Exemplo n.º 1
  public void consume(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) throws IOException {
    DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(buffer, offset, length));
    do {

    } while (in.readBoolean());
  private void runBuild(final MessageHandler msgHandler, CanceledStatus cs) throws Throwable {
    final File dataStorageRoot = Utils.getDataStorageRoot(myProjectPath);
    if (dataStorageRoot == null) {
          new CompilerMessage(
              "Cannot determine build data storage root for project " + myProjectPath));
    if (!dataStorageRoot.exists()) {
      // invoked the very first time for this project. Force full rebuild
      myBuildType = BuildType.PROJECT_REBUILD;

    final DataInputStream fsStateStream = createFSDataStream(dataStorageRoot);

    if (fsStateStream != null) {
      // optimization: check whether we can skip the build
      final boolean hasWorkToDoWithModules = fsStateStream.readBoolean();
      if (myBuildType == BuildType.MAKE
          && !hasWorkToDoWithModules
          && scopeContainsModulesOnly(myBuildRunner.getScopes())
          && !containsChanges(myInitialFSDelta)) {
        updateFsStateOnDisk(dataStorageRoot, fsStateStream, myInitialFSDelta.getOrdinal());

    final BuildFSState fsState = new BuildFSState(false);
    try {
      final ProjectDescriptor pd = myBuildRunner.load(msgHandler, dataStorageRoot, fsState);
      myProjectDescriptor = pd;
      if (fsStateStream != null) {
        try {
          try {
            fsState.load(fsStateStream, pd.getModel(), pd.getBuildRootIndex());
            applyFSEvent(pd, myInitialFSDelta);
          } finally {
        } catch (Throwable e) {
      myLastEventOrdinal = myInitialFSDelta != null ? myInitialFSDelta.getOrdinal() : 0L;

      // free memory
      myInitialFSDelta = null;
      // ensure events from controller are processed after FSState initialization

      myBuildRunner.runBuild(pd, cs, myConstantSearch, msgHandler, myBuildType);
    } finally {
      saveData(fsState, dataStorageRoot);
Exemplo n.º 3
  /** Reads the entire state of the MersenneTwister RNG from the stream */
  public void readState(DataInputStream stream) throws IOException {
    int len = mt.length;
    for (int x = 0; x < len; x++) mt[x] = stream.readInt();

    len = mag01.length;
    for (int x = 0; x < len; x++) mag01[x] = stream.readInt();

    mti = stream.readInt();
    __nextNextGaussian = stream.readDouble();
    __haveNextNextGaussian = stream.readBoolean();
Exemplo n.º 4
  private void processResponse(DataInputStream in) throws IOException {
    long requestId = in.readLong();
    Request r = requests.remove(requestId);

    if (r == null) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "Request " + requestId + " is unknown (last request generated was " + nextRequest.get());

    Object o = null;
    if (in.readBoolean()) {
      o = serializerFor(classForName(in.readUTF()), r.getResultDeclaredType()).deserialize(in);
Exemplo n.º 5
  /** Reads the suite settings from storage. */
  private void readSettings() {
    byte[] maximums = Permissions.getEmptySet();
    byte[] currentLevels = Permissions.getEmptySet();
    RandomAccessStream storage = new RandomAccessStream(classSecurityToken);
    DataInputStream storageStream;
    int version;
    int count;

    permissions = new byte[2][];
    permissions[Permissions.MAX_LEVELS] = maximums;
    permissions[Permissions.CUR_LEVELS] = currentLevels;

    try {
      storage.connect(getStorageRoot() + Installer.SETTINGS_FILENAME, Connector.READ);
      try {
        storageStream = storage.openDataInputStream();

        version = storageStream.readByte();
         * only version 1 are handled by the method
         * 0 means that this is a beta version that are not handled
         * by the method. Note that version number only has to
         * increase if data has been removed, not if new data has been
         * added to the end of the file.
        if (version != 1) {
          System.out.println("Corrupt application settings file.");

        trusted = storageStream.readBoolean();

        pushInterruptSetting = storageStream.readByte();

        count = storageStream.readByte();
        storageStream.readFully(currentLevels, 0, count);

        count = storageStream.readByte();
        storageStream.readFully(maximums, 0, count);
      } finally {
    } catch (IOException e) {
      // ignore, old settings files are shorter
  private static Object readObjectFromStream(DataInputStream data, Class curClass)
      throws IOException {
    if (curClass.equals(Boolean.class)) {
      return data.readBoolean();
    } else if (curClass.equals(Byte.class)) {
      return data.readByte();
    } else if (curClass.equals(Integer.class)) {
      return data.readInt();
    } else if (curClass.equals(String.class)) {
      return data.readUTF();
    } else if (curClass.equals(Double.class)) {
      return data.readDouble();
    } else if (curClass.equals(Float.class)) {
      return data.readFloat();
    } else if (curClass.equals(Long.class)) {
      return data.readLong();
    } else if (curClass.equals(Short.class)) {
      return data.readShort();

    return null;
Exemplo n.º 7
  private void processExpressionCommand(
      Commands.ValueObject valueObject, InvokableValueSender valueSender)
      throws IOException, CommandException {
    Integer expressionID = new Integer(in.readInt());
    byte cmdType = in.readByte();
    ExpressionProcesserController exp = null;
    switch (cmdType) {
      case ExpressionCommands.START_EXPRESSION_TREE_PROCESSING:
        byte trace = in.readByte();
        if (trace == ExpressionCommands.TRACE_DEFAULT)
          exp = new ExpressionProcesserController(server, this);
          exp =
              new ExpressionProcesserController(server, this, trace == ExpressionCommands.TRACE_ON);
        expressionProcessors.put(expressionID, exp);
      case ExpressionCommands.TRANSFER_EXPRESSION_REQUEST:
        exp = (ExpressionProcesserController) expressionProcessors.remove(expressionID);
        sendObject(exp, NOT_A_PRIMITIVE, valueObject, out, true);
      case ExpressionCommands.RESUME_EXPRESSION_REQUEST:
        Commands.readValue(in, valueObject);
        exp = (ExpressionProcesserController) getInvokableObject(valueObject);
        expressionProcessors.put(expressionID, exp);
      case ExpressionCommands.PUSH_EXPRESSION:
        exp = (ExpressionProcesserController) expressionProcessors.get(expressionID);
      case ExpressionCommands.SYNC_REQUEST:
        boolean haveProxies =
            in.readBoolean(); // See if we expression proxy ids that need to be resolved
        if (haveProxies) {
          Commands.readValue(in, valueObject);
          Commands.readArray(in, valueObject.anInt, valueSender, valueObject, false);

        exp = (ExpressionProcesserController) expressionProcessors.get(expressionID);
        if (haveProxies)
          sendExpressionProxyResolutions(valueObject, (int[]) valueSender.getArray(), exp);
        if (exp.noErrors()) {
          valueObject.set(true); // Mark that all is good.
          Commands.writeValue(out, valueObject, true, true);
        } else {
          processExpressionError(exp, valueObject);
      case ExpressionCommands.PULL_VALUE_REQUEST:
        haveProxies = in.readBoolean(); // See if we expression proxy ids that need to be resolved
        if (haveProxies) {
          Commands.readValue(in, valueObject);
          Commands.readArray(in, valueObject.anInt, valueSender, valueObject, false);

        exp = (ExpressionProcesserController) expressionProcessors.get(expressionID);
        if (haveProxies)
          sendExpressionProxyResolutions(valueObject, (int[]) valueSender.getArray(), exp);
        if (exp.noErrors()) {
          try {
            Object[] pulledValue = exp.pullValue();
            // Send back the command code for pull value. Don't flush. We will flush when all done.
            if (((Class) pulledValue[1]).isPrimitive()) {
              int returnTypeID = server.getIdentityID(pulledValue[1]);
              // Need to tell sendObject the correct primitive type.
              sendObject(pulledValue[0], returnTypeID, valueObject, out, true, true);

            } else {
                  true); // Just send the object back. sendObject knows how to iterpret the type
          } catch (NoExpressionValueException e) {
            sendNoValueErrorCommand(exp, valueObject);
        } else processExpressionError(exp, valueObject);
      case ExpressionCommands.END_EXPRESSION_TREE_PROCESSING:
        exp = (ExpressionProcesserController) expressionProcessors.remove(expressionID);
Exemplo n.º 8
  protected void loadFromStorage() {
    DataInputStream inputStream = NvStorage.ReadFileRecord("config", 0);
    try {
      accountIndex = inputStream.readInt();
      showOfflineContacts = inputStream.readBoolean();
      fullscreen = inputStream.readBoolean();
      def_profile = inputStream.readInt();
      smiles = inputStream.readBoolean();
      showTransports = inputStream.readBoolean();
      selfContact = inputStream.readBoolean();
      collapsedGroups = inputStream.readBoolean();
      ignore = inputStream.readBoolean();
      eventComposing = inputStream.readBoolean();

      gmtOffset = inputStream.readInt();
      locOffset = inputStream.readInt();

      autoLogin = inputStream.readBoolean();
      autoJoinConferences = inputStream.readBoolean();

      popupFromMinimized = inputStream.readBoolean();

      notifyBlink = inputStream.readBoolean();
      memMonitor = inputStream.readBoolean();

      font1 = inputStream.readInt();
      font2 = inputStream.readInt();

      autoFocus = inputStream.readBoolean();

      notInListDropLevel = inputStream.readInt();

      storeConfPresence = inputStream.readBoolean();

      capsState = inputStream.readBoolean();

      textWrap = inputStream.readInt();

      loginstatus = inputStream.readInt();

      msgPath = inputStream.readUTF();
      msgLog = inputStream.readBoolean();
      msgLogPresence = inputStream.readBoolean();
      msgLogConfPresence = inputStream.readBoolean();
      msgLogConf = inputStream.readBoolean();
      cp1251 = inputStream.readBoolean();

      autoAwayDelay = inputStream.readInt();

      defGcRoom = inputStream.readUTF();

      altInput = inputStream.readBoolean();

      isbottom = inputStream.readInt();

      confMessageCount = inputStream.readInt();

      newMenu = inputStream.readBoolean();

      lightState = inputStream.readBoolean();

      notifySound = inputStream.readBoolean();

      lastMessages = inputStream.readBoolean();

      setAutoStatusMessage = inputStream.readBoolean();

      autoAwayType = inputStream.readInt();

      autoScroll = inputStream.readBoolean();

      popUps = inputStream.readBoolean();

      showResources = inputStream.readBoolean();

      antispam = inputStream.readBoolean();

      enableVersionOs = inputStream.readBoolean();

      messageLimit = inputStream.readInt();

      lang = inputStream.readUTF();

      eventDelivery = inputStream.readBoolean();

      transliterateFilenames = inputStream.readBoolean();

      rosterStatus = inputStream.readBoolean();

      queryExit = inputStream.readBoolean();

      notifyPicture = inputStream.readBoolean();

      showBalloons = inputStream.readBoolean();

      userKeys = inputStream.readBoolean();

      msglistLimit = inputStream.readInt();

      useTabs = inputStream.readBoolean();

      autoSubscribe = inputStream.readInt();

      useBoldFont = inputStream.readBoolean();

    } catch (Exception e) {
      try {
        if (inputStream != null) inputStream.close();
      } catch (IOException ex) {

    lastProfile = profile = def_profile;
    if (lastProfile == AlertProfile.VIBRA) lastProfile = 0;
    VirtualList.fullscreen = fullscreen;
    VirtualList.isbottom = isbottom;
    VirtualList.memMonitor = memMonitor;
    VirtualList.showBalloons = showBalloons;
    VirtualList.userKeys = userKeys;