   * Enter an interactive user-query loop, accepting queries and showing the retrieved documents in
   * ranked order.
  public void processQueries() {

    System.out.println("Now able to process queries. When done, enter an empty query to exit.");
    // Loop indefinitely answering queries
    do {
      // Get a query from the console
      String query = UserInput.prompt("\nEnter query:  ");
      // If query is empty then exit the interactive loop
      if (query.equals("")) break;

      HashMapVector queryVector;
      // If there is a space in the query, then the user is searching for a bigram
      // therefore, make a bigram hashmapvector
      if (query.contains(" "))
        queryVector = (new TextStringDocument(query, stem)).hashMapBigramVector();
      // Otherwise, queryVector is a normal hashmapvector
      else queryVector = (new TextStringDocument(query, stem)).hashMapVector();
      Retrieval[] retrievals = retrieve(queryVector);
      presentRetrievals(queryVector, retrievals);
    } while (true);