private QConClass classConstraint() { if (i_constraints.size() != 1) { return null; } Constraint constr = singleConstraint(); if (constr.getClass() != QConClass.class) { return null; } return (QConClass) constr; }
/* process the list of pending constraints */ protected void processWorklist() { int iter = 0; while (!w.isEmpty()) { int size = w.size(); Constraint c = w.removeFirst(); c.accept(this); size -= w.size(); iter++; } }
/** * Helper function. Add a new state, if it does not already exist, and returns its index. * * @param loc1: Index of location of PTA 1 * @param loc2: Index of location of PTA 2 */ private int addState(int loc1, int loc2) { // See if this is a new state IndexPair stateNew = new IndexPair(loc1, loc2); if (states.add(stateNew)) { // If so, add to the explore list explore.add(stateNew); // Get index of state in state set int locNew = states.getIndexOfLastAdd(); // And add a location to the PTA par.addLocation( PTA.combineLocationNames(pta1.getLocationName(loc1), pta2.getLocationName(loc2))); // Invariant is conjunction of two invariants for (Constraint c : pta1.getInvariantConstraints(loc1)) par.addInvariantCondition(locNew, c.deepCopy().renameClocks(pta1, par)); for (Constraint c : pta2.getInvariantConstraints(loc2)) par.addInvariantCondition(locNew, c.deepCopy().renameClocks(pta2, par)); } // Return index of state in state set return states.getIndexOfLastAdd(); }
private static final SecurityHandler basicAuth(String realm) { OpenfireLoginService l = new OpenfireLoginService(); l.setName(realm); Constraint constraint = new Constraint(); constraint.setName(Constraint.__BASIC_AUTH); constraint.setRoles(new String[] {"jmxweb"}); constraint.setAuthenticate(true); ConstraintMapping cm = new ConstraintMapping(); cm.setConstraint(constraint); cm.setPathSpec("/*"); ConstraintSecurityHandler csh = new ConstraintSecurityHandler(); csh.setAuthenticator(new BasicAuthenticator()); csh.setRealmName(realm); csh.addConstraintMapping(cm); csh.setLoginService(l); return csh; }
private Constraint addInterfaceConstraint(ReflectClass claxx) { Collection4 classes = stream().classCollection().forInterface(claxx); if (classes.size() == 0) { QConClass qcc = new QConClass(_trans, null, null, claxx); addConstraint(qcc); return qcc; } Iterator4 i = classes.iterator(); Constraint constr = null; while (i.moveNext()) { ClassMetadata classMetadata = (ClassMetadata) i.current(); ReflectClass classMetadataClaxx = classMetadata.classReflector(); if (classMetadataClaxx != null) { if (!classMetadataClaxx.isInterface()) { if (constr == null) { constr = constrain(classMetadataClaxx); } else { constr = constr.or(constrain(classMetadata.classReflector())); } } } } return constr; }
/** @param args the command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO code application logic here Model model; String insertstmt; String insertmodel = "", insertspecies = "", insertcompartment = "", insertfunction = "", insertunitdef = "", insertunits = "", insertreaction = "", insertreactant = "", insertproduct = ""; String insertmodifier = "", insertklaw = "", insertrules = "", insertconstraint = "", insertdelay = "", inserttrigger = "", insertevent = "", inserteventassign = "", insertparameter = ""; String insertstatement = ""; String server, user, password, dbname, filepath; String Filedata = ""; String cwd = System.getProperty("user.dir"); if (args.length == 0) { server = "localhost"; user = "******"; password = "******"; dbname = "sbmldb2"; /** * Path to extract the SBML files from database, where cwd is * "github\db2sbml\dbtosbml_standalone_Project\dbtosbml" so add a folder in this directory and * mention folder name instead of extractedbm folder */ filepath = cwd + "\\extractedbm\\"; } else { server = args[0]; user = args[1]; password = args[2]; dbname = args[3]; filepath = args[4]; } try { Filedata = readFileAsString(cwd + "\\sbmldbschema.sql"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Mysqlconn sql = new Mysqlconn(server, user, password, dbname); // String modelids.getId() = "MorrisonAllegra" ; ASTNode math = null; int level = 0, version = 0; ArrayList<modellist> modelidlist = sql.getmodels(); insertstatement = "LOCK TABLES `model` WRITE,`species` WRITE,`compartment` WRITE,`functiondefinition` WRITE,"; insertstatement = insertstatement + "`listofunitdefinitions` WRITE,`listofunits` WRITE,`reaction` WRITE,`simplespeciesreference` WRITE,"; insertstatement = insertstatement + "`modifierspeciesreference` WRITE,`kineticlaw` WRITE,`parameter` WRITE,`sbmlconstraint` WRITE,"; insertstatement = insertstatement + "`event` WRITE,`sbmltrigger` WRITE,`delay` WRITE,`eventassignment` WRITE,`rules` WRITE" + ";"; for (modellist modelids : modelidlist) { ArrayList<modellist> modellevel = sql.getmodeldetails(modelids.getId()); for (modellist modellv : modellevel) { level = modellv.getlevel(); version = modellv.getversion(); } SBMLDocument doc = new SBMLDocument(level, version); ArrayList<modellist> modellists = sql.getmodeldetails(modelids.getId()); if (!modellists.isEmpty()) insertmodel = insertmodel + "\nInsert Into model (id, name,SBML_level,version,notes,annotation) Values"; for (modellist models : modellists) { insertmodel = insertmodel + "(\'" + models.getId() + "\',\'" + models.getName() + "\'," + models.getlevel() + "," + models.getversion() + ",\'" + models.getnotes() + "\',\'" + models.getannotation().toString() + "\'),"; model = doc.createModel(models.getId()); model.setName(models.getName()); // System.out.println("model : " + models.getId()); // model.setNotes(models.getnotes()); // there is some null exception is command line run // but run perfectly from netbeans so ommented out if (!models.getannotation().equals("")) { Annotation annot = new Annotation(models.getannotation().toString()); model.setAnnotation(annot); } doc.setModel(model); } if (!modellists.isEmpty()) { insertmodel = insertmodel.substring(0, insertmodel.length() - 1); insertmodel = insertmodel + ';'; } // insertmodel = insertmodel + "\nUNLOCK TABLES;"; // System.out.println(insertmodel); ArrayList<SpeciesList> specieslist = sql.getspecies(modelids.getId()); if (!specieslist.isEmpty()) insertspecies = insertspecies + "\nInsert Into species (id, name, compartment, initialAmount, initialConcentration,substanceUnits,hasOnlySubstanceUnits,boundaryCondition,constant,conversionFactor,model_id,annotation) Values"; for (SpeciesList species : specieslist) { insertspecies = insertspecies + "(\'" + species.getId() + "\',\'" + species.getName() + "\',\'" + species.getcompartment() + "\'," + species.getia() + "," + species.getic() + ",\'" + species.getsu() + "\'," + species.gethosu() + "," + species.getbc() + "," + species.getconstant() + "," + species.getcf() + ",\'" + modelids.getId() + "\',\'" + species.getannotation() + "\'),"; Species sp = doc.getModel().createSpecies(species.getId()); sp.setName(species.getName()); sp.setCompartment(species.getcompartment()); sp.setConstant(species.getconstant()); sp.setInitialAmount(species.getia()); sp.setInitialConcentration(species.getic()); sp.setHasOnlySubstanceUnits(species.gethosu()); if (doc.getModel().getLevel() == 3) sp.setConversionFactor(species.getcf()); sp.setBoundaryCondition(species.getbc()); sp.setSubstanceUnits(species.getsu()); if (!species.getannotation().equals("")) { Annotation annot = new Annotation(species.getannotation().toString()); sp.setAnnotation(annot); } // doc.getModel().addSpecies(sp) ; } if (!specieslist.isEmpty()) { insertspecies = insertspecies.substring(0, insertspecies.length() - 1); insertspecies = insertspecies + ';'; } ArrayList<CompartmentList> complist = sql.getcompartments(modelids.getId()); if (!complist.isEmpty()) insertcompartment = insertcompartment + "\nInsert Into compartment (id, name,constant,model_id,spacialDimensions,size,units) Values"; for (CompartmentList comp : complist) { insertcompartment = insertcompartment + "(\'" + comp.getId() + "\',\'" + comp.getName() + "\'," + comp.getconstant() + ",\'" + modelids.getId() + "\'," + comp.getspatialdimensions() + "," + comp.getsize() + "," + comp.getunits() + "\'),"; Compartment c = doc.getModel().createCompartment(comp.getId()); c.setName(comp.getName()); c.setConstant(comp.getconstant()); c.setSize(comp.getsize()); c.setSpatialDimensions(comp.getspatialdimensions()); if (comp.getspatialdimensions() != 0) c.setUnits(comp.getunits()); // doc.getModel().addSpecies(sp) ; } if (!complist.isEmpty()) { insertcompartment = insertcompartment.substring(0, insertcompartment.length() - 1); insertcompartment = insertcompartment + ';'; } ArrayList<functionList> funclist = sql.getfunctions(modelids.getId()); if (!funclist.isEmpty()) insertfunction = insertfunction + "\nInsert Into functiondefinition (id, xmlns,model_id) Values"; for (functionList func : funclist) { insertfunction = insertfunction + "(\'" + func.getId() + "\',\'" + func.getxmlns() + "\',\'" + modelids.getId() + "\'),"; FunctionDefinition fd = doc.getModel().createFunctionDefinition(func.getId()); try { math = ASTNode.parseFormula(func.getxmlns()); fd.setMath(math); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (!funclist.isEmpty()) { insertfunction = insertfunction.substring(0, insertfunction.length() - 1); insertfunction = insertfunction + ';'; } ArrayList<unitList> unitlist = sql.getunitlist(modelids.getId()); if (!unitlist.isEmpty()) insertunitdef = insertunitdef + "\nInsert Into listofunitdefinitions (id,name,model_id) Values"; for (unitList units : unitlist) { insertunitdef = insertunitdef + "(\'" + units.getId() + "\',\'" + units.getName() + "\',\'" + modelids.getId() + "\'),"; UnitDefinition ud = doc.getModel().createUnitDefinition(units.getId()); ud.setName(units.getName()); ArrayList<unitList> unitdeflist = sql.getunitdef(units.getId()); if (!unitdeflist.isEmpty()) insertunits = insertunits + "\nInsert Into listofunits (listofunitdefinitions_id,kind, scale,exponent,multiplier) Values"; for (unitList unitdef : unitdeflist) { insertunits = insertunits + "(\'" + units.getId() + "\',\'" + unitdef.getkind() + "\'," + unitdef.getscale() + "," + unitdef.getexponent() + "," + unitdef.getmultiplier() + "),"; Unit u = ud.createUnit(Unit.Kind.valueOf(unitdef.getkind())); u.setScale(unitdef.getscale()); u.setExponent(unitdef.getexponent()); u.setMultiplier(unitdef.getmultiplier()); } // doc.getModel().addSpecies(sp) ; if (!unitdeflist.isEmpty()) { insertunits = insertunits.substring(0, insertunits.length() - 1); insertunits = insertunits + ';'; } } if (!unitlist.isEmpty()) { insertunitdef = insertunitdef.substring(0, insertunitdef.length() - 1); insertunitdef = insertunitdef + ';'; } ArrayList<reactionList> reactionlist = sql.getreactons(modelids.getId()); if (!reactionlist.isEmpty()) insertreaction = insertreaction + "\nInsert Into reaction (id,name, reversible,fast,model_id,compartment,annotation) Values"; for (reactionList reaction : reactionlist) { insertreaction = insertreaction + "(\'" + reaction.getId() + "\',\'" + reaction.getName() + "\'," + reaction.getreversible() + "," + reaction.getfast() + ",\'" + modelids.getId() + "\',\'" + reaction.getcompartment() + "\',\'" + reaction.getannotation() + "\'),"; Reaction rn = doc.getModel().createReaction(reaction.getId()); rn.setName(reaction.getName()); if (doc.getModel().getLevel() == 3) rn.setCompartment(reaction.getcompartment()); rn.setFast(reaction.getfast()); rn.setReversible(reaction.getreversible()); if (!reaction.getannotation().equals("")) { Annotation annot = new Annotation(reaction.getannotation().toString()); rn.setAnnotation(annot); } ArrayList<reactionList> reactantlist = sql.getreactants(reaction.getId()); if (!reactantlist.isEmpty()) insertreactant = insertreactant + "\nInsert Into simplespeciesreference (reaction_id,species, sboTerm,stoichiometry,speciestype,constant) Values"; for (reactionList reactant : reactantlist) { insertreactant = insertreactant + "(\'" + reaction.getId() + "\',\'" + reactant.getspecies() + "\',\'" + reactant.getsboTerm() + "\'," + reactant.getstoichometry() + "," + reactant.getconstant() + ",\'reactants\'),"; SpeciesReference rt = new SpeciesReference(); rt.setName(reactant.getspecies()); rt.setSpecies(reactant.getspecies()); // rt.setSBOTerm(reactant.getsboTerm()); rt.setStoichiometry(reactant.getstoichometry()); // rt.setConstant(reactant.getconstant()); rn.addReactant(rt); } if (!reactantlist.isEmpty()) { insertreactant = insertreactant.substring(0, insertreactant.length() - 1); insertreactant = insertreactant + ';'; } ArrayList<reactionList> productlist = sql.getproducts(reaction.getId()); if (!productlist.isEmpty()) insertproduct = insertproduct + "\nInsert Into simplespeciesreference (reaction_id,species, sboTerm,stoichiometry,constant,speciestype) Values"; for (reactionList product : productlist) { insertproduct = insertproduct + "(\'" + reaction.getId() + "\',\'" + product.getspecies() + "\',\'" + product.getsboTerm() + "\'," + product.getstoichometry() + "," + product.getconstant() + ",\'products\'),"; SpeciesReference pr = new SpeciesReference(); pr.setName(product.getspecies()); pr.setSpecies(product.getspecies()); // pr.setSBOTerm(product.getsboTerm()); pr.setStoichiometry(product.getstoichometry()); // pr.setConstant(product.getconstant()); rn.addProduct(pr); } if (!productlist.isEmpty()) { insertproduct = insertproduct.substring(0, insertproduct.length() - 1); insertproduct = insertproduct + ';'; } ArrayList<reactionList> modifierlist = sql.getmodifiers(reaction.getId()); if (!modifierlist.isEmpty()) insertmodifier = insertmodifier + "\nInsert Into modifierspeciesreference (reaction_id,species, sboTerm,speciestype) Values"; for (reactionList modifier : modifierlist) { insertmodifier = insertmodifier + "(\'" + reaction.getId() + "\',\'" + modifier.getspecies() + "\',\'" + modifier.getsboTerm() + "\',\'modifiers\'),"; ModifierSpeciesReference m = new ModifierSpeciesReference(); m.setName(modifier.getspecies()); m.setSpecies(modifier.getspecies()); // m.setSBOTerm(modifier.getsboTerm()); rn.addModifier(m); } if (!modifierlist.isEmpty()) { insertmodifier = insertmodifier.substring(0, insertmodifier.length() - 1); insertmodifier = insertmodifier + ';'; } ArrayList<reactionList> klawlist = sql.getkineticlaws(reaction.getId()); if (!klawlist.isEmpty()) insertklaw = insertklaw + "\nInsert Into kineticlaw (reaction_id,kid, math,annotation) Values"; for (reactionList klaw : klawlist) { insertklaw = insertklaw + "(\'" + reaction.getId() + "\',\'" + klaw.getId() + "\',\'" + klaw.getmath() + "\',\'" + klaw.getannotation() + "\'),"; KineticLaw kl = rn.createKineticLaw(); try { math = ASTNode.parseFormula(klaw.getmath()); kl.setMath(math); if (!klaw.getannotation().equals("")) { Annotation annot = new Annotation(klaw.getannotation().toString()); kl.setAnnotation(annot); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (!klawlist.isEmpty()) { insertklaw = insertklaw.substring(0, insertklaw.length() - 1); insertklaw = insertklaw + ';'; } } if (!reactionlist.isEmpty()) { insertreaction = insertreaction.substring(0, insertreaction.length() - 1); insertreaction = insertreaction + ';'; } ArrayList<parameterList> paralist = sql.getparameters(modelids.getId()); if (!paralist.isEmpty()) insertparameter = insertparameter + "\nInsert Into parameter (id,name,value,units,constant,model_id) Values"; for (parameterList para : paralist) { insertparameter = insertparameter + "(\'" + para.getId() + "\',\'" + para.getName() + "\'," + para.getvalue() + "," + para.getunits() + "," + para.getconstant() + ",\'" + modelids.getId() + "\'),"; Parameter par = doc.getModel().createParameter(para.getId()); par.setName(para.getId()); par.setConstant(para.getconstant()); par.setUnits(para.getunits()); par.setValue(para.getvalue()); } if (!paralist.isEmpty()) { insertparameter = insertparameter.substring(0, insertparameter.length() - 1); insertparameter = insertparameter + ';'; } ArrayList<constraintList> conslist = sql.getconstraints(modelids.getId()); if (!conslist.isEmpty()) insertconstraint = insertconstraint + "\nInsert Into sbmlconstraint (math,message,model_id) Values"; for (constraintList constraint : conslist) { insertconstraint = insertconstraint + "(\'" + constraint.getmath() + "\',\'" + constraint.getmessage() + "\',\'" + modelids.getId() + "\'),"; Constraint cons = doc.getModel().createConstraint(); try { math = ASTNode.parseFormula(constraint.getmath()); cons.setMath(math); cons.setMessage(constraint.getmessage()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (!conslist.isEmpty()) { insertconstraint = insertconstraint.substring(0, insertconstraint.length() - 1); insertconstraint = insertconstraint + ';'; } ArrayList<eventsList> eventlist = sql.getevents(modelids.getId()); if (!eventlist.isEmpty()) insertevent = insertevent + "\nInsert Into event (id,name,UseValuesFromTriggerTime,model_id) Values"; for (eventsList events : eventlist) { insertevent = insertevent + "(\'" + events.getId() + "\',\'" + events.getName() + "\'," + events.getuservalues() + ",\'" + modelids.getId() + "\'),"; Event ev = doc.getModel().createEvent(events.getId()); ev.setName(events.getName()); // ev.setUseValuesFromTriggerTime(events.getuservalues()); ArrayList<eventsList> triggerlist = sql.gettriggers(events.getId()); if (!triggerlist.isEmpty()) inserttrigger = inserttrigger + "\nInsert Into sbmltrigger (event_id,initialvalue,persisent,math) Values"; for (eventsList triggers : triggerlist) { Trigger tr = doc.getModel().createTrigger(); try { math = ASTNode.parseFormula(triggers.getmath()); tr.setMath(math); tr.setInitialValue(triggers.getinitialval()); tr.setPersistent(triggers.getpersistent()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (!triggerlist.isEmpty()) { inserttrigger = inserttrigger.substring(0, insertmodel.length() - 1); inserttrigger = inserttrigger + ';'; } ArrayList<eventsList> delaylist = sql.getdelays(events.getId()); if (!delaylist.isEmpty()) insertdelay = insertdelay + "\nInsert Into delay (event_id,math) Values"; for (eventsList delays : delaylist) { Delay d = doc.getModel().createDelay(); try { math = ASTNode.parseFormula(delays.getmath()); d.setMath(math); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (!delaylist.isEmpty()) { insertdelay = insertdelay.substring(0, insertdelay.length() - 1); insertdelay = insertdelay + ';'; } ArrayList<eventsList> evasslist = sql.geteventassignments(events.getId()); if (!evasslist.isEmpty()) inserteventassign = inserteventassign + "\nInsert Into eventassignment (event_id,variable,math) Values"; for (eventsList evassign : evasslist) { EventAssignment ea = doc.getModel().createEventAssignment(); try { math = ASTNode.parseFormula(evassign.getmath()); ea.setMath(math); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (!evasslist.isEmpty()) { inserteventassign = inserteventassign.substring(0, inserteventassign.length() - 1); inserteventassign = inserteventassign + ';'; } } if (!eventlist.isEmpty()) { insertevent = insertevent.substring(0, insertevent.length() - 1); insertevent = insertevent + ';'; } ArrayList<ruleslist> rulelist = sql.getrules(modelids.getId()); if (!rulelist.isEmpty()) insertrules = insertrules + "\nInsert Into rules (id,math,ruletype,model_id) Values"; for (ruleslist rules : rulelist) { insertrules = insertrules + "(\'" + rules.getId() + "\',\'" + rules.getmath() + "\',\'" + rules.getruletype() + "\',\'" + modelids.getId() + "\'),"; if (rules.getruletype().equals("assignmentrule")) { Rule r = doc.getModel().createAssignmentRule(); r.setMetaId(rules.getId()); try { math = ASTNode.parseFormula(rules.getmath()); r.setMath(math); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } if (!rulelist.isEmpty()) { insertrules = insertrules.substring(0, insertrules.length() - 1); insertrules = insertrules + ';'; } SBMLWriter writer = new SBMLWriter(); try { String Path = filepath + modelids.getId() + ".xml"; writer.write(doc, Path); DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = documentBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document document = documentBuilder.parse(Path); Element root = document.getDocumentElement(); Element newdataset = document.createElement("dataset"); root.appendChild(newdataset); ArrayList<dataset> datasetlist = sql.getdataset(modelids.getId()); for (dataset ds : datasetlist) { // System.out.println(ds.getexpcond()); Element name = document.createElement("experimentalcondition"); name.setAttribute("bioelement", ds.getbioel()); name.setAttribute("name", ds.getName()); name.setAttribute("descr", ds.getdescr()); name.setAttribute("expcond", ds.getexpcond()); name.setAttribute("value", String.valueOf(ds.getvalue())); name.setAttribute("type", ds.gettype()); name.setAttribute("uri", ds.geturi()); newdataset.appendChild(name); } root.appendChild(newdataset); DOMSource source = new DOMSource(document); TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer(); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes"); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.METHOD, "xml"); transformer.setOutputProperty("{}indent-amount", "4"); StreamResult result = new StreamResult(filepath + modelids.getId() + "d.xml"); transformer.transform(source, result); System.out.println( "Files : " + modelids.getId() + ".xml and " + modelids.getId() + "d.xml have been generated successfully !!!"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } insertstatement = insertstatement + "\n\n" + insertmodel + "\n" + insertspecies + "\n" + insertcompartment + "\n" + insertfunction; insertstatement = insertstatement + "\n" + insertparameter + "\n" + insertreaction + "\n" + insertreactant + "\n" + insertproduct; insertstatement = insertstatement + "\n" + insertmodifier + "\n" + insertklaw + "\n" + insertunitdef + "\n" + insertunits; insertstatement = insertstatement + "\n" + insertrules + "\n" + insertconstraint + "\n" + insertevent + "\n" + inserttrigger + "\n" + insertdelay + "\n" + inserteventassign; insertcompartment = ""; insertmodel = ""; insertspecies = ""; // System.out.println("document : " + doc); } insertstatement = insertstatement + "\nUNLOCK TABLES;"; Filedata = Filedata + "\n\n\n" + insertstatement; try { wrtireStringToFile(Filedata, filepath + "sbmldb.sql"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // System.out.println(insertstatement); }
/** * Get the decision from the database, given its name * * @param name the decision name */ public void fromDatabase(String name) { String findQuery = ""; RationaleDB db = RationaleDB.getHandle(); Connection conn = db.getConnection(); = name; name = RationaleDBUtil.escape(name); Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); findQuery = "SELECT * FROM " + "PATTERNDECISIONS where name = '" + name + "'"; // *** System.out.println(findQuery); rs = stmt.executeQuery(findQuery); if ( { id = rs.getInt("id"); description = RationaleDBUtil.decode(rs.getString("description")); type = (DecisionType) DecisionType.fromString(rs.getString("type")); devPhase = (Phase) Phase.fromString(rs.getString("phase")); ptype = RationaleElementType.fromString(rs.getString("ptype")); parent = rs.getInt("parent"); // artifact = rs.getString("artifact"); // enabled = rs.getBoolean("enabled"); status = (DecisionStatus) DecisionStatus.fromString(rs.getString("status")); String subdecs = rs.getString("subdecreq"); if (subdecs.compareTo("Yes") == 0) { alts = false; } else { alts = true; } try { int desID = rs.getInt("designer"); designer = new Designer(); designer.fromDatabase(desID); } catch (SQLException ex) { designer = null; // nothing... } } rs.close(); // need to read in the rest - recursive routines? subDecisions.removeAllElements(); alternatives.removeAllElements(); if (!alts) { Vector<String> decNames = new Vector<String>(); findQuery = "SELECT name from PATTERNDECISIONS where " + "ptype = '" + RationaleElementType.DECISION.toString() + "' and parent = " + new Integer(id).toString(); // *** System.out.println(findQuery2); rs = stmt.executeQuery(findQuery); while ( { decNames.add(RationaleDBUtil.decode(rs.getString("name"))); } Enumeration decs = decNames.elements(); while (decs.hasMoreElements()) { PatternDecision subDec = new PatternDecision(); subDec.fromDatabase((String) decs.nextElement()); subDecisions.add(subDec); } } else { Vector<String> altNames = new Vector<String>(); findQuery = "SELECT name from ALTERNATIVES where " + "ptype = '" + RationaleElementType.DECISION.toString() + "' and parent = " + new Integer(id).toString(); // *** System.out.println(findQuery2); rs = stmt.executeQuery(findQuery); while ( { altNames.add(RationaleDBUtil.decode(rs.getString("name"))); } Enumeration alts = altNames.elements(); while (alts.hasMoreElements()) { Alternative alt = new Alternative(); alt.fromDatabase((String) alts.nextElement()); alternatives.add(alt); } } // need to do questions too Vector<String> questNames = new Vector<String>(); findQuery = "SELECT name from QUESTIONS where " + "ptype = '" + RationaleElementType.DECISION.toString() + "' and parent = " + new Integer(id).toString(); // *** System.out.println(findQuery3); rs = stmt.executeQuery(findQuery); while ( { questNames.add(RationaleDBUtil.decode(rs.getString("name"))); } Enumeration quests = questNames.elements(); questions.removeAllElements(); while (quests.hasMoreElements()) { Question quest = new Question(); quest.fromDatabase((String) quests.nextElement()); questions.add(quest); } // no, not last - need history too findQuery = "SELECT * from HISTORY where ptype = 'Decision' and " + "parent = " + Integer.toString(id); // *** System.out.println(findQuery5); rs = stmt.executeQuery(findQuery); history.removeAllElements(); while ( { History nextH = new History(); nextH.setStatus(rs.getString("status")); nextH.setReason(RationaleDBUtil.decode(rs.getString("reason"))); nextH.dateStamp = rs.getTimestamp("date"); // nextH.dateStamp = rs.getDate("date"); history.add(nextH); } // now, get our constraints findQuery = "SELECT * from ConDecRelationships WHERE " + "decision = " + new Integer(id).toString(); rs = stmt.executeQuery(findQuery); constraints.removeAllElements(); if (rs != null) { while ( { int ontID = rs.getInt("constr"); Constraint cont = new Constraint(); cont.fromDatabase(ontID); this.addConstraint(cont); } rs.close(); } // now, candidate patterns findQuery = "SELECT * from pattern_decision WHERE parentType= 'Decision' and decisionID=" +; rs = stmt.executeQuery(findQuery); if (rs != null) { while ( { int patternID = rs.getInt("patternID"); Pattern p = new Pattern(); p.fromDatabase(patternID); this.addCandidatePattern(p); } } } catch (SQLException ex) { // handle any errors RationaleDB.reportError(ex, "Error in PatternDecision.fromDatabase", findQuery); } finally { RationaleDB.releaseResources(stmt, rs); } }
/** * Save our decision to the database. * * @param parent - the parent of the decision * @param ptype - the parent's type * @return the unique ID */ public int toDatabase(int parent, RationaleElementType ptype) { RationaleDB db = RationaleDB.getHandle(); Connection conn = db.getConnection(); String updateQuery = ""; int ourid = 0; RationaleUpdateEvent l_updateEvent; // find out if this requirement is already in the database Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; String subsReq = "No"; if (!alts) subsReq = "Yes"; try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); if (inDatabase(parent, ptype)) { // set up Designer update string String updateD; if (designer == null) updateD = "D.designer = null"; else updateD = "D.designer = " + designer.getID(); updateQuery = "UPDATE PATTERNDECISIONS D " + "SET D.parent = " + new Integer(parent).toString() + ", D.ptype = '" + ptype.toString() + "', D.phase = '" + devPhase.toString() + "', D.description = '" + RationaleDBUtil.escape(description) + "', D.type = '" + type.toString() + "', = '" + RationaleDBUtil.escape(name) + "', D.status = '" + status.toString() + "', D.subdecreq = '" + subsReq + "', " + updateD + " WHERE " + " = " + + " "; stmt.execute(updateQuery); l_updateEvent = m_eventGenerator.MakeUpdated(); } else { if (!fromXML) id = RationaleDB.findAvailableID("PATTERNDECISIONS"); String parentSt; String parentTSt; // now, we have determined that the decision is new if ((this.parent < 0) || (ptype == null)) { parentSt = "NULL"; parentTSt = "None"; } else { parentSt = new Integer(this.parent).toString(); parentTSt = ptype.toString(); } String updateD; if (designer == null) updateD = "null"; else updateD = new Integer(designer.getID()).toString(); updateQuery = "INSERT INTO PATTERNDECISIONS " + "(id, name, description, type, status, phase, subdecreq, parent, ptype, designer) " + "VALUES (" + id + ", '" + RationaleDBUtil.escape( + "', '" + RationaleDBUtil.escape(this.description) + "', '" + this.type.toString() + "', '" + this.status.toString() + "', '" + this.devPhase.toString() + "', '" + subsReq + "', " + parentSt + ", '" + parentTSt + "', " + updateD + ")"; stmt.execute(updateQuery); /* //Now, associate with pattern. //Get id first updateQuery = "SELECT id FROM patterndecisions where name='" + RationaleDBUtil.escape( + "'"; rs = stmt.executeQuery(updateQuery); if ( { ourid = rs.getInt("id"); rs.close(); //We have found out our ID and the insert is a success. //get association set up. updateQuery = "INSERT into pattern_decision values (" + parent + "ourid" + "DECISION)"; } //And now, we have patternID and patterndecisionID. We can insert into relationship entry updateQuery = "INSERT INTO pattern_decision values (" + parentPattern + ", " + ourid + ", " + "'Decision')"; stmt.execute(updateQuery); */ l_updateEvent = m_eventGenerator.MakeCreated(); } // in either case, we want to update any sub-requirements in case // they are new! // now, we need to get our ID updateQuery = "SELECT id FROM PATTERNDECISIONS where name='" + RationaleDBUtil.escape( + "'"; rs = stmt.executeQuery(updateQuery); if ( { ourid = rs.getInt("id"); rs.close(); } else { ourid = -1; } = ourid; Enumeration alts = alternatives.elements(); while (alts.hasMoreElements()) { Alternative alt = (Alternative) alts.nextElement(); // System.out.println("Saving alternative from decision"); alt.toDatabase(ourid, RationaleElementType.DECISION); } Enumeration decs = subDecisions.elements(); while (decs.hasMoreElements()) { Decision dec = (Decision) decs.nextElement(); dec.toDatabase(ourid, RationaleElementType.DECISION); } Enumeration quests = questions.elements(); while (quests.hasMoreElements()) { Question quest = (Question) quests.nextElement(); quest.toDatabase(ourid, RationaleElementType.DECISION); } // finally, the history Enumeration hist = history.elements(); while (hist.hasMoreElements()) { History his = (History) hist.nextElement(); his.toDatabase(ourid, RationaleElementType.DECISION); } // need to update our relationships with the constraints Enumeration conkids = this.constraints.elements(); while (conkids.hasMoreElements()) { Constraint kid = (Constraint) conkids.nextElement(); // if the parent ID is not zero, then update the parent-child relationship updateQuery = "SELECT * from ConDecRelationships WHERE " + "constr = " + new Integer(kid.getID()).toString() + " and decision = " + new Integer(ourid).toString(); rs = stmt.executeQuery(updateQuery.toUpperCase()); if ( { rs.close(); } else { String insertRel = "INSERT INTO ConDecRelationships (constr, decision) " + "VALUES (" + new Integer(kid.getID()).toString() + ", " + new Integer(ourid).toString() + ")"; System.out.println(insertRel.toUpperCase()); stmt.execute(insertRel); } kid.toDatabase(ourid); } // checking parent m_eventGenerator.Broadcast(l_updateEvent); } catch (SQLException ex) { // handle any errors RationaleDB.reportError(ex, "Error in PatternDecision.toDatabase", updateQuery); } finally { RationaleDB.releaseResources(stmt, rs); } return ourid; }
/** Construct the parallel composition of two PTAs. */ public PTA compose(PTA pta1, PTA pta2) { Set<String> alpha1, alpha2, alpha1only, alpha2only, sync; Transition transition; Edge edge; double prob; IndexPair state; int src, dest; // Store PTAs locally and create new one to store parallel composition this.pta1 = pta1; this.pta2 = pta2; par = new PTA(); // New set of clocks is union of sets for two PTAs for (String s : pta1.clockNames) { par.getOrAddClock(s); } for (String s : pta2.clockNames) { par.getOrAddClock(s); } // Get alphabets, compute intersection etc. alpha1 = pta1.getAlphabet(); alpha2 = pta2.getAlphabet(); // System.out.println("alpha1: " + alpha1); // System.out.println("alpha2: " + alpha2); sync = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); alpha1only = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); alpha2only = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); for (String a : alpha1) { if (!("".equals(a)) && alpha2.contains(a)) { sync.add(a); } else { alpha1only.add(a); } } for (String a : alpha2) { if (!alpha1.contains(a)) { alpha2only.add(a); } } // Explicitly add tau to action lists alpha1only.add(""); alpha2only.add(""); // System.out.println("alpha1only: " + alpha1only); // System.out.println("alpha2only: " + alpha2only); // System.out.println("sync: " + sync); // Initialise states storage states = new IndexedSet<IndexPair>(); explore = new LinkedList<IndexPair>(); // Add initial location addState(0, 0); src = -1; while (!explore.isEmpty()) { // Pick next state to explore // (they are stored in order found so know index is src+1) state = explore.removeFirst(); src++; // Go through asynchronous transitions of PTA 1 for (String a : alpha1only) { for (Transition transition1 : pta1.getTransitionsByAction(state.i1, a)) { // Create new transition transition = par.addTransition(src, a); // Copy guard for (Constraint c : transition1.getGuardConstraints()) transition.addGuardConstraint(c.deepCopy().renameClocks(pta1, par)); // Combine edges for (Edge edge1 : transition1.getEdges()) { prob = edge1.getProbability(); dest = addState(edge1.getDestination(), state.i2); edge = transition.addEdge(prob, dest); // Copy resets for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> e : edge1.getResets()) { edge.addReset(PTA.renameClock(pta1, par, e.getKey()), e.getValue()); } } } } // Go through asynchronous transitions of PTA 2 for (String a : alpha2only) { for (Transition transition2 : pta2.getTransitionsByAction(state.i2, a)) { // Create new transition transition = par.addTransition(src, a); // Copy guard for (Constraint c : transition2.getGuardConstraints()) transition.addGuardConstraint(c.deepCopy().renameClocks(pta2, par)); // Combine edges for (Edge edge2 : transition2.getEdges()) { prob = edge2.getProbability(); dest = addState(state.i1, edge2.getDestination()); edge = transition.addEdge(prob, dest); // Copy resets for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> e : edge2.getResets()) { edge.addReset(PTA.renameClock(pta2, par, e.getKey()), e.getValue()); } } } } // Go through synchronous transitions for (String a : sync) { for (Transition transition1 : pta1.getTransitionsByAction(state.i1, a)) { for (Transition transition2 : pta2.getTransitionsByAction(state.i2, a)) { // Create new transition transition = par.addTransition(src, a); // Guard is conjunction of guards for (Constraint c : transition1.getGuardConstraints()) transition.addGuardConstraint(c.deepCopy().renameClocks(pta1, par)); for (Constraint c : transition2.getGuardConstraints()) transition.addGuardConstraint(c.deepCopy().renameClocks(pta2, par)); // Combine edges for (Edge edge1 : transition1.getEdges()) { for (Edge edge2 : transition2.getEdges()) { prob = edge1.getProbability() * edge2.getProbability(); dest = addState(edge1.getDestination(), edge2.getDestination()); edge = transition.addEdge(prob, dest); // Reset set is union of reset sets for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> e : edge1.getResets()) { edge.addReset(PTA.renameClock(pta1, par, e.getKey()), e.getValue()); } for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> e : edge2.getResets()) { edge.addReset(PTA.renameClock(pta2, par, e.getKey()), e.getValue()); } } } } } } } return par; }
/** Build a time bounded reachability query into a PTA; return the new target location set. */ private BitSet buildTimeBoundIntoPta( PTA pta, BitSet targetLocs, int timeBound, boolean timeBoundStrict) { String timerClock = null; int timerClockIndex, numLocs, newTargetLoc; String newTargetLocString; List<Transition> trNewList; Transition trNew; BitSet targetLocsNew; boolean toTarget; int i; // Add a timer clock timerClock = "time"; while (pta.getClockIndex(timerClock) != -1) timerClock += "_"; timerClockIndex = pta.addClock(timerClock); // Add a new target location numLocs = pta.getNumLocations(); newTargetLocString = "target"; while (pta.getLocationIndex(newTargetLocString) != -1) newTargetLocString += "_"; newTargetLoc = pta.addLocation(newTargetLocString); // Go through old (on-target) locations for (i = 0; i < numLocs; i++) { trNewList = new ArrayList<Transition>(); for (Transition tr : pta.getTransitions(i)) { // See if the transition can go to a target location toTarget = false; for (Edge e : tr.getEdges()) { if (targetLocs.get(e.getDestination())) { toTarget = true; break; } } // Copy transition, modify edges going to target and add guard if (toTarget) { trNew = new Transition(tr); for (Edge e : trNew.getEdges()) { if (targetLocs.get(e.getDestination())) { e.setDestination(newTargetLoc); } } if (timeBoundStrict) trNew.addGuardConstraint(Constraint.buildLt(timerClockIndex, timeBound)); else trNew.addGuardConstraint(Constraint.buildLeq(timerClockIndex, timeBound)); trNewList.add(trNew); // Modify guard of copied transition if (timeBoundStrict) tr.addGuardConstraint(Constraint.buildGeq(timerClockIndex, timeBound)); else tr.addGuardConstraint(Constraint.buildGt(timerClockIndex, timeBound)); } } // Add new transitions to PTA for (Transition tr : trNewList) { pta.addTransition(tr); } } // Re-generate set of target locations targetLocsNew = new BitSet(pta.getNumLocations()); targetLocsNew.set(newTargetLoc); return targetLocsNew; }