Exemplo n.º 1
  * Destroy a key in region REGION_NAME. The keys to destroy are specified in keyIntervals.
  * @return true if all keys to be destroyed have been completed.
 protected boolean destroy() {
   SharedCounters sc = CQUtilBB.getBB().getSharedCounters();
   long nextKey = sc.incrementAndRead(CQUtilBB.LASTKEY_DESTROY);
   if (!keyIntervals.keyInRange(KeyIntervals.DESTROY, nextKey)) {
     Log.getLogWriter().info("All destroys completed; returning from destroy");
     return true;
   Object key = NameFactory.getObjectNameForCounter(nextKey);
   Log.getLogWriter().info("Destroying " + key);
   checkContainsValueForKey(key, true, "before destroy");
   try {
             "Done Destroying "
                 + key
                 + ", num remaining: "
                 + (keyIntervals.getLastKey(KeyIntervals.DESTROY) - nextKey));
   } catch (CacheWriterException e) {
     throw new TestException(TestHelper.getStackTrace(e));
   } catch (TimeoutException e) {
     throw new TestException(TestHelper.getStackTrace(e));
   } catch (EntryNotFoundException e) {
     throw new TestException(TestHelper.getStackTrace(e));
   return (nextKey >= keyIntervals.getLastKey(KeyIntervals.DESTROY));
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Do a get on a key in region REGION_NAME. Keys to get are specified in keyIntervals.
  * @return true if all keys to have get performaed have been completed.
 protected boolean get() {
   SharedCounters sc = CQUtilBB.getBB().getSharedCounters();
   long nextKey = sc.incrementAndRead(CQUtilBB.LASTKEY_GET);
   if (!keyIntervals.keyInRange(KeyIntervals.GET, nextKey)) {
     Log.getLogWriter().info("All gets completed; returning from get");
     return true;
   Object key = NameFactory.getObjectNameForCounter(nextKey);
   Log.getLogWriter().info("Getting " + key);
   try {
     Object existingValue = aRegion.get(key);
             "Done getting "
                 + key
                 + ", num remaining: "
                 + (keyIntervals.getLastKey(KeyIntervals.GET) - nextKey));
     if (existingValue == null)
       throw new TestException("Get of key " + key + " returned unexpected " + existingValue);
   } catch (TimeoutException e) {
     throw new TestException(TestHelper.getStackTrace(e));
   } catch (CacheLoaderException e) {
     throw new TestException(TestHelper.getStackTrace(e));
   return (nextKey >= keyIntervals.getLastKey(KeyIntervals.GET));
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Update an existing key in region REGION_NAME. The keys to update are specified in keyIntervals.
  * @return true if all keys to be updated have been completed.
 protected boolean updateExistingKey() {
   long nextKey =
   if (!keyIntervals.keyInRange(KeyIntervals.UPDATE_EXISTING_KEY, nextKey)) {
     Log.getLogWriter().info("All existing keys updated; returning from updateExistingKey");
     return true;
   Object key = NameFactory.getObjectNameForCounter(nextKey);
   QueryObject existingValue = (QueryObject) aRegion.get(key);
   if (existingValue == null)
     throw new TestException("Get of key " + key + " returned unexpected " + existingValue);
   QueryObject newValue = existingValue.modifyWithNewInstance(QueryObject.NEGATE, 0, true);
   newValue.extra = key; // encode the key in the object for later validation
   if (existingValue.aPrimitiveLong < 0)
     throw new TestException(
         "Trying to update a key which was already updated: " + existingValue.toStringFull());
       .info("Updating existing key " + key + " with value " + TestHelper.toString(newValue));
   aRegion.put(key, newValue);
           "Done updating existing key "
               + key
               + " with value "
               + TestHelper.toString(newValue)
               + ", num remaining: "
               + (keyIntervals.getLastKey(KeyIntervals.UPDATE_EXISTING_KEY) - nextKey));
   return (nextKey >= keyIntervals.getLastKey(KeyIntervals.UPDATE_EXISTING_KEY));
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Invalidate a key in region REGION_NAME. The keys to invalidate are specified in keyIntervals.
  * @return true if all keys to be invalidated have been completed.
 protected boolean invalidate() {
   SharedCounters sc = CQUtilBB.getBB().getSharedCounters();
   long nextKey = sc.incrementAndRead(CQUtilBB.LASTKEY_INVALIDATE);
   if (!keyIntervals.keyInRange(KeyIntervals.INVALIDATE, nextKey)) {
     Log.getLogWriter().info("All existing keys invalidated; returning from invalidate");
     return true;
   Object key = NameFactory.getObjectNameForCounter(nextKey);
   Log.getLogWriter().info("Invalidating " + key);
   checkContainsValueForKey(key, true, "before invalidate");
   try {
             "Done invalidating "
                 + key
                 + ", num remaining: "
                 + (keyIntervals.getLastKey(KeyIntervals.INVALIDATE) - nextKey));
   } catch (TimeoutException e) {
     throw new TestException(TestHelper.getStackTrace(e));
   } catch (EntryNotFoundException e) {
     throw new TestException(TestHelper.getStackTrace(e));
   return (nextKey >= keyIntervals.getLastKey(KeyIntervals.INVALIDATE));
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Load a region with keys and values. The number of keys and values is specified by the total
  * number of keys in keyIntervals. This can be invoked by several threads to accomplish the work.
 public void loadRegion() {
   final long LOG_INTERVAL_MILLIS = 10000;
   int numKeysToCreate = keyIntervals.getNumKeys();
   long lastLogTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
   long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
   SharedCounters sc = CQUtilBB.getBB().getSharedCounters();
   do {
     long shouldAddCount =
     if (shouldAddCount > numKeysToCreate) {
       String aStr =
           "In loadRegion, shouldAddCount is "
               + shouldAddCount
               + ", numOriginalKeysCreated is "
               + sc.read(CQUtilBB.NUM_ORIGINAL_KEYS_CREATED)
               + ", numKeysToCreate is "
               + numKeysToCreate
               + ", region size is "
               + aRegion.size();
       throw new StopSchedulingTaskOnClientOrder(aStr);
     Object key = NameFactory.getNextPositiveObjectName();
     QueryObject value = getValueToAdd(key);
     value.extra = key;
     Log.getLogWriter().info("Creating with put, key " + key + ", value " + value.toStringFull());
     aRegion.put(key, value);
     if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastLogTime > LOG_INTERVAL_MILLIS) {
               "Added "
                   + NameFactory.getPositiveNameCounter()
                   + " out of "
                   + numKeysToCreate
                   + " entries into "
                   + TestHelper.regionToString(aRegion, false));
       lastLogTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
   } while ((minTaskGranularitySec == -1)
       || (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime < minTaskGranularityMS));
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Add a new key to REGION_NAME.
  * @return true if all new keys have been added (specified by CQUtilPrms.numNewKeys)
 protected boolean addNewKey() {
   SharedCounters sc = CQUtilBB.getBB().getSharedCounters();
   long numNewKeysCreated = sc.incrementAndRead(CQUtilBB.NUM_NEW_KEYS_CREATED);
   if (numNewKeysCreated > numNewKeys) {
     Log.getLogWriter().info("All new keys created; returning from addNewKey");
     return true;
   Object key = NameFactory.getNextPositiveObjectName();
   checkContainsValueForKey(key, false, "before addNewKey");
   QueryObject value =
       new QueryObject(
           NameFactory.getCounterForName(key), QueryObject.EQUAL_VALUES, -1, queryDepth);
   value.extra = key; // encode the key in the value for later validation
   Log.getLogWriter().info("Adding new key " + key + " with put");
   aRegion.put(key, value);
           "Done adding new key "
               + key
               + " with put, "
               + "num remaining: "
               + (numNewKeys - numNewKeysCreated));
   return (numNewKeysCreated >= numNewKeys);
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Check that the value of the given key is expected as an updated value. Throw an error if any
  * problems.
  * @param key The key to check.
  * @param value The value for the key.
  * @param logStr Used if throwing an error due to an unexpected value.
 protected void checkUpdatedValue(Object key, Object value) {
   if (value instanceof QueryObject) {
     QueryObject qo = (QueryObject) value;
     long keyCounter = NameFactory.getCounterForName(key);
     if (qo.aPrimitiveLong > 0) { // this value has not been updated; updates are negative
       throw new TestException(
           "Expected QueryObject for key "
               + key
               + " to contain negative values (indicating it was updated), but the value for this key is "
               + qo.toStringFull());
   } else {
     throw new TestException(
         "Expected value " + TestHelper.toString(value) + " to be a QueryObject");
  public String nextName() {
    String name;

    // Do we still have names?
    if (index < names.size()) {
      // Return the next name.
      name = (String) names.get(index++);
    } else {
      // Return the next different name from the other name factory.
      do {
        name = nameFactory.nextName();
      } while (names.contains(name));

    return name;
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Check that the value of the given key is expected for this test. Throw an error if any
  * problems.
  * @param key The key to check.
  * @param value The value for the key.
  * @param logStr Used if throwing an error due to an unexpected value.
 protected void checkValue(Object key, Object value) {
   if (value instanceof QueryObject) {
     QueryObject qo = (QueryObject) value;
     long keyCounter = NameFactory.getCounterForName(key);
     if (keyCounter != qo.aPrimitiveLong) {
       // just pick one field from the QueryObject to test; use aPrimitiveLong
       throw new TestException(
           "Inconsistent QueryObject for key " + key + ":" + qo.toStringFull());
   } else {
     throw new TestException(
         "For key "
             + key
             + ", expected value "
             + TestHelper.toString(value)
             + " to be a QueryObject");
Exemplo n.º 10
   * Verify the contents of the region, taking into account the keys that were destroyed,
   * invalidated, etc (as specified in keyIntervals) Throw an error of any problems are detected.
   * This must be called repeatedly by the same thread until StopSchedulingTaskOnClientOrder is
   * thrown.
  public void verifyRegionContents() {
    final long LOG_INTERVAL_MILLIS = 10000;
    // we already completed this check once; we can't do it again without reinitializing the
    // verify state variables
    if (verifyRegionContentsCompleted) {
      throw new TestException(
          "Test configuration problem; already verified region contents, "
              + "cannot call this task again without resetting batch variables");

    // iterate keys
    long lastLogTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    long minTaskGranularitySec = TestConfig.tab().longAt(TestHelperPrms.minTaskGranularitySec);
    long minTaskGranularityMS = minTaskGranularitySec * TestHelper.SEC_MILLI_FACTOR;
    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    long size = aRegion.size();
    boolean first = true;
    int numKeysToCheck = keyIntervals.getNumKeys() + numNewKeys;
    while (verifyRegionContentsIndex < numKeysToCheck) {
      if (first) {
                "In verifyRegionContents, region has "
                    + size
                    + " keys; starting verify at verifyRegionContentsIndex "
                    + verifyRegionContentsIndex
                    + "; verifying key names with indexes through (and including) "
                    + numKeysToCheck);
        first = false;

      // check region size the first time through the loop to avoid it being called
      // multiple times when this is batched
      if (verifyRegionContentsIndex == 1) {
        if (totalNumKeys != size) {
          String tmpStr = "Expected region size to be " + totalNumKeys + ", but it is size " + size;
          verifyRegionContentsErrStr.append(tmpStr + "\n");

      Object key = NameFactory.getObjectNameForCounter(verifyRegionContentsIndex);
      try {
        if (((verifyRegionContentsIndex >= keyIntervals.getFirstKey(KeyIntervals.NONE))
                && (verifyRegionContentsIndex <= keyIntervals.getLastKey(KeyIntervals.NONE)))
            || ((verifyRegionContentsIndex >= keyIntervals.getFirstKey(KeyIntervals.GET))
                && (verifyRegionContentsIndex <= keyIntervals.getLastKey(KeyIntervals.GET)))) {
          // this key was untouched after its creation
          checkContainsKey(key, true, "key was untouched");
          checkContainsValueForKey(key, true, "key was untouched");
          Object value = aRegion.get(key);
          checkValue(key, value);
        } else if ((verifyRegionContentsIndex >= keyIntervals.getFirstKey(KeyIntervals.INVALIDATE))
            && (verifyRegionContentsIndex <= keyIntervals.getLastKey(KeyIntervals.INVALIDATE))) {
          checkContainsKey(key, true, "key was invalidated");
          checkContainsValueForKey(key, false, "key was invalidated");
        } else if ((verifyRegionContentsIndex
                >= keyIntervals.getFirstKey(KeyIntervals.LOCAL_INVALIDATE))
            && (verifyRegionContentsIndex
                <= keyIntervals.getLastKey(KeyIntervals.LOCAL_INVALIDATE))) {
          // this key was locally invalidated
          checkContainsKey(key, true, "key was locally invalidated");
          checkContainsValueForKey(key, true, "key was locally invalidated");
          Object value = aRegion.get(key);
          checkValue(key, value);
        } else if ((verifyRegionContentsIndex >= keyIntervals.getFirstKey(KeyIntervals.DESTROY))
            && (verifyRegionContentsIndex <= keyIntervals.getLastKey(KeyIntervals.DESTROY))) {
          // this key was destroyed
          checkContainsKey(key, false, "key was destroyed");
          checkContainsValueForKey(key, false, "key was destroyed");
        } else if ((verifyRegionContentsIndex
                >= keyIntervals.getFirstKey(KeyIntervals.LOCAL_DESTROY))
            && (verifyRegionContentsIndex <= keyIntervals.getLastKey(KeyIntervals.LOCAL_DESTROY))) {
          // this key was locally destroyed
          checkContainsKey(key, true, "key was locally destroyed");
          checkContainsValueForKey(key, true, "key was locally destroyed");
          Object value = aRegion.get(key);
          checkValue(key, value);
        } else if ((verifyRegionContentsIndex
                >= keyIntervals.getFirstKey(KeyIntervals.UPDATE_EXISTING_KEY))
            && (verifyRegionContentsIndex
                <= keyIntervals.getLastKey(KeyIntervals.UPDATE_EXISTING_KEY))) {
          // this key was updated
          checkContainsKey(key, true, "key was updated");
          checkContainsValueForKey(key, true, "key was updated");
          Object value = aRegion.get(key);
          checkUpdatedValue(key, value);
        } else if (verifyRegionContentsIndex > keyIntervals.getNumKeys()) {
          // key was newly added
          checkContainsKey(key, true, "key was new");
          checkContainsValueForKey(key, true, "key was new");
          Object value = aRegion.get(key);
          checkValue(key, value);
      } catch (TestException e) {
        verifyRegionContentsErrStr.append(e.getMessage() + "\n");

      if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastLogTime > LOG_INTERVAL_MILLIS) {
            .info("Verified key " + verifyRegionContentsIndex + " out of " + totalNumKeys);
        lastLogTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

      if (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime >= minTaskGranularityMS) {
                "In HydraTask_verifyRegionContents, returning before completing verify "
                    + "because of task granularity (this task must be batched to complete); last key verified is "
                    + key);
        return; // task is batched; we are done with this batch
    verifyRegionContentsCompleted = true;
    if (verifyRegionContentsErrStr.length() > 0) {
      throw new TestException(verifyRegionContentsErrStr.toString());
    String aStr =
        "In HydraTask_verifyRegionContents, verified " + verifyRegionContentsIndex + " keys/values";
    throw new StopSchedulingTaskOnClientOrder(aStr);
Exemplo n.º 11
 /** Return a value to add to a region for the given key */
 protected QueryObject getValueToAdd(Object key) {
   return new QueryObject(
       NameFactory.getCounterForName(key), QueryObject.EQUAL_VALUES, -1, queryDepth);
  public void reset() {
    index = 0;
