protected boolean _setDevice(Device device, String ipAddress, int clientPort) { /* valid device? */ if (device == null) { return false; } /* validate ID address */ DataTransport dataXPort = device.getDataTransport(); if ((ipAddress != null) && !dataXPort.isValidIPAddress(ipAddress)) { Print.logError( "Invalid IPAddr: " + device.getAccountID() + "/" + device.getDeviceID() + " Found=" + ipAddress + " Expect=" + dataXPort.getIpAddressValid()); return false; } /* update device */ this.device = device; this.dataXPort = dataXPort; this.dataXPort.setIpAddressCurrent(ipAddress); // FLD_ipAddressCurrent this.dataXPort.setRemotePortCurrent(clientPort); // FLD_remotePortCurrent this.dataXPort.setDeviceCode(this.getDeviceCode()); // FLD_deviceCode this.device.setLastTotalConnectTime(DateTime.getCurrentTimeSec()); // FLD_lastTotalConnectTime /* ok */ return true; }
/** * Set the AE title for this Network AE. * * @param aet A String containing the AE title. */ public void setAETitle(String aet) { if (aet.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("AE title cannot be empty"); Device device = this.device; if (device != null && this.AETitle != null) device.removeApplicationEntity(this.AETitle); this.AETitle = aet; if (device != null) device.addApplicationEntity(this); }
public DimseRQHandler getDimseRQHandler() { DimseRQHandler handler = dimseRQHandler; if (handler != null) return handler; Device device = this.device; return device != null ? device.getDimseRQHandler() : null; }
public void monitor() { final Device d = getDevice(uuid); monitor = new Thread( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { String id = data.get("InstanceID"); while (active && !"STOPPED".equals(data.get("TransportState"))) { UPNPHelper.sleep(1000); // if (DEBUG) LOGGER.debug("InstanceID: " + id); for (ActionArgumentValue o : getPositionInfo(d, id)) { data.put(o.getArgument().getName(), o.toString()); // if (DEBUG) LOGGER.debug(o.getArgument().getName() + ": " + // o.toString()); } alert(); } if (!active) { data.put("TransportState", "STOPPED"); alert(); } } }, "UPNP-" + d.getDetails().getFriendlyName()); monitor.start(); }
public static boolean isNonRenderer(InetAddress socket) { Device d = getDevice(socket); boolean b = (d != null && !isMediaRenderer(d)); if (b) { LOGGER.debug("Device at {} is {}: {}", socket, d.getType(), d.toString()); } return b; }
protected synchronized boolean addRenderer(Device d) { if (d != null) { String uuid = getUUID(d); if (isMediaRenderer(d) && rendererFound(d, uuid) != null) { LOGGER.debug("Adding device: {} {}", d.getType(), d.toString()); rendererMap.mark(uuid, ACTIVE, true); subscribeAll(d, uuid); rendererReady(uuid); return true; } } return false; }
@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.SUPPORTS) public boolean hasAccessToDevice(AccessKey accessKey, String deviceGuid) { Set<AccessKeyPermission> permissions = accessKey.getPermissions(); Set<String> allowedDevices = new HashSet<>(); Set<Long> allowedNetworks = new HashSet<>(); User accessKeyUser = userService.findUserWithNetworks(accessKey.getUser().getId()); Set<AccessKeyPermission> toRemove = new HashSet<>(); Device device = genericDAO .createNamedQuery(Device.class, "Device.findByUUID", of(CacheConfig.refresh())) .setParameter("guid", deviceGuid) .getSingleResult(); for (AccessKeyPermission currentPermission : permissions) { if (currentPermission.getDeviceGuidsAsSet() == null) { allowedDevices.add(null); } else { if (!currentPermission.getDeviceGuidsAsSet().contains(deviceGuid)) { toRemove.add(currentPermission); } else { allowedDevices.addAll(currentPermission.getDeviceGuidsAsSet()); } } if (currentPermission.getNetworkIdsAsSet() == null) { allowedNetworks.add(null); } else { if (device.getNetwork() != null) { if (!currentPermission.getNetworkIdsAsSet().contains(device.getNetwork().getId())) { toRemove.add(currentPermission); } else { allowedNetworks.addAll(currentPermission.getNetworkIdsAsSet()); } } } } permissions.removeAll(toRemove); boolean hasAccess; hasAccess = allowedDevices.contains(null) ? userService.hasAccessToDevice(accessKeyUser, device.getGuid()) : allowedDevices.contains(device.getGuid()) && userService.hasAccessToDevice(accessKeyUser, device.getGuid()); hasAccess = hasAccess && allowedNetworks.contains(null) ? accessKeyUser.isAdmin() || accessKeyUser.getNetworks().contains(device.getNetwork()) : (accessKeyUser.isAdmin() || accessKeyUser.getNetworks().contains(device.getNetwork())) && allowedNetworks.contains(device.getNetwork().getId()); return hasAccess; }
public static Map<String, String> getDeviceDetails(Device d) { if (d == null) { return null; } DeviceDetails dev = d.getDetails(); ManufacturerDetails man = dev.getManufacturerDetails(); ModelDetails model = dev.getModelDetails(); LinkedHashMap<String, String> details = new LinkedHashMap<>(); details.put("friendlyName", dev.getFriendlyName()); details.put("address", getURL(d).getHost()); details.put("udn", getUUID(d)); Object detail; if ((detail = man.getManufacturer()) != null) { details.put("manufacturer", (String) detail); } if ((detail = model.getModelName()) != null) { details.put("modelName", (String) detail); } if ((detail = model.getModelNumber()) != null) { details.put("modelNumber", (String) detail); } if ((detail = model.getModelDescription()) != null) { details.put("modelDescription", (String) detail); } if ((detail = man.getManufacturerURI()) != null) { details.put("manufacturerURL", detail.toString()); } if ((detail = model.getModelURI()) != null) { details.put("modelURL", detail.toString()); } return details; }
public static List<String> getServiceNames(Device d) { ArrayList<String> services = new ArrayList<>(); for (Service s : d.getServices()) { services.add(s.getServiceId().getId()); } return services; }
protected String getSmsEmailAddress(Device device) { if (device == null) { return null; } String toEmail = device.getSmsEmail(); return toEmail; }
protected String getSmsPhoneNumber(Device device) { if (device == null) { return null; } String smsPhone = device.getSimPhoneNumber(); return smsPhone; }
public void addConnection(Connection conn) { if (conn.getProtocol() != Connection.Protocol.DICOM) throw new IllegalArgumentException("protocol != DICOM - " + conn.getProtocol()); if (device != null && device != conn.getDevice()) throw new IllegalStateException(conn + " not contained by Device: " + device.getDeviceName()); connections.add(conn); }
public static boolean isMediaRenderer(Device d) { String t = d.getType().getType(); for (DeviceType r : mediaRendererTypes) { if (r.getType().equals(t)) { return true; } } return false; }
/** * This uses a native query because you can't use the DATE() function in MySQL in a JPA query * * @param start startDate * @param end endDate end date ( uses the whole day via DateUtil.getNextDay() ) * @param c Company * @param campaign Campaign (optional) * @param device Device (optional) * @return */ @Override public List<BluetoothFileSendSummary> getBluetoothFileSendSummaryFromBluetoothSend( Date start, Date end, Company company, Campaign campaign, Device device) { int count = 4; HashMap<Integer, Object> parameters = new HashMap<Integer, Object>(); String query = "SELECT DATE(event_date), file, count(*) " + "FROM bluetooth_send " + "WHERE send_status = 1 " + "AND company_id = ?1 " + "AND event_date BETWEEN ?2 AND ?3 "; if (campaign != null) { query += "AND campaign_id = ?" + count + " "; parameters.put(count, campaign.getId()); count++; } if (device != null) { query += "AND device_id = ?" + count + " "; parameters.put(count, device.getId()); count++; } query += "GROUP BY file, DATE(event_date) ORDER BY DATE(event_date)"; Query q = em.createNativeQuery(query); q.setParameter(1, company.getId()); q.setParameter(2, start); q.setParameter(3, DateUtil.getNextDay(end)); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Object> entry : parameters.entrySet()) { Integer position = entry.getKey(); Object param = entry.getValue(); q.setParameter(position, param); } List<BluetoothFileSendSummary> results = new ArrayList<BluetoothFileSendSummary>(); List<Object[]> result = q.getResultList(); for (Object[] object : result) { Date eventDate = (Date) object[0]; String file = (String) object[1]; Long sendCount = (Long) object[2]; BluetoothFileSendSummary item = new BluetoothFileSendSummary(); item.setEventDate(eventDate); item.setFile(file); item.setSendCount(sendCount); item.setCompany(company); item.setCampaign(campaign); item.setDevice(device); results.add(item); } return results; }
/** * Set the device that is identified by this application entity. * * @param device The owning <code>Device</code>. */ public void setDevice(Device device) { if (device != null) { if (this.device != null && this.device != device) throw new IllegalStateException("already owned by " + this.device.getDeviceName()); for (Connection conn : connections) if (conn.getDevice() != device) throw new IllegalStateException(conn + " not owned by " + device.getDeviceName()); } this.device = device; }
/* return icon name */ public static String getIconName(Device device, int statusCode, BasicPrivateLabel pl) { /* device code */ if (device != null) { StatusCode code = device.getStatusCode(statusCode); if (code != null) { return code.getIconName(); } } /* default */ return StatusCodes.GetIconName(statusCode, pl); }
protected void subscribeAll(Device d, String uuid) { String name = getFriendlyName(d); int ctrl = 0; for (Service s : d.getServices()) { String sid = s.getServiceId().getId(); LOGGER.debug("Subscribing to " + sid + " service on " + name); if (sid.contains("AVTransport")) { ctrl |= AVT; } else if (sid.contains("RenderingControl")) { ctrl |= RC; } upnpService.getControlPoint().execute(new SubscriptionCB(s)); } rendererMap.mark(uuid, RENEW, false); rendererMap.mark(uuid, CONTROLS, ctrl); }
protected String getStringProperty(Device device, String key, String dft) { DCServerConfig dcs = (device != null) ? DCServerFactory.getServerConfig(device.getDeviceCode()) : null; String prop = null; if (dcs != null) { prop = dcs.getStringProperty(key, dft); Print.logInfo("DCServerConfig property '" + key + "' ==> " + prop); if (StringTools.isBlank(prop) && RTConfig.hasProperty(key)) { Print.logInfo("(RTConfig property '" + key + "' ==> " + RTConfig.getString(key, "") + ")"); } } else { prop = RTConfig.getString(key, dft); Print.logInfo("RTConfig property '" + key + "' ==> " + prop); } return prop; }
// Convenience functions for sending various upnp service requests public static ActionInvocation send( final Device dev, String instanceID, String service, String action, String... args) { Service svc = dev.findService(ServiceId.valueOf("urn:upnp-org:serviceId:" + service)); final String uuid = getUUID(dev); if (svc != null) { Action x = svc.getAction(action); String name = getFriendlyName(dev); boolean log = !action.equals("GetPositionInfo"); if (x != null) { ActionInvocation a = new ActionInvocation(x); a.setInput("InstanceID", instanceID); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i += 2) { a.setInput(args[i], args[i + 1]); } if (log) { LOGGER.debug("Sending upnp {}.{} {} to {}[{}]", service, action, args, name, instanceID); } new ActionCallback(a, upnpService.getControlPoint()) { @Override public void success(ActionInvocation invocation) { rendererMap.mark(uuid, ACTIVE, true); } @Override public void failure( ActionInvocation invocation, UpnpResponse operation, String defaultMsg) { LOGGER.debug("Action failed: {}", defaultMsg); rendererMap.mark(uuid, ACTIVE, false); } }.run(); if (log) { for (ActionArgumentValue arg : a.getOutput()) { LOGGER.debug( "Received from {}[{}]: {}={}", name, instanceID, arg.getArgument().getName(), arg.toString()); } } return a; } } return null; }
public static DBFactory<StatusCode> getFactory() { if (factory == null) { factory = DBFactory.createDBFactory( StatusCode.TABLE_NAME(), StatusCode.FieldInfo, DBFactory.KeyType.PRIMARY, StatusCode.class, StatusCode.Key.class, true /*editable*/, true /*viewable*/); factory.addParentTable(Account.TABLE_NAME()); factory.addParentTable(Device.TABLE_NAME()); factory.setFieldDefaultValue(FLD_deviceID, ALL_DEVICES); } return factory; }
/* Return status code description */ public static String getDescription( Device device, int statusCode, BasicPrivateLabel bpl, String dftDesc) { /* device code */ if (device != null) { StatusCode code = device.getStatusCode(statusCode); if (code != null) { return code.getDescription(); } } /* default */ if (!StringTools.isBlank(dftDesc)) { return dftDesc; } else { return StatusCodes.GetDescription(statusCode, bpl); } }
public static String getDeviceIcon(Device d, int maxHeight) { URL base = getURL(d); Icon icon = null; String url = null; int maxH = maxHeight == 0 ? 99999 : maxHeight, height = 0; for (Icon i : d.getIcons()) { int h = i.getHeight(); if (h < maxH && h > height) { icon = i; height = h; } } try { url = icon != null ? new URL(base, icon.getUri().toString()).toString() : null; } catch (Exception e) { } LOGGER.debug("Device icon: " + url); return url; }
public Device copy() { Device dst = new Device(); dst.type = type == null ? null : type.copy(); dst.manufacturer = manufacturer == null ? null : manufacturer.copy(); dst.model = model == null ? null : model.copy(); dst.version = version == null ? null : version.copy(); dst.expiry = expiry == null ? null : expiry.copy(); dst.identity = identity == null ? null : identity.copy(dst); dst.owner = owner == null ? null : owner.copy(); dst.assignedId = new ArrayList<Identifier>(); for (Identifier i : assignedId) dst.assignedId.add(i.copy()); dst.location = location == null ? null : location.copy(); dst.patient = patient == null ? null : patient.copy(); = new ArrayList<Contact>(); for (Contact i : contact); dst.url = url == null ? null : url.copy(); return dst; }
public static String getFriendlyName(Device d) { return d.getDetails().getFriendlyName(); }
public static String getUUID(Device d) { return d.getIdentity().getUdn().toString(); }
protected String getFromEmailAddress(Device device) { if (device == null) { return null; } return CommandPacketHandler.getFromEmailCommand(device.getAccount()); }
public static URL getURL(Device d) { return d instanceof RemoteDevice ? ((RemoteDevice) d).getIdentity().getDescriptorURL() : d.getDetails().getBaseURL(); }
void reconfigure(ApplicationEntity src) { setApplicationEntityAttributes(src); device.reconfigureConnections(connections, src.connections); reconfigureTransferCapabilities(src); reconfigureAEExtensions(src); }
/** * Determine whether or not this network AE is installed on a network. * * @return A Boolean value. True if the AE is installed on a network. If not present, information * about the installed status of the AE is inherited from the device */ public boolean isInstalled() { return device != null && device.isInstalled() && (aeInstalled == null || aeInstalled.booleanValue()); }
public static void main(String argv[]) { DBConfig.cmdLineInit(argv, true); // main String accountID = RTConfig.getString(ARG_ACCOUNT, ""); String deviceID = RTConfig.getString(ARG_DEVICE, ""); int statusCode = RTConfig.getInt(ARG_CODE, 0); boolean anyCode = true; // RTConfig.hasProperty(ARG_ECODE); /* account-id specified? */ if (StringTools.isBlank(accountID)) { Print.logError("Account-ID not specified."); usage(); } /* get account */ Account account = null; try { account = Account.getAccount(accountID); // may throw DBException if (account == null) { Print.logError("Account-ID does not exist: " + accountID); usage(); } } catch (DBException dbe) { Print.logException("Error loading Account: " + accountID, dbe); // dbe.printException(); System.exit(99); } /* device-id specified? */ if (StringTools.isBlank(deviceID) || deviceID.startsWith("/")) { deviceID = ALL_DEVICES; } /* check device existance */ if (!deviceID.equals(ALL_DEVICES)) { try { Device device = Device.getDevice(account, deviceID); // may throw DBException if (device == null) { Print.logError("Device-ID does not exist: " + accountID + " / " + deviceID); usage(); } } catch (DBException dbe) { Print.logException("Error loading Device: " + accountID + " / " + deviceID, dbe); System.exit(99); } } /* status-code specified? */ if ((statusCode > 0) && !anyCode && !StatusCodes.IsValid(statusCode, account.getPrivateLabel())) { Print.logError("Invalid Status Code specified."); usage(); } /* statusCode specified? */ if (statusCode <= 0) { Print.logError("StatusCode not specified."); usage(); } /* statusCode exists? */ boolean statusCodeExists = false; try { statusCodeExists = StatusCode.exists(accountID, deviceID, statusCode); } catch (DBException dbe) { Print.logError( "Error determining if StatusCode exists: " + accountID + "/" + deviceID + "/" + statusCode); System.exit(99); } /* option count */ int opts = 0; /* delete */ if (RTConfig.getBoolean(ARG_DELETE, false)) { opts++; if (!statusCodeExists) { Print.logWarn( "StatusCode does not exist: " + accountID + "/" + deviceID + "/" + statusCode); Print.logWarn("Continuing with delete process ..."); } try { StatusCode.Key scKey = new StatusCode.Key(accountID, deviceID, statusCode); scKey.delete(true); // also delete dependencies (if any) Print.logInfo("StatusCode deleted: " + accountID + "/" + deviceID + "/" + statusCode); statusCodeExists = false; } catch (DBException dbe) { Print.logError( "Error deleting StatusCode: " + accountID + "/" + deviceID + "/" + statusCode); dbe.printException(); System.exit(99); } System.exit(0); } /* create */ if (RTConfig.getBoolean(ARG_CREATE, false)) { opts++; if (statusCodeExists) { Print.logWarn( "StatusCode already exists: " + accountID + "/" + deviceID + "/" + statusCode); } else { try { StatusCode.createNewStatusCode(account, deviceID, statusCode); Print.logInfo("Created StatusCode: " + accountID + "/" + deviceID + "/" + statusCode); statusCodeExists = true; } catch (DBException dbe) { Print.logError( "Error creating StatusCode: " + accountID + "/" + deviceID + "/" + statusCode); dbe.printException(); System.exit(99); } } } /* edit */ if (RTConfig.getBoolean(ARG_EDIT, false)) { opts++; if (!statusCodeExists) { Print.logError( "StatusCode does not exist: " + accountID + "/" + deviceID + "/" + statusCode); } else { try { StatusCode sc = StatusCode.getStatusCode(account, deviceID, statusCode); // may throw DBException DBEdit editor = new DBEdit(sc); editor.edit(); // may throw IOException } catch (IOException ioe) { if (ioe instanceof EOFException) { Print.logError("End of input"); } else { Print.logError("IO Error"); } } catch (DBException dbe) { Print.logError( "Error editing StatusCode: " + accountID + "/" + deviceID + "/" + statusCode); dbe.printException(); } } System.exit(0); } /* list */ if (RTConfig.hasProperty(ARG_LIST)) { opts++; String listType = RTConfig.getString(ARG_LIST, null); // TODO: complete ... } /* no options specified */ if (opts == 0) { Print.logWarn("Missing options ..."); usage(); } }