/** applies all changes caused by committing a merge to this SegmentInfos */ void applyMergeChanges(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge, boolean dropSegment) { final Set<SegmentCommitInfo> mergedAway = new HashSet<>(merge.segments); boolean inserted = false; int newSegIdx = 0; for (int segIdx = 0, cnt = segments.size(); segIdx < cnt; segIdx++) { assert segIdx >= newSegIdx; final SegmentCommitInfo info = segments.get(segIdx); if (mergedAway.contains(info)) { if (!inserted && !dropSegment) { segments.set(segIdx, merge.info); inserted = true; newSegIdx++; } } else { segments.set(newSegIdx, info); newSegIdx++; } } // the rest of the segments in list are duplicates, so don't remove from map, only list! segments.subList(newSegIdx, segments.size()).clear(); // Either we found place to insert segment, or, we did // not, but only because all segments we merged becamee // deleted while we are merging, in which case it should // be the case that the new segment is also all deleted, // we insert it at the beginning if it should not be dropped: if (!inserted && !dropSegment) { segments.add(0, merge.info); } }
@Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { try { int countDown = mDataArrays.get(msg.what).getCountDown(); mDataArrays.get(msg.what).setCountDown(countDown - 1); countDowmList.set(msg.what, countDown); if (countDown == 1) { Timer tempTimer = timers.get(msg.what); if (tempTimer != null) { tempTimer.cancel(); tempTimer = null; } ChatMsgEntity entity = (ChatMsgEntity) msg.obj; ChatMsgEntity afterReadEntity = UserUtils.deleteMsgAfterRead( getResources().getString(R.string.del_after_read), friendName, entity); mDataArrays.set(msg.what, afterReadEntity); mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } Timber.d("countDown:" + countDown); mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
@Override public List<Object> apply(List<Object> arguments) { Preconditions.checkArguments("string.match", arguments, expectedTypes); if (LuaType.getTypeOf(arguments.get(0)) == LuaType.NUMBER) { arguments.set(0, ToString.toString(arguments.get(0))); return apply(arguments); } if (LuaType.getTypeOf(arguments.get(1)) == LuaType.NUMBER) { arguments.set(1, ToString.toString(arguments.get(1))); return apply(arguments); } if (((String) arguments.get(1)).isEmpty()) { return Collections.singletonList(arguments.get(0)); } Object[] index = new Find().apply(arguments).toArray(); if (index[0] == null) { return Collections.singletonList((Object) null); } return Collections.singletonList( (Object) ((String) arguments.get(0)) .substring(((Double) index[0]).intValue() - 1, ((Double) index[1]).intValue())); }
private void getCSVstructure() throws IOException { setReaderName(csvFile); List<String> fileList = fileToList(false); String head = fileList.get(0); String[] split = head.split(DELIMITER); boolean dateTimeDetected = false; for (String s : split) { fileColumns.add(s); if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("skip") || s.trim().toLowerCase().endsWith("name") || s.toLowerCase().contains("description") || s.toLowerCase().contains("text") || s.toLowerCase().endsWith("_old")) { fileColumnType.add("nvarchar"); } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("period_start_time")) { fileColumnType.add("datetime"); dateTimeDetected = true; } else { fileColumnType.add("float"); fileColumnSize.add("53"); } } if (!dateTimeDetected) { fileColumnType.set(0, "datetime"); } fileColumnType.set(1, "nvarchar"); }
@Override public List<String> getTooltip(PC_Vec2I position) { Slot slot = getSlotAtPosition(position); if (slot != null) { ItemStack itemstack = null; if (slot.getHasStack()) itemstack = slot.getStack(); // if (slot instanceof PC_Slot && ((PC_Slot) slot).getBackgroundStack() != null && ((PC_Slot) // slot).renderTooltipWhenEmpty()) // itemstack = ((PC_Slot) slot).getBackgroundStack(); if (itemstack != null) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<String> l = itemstack.getTooltip( PC_ClientUtils.mc().thePlayer, PC_ClientUtils.mc().gameSettings.advancedItemTooltips); for (int k = 0; k < l.size(); ++k) { if (k == 0) { l.set(k, itemstack.getRarity().rarityColor + l.get(k)); } else { l.set(k, EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + l.get(k)); } } return l; } } return super.getTooltip(position); }
public int removeXPathWithAttr(String name, String[] value, boolean descendant) { int removeCount = 0; int i = 0; while (i < xpaths.size()) { XPath xpath = xpaths.get(i); if (xpath.hasAttr(name, value)) { // remove this xpath and it sub xpaths; xpaths.set(i++, null); removeCount++; String xpathAncestor = xpath.getXPathWithIndex(); while (i < xpaths.size()) { XPath sel = xpaths.get(i); if (sel.getXPathWithIndex().startsWith(xpathAncestor)) { xpaths.set(i++, null); removeCount++; } else { break; } } } else { i++; } } List<XPath> newList = new ArrayList<>(); for (int k = 0; k < xpaths.size(); k++) { XPath sel = xpaths.get(k); if (sel != null) newList.add(sel); } xpaths = newList; reindex(); return removeCount; }
public boolean valideOrderSequenceForSource(Integer idSource) { boolean isValide = true; List<Message> list = getMessArrivedBySource(idSource); Message temp = null; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { for (int j = i; j < list.size(); j++) { if (list.get(i).getDateMessDelivre() >= list.get(j).getMessDelivre()) { temp = list.get(i); list.set(i, list.get(j)); list.set(j, temp); } } } if (list.size() >= 1) { for (int i = 0; i < list.size() - 1; i++) { if (list.get(i).getNumeroSequencer() > list.get(i + 1).getNumeroSequencer()) { isValide = false; System.out.println( "Source machine:" + list.get(i).getSource().getId() + "\n Total order is not correct for this 2 messages:\n" + list.get(i).toString() + "\n" + list.get(i + 1).toString()); } } } return isValide; }
public void replaceTypeParameter(int i, ParameterType p, ParameterType.Variance v) { assert (typeParameters.size() == variances.size()); typeParameters = new ArrayList<ParameterType>(typeParameters); typeParameters.set(i, p); variances = new ArrayList<ParameterType.Variance>(variances); variances.set(i, v); }
/** * リスト初期化 * * @return List<ListItem> */ private List<ListItem> initList() { List<ListItem> items = new ArrayList<ListItem>(); for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) { items.add(new ListItem()); if (i == 0) { ListItem header = new ListItem(); header.setRank("順位"); header.setCount("手数"); header.setStage("ステージ"); header.setDate("プレイ時刻"); items.set(0, header); } else { ListItem item = new ListItem(); item.setRank(String.valueOf(i)); item.setCount(""); item.setStage(""); item.setDate(""); items.set(i, item); } } return items; }
@Override public Object deserialize(final Writable blob) throws SerDeException { Text rowText = (Text) blob; CSVReader csv = null; try { csv = newReader( new CharArrayReader(rowText.toString().toCharArray()), separatorChar, quoteChar, escapeChar); final String[] read = csv.readNext(); for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++) { if (read != null && i < read.length) { row.set(i, read[i]); } else { row.set(i, null); } } return row; } catch (final Exception e) { throw new SerDeException(e); } finally { if (csv != null) { try { csv.close(); } catch (final Exception e) { // ignore } } } }
private void move(int index, int upOrDown) { List<P> positions = getPositions(); P move = positions.get(index); P replace = positions.get(index + upOrDown); positions.set(index + upOrDown, move); positions.set(index, replace); }
public void process(Document document) throws IOException { List<String> words = document.terms; for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) { String word = words.get(i); if (word != null) { if (cache.containsKey(word)) { words.set(i, cache.get(word)); } else { stemmer.setCurrent(word); if (stemmer.stem()) { String stem = stemmer.getCurrent(); words.set(i, stem); cache.put(word, stem); } else { cache.put(word, word); } } if (cache.size() > 50000) { cache.clear(); } } } processor.process(document); }
/** * check that the cache is immutable by changing the data passed in the constructor and returned * from methods. * * @throws TimeStampedCacheException */ @Test public void testImmutable() throws TimeStampedCacheException { // setup List<AbsoluteDate> actuals; List<AbsoluteDate> expecteds = new ArrayList<AbsoluteDate>(data); AbsoluteDate different = date.shiftedBy(-50); // actions + verify // check constructor data.set(0, different); Assert.assertArrayEquals(cache.getAll().toArray(), expecteds.toArray()); // check getAll actuals = cache.getAll(); try { actuals.set(0, different); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { // exception ok } Assert.assertArrayEquals(cache.getAll().toArray(), expecteds.toArray()); // check getNeighbors actuals = cache.getNeighbors(date); try { actuals.set(0, different); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { // exception ok } Assert.assertArrayEquals(cache.getAll().toArray(), expecteds.toArray()); }
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) public boolean setArrayItem(JSONPath path, Object currentObject, int index, Object value) { if (currentObject instanceof List) { List list = (List) currentObject; if (index >= 0) { list.set(index, value); } else { list.set(list.size() + index, value); } return true; } if (currentObject.getClass().isArray()) { int arrayLenth = Array.getLength(currentObject); if (index >= 0) { if (index < arrayLenth) { Array.set(currentObject, index, value); } } else { if (Math.abs(index) <= arrayLenth) { Array.set(currentObject, arrayLenth + index, value); } } return true; } throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
@Override /** * Function used to get the path from our start id to the given end id * * @param endId the id of the vertex we want a path to * @return a list of integers that represents the path to take */ public List<Integer> getPath(int endId) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException { if (isComputed == false) { initializeGraph(this.startGraph); this.computeShortestPath(); } List<Integer> path = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // We simply loop through to find the endId and then follow its previous vertices to the start // vertex for (Vertex vertex : vertices) { if (vertex.getId() == endId) { while (vertex != null && vertex.getId() != startId) { path.add(vertex.getId()); vertex = vertex.getPrevious(); } path.add(vertex.getId()); break; } } // Since the path was traversed backwards we must reverse it before returning it for (int i = 0; i < path.size() / 2; i++) { int temp = path.get(i); path.set(i, path.get(path.size() - i - 1)); path.set(path.size() - i - 1, temp); } return path; }
private static void renameInCommands( String oldname, String newname, List<LuciferEventCommand> commands) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IllegalArgumentException { for (int k = 0; k < commands.size(); k++) { LuciferEventCommand command = commands.get(k); if (command.type == LuciferEventCommand.CHANGE_HERO_GRAPHIC || command.type == LuciferEventCommand.CHANGE_VEHICLE_GRAPHIC) { if (command.string.equalsIgnoreCase(oldname)) { command.string = newname; } } else if (command.type == LuciferEventCommand.MOVE_EVENT) { List<LuciferMoveCommand> list = LuciferMoveCommand.assembleMoveCommands(command); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { LuciferMoveCommand move = list.get(i); if (move.type == 0x22 && move.filename.equalsIgnoreCase(oldname)) { move = new LuciferMoveCommand(move.type, move.data, newname); list.set(i, move); } } command = LuciferMoveCommand.disassembleMoveCommands( list, command.data[0], command.data[1], command.data[2], command.data[3], command.depth); commands.set(k, command); } } }
/** * Store an argument (bind variable) into the argTrace list (above) for later dumping. * * @param i index of argument being set. * @param typeHelper optional additional info about the type that is being set in the arg * @param arg argument being bound. */ protected void argTraceSet(int i, String typeHelper, Object arg) { String tracedArg; try { tracedArg = rdbmsSpecifics.formatParameterObject(arg); } catch (Throwable t) { // rdbmsSpecifics should NEVER EVER throw an exception!! // but just in case it does, we trap it. log.debug( "rdbmsSpecifics threw an exception while trying to format a " + "parameter object [" + arg + "] this is very bad!!! (" + t.getMessage() + ")"); // backup - so that at least we won't harm the application using us tracedArg = arg == null ? "null" : arg.toString(); } i--; // make the index 0 based synchronized (argTrace) { // if an object is being inserted out of sequence, fill up missing values with null... while (i >= argTrace.size()) { argTrace.add(argTrace.size(), null); } if (!showTypeHelp || typeHelper == null) { argTrace.set(i, tracedArg); } else { argTrace.set(i, typeHelper + tracedArg); } } }
private void sort(int first, int last) { if (first < last) { int x = list.get((first + last) / 2); int i = first; int j = last; do { while (list.get(i) < x) { i++; } while (x < list.get(j)) { j--; } if (i <= j) { int temp = list.get(i); list.set(i, list.get(j)); list.set(j, temp); i++; j--; } } while (i <= j); sort(first, j); sort(i, last); } }
@Override public void visitMethodInsn( final int opcode, final String owner, final String name, final String desc) { if (mv != null) { mv.visitMethodInsn(opcode, owner, name, desc); } if (this.locals == null) { labels = null; return; } pop(desc); if (opcode != Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC) { Object t = pop(); if (opcode == Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL && name.charAt(0) == '<') { Object u; if (t == Opcodes.UNINITIALIZED_THIS) { u = this.owner; } else { u = uninitializedTypes.get(t); } for (int i = 0; i < locals.size(); ++i) { if (locals.get(i) == t) { locals.set(i, u); } } for (int i = 0; i < stack.size(); ++i) { if (stack.get(i) == t) { stack.set(i, u); } } } } pushDesc(desc); labels = null; }
public static void exchangePlaceHolder(Field before, Field after) { String beforeValue = ""; String afterValue = ""; int beforeIndex = 0; int afterIndex = 0; Attr beforeAttr = null; Attr afterAttr = null; List<Attr> beforeAttrs, afterAttrs; beforeAttrs = before.getAttrs(); for (int i = 0; i < beforeAttrs.size(); i++) { Attr attr = (Attr) beforeAttrs.get(i); if (!ConfigManager.PROPERTIES_LINEBR.equalsIgnoreCase(attr.getName())) { continue; } beforeValue = attr.getValue(); beforeIndex = i; beforeAttr = attr; } afterAttrs = after.getAttrs(); for (int i = 0; i < afterAttrs.size(); i++) { Attr attr = (Attr) afterAttrs.get(i); if (!ConfigManager.PROPERTIES_LINEBR.equalsIgnoreCase(attr.getName())) { continue; } afterValue = attr.getValue(); afterIndex = i; afterAttr = attr; } beforeAttr.setValue(afterValue); beforeAttrs.set(beforeIndex, beforeAttr); afterAttr.setValue(beforeValue); afterAttrs.set(afterIndex, afterAttr); }
public void loadScroll(long[] aScroll) { if (arrays.get(0) != null) { arrays.set(0, null); } arrays.set(0, (long[]) aScroll.clone()); }
private List<String> swap(List<String> lst, int pos) { String head = lst.get(0); String headSwapTo = lst.get(pos % lst.size()); lst.set(0, headSwapTo); lst.set(pos, head); return lst; }
public void autoComplete(String leftOfCursor, String full) { latestAutoComplete = null; if (leftOfCursor.charAt(0) == '/') { leftOfCursor = leftOfCursor.substring(1); Minecraft mc = FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient(); if (mc.currentScreen instanceof GuiChat) { List<String> commands = getPossibleCommands(mc.thePlayer, leftOfCursor); if (commands != null && !commands.isEmpty()) { if (leftOfCursor.indexOf(' ') == -1) { for (int i = 0; i < commands.size(); i++) { commands.set(i, GRAY + "/" + commands.get(i) + RESET); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < commands.size(); i++) { commands.set(i, GRAY + commands.get(i) + RESET); } } latestAutoComplete = commands.toArray(new String[commands.size()]); } } } }
@Override @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) public List<?> translate(Object result, NamespaceContext nsContext) { List nodeList = (List) result; int i = 0; for (Object item : nodeList) { if (item instanceof List) nodeList.set(i, translate(item, nsContext)); else { NodeInfo node = (NodeInfo) item; int type = node.getNodeKind(); String value = ""; if (type != NodeType.DOCUMENT && type != NodeType.ELEMENT) value = node.getStringValue(); String localName = node.getLocalPart(); String namespaceURI = node.getURI(); String qualifiedName = node.getDisplayName(); String location = SaxonNavigator.INSTANCE.getXPath(node, nsContext); NodeItem nodeItem = new NodeItem(type, location, value, localName, namespaceURI, qualifiedName); nodeItem.xml = node; nodeList.set(i, nodeItem); } i++; } return nodeList; }
public static List<BasicDBObject> terribleSort( List<BasicDBObject> indexArr, List<BasicDBObject> regArr, String calcType) { List<BasicDBObject> finalList = regArr; List<BasicDBObject> cloneIndex = indexArr; for (int i = 1; i < finalList.size(); i++) { BasicDBObject temp1 = finalList.get(i); BasicDBObject temp2 = cloneIndex.get(i); int j; for (j = i - 1; j >= 0 && getCalc(temp1.getDouble("PageRank Value"), temp2.getDouble("tfidf"), calcType) < getCalc( finalList.get(j).getDouble("PageRank Value"), cloneIndex.get(j).getDouble("tfidf"), calcType); j--) { finalList.set(j + 1, finalList.get(j)); cloneIndex.set(j + 1, cloneIndex.get(j)); } finalList.set(j + 1, temp1); cloneIndex.set(j + 1, temp2); } return finalList; }
@Override public Solution generate(Integer size, boolean verbose) { List<Integer> values = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if (verbose == true) { System.out.print("Generation of an initial solution ... "); } for (Integer i = 0; i < size; ++i) { values.add(i); } Random rand = new Random(); Integer aux = 0, index1 = 0, index2 = 0; for (Integer i = 0; i < 5 * size; ++i) { index1 = rand.nextInt(size); index2 = rand.nextInt(size); aux = values.get(index1); values.set(index1, values.get(index2)); values.set(index2, aux); } if (verbose == true) { System.out.println("done"); } return (this.preprocessor_ != null) ? this.preprocessor_.preprocess(new Solution(values), verbose) : new Solution(values); }
public static List sortByName(List employees) { EDEmployee temp = null; EDEmployee tempA = null; EDEmployee tempB = null; Vector vctA = null; Vector vctB = null; for (int i = 0; i < employees.size() - 1; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < employees.size(); j++) { tempA = (EDEmployee) employees.get(i); tempB = (EDEmployee) employees.get(j); vctA = splitName(tempA.getName()); vctB = splitName(tempB.getName()); int compare = compareName(vctA, vctB); if (compare > 0) { temp = tempA; employees.set(i, tempB); employees.set(j, temp); } } } return employees; }
public List<String> findCellValues(String string) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); int tagStart = -1; int stringStart = -1; int column = -1; boolean sharedString = false; for (int i = 0; i < string.length(); i++) { char ch = string.charAt(i); if (ch == '<') tagStart = i + 1; else if (ch == '>') { if (tagStart != -1 && i > tagStart) { String tag = string.substring(tagStart, i); if (tag.charAt(0) == 'c') { sharedString = tag.contains("t=\"s\""); column = parseColumn(StringUtilities.findBetween(tag, "r=\"", "\"")); } else if (tag.startsWith("v") || tag.startsWith("t")) stringStart = i + 1; else if (tag.equals("/v") || tag.equals("/t")) { if (stringStart != -1 && i > stringStart) { for (int j = result.size(); j <= column; j++) result.add(""); if (sharedString) { int index = Integer.parseInt(string.substring(stringStart, tagStart - 1)); result.set(column, sharedStrings.get(index)); } else result.set(column, decode(string.substring(stringStart, tagStart - 1))); } stringStart = -1; column = -1; } } } } return result; }
public List<Double> getImproperDihedralParams(List<String> atoms) { List<String> key = new ArrayList<String>(atoms); List<String> key2 = new ArrayList<String>(atoms); Collections.reverse(key2); List<Double> value = improperDihedralParams.get(key); if (value == null) { value = improperDihedralParams.get(key2); } if (value == null) { key.set(0, "X"); value = improperDihedralParams.get(key); } if (value == null) { key2.set(0, "X"); value = improperDihedralParams.get(key2); } if (value == null) { key.set(1, "X"); value = improperDihedralParams.get(key); } if (value == null) { key2.set(1, "X"); value = improperDihedralParams.get(key2); } return value; }
private static List<StringBuilder> splitAndUnescape(String s) { List<StringBuilder> split = new ArrayList<StringBuilder>(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); split.add(sb); for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { char ch = s.charAt(i); if (ch == ':') { sb = new StringBuilder(); split.add(sb); } else { if (ch == '*' && sb.length() == 0) { split.set(split.size() - 1, null); } else { if (split.get(split.size() - 1) == null) { split.set(split.size() - 1, sb); } if (ch == '\\') { ch = s.charAt(++i); } } sb.append(ch); } } return split; }