Exemplo n.º 1
   * An action listener for tested JSF component. Can be modified dynamically.
   * @param event event representing the activation of a user interface component
  public void actionListener(ActionEvent event) {
    ELContext elContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getELContext();
    MethodExpression method = null;

    if (attributes.get("actionListener") == null) {

    String listener = (String) attributes.get("actionListener").getValue();

    if (listener == null) {

    RichBean.logToPage("* action listener invoked");

    // if no select options for "actionListener" are defined in property file and it is an EL
    // expression
    if (!hasSelectOptions("actionListener") && isStringEL(listener)) {
      method =
                  elContext, listener, void.class, new Class[] {ActionEvent.class});
      method.invoke(elContext, new Object[] {event});

    // if select options for "actionListener" are defined in property file
    if (hasSelectOptions("actionListener")) {
      method =
                  elContext, getMethodEL(listener), void.class, new Class[] {ActionEvent.class});
      method.invoke(elContext, new Object[] {event});
Exemplo n.º 2
   * An action for tested JSF component. Can be modified dynamically.
   * @return outcome of an action or null if no navigation should be performed
  public String action() {
    ELContext elContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getELContext();
    MethodExpression method = null;

    if (attributes.get("action") == null) {
      return null;

    String outcome = (String) attributes.get("action").getValue();

    if (outcome == null) {
      return null;

    RichBean.logToPage("* action invoked");

    // if no select options for "action" are defined in property file and it is an EL expression
    if (!hasSelectOptions("action") && isStringEL(outcome)) {
      method =
              .createMethodExpression(elContext, outcome, String.class, new Class[0]);
      return (String) method.invoke(elContext, null);

    // if select options for "action" are defined in property file
    if (hasSelectOptions("action")) {
      method =
              .createMethodExpression(elContext, getMethodEL(outcome), String.class, new Class[0]);

      return (String) method.invoke(elContext, null);

    return outcome;
  public void testBug52445a() {
    MethodExpression me =
            context, "${beanA.setBean(beanBB)}", null, new Class<?>[] {TesterBeanB.class});
    me.invoke(context, null);

    MethodExpression me1 =
        factory.createMethodExpression(context, "${beanA.bean.sayHello()}", null, null);
    String actual = (String) me1.invoke(context, null);
    assertEquals("Hello from BB", actual);
   * @param writer
   * @param component
   * @param context
   * @param scripts
   * @param styles
   * @throws java.io.IOException
  public static void writeRequiredIncludes(
      ResponseWriter writer,
      UIComponent component,
      FacesContext context,
      String[] scripts,
      String[] styles)
      throws IOException {

     * Prepare access to the managed bean NitobiIncludes
    ELContext elContext = context.getELContext();
    ExpressionFactory expressionFactory = context.getApplication().getExpressionFactory();
    MethodExpression methodExpression =
            new Class[] {String.class});

     * Include the toolkit if needed
    if ((Boolean) methodExpression.invoke(elContext, new Object[] {NitobiIncludes.TOOLKIT})) {
      writeScriptInclude(writer, component, NitobiIncludes.TOOLKIT);

     * Include the scripts
    if (scripts != null) {
      for (String include : scripts) {
        if ((Boolean) methodExpression.invoke(elContext, new Object[] {include})) {
          writeScriptInclude(writer, component, include);

     * Include the styles
    if (styles != null) {
      for (String style : styles) {
        if ((Boolean) methodExpression.invoke(elContext, new Object[] {style})) {
          writeCSSInclude(writer, component, style);
 public void testInvokeWithSuperABNoReturnTypeNoParamTypes() {
   MethodExpression me2 =
       factory.createMethodExpression(context, "${beanC.sayHello(beanA,beanB)}", null, null);
   Object r2 = me2.invoke(context, null);
   assertEquals("AB: Hello A from B", r2.toString());
 public void testBug50449b() throws Exception {
   MethodExpression me1 =
       factory.createMethodExpression(context, "${beanB.sayHello('Tomcat')}", null, null);
   String actual = (String) me1.invoke(context, null);
   assertEquals("Hello Tomcat from B", actual);
Exemplo n.º 7
 public void closeListener(CloseEvent event) {
   FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
   MethodExpression ajaxEventListener = (MethodExpression) getAttributes().get("closeListener");
   if (ajaxEventListener != null) {
     ajaxEventListener.invoke(context.getELContext(), new Object[] {event});
 public void testInvokeWithSuperABBB() {
   MethodExpression me7 =
       factory.createMethodExpression(context, "${beanC.sayHello(beanA,beanBBB)}", null, null);
   Object r7 = me7.invoke(context, null);
   assertEquals("ABB: Hello A from BBB", r7.toString());
 public void testInvokeWithSuperAAAB() {
   MethodExpression me11 =
       factory.createMethodExpression(context, "${beanC.sayHello(beanAAA,beanB)}", null, null);
   Object r11 = me11.invoke(context, null);
   assertEquals("AAB: Hello AAA from B", r11.toString());
 public void testInvokeWithVarArgsAAABBB() throws Exception {
   MethodExpression me9 =
           context, "${beanC.sayHello(beanAAA,beanBBB,beanBBB)}", null, null);
   Object r9 = me9.invoke(context, null);
   assertEquals("ABB[]: Hello AAA from BBB, BBB", r9.toString());
 public void testBug53792c() {
   MethodExpression me =
           context, "#{beanB.sayHello().length()}", null, new Class<?>[] {});
   Integer result = (Integer) me.invoke(context, null);
   assertEquals(beanB.sayHello().length(), result.intValue());
Exemplo n.º 12
  protected void encodeSummaryRow(FacesContext context, DataTable table, SummaryRow summaryRow)
      throws IOException {
    MethodExpression me = summaryRow.getListener();
    if (me != null) {
      me.invoke(context.getELContext(), new Object[] {table.getSortBy()});

 public void testBugPrimitives() throws Exception {
   MethodExpression me =
       factory.createMethodExpression(context, "${beanA.setValLong(5)}", null, null);
   me.invoke(context, null);
   ValueExpression ve =
       factory.createValueExpression(context, "#{beanA.valLong}", java.lang.String.class);
   assertEquals("5", ve.getValue(context));
  public void processAction_stringNavigationOutcome() {
    when(methodExpression.invoke(any(), any())).thenReturn(new Navigation("/index.xhtml"));

    new ReelsActionListener().processAction(actionEvent);

    verify(navigationHandler, times(1)).handleNavigation(any(), any(), any());
    verify(facesContext, times(1)).renderResponse();
Exemplo n.º 15
 public Object invokeMethodExpression(
     String expr, Class returnType, Class[] argTypes, Object[] args) {
   FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
   ELContext elctx = fc.getELContext();
   ExpressionFactory elFactory = fc.getApplication().getExpressionFactory();
   MethodExpression methodExpr =
       elFactory.createMethodExpression(elctx, expr, returnType, argTypes);
   return methodExpr.invoke(elctx, args);
  public void testBug53792a() {
    MethodExpression me =
            context, "${beanA.setBean(beanB)}", null, new Class<?>[] {TesterBeanB.class});
    me.invoke(context, null);
    me =
            "${beanB.setName('" + BUG53792 + "')}",
            new Class<?>[] {TesterBeanB.class});
    me.invoke(context, null);

    ValueExpression ve =
        factory.createValueExpression(context, "#{beanA.getBean().name}", java.lang.String.class);
    String actual = (String) ve.getValue(context);
    assertEquals(BUG53792, actual);
Exemplo n.º 17
 public void broadcast(FacesEvent event) {
   if (this.equals(event.getComponent()) && event instanceof FormChageEvent) {
     MethodExpression listener = (MethodExpression) getAttributes().get("listener");
     if (listener != null) {
       listener.invoke(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getELContext(), null);
 public void testInvokeWithSuper() {
   MethodExpression me =
           context, "${beanA.setBean(beanBB)}", null, new Class<?>[] {TesterBeanB.class});
   me.invoke(context, null);
   ValueExpression ve = factory.createValueExpression(context, "${beanA.bean.name}", String.class);
   Object r = ve.getValue(context);
   assertEquals("BB", r);
 public void testInvokeWithSuperAAABB() {
   // The Java compiler reports this as ambiguous. Using the parameter that
   // matches exactly seems reasonable to limit the scope of the method
   // search so the EL will find a match.
   MethodExpression me12 =
       factory.createMethodExpression(context, "${beanC.sayHello(beanAAA,beanBB)}", null, null);
   Object r12 = me12.invoke(context, null);
   assertEquals("ABB: Hello AAA from BB", r12.toString());
  * This is also tested implicitly in numerous places elsewhere in this class.
 public void testBug49655() throws Exception {
   // This is the call the failed
   MethodExpression me =
       factory.createMethodExpression(context, "#{beanA.setName('New value')}", null, null);
   // The rest is to check it worked correctly
   me.invoke(context, null);
   ValueExpression ve =
       factory.createValueExpression(context, "#{beanA.name}", java.lang.String.class);
   assertEquals("New value", ve.getValue(context));
  public void testBug53792b() {
    MethodExpression me =
            context, "${beanA.setBean(beanB)}", null, new Class<?>[] {TesterBeanB.class});
    me.invoke(context, null);
    me =
            "${beanB.setName('" + BUG53792 + "')}",
            new Class<?>[] {TesterBeanB.class});
    me.invoke(context, null);

    ValueExpression ve =
            context, "#{beanA.getBean().name.length()}", java.lang.Integer.class);
    Integer actual = (Integer) ve.getValue(context);
    assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(BUG53792.length()), actual);
 public void testInvokeWithSuperABReturnTypeParamTypes() {
   MethodExpression me5 =
           new Class<?>[] {TesterBeanA.class, TesterBeanB.class});
   Object r5 = me5.invoke(context, null);
   assertEquals("AB: Hello A from B", r5.toString());
Exemplo n.º 23
  public void broadcast(javax.faces.event.FacesEvent event)
      throws javax.faces.event.AbortProcessingException {

    FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();

    if (event instanceof org.primefaces.event.CloseEvent) {
      MethodExpression closeMe = getCloseListener();

      if (closeMe != null) {
        closeMe.invoke(facesContext.getELContext(), new Object[] {event});
    } else if (event instanceof org.primefaces.event.ToggleEvent) {
      MethodExpression toggleMe = getToggleListener();

      if (toggleMe != null) {
        toggleMe.invoke(facesContext.getELContext(), new Object[] {event});
 public Object evaluateMethodExpression(String expression, Object... values)
     throws UnsupportedEvaluationException {
   String el = toELExpression(expression);
   FacesContext facesContext = getFacesContext();
   ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext();
   ExpressionFactory expressionFactory = facesContext.getApplication().getExpressionFactory();
   MethodExpression methodExpression =
           elContext, el, Object.class, new Class[values.length]);
   return methodExpression.invoke(elContext, values);
  public void testBug52970() {
    MethodExpression me =
            context, "${beanEnum.submit('APPLE')}", null, new Class<?>[] {TesterBeanEnum.class});
    me.invoke(context, null);

    ValueExpression ve =
        factory.createValueExpression(context, "#{beanEnum.lastSubmitted}", TesterEnum.class);
    TesterEnum actual = (TesterEnum) ve.getValue(context);
    assertEquals(TesterEnum.APPLE, actual);
  public void testInvoke() {
    TesterBeanB beanB = new TesterBeanB();

        .setVariable("beanB", factory.createValueExpression(beanB, TesterBeanB.class));

    MethodExpression me1 =
            context, "${beanB.getName}", String.class, new Class<?>[] {});
    MethodExpression me2 =
            context, "${beanB.sayHello('JUnit')}", String.class, new Class<?>[] {String.class});
    MethodExpression me3 =
            context, "${beanB.sayHello}", String.class, new Class<?>[] {String.class});

    assertEquals("B", me1.invoke(context, null));
    assertEquals("Hello JUnit from B", me2.invoke(context, null));
    assertEquals("Hello JUnit from B", me2.invoke(context, new Object[] {"JUnit2"}));
    assertEquals("Hello JUnit2 from B", me3.invoke(context, new Object[] {"JUnit2"}));
    assertEquals("Hello JUnit from B", me2.invoke(context, new Object[] {null}));
    assertEquals("Hello  from B", me3.invoke(context, new Object[] {null}));
 public void testInvokeWithSuperAAABBB() {
   MethodExpression me13 =
       factory.createMethodExpression(context, "${beanC.sayHello(beanAAA,beanBBB)}", null, null);
   Exception e = null;
   try {
     me13.invoke(context, null);
   } catch (Exception e1) {
     e = e1;
   // Expected to fail
 public void testInvokeWithVarArgsAB() throws Exception {
   MethodExpression me1 =
       factory.createMethodExpression(context, "${beanC.sayHello(beanA,beanB,beanB)}", null, null);
   Exception e = null;
   try {
     me1.invoke(context, null);
   } catch (Exception e1) {
     e = e1;
   // Expected to fail
Exemplo n.º 29
 public void testMethExpr() {
   MethodExpression meth = null;
   ELContext ctxt = elm.getELContext();
   try {
     meth = factory.createMethodExpression(ctxt, "#{str.length}", Object.class, null);
   } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
     // Do nothing
   assertTrue(meth == null);
   meth = factory.createMethodExpression(ctxt, "#{'abc'.length()}", Object.class, null);
   Object result = meth.invoke(ctxt, new Object[] {"abcde"});
   System.out.println("'abc'.length() called, equals " + result);
   assertEquals(result, new Integer(3));
   * <span class="changed_modified_2_0 changed_modified_2_2">Call</span> through to the {@link
   * MethodExpression} passed in our constructor. <span class="changed_added_2_0">First, try to
   * invoke the <code>MethodExpression</code> passed to the constructor of this instance, passing
   * the argument {@link ActionEvent} as the argument. If a {@link MethodNotFoundException} is
   * thrown, call to the zero argument <code>MethodExpression</code> derived from the <code>
   * MethodExpression</code> passed to the constructor of this instance. <span
   * class="changed_deleted_2_2">If that fails for any reason, throw an {@link
   * AbortProcessingException}, including the cause of the failure.</span></span>
   * @throws NullPointerException {@inheritDoc}
   * @throws AbortProcessingException {@inheritDoc}
  public void processAction(ActionEvent actionEvent) throws AbortProcessingException {

    if (actionEvent == null) {
      throw new NullPointerException();

    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    ELContext elContext = context.getELContext();

    try {
      try {
        methodExpressionOneArg.invoke(elContext, new Object[] {actionEvent});
      } catch (MethodNotFoundException mnfe) {
        methodExpressionZeroArg.invoke(elContext, new Object[] {});
    } catch (ELException ee) {
      if (ee.getCause() instanceof AbortProcessingException) {
        throw (AbortProcessingException) ee.getCause();
      } else {
        throw (ELException) ee;