contains a Route header field, the CANCEL request MUST
     * include that Route header field's values.
    if (this.getRouteHeaders() != null) {
      cancel.setHeader((SIPHeaderList) this.getRouteHeaders().clone());
    if (MessageFactoryImpl.getDefaultUserAgentHeader() != null) {
    return cancel;
   * Creates an ACK for non-2xx responses according to RFC3261
   * @return A SIPRequest with an ACK method.
   * @throws SipException
   * @throws NullPointerException
   * @throws ParseException
   * @author jvb
  public final SIPRequest createErrorAck(To responseToHeader) throws SipException, ParseException {

     * The ACK request constructed by the client transaction MUST contain values for the
     * Call-ID, From, and Request-URI that are equal to the values of those header fields in
     * the request passed to the transport by the client transaction (call this the "original
     * request"). The To header field in the ACK MUST equal the To header field in the
     * response being acknowledged, and therefore will usually differ from the To header field
     * in the original request by the addition of the tag parameter. The ACK MUST contain a
     * single Via header field, and this MUST be equal to the top Via header field of the
     * original request. The CSeq header field in the ACK MUST contain the same value for the
     * sequence number as was present in the original request, but the method parameter MUST
     * be equal to "ACK".
    SIPRequest newRequest = new SIPRequest();
    newRequest.setRequestLine((RequestLine) this.requestLine.clone());
    newRequest.setHeader((Header) this.callIdHeader.clone());
    newRequest.setHeader((Header) this.maxForwardsHeader.clone()); // ISSUE
    // 130
    // fix
    newRequest.setHeader((Header) this.fromHeader.clone());
    newRequest.setHeader((Header) responseToHeader.clone());
    newRequest.addFirst((Header) this.getTopmostVia().clone());
    newRequest.setHeader((Header) cSeqHeader.clone());

     * If the INVITE request whose response is being acknowledged had Route header fields,
     * those header fields MUST appear in the ACK. This is to ensure that the ACK can be
     * routed properly through any downstream stateless proxies.
    if (this.getRouteHeaders() != null) {
      newRequest.setHeader((SIPHeaderList) this.getRouteHeaders().clone());
    if (MessageFactoryImpl.getDefaultUserAgentHeader() != null) {
    return newRequest;
Exemplo n.º 3
   * Handles a new SIP request. It finds a server transaction to handle this message. If none
   * exists, it creates a new transaction.
   * @param requestReceived Request to handle.
   * @param requestMessageChannel Channel that received message.
   * @return A server transaction.
  protected ServerRequestInterface newSIPServerRequest(
      SIPRequest requestReceived, MessageChannel requestMessageChannel) {

    // Iterator through all server transactions
    Iterator<SIPServerTransaction> transactionIterator;
    // Next transaction in the set
    SIPServerTransaction nextTransaction;
    // Transaction to handle this request
    SIPServerTransaction currentTransaction;

    String key = requestReceived.getTransactionId();

    currentTransaction = (SIPServerTransaction) serverTransactionTable.get(key);
    if (currentTransaction == null
        || !currentTransaction.isMessagePartOfTransaction(requestReceived)) {

      // Loop through all server transactions
      synchronized (serverTransactions) {
        transactionIterator = serverTransactions.iterator();
        currentTransaction = null;
        while (transactionIterator.hasNext() && currentTransaction == null) {

          nextTransaction = (SIPServerTransaction) transactionIterator.next();

          // If this transaction should handle this request,
          if (nextTransaction.isMessagePartOfTransaction(requestReceived)) {
            // Mark this transaction as the one
            // to handle this message
            currentTransaction = nextTransaction;

        // If no transaction exists to handle this message
        if (currentTransaction == null) {
          currentTransaction = findPendingTransaction(requestReceived);
          if (currentTransaction != null) return currentTransaction;
          currentTransaction = createServerTransaction(requestMessageChannel);
          if (!isDialogCreated(requestReceived.getMethod())) {
            // Dialog is not created - can we find the state?
            // If so, then create a transaction and add it.
            String dialogId = requestReceived.getDialogId(true);
            SIPDialog dialog = getDialog(dialogId);
            // Sequence numbers are supposed to increment.
            // avoid processing old sequence numbers and
            // delivering the same request up to the
            // application if the request has already been seen.
            // Special handling applies to ACK processing.
            if (dialog != null
                && (requestReceived.getMethod().equals(Request.ACK)
                    || requestReceived.getCSeq().getSequenceNumber()
                        > dialog.getRemoteSequenceNumber())) {
              // Found a dialog.
              if (LogWriter.needsLogging)
                logWriter.logMessage("adding server transaction " + currentTransaction);
              serverTransactions.add(0, currentTransaction);
              currentTransaction.isMapped = true;
          } else {
            // Create the transaction but dont map it.
            String dialogId = requestReceived.getDialogId(true);
            SIPDialog dialog = getDialog(dialogId);
            // This is a dialog creating request that is part of an
            // existing dialog (eg. re-Invite). Re-invites get a non
            // null server transaction Id (unlike the original
            // invite).
            if (dialog != null
                && requestReceived.getCSeq().getSequenceNumber()
                    > dialog.getRemoteSequenceNumber()) {
              if (LogWriter.needsLogging)
                logWriter.logMessage("adding server transaction " + currentTransaction);
              serverTransactions.add(0, currentTransaction);
              currentTransaction.toListener = true;

    // Set ths transaction's encapsulated request
    // interface from the superclass
        super.newSIPServerRequest(requestReceived, currentTransaction));
    return currentTransaction;