private boolean handleDelete( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String pathString) throws GitAPIException, CoreException, IOException, ServletException { IPath path = pathString == null ? Path.EMPTY : new Path(pathString); // expected path format is /file/{workspaceId}/{projectId}[/{directoryPath}] if (path.segment(0).equals("file") && path.segmentCount() > 2) { // $NON-NLS-1$ // make sure a clone is addressed WebProject webProject = GitUtils.projectFromPath(path); if (webProject != null && isAccessAllowed(request.getRemoteUser(), webProject)) { File gitDir = GitUtils.getGitDirs(path, Traverse.CURRENT).values().iterator().next(); Repository repo = new FileRepository(gitDir); repo.close(); FileUtils.delete(repo.getWorkTree(), FileUtils.RECURSIVE | FileUtils.RETRY); if (path.segmentCount() == 3) return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, removeProject(request.getRemoteUser(), webProject)); return true; } String msg = NLS.bind("Nothing found for the given ID: {0}", path); return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus(IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, msg, null)); } String msg = NLS.bind("Invalid delete request {0}", pathString); return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus(IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, msg, null)); }
public PagedResult<Repository> readRepositories(String source) throws ReviewboardException { try { JSONObject rootObject = checkedGetJSonRootObject(source); int totalResults = rootObject.getInt("total_results"); JSONArray jsonRepositories = rootObject.getJSONArray("repositories"); List<Repository> repositories = new ArrayList<Repository>(); for (int i = 0; i < jsonRepositories.length(); i++) { JSONObject jsonRepository = jsonRepositories.getJSONObject(i); Repository repository = new Repository(); repository.setId(jsonRepository.getInt("id")); repository.setName(jsonRepository.getString("name")); repository.setTool(RepositoryType.fromDisplayName(jsonRepository.getString("tool"))); repository.setPath(jsonRepository.getString("path")); repositories.add(repository); } return PagedResult.create(repositories, totalResults); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new ReviewboardException(e.getMessage(), e); } }
/** * Resolves a module id to a package resource. If module id consists of just one term and resolves * to a package directory, the main module of the package is returned. If the module id consists * of several terms and the first term resolves to a package directory, the remaining part of the * module id is resolved against the "lib" directory of the package. * * @link * @param moduleName the name of the package to load * @param localPath the path of the resource issuing this call * @return the location of the package's main module * @throws IOException an unrecoverable I/O exception occurred while reading the package */ protected Resource loadPackage(String moduleName, Repository localPath) throws IOException { int slash = 0; String packageName, remainingName; do { slash = moduleName.indexOf('/', slash + 1); if (slash == -1) { packageName = moduleName; remainingName = null; } else { packageName = moduleName.substring(0, slash); if (".".equals(packageName) || "..".equals(packageName)) continue; remainingName = moduleName.substring(slash + 1); } Resource json = findResource(packageName + "/package.json", null, localPath); if (json != null && json.exists()) { Scriptable obj = parseJsonResource(json); Repository parent = json.getParentRepository(); String moduleId; Resource res; if (remainingName == null) { // get the main module of this package moduleId = getStringProperty(obj, "main", null); if (moduleId != null) { // optimize for the common case where main module // property links to the exact file name res = parent.getResource(moduleId); if (res != null && res.exists()) return res; } } else { // map remaining name to libs directory String lib = "lib"; Object dirs = ScriptableObject.getProperty(obj, "directories"); if (dirs instanceof Scriptable) { lib = getStringProperty((Scriptable) dirs, "lib", "lib"); } moduleId = lib + "/" + remainingName; } if (moduleId != null) { for (ModuleLoader loader : loaders) { res = parent.getResource(moduleId + loader.getExtension()); if (res != null && res.exists()) return res; } if (remainingName != null) { res = parent.getResource(moduleId); if (res != null && res.exists()) return res; } } } } while (slash != -1); return findResource(moduleName + "/index", loaders, localPath); }
@Override protected IStatus performJob() { try { // list all tags File gitDir = GitUtils.getGitDir(path); Repository db = new FileRepository(gitDir); Git git = new Git(db); List<Ref> refs = git.tagList().call(); JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); List<Tag> tags = new ArrayList<Tag>(); for (Ref ref : refs) { Tag tag = new Tag(cloneLocation, db, ref); tags.add(tag); } Collections.sort(tags, Tag.COMPARATOR); JSONArray children = new JSONArray(); int firstTag = pageSize > 0 ? pageSize * (pageNo - 1) : 0; int lastTag = pageSize > 0 ? firstTag + pageSize - 1 : tags.size() - 1; lastTag = lastTag > tags.size() - 1 ? tags.size() - 1 : lastTag; if (pageNo > 1 && baseLocation != null) { String prev = baseLocation + "?page=" + (pageNo - 1) + "&pageSize=" + pageSize; if (commitsSize > 0) { prev += "&" + GitConstants.KEY_TAG_COMMITS + "=" + commitsSize; } result.put(ProtocolConstants.KEY_PREVIOUS_LOCATION, prev); } if (lastTag < tags.size() - 1) { String next = baseLocation + "?page=" + (pageNo + 1) + "&pageSize=" + pageSize; if (commitsSize > 0) { next += "&" + GitConstants.KEY_TAG_COMMITS + "=" + commitsSize; } result.put(ProtocolConstants.KEY_NEXT_LOCATION, next); } for (int i = firstTag; i <= lastTag; i++) { Tag tag = tags.get(i); if (this.commitsSize == 0) { children.put(tag.toJSON()); } else { // add info about commits if requested LogCommand lc = git.log(); String toCommitName = tag.getRevCommitName(); ObjectId toCommitId = db.resolve(toCommitName); Ref toCommitRef = db.getRef(toCommitName); toCommitId = getCommitObjectId(db, toCommitId); lc.add(toCommitId); lc.setMaxCount(this.commitsSize); Iterable<RevCommit> commits =; Log log = new Log(cloneLocation, db, commits, null, null, toCommitRef); children.put(tag.toJSON(log.toJSON(1, commitsSize))); } } result.put(ProtocolConstants.KEY_CHILDREN, children); result.put(ProtocolConstants.KEY_TYPE, Tag.TYPE); return new ServerStatus(Status.OK_STATUS, HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, result); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = NLS.bind("An error occured when listing tags for {0}", path); return new Status(IStatus.ERROR, GitActivator.PI_GIT, msg, e); } }
@Override public void setSender(ECKey senderPrivateKey) { txSender = senderPrivateKey; if (!getBlockchain().getRepository().isExist(senderPrivateKey.getAddress())) { Repository repository = getBlockchain().getRepository(); Repository track = repository.startTracking(); track.createAccount(senderPrivateKey.getAddress()); track.commit(); } }
private boolean cherryPick( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Repository db, String commitToCherryPick) throws ServletException, JSONException { RevWalk revWalk = new RevWalk(db); try { Ref headRef = db.getRef(Constants.HEAD); if (headRef == null) return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus( IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "An error occured when cherry-picking.", null)); RevCommit head = revWalk.parseCommit(headRef.getObjectId()); ObjectId objectId = db.resolve(commitToCherryPick); Git git = new Git(db); CherryPickResult cherryPickResult = git.cherryPick().include(objectId).call(); RevCommit newHead = cherryPickResult.getNewHead(); JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); result.put(GitConstants.KEY_RESULT, cherryPickResult.getStatus().name()); result.put(GitConstants.KEY_HEAD_UPDATED, !head.equals(newHead)); OrionServlet.writeJSONResponse( request, response, result, JsonURIUnqualificationStrategy.ALL_NO_GIT); return true; } catch (IOException e) { return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus( IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "An error occured when cherry-picking.", e)); } catch (GitAPIException e) { return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus( IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "An error occured when cherry-picking.", e)); } finally { revWalk.release(); } }
private AbstractTreeIterator getTreeIterator(Repository db, String name) throws IOException { final ObjectId id = db.resolve(name); if (id == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(name); final CanonicalTreeParser p = new CanonicalTreeParser(); final ObjectReader or = db.newObjectReader(); try { p.reset(or, new RevWalk(db).parseTree(id)); return p; } finally { or.release(); } }
public static Set<String> loadVersionTagList( Repository repository, String versionTagNamePattern) { Set<String> versionTagList = new HashSet<String>(); if (versionTagNamePattern != null) { versionTagList = new HashSet<String>(); for (String tagName : repository.getTags().keySet()) { if (tagName.matches(versionTagNamePattern)) { versionTagList.add(tagName); } } } else { versionTagList = repository.getTags().keySet(); } return versionTagList; }
private boolean isLocalBranch(Git git, String branch) throws GitAPIException { List<Ref> branches = git.branchList().call(); for (Ref ref : branches) { if (Repository.shortenRefName(ref.getName()).equals(branch)) return true; } return false; }
/** * Search for a resource in a local path, or the main repository path. * * @param path the resource name * @param loaders optional list of module loaders * @param localRoot a repository to look first * @return the resource * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurred */ public Resource findResource(String path, ModuleLoader[] loaders, Repository localRoot) throws IOException { // Note: as an extension to the CommonJS modules API // we allow absolute module paths for resources File file = new File(path); if (file.isAbsolute()) { Resource res; outer: if (loaders != null) { // loaders must contain at least one loader assert loaders.length > 0 && loaders[0] != null; for (ModuleLoader loader : loaders) { res = new FileResource(path + loader.getExtension()); if (res.exists()) { break outer; } } res = new FileResource(path + loaders[0].getExtension()); } else { res = new FileResource(file); } res.setAbsolute(true); return res; } else if (localRoot != null && (path.startsWith("./") || path.startsWith("../"))) { String newpath = localRoot.getRelativePath() + path; return findResource(newpath, loaders, null); } else { return config.getResource(normalizePath(path), loaders); } }
/** * Search for a repository in the local path, or the main repository path. * * @param path the repository name * @param localPath a repository to look first * @return the repository * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurred */ public Repository findRepository(String path, Repository localPath) throws IOException { // To be consistent, always return absolute repository if path is absolute // if we make this dependent on whether files exist we introduce a lot of // vague and undetermined behaviour. File file = new File(path); if (file.isAbsolute()) { return new FileRepository(file); } if (localPath != null) { Repository repository = localPath.getChildRepository(path); if (repository != null && repository.exists()) { return repository; } } return config.getRepository(normalizePath(path)); }
CFG createCFG(String className) throws ClassNotFoundException { CFG cfg = new CFG(); JavaClass jc = Repository.lookupClass(className); ClassGen cg = new ClassGen(jc); ConstantPoolGen cpg = cg.getConstantPool(); for (Method m : cg.getMethods()) { MethodGen mg = new MethodGen(m, cg.getClassName(), cpg); InstructionList il = mg.getInstructionList(); InstructionHandle[] handles = il.getInstructionHandles(); int prev = 0; for (InstructionHandle ih : handles) { int position = ih.getPosition(); cfg.addNode(position, m, jc); Instruction inst = ih.getInstruction(); boolean br = inst.getName().contains("if") || inst.getName().contains("goto"); boolean ret = inst.getName().contains("return"); boolean stat = inst.getName().contains("invokestatic"); int len = inst.getLength(); if (stat) { int index = inst.toString(true).indexOf(" "); String name = inst.toString(true).substring(index + 1); int tar = Integer.valueOf(name); INVOKESTATIC inv = new INVOKESTATIC(tar); name = inv.getMethodName(cpg); Method m2 = null; Method[] tm = cg.getMethods(); for (int i = 0; i < tm.length; i++) { if (tm[i].getName().equals(name)) { m2 = tm[i]; } } cfg.addEdge(position, m, jc, 0, m2, jc); cfg.addEdge(-1, m2, jc, position + len, m, jc); } if (!ret && !stat) { cfg.addEdge(position, position + len, m, jc); } if (br) { cfg.addEdge(position, position + len, m, jc); IF_ICMPGE comp = new IF_ICMPGE(ih); String name = comp.getTarget().toString(false); int index = name.indexOf(">"); name = name.substring(index + 2); int tar = Integer.valueOf(name); cfg.addEdge(position, tar, m, jc); } if (ret) { cfg.addEdge(position, -1, m, jc); } prev = position; } System.out.println(cfg.toString()); } return cfg; }
@Override public Block createForkBlock(Block parent) { try { List<Transaction> txes = new ArrayList<>(); Map<ByteArrayWrapper, Long> nonces = new HashMap<>(); Repository repoSnapshot = getBlockchain().getRepository().getSnapshotTo(parent.getStateRoot()); for (PendingTx tx : submittedTxes) { ByteArrayWrapper senderW = new ByteArrayWrapper(tx.sender.getAddress()); Long nonce = nonces.get(senderW); if (nonce == null) { BigInteger bcNonce = repoSnapshot.getNonce(tx.sender.getAddress()); nonce = bcNonce.longValue(); } nonces.put(senderW, nonce + 1); byte[] toAddress = tx.targetContract != null ? tx.targetContract.getAddress() : tx.toAddress; Transaction transaction = new Transaction( ByteUtil.longToBytesNoLeadZeroes(nonce), ByteUtil.longToBytesNoLeadZeroes(gasPrice), ByteUtil.longToBytesNoLeadZeroes(gasLimit), toAddress, ByteUtil.bigIntegerToBytes(tx.value),; transaction.sign(tx.sender.getPrivKeyBytes()); if (tx.createdContract != null) { tx.createdContract.setAddress(transaction.getContractAddress()); } txes.add(transaction); } Block b = getBlockchain().createNewBlock(parent, txes, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); Ethash.getForBlock(b.getNumber()).mineLight(b).get(); ImportResult importResult = getBlockchain().tryToConnect(b); if (importResult != ImportResult.IMPORTED_BEST && importResult != ImportResult.IMPORTED_NOT_BEST) { throw new RuntimeException( "Invalid block import result " + importResult + " for block " + b); } submittedTxes.clear(); return b; } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
private boolean tag( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Repository db, String commitId, String tagName, boolean isRoot) throws JSONException, URISyntaxException, ServletException { Git git = new Git(db); RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(db); try { ObjectId objectId = db.resolve(commitId); RevCommit revCommit = walk.lookupCommit(objectId); walk.parseBody(revCommit); GitTagHandlerV1.tag(git, revCommit, tagName); URI cloneLocation = BaseToCloneConverter.getCloneLocation( getURI(request), BaseToCloneConverter.COMMIT_REFRANGE); Commit commit = new Commit(cloneLocation, db, revCommit, null); JSONObject result = commit.toJSON(); OrionServlet.writeJSONResponse( request, response, result, JsonURIUnqualificationStrategy.ALL_NO_GIT); return true; } catch (IOException e) { return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus( IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "An error occured when tagging.", e)); } catch (GitAPIException e) { return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus( IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "An error occured when tagging.", e)); } catch (CoreException e) { return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus( IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "An error occured when tagging.", e)); } finally { walk.dispose(); } }
protected static RevCommit resolveCommitIdByTagName(Repository repository, String tagName) throws IOException, GitAPIException { if (tagName == null || tagName.isEmpty()) return null; RevCommit revCommit = null; Map<String, Ref> tagMap = repository.getTags(); Ref ref = tagMap.get(tagName); if (ref != null) { RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(repository); // some reduce memory effors as described in jgit user guide walk.setRetainBody(false); ObjectId from; from = repository.resolve("refs/heads/master"); if (from == null) { Git git = new Git(repository); String lastTagName = git.describe().call(); from = repository.resolve("refs/tags/" + lastTagName); } ObjectId to = repository.resolve("refs/remotes/origin/master"); if (from == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("cannot determinate start commit"); } walk.markStart(walk.parseCommit(from)); walk.markUninteresting(walk.parseCommit(to)); try { RevObject revObject = walk.parseAny(ref.getObjectId()); if (revObject != null) { revCommit = walk.parseCommit(revObject.getId()); } } finally { walk.close(); } } return revCommit; }
@Override public Object[] callConstFunction(Block callBlock, String functionName, Object... args) { Transaction tx = CallTransaction.createCallTransaction( 0, 0, 100000000000000L, Hex.toHexString(getAddress()), 0, contract.getByName(functionName), args); tx.sign(new byte[32]); Repository repository = getBlockchain().getRepository().getSnapshotTo(callBlock.getStateRoot()).startTracking(); try { org.ethereum.core.TransactionExecutor executor = new org.ethereum.core.TransactionExecutor( tx, callBlock.getCoinbase(), repository, getBlockchain().getBlockStore(), getBlockchain().getProgramInvokeFactory(), callBlock) .setLocalCall(true); executor.init(); executor.execute(); executor.go(); executor.finalization(); return contract.getByName(functionName).decodeResult(executor.getResult().getHReturn()); } finally { repository.rollback(); } }
// SAA overrides this method // here we remove scnenarios as we use them to make sure each policy is generated using its own // scenarios. // so we call getIdealBids which uses m_numScenarios most recent scenarios and then remove them so // the next call to getIdealBids gets different scenarios public ArrayList<Bid> getBids() { Misc.myassert(!(numPolicies == 1 && numEvaluations != 0)); ArrayList<Bid>[] policies = new ArrayList[numPolicies]; for (int i = 0; i < numPolicies; i++) { policies[i] = getIdealBids(); repository.removeXMostRecent(numScenarios); } if (numPolicies == 1) return policies[0]; Misc.println("Algorithm.getBids : evaluating more than 1 policies..."); // evaluation scenarios Priceline[] evaluationScenarios = repository.removeXMostRecent(numEvaluations); // evaluate policies int bestPolicy = -1; float bestEvaluation = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numPolicies; i++) { float evaluation = evaluate(policies[i], evaluationScenarios); if (bestPolicy == -1 || evaluation > bestEvaluation) { bestPolicy = i; bestEvaluation = evaluation; } } // this is to make sure we do not generate extra scenarios. // also see the comment at the top of the method: we need to generate enough scenarios otherwise // we won't have enough for all policies - vn Misc.myassert(repository.getAvailableScenarios().length == 0); Misc.println("Algorithm.getBids : best policy = " + bestPolicy); return policies[bestPolicy]; }
public static Set<String> extractJiraIssues( Repository repository, String sinceTagName, String untilTagName, String pattern) throws IOException, GitAPIException { Git git = new Git(repository); RevCommit startCommitId = resolveCommitIdByTagName(repository, sinceTagName); if (startCommitId == null) { throw new IOException("cannot resolveCommitIdByTagName by " + sinceTagName); } ObjectId endCommitId = resolveCommitIdByTagName(repository, untilTagName); if (endCommitId == null) { endCommitId = repository.resolve(Constants.HEAD); } Iterable<RevCommit> commits = git.log().addRange(startCommitId, endCommitId).call(); return extractJiraIssues(pattern, commits); }
private BlockchainImpl createBlockchain(Genesis genesis) { IndexedBlockStore blockStore = new IndexedBlockStore(); blockStore.init(new HashMapDB(), new HashMapDB()); Repository repository = new RepositoryImpl(new HashMapDB(), new HashMapDB()); ProgramInvokeFactoryImpl programInvokeFactory = new ProgramInvokeFactoryImpl(); EthereumListenerAdapter listener = new EthereumListenerAdapter(); BlockchainImpl blockchain = new BlockchainImpl(blockStore, repository); blockchain.setParentHeaderValidator(new DependentBlockHeaderRuleAdapter()); blockchain.setProgramInvokeFactory(programInvokeFactory); programInvokeFactory.setBlockchain(blockchain); blockchain.byTest = true; PendingStateImpl pendingState = new PendingStateImpl(listener, blockchain); pendingState.init(); pendingState.setBlockchain(blockchain); blockchain.setPendingState(pendingState); Repository track = repository.startTracking(); for (ByteArrayWrapper key : genesis.getPremine().keySet()) { track.createAccount(key.getData()); track.addBalance(key.getData(), genesis.getPremine().get(key).getBalance()); } for (Pair<byte[], BigInteger> acc : initialBallances) { track.createAccount(acc.getLeft()); track.addBalance(acc.getLeft(), acc.getRight()); } track.commit(); blockStore.saveBlock(genesis, genesis.getCumulativeDifficulty(), true); blockchain.setBestBlock(genesis); blockchain.setTotalDifficulty(genesis.getCumulativeDifficulty()); return blockchain; }
private boolean merge( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Repository db, String commitToMerge, boolean squash) throws ServletException, JSONException { try { ObjectId objectId = db.resolve(commitToMerge); Git git = new Git(db); MergeResult mergeResult = git.merge().setSquash(squash).include(objectId).call(); JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); result.put(GitConstants.KEY_RESULT, mergeResult.getMergeStatus().name()); if (mergeResult.getFailingPaths() != null && !mergeResult.getFailingPaths().isEmpty()) result.put(GitConstants.KEY_FAILING_PATHS, mergeResult.getFailingPaths()); OrionServlet.writeJSONResponse( request, response, result, JsonURIUnqualificationStrategy.ALL_NO_GIT); return true; } catch (CheckoutConflictException e) { return workaroundBug356918(request, response, e); } catch (IOException e) { return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus( IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "An error occured when merging.", e)); } catch (GitAPIException e) { return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus( IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "An error occured when merging.", e)); } }
private boolean handleGetCommitBody( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Repository db, String ref, String pattern) throws IOException, ServletException, CoreException { ObjectId refId = db.resolve(ref); if (refId == null) { String msg = NLS.bind("Failed to get commit body for ref {0}", ref); return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus(IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, msg, null)); } RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(db); walk.setTreeFilter( AndTreeFilter.create( PathFilterGroup.createFromStrings(Collections.singleton(pattern)), TreeFilter.ANY_DIFF)); RevCommit revCommit = walk.parseCommit(refId); walk.dispose(); Commit commit = new Commit(null /* not needed */, db, revCommit, pattern); ObjectStream stream = commit.toObjectStream(); if (stream == null) { String msg = NLS.bind("Commit body for ref {0} not found", ref); return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus(IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, msg, null)); } IOUtilities.pipe(stream, response.getOutputStream(), true, false); return true; }
/** * Return a shell scope for interactive evaluation * * @return a shell scope * @throws IOException an I/O related exception occurred */ public Scriptable getShellScope(RingoWorker worker) throws IOException { Repository repository = new FileRepository(""); repository.setAbsolute(true); Scriptable protoScope = mainScope != null ? mainScope : globalScope; return new ModuleScope("<shell>", repository, protoScope, worker); }
private boolean revert( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Repository db, String commitToRevert) throws ServletException, JSONException { RevWalk revWalk = new RevWalk(db); try { Ref headRef = db.getRef(Constants.HEAD); if (headRef == null) return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus( IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "An error occured when reverting.", null)); ObjectId objectId = db.resolve(commitToRevert); Git git = new Git(db); RevertCommand revertCommand = git.revert().include(objectId); RevCommit revertedCommit =; if (revertedCommit == null) { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); result.put(GitConstants.KEY_RESULT, "FAILURE"); // $NON-NLS-1$ OrionServlet.writeJSONResponse( request, response, result, JsonURIUnqualificationStrategy.ALL_NO_GIT); return true; } JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); result.put(GitConstants.KEY_RESULT, "OK"); // $NON-NLS-1$ OrionServlet.writeJSONResponse( request, response, result, JsonURIUnqualificationStrategy.ALL_NO_GIT); return true; } catch (IOException e) { return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus( IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "An error occured when reverting.", e)); } catch (GitAPIException e) { return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus( IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "An error occured when reverting.", e)); } finally { revWalk.release(); } }
private boolean rebase( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Repository db, String commitToRebase, String rebaseOperation) throws ServletException, JSONException, AmbiguousObjectException, IOException { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); try { Git git = new Git(db); RebaseCommand rebase = git.rebase(); Operation operation; if (rebaseOperation != null) { operation = Operation.valueOf(rebaseOperation); } else { operation = Operation.BEGIN; } if (commitToRebase != null && !commitToRebase.isEmpty()) { ObjectId objectId = db.resolve(commitToRebase); rebase.setUpstream(objectId); } else if (operation.equals(Operation.BEGIN)) { return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus( IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Missing commit refId.", null)); } rebase.setOperation(operation); RebaseResult rebaseResult =; result.put(GitConstants.KEY_RESULT, rebaseResult.getStatus().name()); } catch (UnmergedPathsException e) { // this error should be handled by client, so return a proper status result.put(GitConstants.KEY_RESULT,; } catch (WrongRepositoryStateException e) { // this error should be handled by client, so return a proper status result.put( GitConstants.KEY_RESULT,; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus( IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid rebase operation.", e)); } catch (GitAPIException e) { // get cause and try to handle if (e.getCause() instanceof org.eclipse.jgit.errors.CheckoutConflictException) { // this error should be handled by client, so return a proper status result.put(GitConstants.KEY_RESULT,; } else { return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus( IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "An error occured when rebasing.", e)); } } OrionServlet.writeJSONResponse( request, response, result, JsonURIUnqualificationStrategy.ALL_NO_GIT); return true; }
@Override protected boolean handlePost(RequestInfo requestInfo) throws ServletException { String gitSegment = requestInfo.gitSegment; HttpServletRequest request = requestInfo.request; HttpServletResponse response = requestInfo.response; Repository db = requestInfo.db; String pattern = requestInfo.relativePath; JSONObject requestObject = requestInfo.getJSONRequest(); try { String commitToMerge = requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_MERGE, null); if (commitToMerge != null) { boolean squash = requestObject.optBoolean(GitConstants.KEY_SQUASH, false); return merge(request, response, db, commitToMerge, squash); } String commitToRebase = requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_REBASE, null); String rebaseOperation = requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_OPERATION, null); if (commitToRebase != null) { return rebase(request, response, db, commitToRebase, rebaseOperation); } String commitToCherryPick = requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_CHERRY_PICK, null); if (commitToCherryPick != null) { return cherryPick(request, response, db, commitToCherryPick); } String commitToRevert = requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_REVERT, null); if (commitToRevert != null) { return revert(request, response, db, commitToRevert); } String newCommit = requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_COMMIT_NEW, null); if (newCommit != null) return identifyNewCommitResource(request, response, db, newCommit); String reviewReqLogin = requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_REVIEW_REQ_NOTIFY_LOGIN); if (reviewReqLogin != null && reviewReqLogin.length() != 0) { String reviewReqUrl = requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_REVIEW_REQ_URL); String ReviewReqCommit = requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_REVIEW_REQ_COMMIT); String ReviewReqAuthorName = requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_REVIEW_REQ_AUTHOR_NAME); String ReviewMessage = requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_REVIEW_REQ_MESSAGE); return sendNotification( request, response, db, reviewReqLogin, ReviewReqCommit, reviewReqUrl, ReviewReqAuthorName, ReviewMessage); } ObjectId refId = db.resolve(gitSegment); if (refId == null || !Constants.HEAD.equals(gitSegment)) { String msg = NLS.bind("Commit failed. Ref must be HEAD and is {0}", gitSegment); return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus(IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, msg, null)); } String message = requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_COMMIT_MESSAGE, null); if (message == null || message.isEmpty()) { return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus( IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Missing commit message.", null)); } Git git = new Git(db); CommitCommand cc = git.commit(); Config config = git.getRepository().getConfig(); boolean amend = Boolean.parseBoolean(requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_COMMIT_AMEND, null)); boolean insertChangeId = GitUtils.isGerrit(config) || Boolean.parseBoolean(requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_CHANGE_ID, null)); String committerName = requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_COMMITTER_NAME, null); String committerEmail = requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_COMMITTER_EMAIL, null); String authorName = requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_AUTHOR_NAME, null); String authorEmail = requestObject.optString(GitConstants.KEY_AUTHOR_EMAIL, null); // workaround of a bug in JGit which causes invalid // support of null values of author/committer name/email, see bug 352984 PersonIdent defPersonIdent = new PersonIdent(db); if (committerName == null) committerName = defPersonIdent.getName(); if (committerEmail == null) committerEmail = defPersonIdent.getEmailAddress(); if (authorName == null) authorName = committerName; if (authorEmail == null) authorEmail = committerEmail; cc.setCommitter(committerName, committerEmail); cc.setAuthor(authorName, authorEmail); if (insertChangeId) cc.setInsertChangeId(true); // support for committing by path: "git commit -o path" if (!pattern.isEmpty()) { cc.setOnly(pattern); } try { // "git commit [--amend] -m '{message}' [-a|{path}]" RevCommit lastCommit = cc.setAmend(amend).setMessage(message).call(); URI cloneLocation = BaseToCloneConverter.getCloneLocation( getURI(request), BaseToCloneConverter.COMMIT_REFRANGE); Commit commit = new Commit(cloneLocation, db, lastCommit, pattern); JSONObject result = commit.toJSON(); OrionServlet.writeJSONResponse( request, response, result, JsonURIUnqualificationStrategy.ALL_NO_GIT); return true; } catch (GitAPIException e) { return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus( IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "An error occured when commiting.", e)); } catch (UnmergedPathException e) { return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus( IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "An internal error occured when commiting.", e)); } } catch (Exception e) { return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus( IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "An error occured when requesting a commit info.", e)); } }
private boolean handleGetCommitLog( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, IPath filePath, Repository db, String refIdsRange, String pattern) throws AmbiguousObjectException, IOException, ServletException, JSONException, URISyntaxException, CoreException { int page = request.getParameter("page") != null ? new Integer(request.getParameter("page")).intValue() : 0; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ int pageSize = request.getParameter("pageSize") != null ? new Integer(request.getParameter("pageSize")).intValue() : PAGE_SIZE; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ ObjectId toObjectId = null; ObjectId fromObjectId = null; Ref toRefId = null; Ref fromRefId = null; if (refIdsRange != null) { // git log <since>..<until> if (refIdsRange.contains("..")) { // $NON-NLS-1$ String[] commits = refIdsRange.split("\\.\\."); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (commits.length != 2) { String msg = NLS.bind("Failed to generate commit log for ref {0}", refIdsRange); return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus(IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, msg, null)); } fromObjectId = db.resolve(commits[0]); fromRefId = db.getRef(commits[0]); if (fromObjectId == null) { String msg = NLS.bind("Failed to generate commit log for ref {0}", commits[0]); return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus(IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, msg, null)); } toObjectId = db.resolve(commits[1]); toRefId = db.getRef(commits[1]); if (toObjectId == null) { String msg = NLS.bind("No ref or commit found: {0}", commits[1]); return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus(IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, msg, null)); } } else { toObjectId = db.resolve(refIdsRange); toRefId = db.getRef(refIdsRange); if (toObjectId == null) { String msg = NLS.bind("No ref or commit found: {0}", refIdsRange); return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus(IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, msg, null)); } } toObjectId = getCommitObjectId(db, toObjectId); } URI baseLocation = getURI(request); URI cloneLocation = BaseToCloneConverter.getCloneLocation( baseLocation, refIdsRange == null ? BaseToCloneConverter.COMMIT : BaseToCloneConverter.COMMIT_REFRANGE); LogJob job = new LogJob( TaskJobHandler.getUserId(request), filePath, cloneLocation, page, pageSize, toObjectId, fromObjectId, toRefId, fromRefId, refIdsRange, pattern); return TaskJobHandler.handleTaskJob( request, response, job, statusHandler, JsonURIUnqualificationStrategy.ALL_NO_GIT); }
private boolean handleGetDiff( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Repository db, String scope, String pattern, OutputStream out) throws Exception { Git git = new Git(db); DiffCommand diff = git.diff(); diff.setOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(out)); AbstractTreeIterator oldTree; AbstractTreeIterator newTree = new FileTreeIterator(db); if (scope.contains("..")) { // $NON-NLS-1$ String[] commits = scope.split("\\.\\."); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (commits.length != 2) { String msg = NLS.bind("Failed to generate diff for {0}", scope); return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus(IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, msg, null)); } oldTree = getTreeIterator(db, commits[0]); newTree = getTreeIterator(db, commits[1]); } else if (scope.equals(GitConstants.KEY_DIFF_CACHED)) { ObjectId head = db.resolve(Constants.HEAD + "^{tree}"); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (head == null) { String msg = NLS.bind("Failed to generate diff for {0}, no HEAD", scope); return statusHandler.handleRequest( request, response, new ServerStatus(IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, msg, null)); } CanonicalTreeParser p = new CanonicalTreeParser(); ObjectReader reader = db.newObjectReader(); try { p.reset(reader, head); } finally { reader.release(); } oldTree = p; newTree = new DirCacheIterator(db.readDirCache()); } else if (scope.equals(GitConstants.KEY_DIFF_DEFAULT)) { oldTree = new DirCacheIterator(db.readDirCache()); } else { oldTree = getTreeIterator(db, scope); } String[] paths = request.getParameterValues(ProtocolConstants.KEY_PATH); TreeFilter filter = null; TreeFilter pathFilter = null; if (paths != null) { if (paths.length > 1) { Set<TreeFilter> pathFilters = new HashSet<TreeFilter>(paths.length); for (String path : paths) { pathFilters.add(PathFilter.create(path)); } pathFilter = OrTreeFilter.create(pathFilters); } else if (paths.length == 1) { pathFilter = PathFilter.create(paths[0]); } } if (pattern != null) { PathFilter patternFilter = PathFilter.create(pattern); if (pathFilter != null) filter = AndTreeFilter.create(patternFilter, pathFilter); else filter = patternFilter; } else { filter = pathFilter; } if (filter != null) diff.setPathFilter(filter); diff.setOldTree(oldTree); diff.setNewTree(newTree);; return true; }
private String stripGlobalPaths(Repository db, String message) { return message.replaceAll( "(?i)" + Pattern.quote(db.getDirectory().getParentFile().getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase()), ""); }
private boolean isInIndex(Repository db, String path) throws IOException { DirCache dc =, db.getFS()); return dc.getEntry(path) != null; }
// evaluates a policy (an ArrayList of Bids) public float evaluate(ArrayList<Bid> bids, Priceline[] evaluationScenarios) { float ret = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numEvaluations; i++) { Misc.println("Algorithm.evaluate : scenario " + i); // evaluationScenarios[i].priceline.printHotel(); float bank = 0; float cost = 0; TACCollection hown = new TACCollection(repository.getOwnCollection()); for (int j = 0; j < bids.size(); j++) { Bid b = bids.get(j); int auction = b.getAuction(); switch (Constants.auctionType(auction)) { case Constants.TYPE_FLIGHT: for (int k = 0; k < b.getNoBidPoints(); k++) { // float currentPrice = m_dr.getQuote(auction).getAskPrice(); float currentPrice = evaluationScenarios[i] .currBuyPrice[auction]; // expected min price - lower than current price if (b.getPrice(k) >= currentPrice) { int q = b.getQuantity(k); Misc.myassert(1 == q); // comment out if causes problems - vn hown.setOwn(auction, hown.getOwn(auction) + q); bank -= q * currentPrice; cost += q * currentPrice; } } break; case Constants.TYPE_HOTEL: // It can be happen if the calculation takes more than 1 minute. // In that case, we just ignore the bid. sjlee. // Because it is not a serious bug and it can happen frequently, // it would be innocuous to continue this algorithm. if (repository.isAuctionClosed(auction)) { Misc.error( "we are bidding on a closed hotel. a " + auction + " we own " + hown.getOwn(auction)); break; // Misc.myassert(false); } for (int k = 0; k < b.getNoBidPoints(); k++) { float closingPrice = evaluationScenarios[i].currBuyPrice[auction]; if (b.getPrice(k) >= closingPrice) { int q = b.getQuantity(k); Misc.myassert(1 == q); // comment out if causes problems - vn hown.setOwn(auction, hown.getOwn(auction) + q); bank -= q * closingPrice; cost += q * closingPrice; } } break; case Constants.TYPE_EVENT: // ignore!! break; } } TACCollection forsale = Constants.forSale(); for (int j = 0; j < Constants.AUCTION_MAX; j++) { forsale.setOwn(j, 0); } Completion c = completer.computeCompletion( repository.getClientPrefs(), hown, forsale, evaluationScenarios[i]); for (int a = 0; a < Constants.AUCTION_MAX; a++) { Misc.myassert(0 == c.getBidPolicy().getQuantity(a)); Misc.myassert(0 == c.getAskPolicy().getQuantity(a)); } bank += c.objectiveValue; ret += bank; } return (ret / (float) numEvaluations); }