private void displayTool(Component comp) { if (tabbedPane != null && tabbedPane.getTabCount() > 1) { if (tabbedPane.indexOfComponent(comp) >= 0) { tabbedPane.setSelectedComponent(comp); } } if (comp instanceof PushpinObj) comp = ((PushpinObj) comp).getPinObj(); if (comp instanceof XMLToolPanel) { ((XMLToolPanel) comp).updateChange(); ((XMLToolPanel) comp).setEditMode(inEditMode); } else if (comp instanceof VToolPanel) ((VToolPanel) comp).updateValue(); }
public void setViewPort(int id) { if (id >= nviews || id < 0) return; String key; String value; vpId = id; for (Enumeration e = tp_paneInfo[id].keys(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { key = (String) e.nextElement(); value = (String) tp_paneInfo[id].get(key); if (value.equals("yes")) { JComponent comp = (JComponent) panes.get(key); if (comp instanceof VToolPanel) { ((VToolPanel) comp).setViewPort(id); } else { if (comp instanceof PushpinIF) comp = ((PushpinIF) comp).getPinObj(); if (comp instanceof XMLToolPanel) ((XMLToolPanel) comp).setViewPort(id); } } } }
/** * public void setCurrentLayout(int newId) { * * <p>if(newId >= nviews || vpId >= nviews) return; * * <p>String key; String newValue; String currValue; * * <p>for(int i=0; i<keys.size(); i++) { key = (String)keys.get(i); newValue = * (String)tp_paneInfo[newId].get(key); currValue = (String)tp_paneInfo[vpId].get(key); JComponent * obj = (JComponent)panes.get(key); if(newValue.equals("yes")) { if * (tabbedPane.indexOfComponent((Component)obj) < 0) tabbedPane.addTab(key, null, obj, ""); if * (obj instanceof PushpinIF) ((PushpinIF) obj).setAvailable(true); } else * if(newValue.equals("no")) { if (tabbedPane.indexOfComponent((Component)obj) >= 0) * tabbedPane.remove(obj); if (obj instanceof PushpinIF) ((PushpinIF) obj).setAvailable(false); } * } * * <p>tabbedToolPanel.removeAll(); if(tabbedPane.getTabCount() > 0) { if(tabbedPane.getTabCount() * == 1) { tabbedToolPanel.add(tabbedPane.getComponentAt(0)); } else if(tabbedPane.getTabCount() > * 1) { tabbedToolPanel.add(tabbedPane); } pinPanel.setStatus("open"); } else { * pinPanel.setStatus("close"); setVisible(false); } validate(); repaint(); } */ public void initPanel() { if (panes == null || panes.size() <= 0) return; setCurrentLayout(); String key; for (Enumeration e = panes.keys(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { key = (String) e.nextElement(); JComponent comp = (JComponent) panes.get(key); if (comp instanceof VToolPanel) ((VToolPanel) comp).initPanel(); else { if (comp instanceof PushpinIF) comp = ((PushpinIF) comp).getPinObj(); if (comp instanceof XMLToolPanel) ((XMLToolPanel) comp).buildPanel(); } /** * ** if(comp instanceof XMLToolPanel) { ((XMLToolPanel)comp).buildPanel(); } else if(comp * instanceof VToolPanel) { ((VToolPanel)comp).initPanel(); } ** */ } if (pinPanel.isOpen()) { if (!pinPanel.isVisible()) pinPanel.setVisible(true); } else pinPanel.setVisible(false); }
public void fill() { int i; boolean bSameFile = true; File fd = null; VToolPanel toolPanel = null; String toolPanelFile = FileUtil.openPath("INTERFACE/TabbedToolPanel.xml"); if (toolPanelFile != null) fd = new File(toolPanelFile); if (fd != null && fd.exists()) { bSameFile = false; if (buildFile != null && buildFile.equals(toolPanelFile)) { if (fd.lastModified() == dateOfbuildFile) // same file bSameFile = true; } } if (bSameFile) { for (i = 0; i < objList.size(); i++) { JComponent obj = (JComponent) objList.get(i); if (obj != null) { if (obj instanceof VToolPanel) toolPanel = (VToolPanel) obj; else { if (obj instanceof StatusListenerIF) ExpPanel.addStatusListener((StatusListenerIF) obj); else if (obj instanceof ExpListenerIF) ExpPanel.addExpListener((ExpListenerIF) obj); } } } if (toolPanel != null) toolPanel.fill(); return; } for (i = 0; i < objList.size(); i++) { for (i = 0; i < objList.size(); i++) { JComponent obj = (JComponent) objList.get(i); if (obj != null) { if (obj instanceof VToolPanel) toolPanel = (VToolPanel) obj; } } } if (toolPanel != null) toolPanel.clearAll(); buildFile = toolPanelFile; if (fd != null) dateOfbuildFile = fd.lastModified(); clearPanel(); try { SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); spf.setValidating(false); // set to true if we get DOCTYPE spf.setNamespaceAware(false); // set to true with referencing SAXParser parser = spf.newSAXParser(); if (toolPanelFile == null) { /* get VToolPanel only */ String key = "Locator"; PushpinIF pObj; Constructor c = (Constructor) getTool(key); Object[] vargs = new Object[1]; vargs[0] = sshare; if (c != null) { JComponent comp = (JComponent) c.newInstance(vargs); if (comp instanceof VToolPanel) { toolList.add(comp); } tabbedToolPanel.add(comp); objList.add(comp); if (!(comp instanceof PushpinIF)) { pObj = new PushpinObj(comp, pinPanel); // pObj.setTitle("Tool Panel"); pObj.showPushPin(false); pObj.showTitle(false); // pObj.alwaysShowTab(true); } else pObj = (PushpinIF) comp; pObj.setContainer(pinPanel); pObj.setSuperContainer(pinPanel); addTabComp(pObj); panes.put(key, pObj); // panes.put(key,comp); keys.add(key); vpInfo.add("all"); for (i = 0; i < nviews; i++) tp_paneInfo[i].put(key, "yes"); } } else { parser.parse(new File(toolPanelFile), new MySaxHandler()); } } catch (ParserConfigurationException pce) { System.out.println("The underlying parser does not support the " + "requested feature(s)."); } catch (FactoryConfigurationError fce) { System.out.println("Error occurred obtaining SAX Parser Factory."); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for (i = 0; i < toolList.size(); i++) ((VToolPanel) toolList.get(i)).fill(); }