private static void main2(String[] args) { Config.cmdline(args); try { javabughack(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return; } setupres(); MainFrame f = new MainFrame(null); if (Utils.getprefb("fullscreen", false)) f.setfs();; try {; } catch (InterruptedException e) { f.g.interrupt(); return; } dumplist(Resource.remote().loadwaited(), Config.loadwaited); dumplist(Resource.remote().cached(), Config.allused); if ( != null) { try { Writer w = new OutputStreamWriter("tmp/allused"), "UTF-8"); try { Resource.dumplist(Resource.remote().used(), w); } finally { w.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { } } System.exit(0); }
/** Creates a new instance of ReportElementSheetPanel */ public ReportObjectSheetPanel() { super(); this.setBackground(Color.BLUE); initSheetProperties(); // We have to register for element changes... MainFrame mf = MainFrame.getMainInstance(); mf.addReportListener(this); mf.addReportFrameActivatedListener(this); I18n.addOnLanguageChangedListener(this); }
/** * Creates a call to the contact represented by the given string. * * @param contact the contact to call to */ public void createCall(String contact) { CallPanel callPanel = new CallPanel(this, contact); mainFrame.addCallPanel(callPanel); new CreateCallThread(contact, callPanel).start(); }
/** * Creates a call to the given list of contacts. * * @param contacts the list of contacts to call to */ public void createCall(Vector contacts) { CallPanel callPanel = new CallPanel(this, contacts); mainFrame.addCallPanel(callPanel); new CreateCallThread(contacts, callPanel).start(); }
/** * Removes the given call panel tab. * * @param callPanel the CallPanel to remove */ private void removeCallPanel(CallPanel callPanel) { if (callPanel.getCall() != null && activeCalls.contains(callPanel.getCall())) { this.activeCalls.remove(callPanel.getCall()); } mainFrame.removeCallPanel(callPanel); updateButtonsStateAccordingToSelectedPanel(); }
/** Updates call and hangup buttons' states aa */ private void updateButtonsStateAccordingToSelectedPanel() { Component selectedPanel = mainFrame.getSelectedTab(); if (selectedPanel != null && selectedPanel instanceof CallPanel) { this.hangupButton.setEnabled(true); } else { this.hangupButton.setEnabled(false); } }
private void update() { if (party.memb != om) { Collection<Member> old = new HashSet<Member>(avs.keySet()); for (final Member m : (om = party.memb).values()) { if (m.gobid == ign) continue; Avaview w = avs.get(m); if (w == null) { w = new Avaview(Coord.z, this, m.gobid, new Coord(27, 27)) { private Tex tooltip = null; public Object tooltip(Coord c, boolean again) { Gob gob = m.getgob(); if (gob == null) return (tooltip); KinInfo ki = gob.getattr(KinInfo.class); if (ki == null) return (null); return (tooltip = ki.rendered()); } }; avs.put(m, w); } else { old.remove(m); } } for (Member m : old) { ui.destroy(avs.get(m)); avs.remove(m); } List<Map.Entry<Member, Avaview>> wl = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<Member, Avaview>>(avs.entrySet()); Collections.sort( wl, new Comparator<Map.Entry<Member, Avaview>>() { public int compare(Entry<Member, Avaview> a, Entry<Member, Avaview> b) { return (a.getKey().gobid - b.getKey().gobid); } }); int i = 0; for (Map.Entry<Member, Avaview> e : wl) { e.getValue().c = new Coord((i % 2) * 43, (i / 2) * 43 + 24); i++; } } for (Map.Entry<Member, Avaview> e : avs.entrySet()) { e.getValue().color = e.getKey().col; } if ((avs.size() > 0) && (leave == null)) { leave = new Button(Coord.z, 84, this, "Leave party"); } if ((avs.size() == 0) && (leave != null)) { ui.destroy(leave); leave = null; } sz.y = MainFrame.getScreenSize().y - c.y; }
/** * Implements CallListener.incomingCallReceived. When a call is received creates a call panel and * adds it to the main tabbed pane and plays the ring phone sound to the user. */ public void incomingCallReceived(CallEvent event) { Call sourceCall = event.getSourceCall(); CallPanel callPanel = new CallPanel(this, sourceCall, GuiCallParticipantRecord.INCOMING_CALL); mainFrame.addCallPanel(callPanel); if (mainFrame.getState() == JFrame.ICONIFIED) mainFrame.setState(JFrame.NORMAL); if (!mainFrame.isVisible()) mainFrame.setVisible(true); mainFrame.toFront(); this.callButton.setEnabled(true); this.hangupButton.setEnabled(true); NotificationManager.fireNotification( NotificationManager.INCOMING_CALL, null, "Incoming call recived from: " + sourceCall.getCallParticipants().next()); activeCalls.put(sourceCall, callPanel); this.setCallPanelVisible(true); }
/** * Implements ChangeListener.stateChanged. Enables the hangup button if ones selects a tab in the * main tabbed pane that contains a call panel. */ public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { this.updateButtonsStateAccordingToSelectedPanel(); Component selectedPanel = mainFrame.getSelectedTab(); if (selectedPanel == null || !(selectedPanel instanceof CallPanel)) { Iterator callPanels = activeCalls.values().iterator(); while (callPanels.hasNext()) { CallPanel callPanel = (CallPanel); callPanel.removeDialogs(); } } }
public void disconnected() { isConnected = false; MainFrame.getInstance().setDisconnected(); SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { uploadModel.removeExternalUploads(); downloadModel.removeExternalDownloads(); } }); logger.severe("disconnected!"); }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // Ask user to confirm exit. int reply = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( main, bundle.getString("Exit_application_?"), bundle.getString("Exit"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if (reply != JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) return; // Save MainFrame's bounds Rectangle r = main.getBounds(); Main.setProperty("window.bounds.width", Integer.toString(r.width)); Main.setProperty("window.bounds.height", Integer.toString(r.height)); Main.setProperty("window.bounds.x", Integer.toString(r.x)); Main.setProperty("window.bounds.y", Integer.toString(r.y)); // System Exit Main.saveProperties(); Main.exit(0); }
/** Set view selection to user's choice. */ public void setSelect() throws DatabaseException { JList list = getList(); View original = null; View view = null; long id = _collection.getDatabase().getCurrentSetting().getViewID(); if (id != -1) { for (int i = 0; i < list.getModel().getSize(); i++) { View vw = (View) list.getModel().getElementAt(i); if (id == vw.getID()) { view = vw; break; } else if (vw.getName().equals("Original")) { original = view; } } } // default Original if (view == null) view = original; list.setSelectedValue(view, true); MainFrame.getInstance().updateStatus(); }
/** * Implements ListSelectionListener.valueChanged. Enables or disables call and hangup buttons * depending on the selection in the contactlist. */ public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { Object o = mainFrame.getContactListPanel().getContactList().getSelectedValue(); if ((e.getFirstIndex() != -1 || e.getLastIndex() != -1) && (o instanceof MetaContact)) { setCallMetaContact(true); // Switch automatically to the appropriate pps in account selector // box and enable callButton if telephony is supported. Contact contact = ((MetaContact) o).getDefaultContact(OperationSetBasicTelephony.class); if (contact != null) { callButton.setEnabled(true); if (contact.getProtocolProvider().isRegistered()) getAccountSelectorBox().setSelected(contact.getProtocolProvider()); } else { callButton.setEnabled(false); } } else if (phoneNumberCombo.isComboFieldEmpty()) { callButton.setEnabled(false); } }
/** Hides the panel containing call and hangup buttons. */ public void setCallPanelVisible(boolean isVisible) { if (isVisible) { this.add(comboPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); this.add(buttonsPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); this.minimizeButtonPanel.removeAll(); this.minimizeButtonPanel.add(minimizeButton); } else { this.remove(comboPanel); this.remove(buttonsPanel); this.minimizeButtonPanel.removeAll(); this.minimizeButtonPanel.add(restoreButton); if (mainFrame.isVisible()) this.mainFrame.getContactListPanel().getContactList().requestFocus(); } if (ConfigurationManager.isCallPanelShown() != isVisible) ConfigurationManager.setShowCallPanel(isVisible); this.mainFrame.validate(); }
public void connected() { isConnected = true; MainFrame.getInstance().setConnected(); logger.severe("now connected"); }
/** * Implements the ContactListListener.contactSelected method. * * @param evt the <tt>ContactListEvent</tt> that notified us */ public void contactClicked(ContactListEvent evt) { // We're interested only in two click events. if (evt.getClickCount() < 2) return; UIContact descriptor = evt.getSourceContact(); // We're currently only interested in MetaContacts. if (descriptor.getDescriptor() instanceof MetaContact) { MetaContact metaContact = (MetaContact) descriptor.getDescriptor(); // Searching for the right proto contact to use as default for the // chat conversation. Contact defaultContact = metaContact.getDefaultContact(OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.class); // do nothing if (defaultContact == null) { defaultContact = metaContact.getDefaultContact(OperationSetSmsMessaging.class); if (defaultContact == null) return; } ProtocolProviderService defaultProvider = defaultContact.getProtocolProvider(); OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging defaultIM = defaultProvider.getOperationSet(OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.class); ProtocolProviderService protoContactProvider; OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging protoContactIM; boolean isOfflineMessagingSupported = defaultIM != null && !defaultIM.isOfflineMessagingSupported(); if (defaultContact.getPresenceStatus().getStatus() < 1 && (!isOfflineMessagingSupported || !defaultProvider.isRegistered())) { Iterator<Contact> protoContacts = metaContact.getContacts(); while (protoContacts.hasNext()) { Contact contact =; protoContactProvider = contact.getProtocolProvider(); protoContactIM = protoContactProvider.getOperationSet(OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.class); if (protoContactIM != null && protoContactIM.isOfflineMessagingSupported() && protoContactProvider.isRegistered()) { defaultContact = contact; } } } ContactEventHandler contactHandler = mainFrame.getContactHandler(defaultContact.getProtocolProvider()); contactHandler.contactClicked(defaultContact, evt.getClickCount()); } else if (descriptor.getDescriptor() instanceof SourceContact) { SourceContact contact = (SourceContact) descriptor.getDescriptor(); List<ContactDetail> imDetails = contact.getContactDetails(OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.class); List<ContactDetail> mucDetails = contact.getContactDetails(OperationSetMultiUserChat.class); if (imDetails != null && imDetails.size() > 0) { ProtocolProviderService pps = imDetails.get(0).getPreferredProtocolProvider(OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.class); GuiActivator.getUIService() .getChatWindowManager() .startChat(contact.getContactAddress(), pps); } else if (mucDetails != null && mucDetails.size() > 0) { ChatRoomWrapper room = GuiActivator.getMUCService().findChatRoomWrapperFromSourceContact(contact); if (room == null) { // lets check by id ProtocolProviderService pps = mucDetails.get(0).getPreferredProtocolProvider(OperationSetMultiUserChat.class); room = GuiActivator.getMUCService() .findChatRoomWrapperFromChatRoomID(contact.getContactAddress(), pps); if (room == null) { GuiActivator.getMUCService() .createChatRoom( contact.getContactAddress(), pps, new ArrayList<String>(), "", false, false, false); } } if (room != null) GuiActivator.getMUCService().openChatRoom(room); } else { List<ContactDetail> smsDetails = contact.getContactDetails(OperationSetSmsMessaging.class); if (smsDetails != null && smsDetails.size() > 0) { GuiActivator.getUIService() .getChatWindowManager() .startChat(contact.getContactAddress(), true); } } } }
public void updateSelection() { JReportFrame newJrf = MainFrame.getMainInstance().getActiveReportFrame(); updateSelection(newJrf); }
public void reportFrameActivated(ReportFrameActivatedEvent evt) { if (MainFrame.getMainInstance().getActiveReportFrame() == this.getJrf()) return; updateSelection(MainFrame.getMainInstance().getActiveReportFrame()); }
public DocumentNameRenderer() { super(); setIcon(MainFrame.getIcon("document")); }
public OpenDocumentsAction() { super("Open documents", MainFrame.getIcon("document")); putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "Opens selected document(s) in a document editor"); }
public MoveDownAction() { super("Move down", MainFrame.getIcon("down")); putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "Moves selected document(s) down"); putValue(MNEMONIC_KEY, KeyEvent.VK_DOWN); }
/** * Handles the <tt>ActionEvent</tt> generated when user presses one of the buttons in this panel. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { JButton button = (JButton) evt.getSource(); String buttonName = button.getName(); if (buttonName.equals("call")) { Component selectedPanel = mainFrame.getSelectedTab(); // call button is pressed over an already open call panel if (selectedPanel != null && selectedPanel instanceof CallPanel && ((CallPanel) selectedPanel).getCall().getCallState() == CallState.CALL_INITIALIZATION) { NotificationManager.stopSound(NotificationManager.BUSY_CALL); NotificationManager.stopSound(NotificationManager.INCOMING_CALL); CallPanel callPanel = (CallPanel) selectedPanel; Iterator participantPanels = callPanel.getParticipantsPanels(); while (participantPanels.hasNext()) { CallParticipantPanel panel = (CallParticipantPanel); panel.setState("Connecting"); } Call call = callPanel.getCall(); answerCall(call); } // call button is pressed over the call list else if (selectedPanel != null && selectedPanel instanceof CallListPanel && ((CallListPanel) selectedPanel).getCallList().getSelectedIndex() != -1) { CallListPanel callListPanel = (CallListPanel) selectedPanel; GuiCallParticipantRecord callRecord = (GuiCallParticipantRecord) callListPanel.getCallList().getSelectedValue(); String stringContact = callRecord.getParticipantName(); createCall(stringContact); } // call button is pressed over the contact list else if (selectedPanel != null && selectedPanel instanceof ContactListPanel) { // call button is pressed when a meta contact is selected if (isCallMetaContact) { Object[] selectedContacts = mainFrame.getContactListPanel().getContactList().getSelectedValues(); Vector telephonyContacts = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < selectedContacts.length; i++) { Object o = selectedContacts[i]; if (o instanceof MetaContact) { Contact contact = ((MetaContact) o).getDefaultContact(OperationSetBasicTelephony.class); if (contact != null) telephonyContacts.add(contact); else { new ErrorDialog( this.mainFrame, Messages.getI18NString("warning").getText(), Messages.getI18NString( "contactNotSupportingTelephony", new String[] {((MetaContact) o).getDisplayName()}) .getText()) .showDialog(); } } } if (telephonyContacts.size() > 0) createCall(telephonyContacts); } else if (!phoneNumberCombo.isComboFieldEmpty()) { // if no contact is selected checks if the user has chosen // or has // writen something in the phone combo box String stringContact = phoneNumberCombo.getEditor().getItem().toString(); createCall(stringContact); } } else if (selectedPanel != null && selectedPanel instanceof DialPanel) { String stringContact = phoneNumberCombo.getEditor().getItem().toString(); createCall(stringContact); } } else if (buttonName.equalsIgnoreCase("hangup")) { Component selectedPanel = this.mainFrame.getSelectedTab(); if (selectedPanel != null && selectedPanel instanceof CallPanel) { NotificationManager.stopSound(NotificationManager.BUSY_CALL); NotificationManager.stopSound(NotificationManager.INCOMING_CALL); NotificationManager.stopSound(NotificationManager.OUTGOING_CALL); CallPanel callPanel = (CallPanel) selectedPanel; Call call = callPanel.getCall(); if (removeCallTimers.containsKey(callPanel)) { ((Timer) removeCallTimers.get(callPanel)).stop(); removeCallTimers.remove(callPanel); } removeCallPanel(callPanel); if (call != null) { ProtocolProviderService pps = call.getProtocolProvider(); OperationSetBasicTelephony telephony = mainFrame.getTelephonyOpSet(pps); Iterator participants = call.getCallParticipants(); while (participants.hasNext()) { try { // now we hang up the first call participant in the // call telephony.hangupCallParticipant((CallParticipant); } catch (OperationFailedException e) { logger.error("Hang up was not successful: " + e); } } } } } else if (buttonName.equalsIgnoreCase("minimize")) { JCheckBoxMenuItem hideCallPanelItem = mainFrame.getMainMenu().getViewMenu().getHideCallPanelItem(); if (!hideCallPanelItem.isSelected()) hideCallPanelItem.setSelected(true); this.setCallPanelVisible(false); } else if (buttonName.equalsIgnoreCase("restore")) { JCheckBoxMenuItem hideCallPanelItem = mainFrame.getMainMenu().getViewMenu().getHideCallPanelItem(); if (hideCallPanelItem.isSelected()) hideCallPanelItem.setSelected(false); this.setCallPanelVisible(true); } }
public NewDocumentAction() { super("Add document", MainFrame.getIcon("add-document")); putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "Add new document(s) to this corpus"); putValue(MNEMONIC_KEY, KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); }
public static void zoomToFit(Viewport2 viewport) { ViewDefinition viewdef = viewport.getViewDefinition(); // if (MainFrame.getInstance().getMeshToolBar().getMode() != MeshToolBar.VIEW_ZOOM) { // MainFrame.getInstance().getJPatchScreen().removeAllMouseListeners(); // MainFrame.getInstance().getJPatchScreen().addMouseListeners(new // ChangeViewMouseListener(MouseEvent.BUTTON1,ChangeViewMouseListener.ZOOM)); // MainFrame.getInstance().getMeshToolBar().setMode(MeshToolBar.VIEW_ZOOM); // } else { // MainFrame.getInstance().getMeshToolBar().reset(); // } Selection selection = MainFrame.getInstance().getSelection(); float left = Float.MAX_VALUE; float right = -Float.MAX_VALUE; float bottom = Float.MAX_VALUE; float top = -Float.MAX_VALUE; Point3f p3 = new Point3f(); Matrix4f m4View = viewdef.getScreenMatrix(); // Matrix3f m3RotScale = new Matrix3f(); // m4View.getRotationScale(m3RotScale); boolean doit = true; if (selection != null && !selection.isSingle()) { for (Iterator it = selection.getObjects().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object object =; if (object instanceof ControlPoint) { p3.set(((ControlPoint) object).getPosition()); m4View.transform(p3); if (p3.x < left) left = p3.x; if (p3.x > right) right = p3.x; if (p3.y < bottom) bottom = p3.y; if (p3.y > top) top = p3.y; } } } else { ArrayList heads = MainFrame.getInstance().getModel().allHeads(); int p = 0; for (Iterator it = heads.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { ControlPoint cp = (ControlPoint); if (!cp.isHidden()) { p3.set(cp.getPosition()); m4View.transform(p3); if (p3.x < left) left = p3.x; if (p3.x > right) right = p3.x; if (p3.y < bottom) bottom = p3.y; if (p3.y > top) top = p3.y; p++; } } doit = (p >= 2); } if (doit) { // System.out.println(left + " " + right + " " + top + " " + bottom + " " + // viewdef.getScale()); // System.out.println(viewdef.getTranslateX() + " " + viewdef.getTranslateY()); float centerX = (left + right) / 2f; float centerY = (top + bottom) / 2f; float dimX = viewdef.getWidth() / 2f; float dimY = viewdef.getHeight() / 2f; float sizeX = right - centerX; float sizeY = top - centerY; if (sizeX > 0 || sizeY > 0) { // System.out.println(centerX + ":" + centerY); float scaleX = dimX / sizeX; float scaleY = dimY / sizeY; float scale = Math.min(scaleX, scaleY) * 0.9f; // viewdef.setScale(viewdef.getScale() * scale); viewdef.setLock(null); viewdef.moveView(-centerX / dimX + 1, (dimY - centerY) / dimX, false); viewdef.scaleView(scale); // viewdef.setTranslation(centerX, centerY); // viewdef.computeMatrix(); // viewport.render(); } } }
/** Shows the "about OLS" dialog on screen. the parent window to use, can be <code>null</code>. */ public void showAboutBox() { MainFrame.showAboutBox(; }
ViewsPane(WordCollection collection) { super(null, true, true, false); final Messages messages = AppPrefs.getInstance().getMessages(); // change find label setFindButtonLabel(messages.getString("btnFindViews")); _collection = collection; getList().setModel(new BasicListModel()); final MainFrame mf = MainFrame.getInstance(); ListSelectionModel model = getList().getSelectionModel(); model.addListSelectionListener( new ListSelectionListener() { public synchronized void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent evt) { try { View view = (View) getList().getSelectedValue(); if (view != null) { Setting setting = _collection.getDatabase().getCurrentSetting(); setting.setViewID(view.getID());; mf.updateStatus(); } } catch (DatabaseException e) { Dialogs.genericError(e); } } }); addAddEditDeleteListener( new AddEditDeleteListener() { public void doAdd(ActionEvent evt) throws DatabaseException { final View view = _collection.makeView(); AddDialog dialog = new AddDialog("lblAddView", view); dialog.setVisible(true); if (!dialog.isCancelled()) { // add default groups and alignments AddRunnable task = new AddRunnable() { public void run() { try { ViewDuplicator.makeGroupsAndAlignments(view, view, _collection, false); // update collection view list List views = _collection.getViews(); views.add(view); _collection.getDatabase().getCurrentSetting().setViewID(view.getID()); refresh(); } catch (DatabaseException ex) { exception = ex; } } DatabaseException exception = null; public DatabaseException getException() { return exception; } }; Messages m = AppPrefs.getInstance().getMessages(); Dialogs.indeterminateProgressDialog( task, m.getString("pgbWaitString"), m.getString("pgbCurrentTask") + m.getString("lblAddView")); if (task.getException() != null) { // so we don't swallow the exception from the other thread. throw task.getException(); } } } public void doCopy(ActionEvent evt) throws DatabaseException { ViewDuplicator duplicator = new ViewDuplicator((View) getList().getSelectedValue(), _collection); TaskDialog dialog = new TaskDialog("lblViewCopy", duplicator); dialog.setVisible(true); if (!dialog.isCancelled()) { // update collection view list List views = _collection.getViews(); View view = duplicator.getDuplicate(); if (view != null) { // view will be null if attempted duplicate view name. views.add(view); _collection.getDatabase().getCurrentSetting().setViewID(view.getID()); refresh(); } } } public void doDelete(ActionEvent evt) throws DatabaseException { View view = (View) getList().getSelectedValue(); // check for Original view View original = _collection.getOriginalView(); if (view.equals(original)) { Dialogs.error(messages.getString("msgErrDeletingOriginalView")); } else { view.delete(); // update collection view list List views = _collection.getViews(); views.remove(view); changeView(original); JSplitPane split = (JSplitPane) getMainComponent(); int loc = split.getDividerLocation(); split.setRightComponent(new JLabel("")); split.setDividerLocation(loc); refresh(); } } public void doValidate(ActionEvent evt) {} public void doMoveUp(ActionEvent evt) {} public void doMoveDown(ActionEvent evt) {} }); getList().setCellRenderer(new ViewNameListCellRenderer()); }
public MoveUpAction() { super("Move up", MainFrame.getIcon("up")); putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "Moves selected document(s) up"); putValue(MNEMONIC_KEY, KeyEvent.VK_UP); }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) { zoomToFit(MainFrame.getInstance().getJPatchScreen().getActiveViewport()); }
public RemoveDocumentsAction() { super("Remove documents", MainFrame.getIcon("remove-document")); putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "Removes selected document(s) from this corpus"); putValue(MNEMONIC_KEY, KeyEvent.VK_DELETE); }