Exemplo n.º 1
  /** Process the invite request. */
  public void processInvite(RequestEvent requestEvent, ServerTransaction serverTransaction) {
    SipProvider sipProvider = (SipProvider) requestEvent.getSource();
    Request request = requestEvent.getRequest();
    try {
      System.out.println("shootme: got an Invite sending Trying");
      // System.out.println("shootme: " + request);
      Response response = messageFactory.createResponse(Response.TRYING, request);
      ServerTransaction st = requestEvent.getServerTransaction();

      if (st == null) {
        st = sipProvider.getNewServerTransaction(request);
      dialog = st.getDialog();


      this.okResponse = messageFactory.createResponse(Response.BUSY_HERE, request);

      ToHeader toHeader = (ToHeader) okResponse.getHeader(ToHeader.NAME);
      toHeader.setTag("4321"); // Application is supposed to set.

      this.inviteTid = st;
      // Defer sending the OK to simulate the phone ringing.
      this.inviteRequest = request;

      new Timer().schedule(new MyTimerTask(this), 100);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
Exemplo n.º 2
  /** Process the invite request. */
  public void processInvite(RequestEvent requestEvent, ServerTransaction serverTransaction) {
    SipProvider sipProvider = (SipProvider) requestEvent.getSource();
    Request request = requestEvent.getRequest();
    try {
      System.out.println("b2bua: got an Invite sending Trying");
      ServerTransaction st = requestEvent.getServerTransaction();
      if (st == null) {
        st = sipProvider.getNewServerTransaction(request);
      Dialog dialog = st.getDialog();

      ToHeader to = (ToHeader) request.getHeader(ToHeader.NAME);
      SipURI toUri = (SipURI) to.getAddress().getURI();

      SipURI target = registrar.get(toUri.getUser());

      if (target == null) {
        System.out.println("User " + toUri + " is not registered.");
        throw new RuntimeException("User not registered " + toUri);
      } else {
        ClientTransaction otherLeg = call(target);

    } catch (Exception ex) {
Exemplo n.º 3
  /** Process the invite request. */
  public void processInvite(RequestEvent requestEvent, ServerTransaction serverTransaction) {
    SipProvider sipProvider = (SipProvider) requestEvent.getSource();
    Request request = requestEvent.getRequest();
    try {
      logger.info("shootme: got an Invite sending Trying");
      // logger.info("shootme: " + request);

      ServerTransaction st = requestEvent.getServerTransaction();

      if (st == null) {
        logger.info("null server tx -- getting a new one");
        st = sipProvider.getNewServerTransaction(request);

      logger.info("getNewServerTransaction : " + st);

      String txId = ((ViaHeader) request.getHeader(ViaHeader.NAME)).getBranch();
      this.serverTxTable.put(txId, st);

      // Create the 100 Trying response.
      Response response = protocolObjects.messageFactory.createResponse(Response.TRYING, request);
      ListeningPoint lp = sipProvider.getListeningPoint(protocolObjects.transport);
      int myPort = lp.getPort();

      Address address =
              "Shootme <sip:" + myAddress + ":" + myPort + ">");

      // Add a random sleep to stagger the two OK's for the benifit of implementations
      // that may not be too good about handling re-entrancy.
      int timeToSleep = (int) (Math.random() * 1000);



      Response ringingResponse =
          protocolObjects.messageFactory.createResponse(Response.RINGING, request);
      ContactHeader contactHeader = protocolObjects.headerFactory.createContactHeader(address);
      ToHeader toHeader = (ToHeader) ringingResponse.getHeader(ToHeader.NAME);
      String toTag =
          actAsNonRFC3261UAS ? null : new Integer((int) (Math.random() * 10000)).toString();
      if (!actAsNonRFC3261UAS) toHeader.setTag(toTag); // Application is supposed to set.
      Dialog dialog = st.getDialog();

      this.inviteSeen = true;

      new Timer().schedule(new MyTimerTask(requestEvent, st /*,toTag*/), 1000);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
Exemplo n.º 4
   * Safely returns the transaction from the event if already exists. If not a new transaction is
   * created.
   * @param event the request event
   * @return the server transaction
   * @throws javax.sip.TransactionAlreadyExistsException if transaction exists
   * @throws javax.sip.TransactionUnavailableException if unavailable
  public static ServerTransaction getOrCreateServerTransaction(RequestEvent event)
      throws TransactionAlreadyExistsException, TransactionUnavailableException {
    ServerTransaction serverTransaction = event.getServerTransaction();

    if (serverTransaction == null) {
      SipProvider jainSipProvider = (SipProvider) event.getSource();

      serverTransaction = jainSipProvider.getNewServerTransaction(event.getRequest());
    return serverTransaction;
Exemplo n.º 5
  public void processRequest(RequestEvent requestReceivedEvent) {
    Request request = requestReceivedEvent.getRequest();
    ServerTransaction serverTransactionId = requestReceivedEvent.getServerTransaction();

        "\n\nRequest "
            + request.getMethod()
            + " received at "
            + sipStack.getStackName()
            + " with server transaction id "
            + serverTransactionId);

    // We are the UAC so the only request we get is the BYE.
    if (request.getMethod().equals(Request.BYE)) processBye(request, serverTransactionId);
Exemplo n.º 6
  public void processRequest(RequestEvent requestEvent) {
    Request request = requestEvent.getRequest();
    ServerTransaction serverTransactionId = requestEvent.getServerTransaction();

     * System.out.println("\n\nRequest " + request.getMethod() + "
     * received at " + sipStack.getStackName() + " with server
     * transaction id " + serverTransactionId);

    if (request.getMethod().equals(Request.INVITE)) {
      processInvite(requestEvent, serverTransactionId);
    } else if (request.getMethod().equals(Request.ACK)) {
      processAck(requestEvent, serverTransactionId);
    } else if (request.getMethod().equals(Request.BYE)) {
      processBye(requestEvent, serverTransactionId);
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Send a simple invite request from the RI and check whether it is properly delivered by the TI
  * SipProvider
 public void testReceiveRequest() {
   try {
     // create an empty invite request.
     Request invite = createRiInviteRequest(null, null, null);
     RequestEvent receivedRequestEvent = null;
     try {
       // Send using RI and collect using TI
       receivedRequestEvent = eventCollector.extractCollectedRequestEvent();
       assertNotNull("The sent request was not received at the other end!", receivedRequestEvent);
           "The sent request was not received at the other end!",
     } catch (TooManyListenersException ex) {
       // This time adding the listener is (sort of) part of the test
       // so we fail instead of just "throwing on" the exc
           "A TooManyListenersException was thrown while trying to add "
               + "a SipListener to a TI SipProvider.");
     } catch (SipException ex) {
       throw new TckInternalError("The RI failed to send the request!", ex);
     // question: should we compare sent and received request?
     // my opinion: finding a discrepancy while comparing requests
     // would most probably mean a parse error and parsing is not what
     // we are currently testing
     // Transaction initiating requests should not have a server transaction
     // associated with them as the application might decide to handle the
     // request statelessly
         "The Tested Implementation has implicitly created a ServerTransaction "
             + "for the received request. Transactions should only be created "
             + "explicitly using the SipProvider.getNewXxxTransaction() method.",
   } catch (Throwable exc) {
     fail(exc.getClass().getName() + ": " + exc.getMessage());
   assertTrue(new Exception().getStackTrace()[0].toString(), true);
Exemplo n.º 8
   * Processes SIP requests. The only request being handled is BYE.
   * @param requestReceivedEvent the event containing the SIP request
  public synchronized void processRequest(RequestEvent requestReceivedEvent) {

    // obtain request and transaction id
    Request request = requestReceivedEvent.getRequest();

    ServerTransaction st = requestReceivedEvent.getServerTransaction();

    if (request.getMethod().equals(Request.BYE)) {
      handleBye(request, st);
    } else if (request.getMethod().equals(Request.INVITE)) {
       * This is a re-Invite
      handleReInvite(request, st);
    } else if (request.getMethod().equals(Request.ACK)) {
      Logger.println("Call " + cp + " got ACK");
    } else {
      // no other requests should come in other than BYE, INVITE or ACK
      Logger.writeFile("Call " + cp + " ignoring request " + request.getMethod());
Exemplo n.º 9
  public void processRequest(RequestEvent requestEvent) {
    Request request = requestEvent.getRequest();
    ServerTransaction serverTransactionId = requestEvent.getServerTransaction();

        "\n\nRequest "
            + request.getMethod()
            + " received at "
            + protocolObjects.sipStack.getStackName()
            + " with server transaction id "
            + serverTransactionId);

    if (request.getMethod().equals(Request.INVITE)) {
      processInvite(requestEvent, serverTransactionId);
    } else if (request.getMethod().equals(Request.ACK)) {
      processAck(requestEvent, serverTransactionId);
    } else if (request.getMethod().equals(Request.BYE)) {
      processBye(requestEvent, serverTransactionId);
    } else if (request.getMethod().equals(Request.CANCEL)) {
      processCancel(requestEvent, serverTransactionId);
Exemplo n.º 10
  public void processRequest(RequestEvent requestEvent) {
    Request request = requestEvent.getRequest();
    ServerTransaction serverTransactionId = requestEvent.getServerTransaction();

        "\n\nRequest "
            + request.getMethod()
            + " received at "
            + sipStack.getStackName()
            + " with server transaction id "
            + serverTransactionId);

    if (request.getMethod().equals(Request.INVITE)) {
      processInvite(requestEvent, serverTransactionId);
    } else if (request.getMethod().equals(Request.ACK)) {
      processAck(requestEvent, serverTransactionId);
    } else if (request.getMethod().equals(Request.CANCEL)) {
      processCancel(requestEvent, serverTransactionId);
    } else if (request.getMethod().equals(Request.REGISTER)) {
      processRegister(requestEvent, serverTransactionId);
    } else {
      processInDialogRequest(requestEvent, serverTransactionId);
Exemplo n.º 11
   * Dispatches the event received from a JAIN-SIP <tt>SipProvider</tt> to one of our "candidate
   * recipient" listeners.
   * @param event the event received for a <tt>SipProvider</tt>.
  public void processRequest(RequestEvent event) {
    try {
      Request request = event.getRequest();
      if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("received request: " + request.getMethod());

       * Create the transaction if it doesn't exist yet. If it is a
       * dialog-creating request, the dialog will also be automatically
       * created by the stack.
      if (event.getServerTransaction() == null) {
        try {
          // apply some hacks if needed on incoming request
          // to be compliant with some servers/clients
          // if needed stop further processing.
          if (applyNonConformanceHacks(event)) return;

          SipProvider source = (SipProvider) event.getSource();
          ServerTransaction transaction = source.getNewServerTransaction(request);

           * Update the event, otherwise getServerTransaction() and
           * getDialog() will still return their previous value.
          event = new RequestEvent(source, transaction, transaction.getDialog(), request);
        } catch (SipException ex) {
              "couldn't create transaction, please report "
                  + "this to [email protected]",

      ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl service = getServiceData(event.getServerTransaction());
      if (service != null) {
      } else {
        service = findTargetFor(request);
        if (service == null) {
          logger.error("couldn't find a ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl " + "to dispatch to");
          if (event.getServerTransaction() != null) event.getServerTransaction().terminate();
        } else {

           * Mark the dialog for the dispatching of later in-dialog
           * requests. If there is no dialog, we need to mark the
           * request to dispatch a possible timeout when sending the
           * response.
          Object container = event.getDialog();
          if (container == null) container = request;
          SipApplicationData.setApplicationData(container, SipApplicationData.KEY_SERVICE, service);

    } catch (Throwable exc) {

       * Any exception thrown within our code should be caught here so
       * that we could log it rather than interrupt stack activity with
       * it.
      this.logApplicationException(DialogTerminatedEvent.class, exc);

      // Unfortunately, death can hardly be ignored.
      if (exc instanceof ThreadDeath) throw (ThreadDeath) exc;