/** * Creates a new Server object. * * @param sqlDriver JDBC driver * @param dbURL JDBC connection url * @param dbLogin database login * @param dbPasswd database password */ private Server(ServerConfig config) { Server.instance = this; this.connections = new ArrayList(); this.services = new ArrayList(); this.port = config.getPort(); this.socket = null; this.dbLayer = null; try { dbLayer = DatabaseAbstractionLayer.createLayer(config); Logging.getLogger().finer("dbLayer : " + dbLayer); this.store = new Store(config); } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.getLogger().severe("#Err > Unable to connect to the database : " + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } try { this.serverIp = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(); this.socket = new ServerSocket(this.port); } catch (IOException e) { Logging.getLogger().severe("#Err > Unable to listen on the port " + port + "."); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } loadInternalServices(); }
void test(String[] opts, String className) throws Exception { count++; System.err.println("Test " + count + " " + Arrays.asList(opts) + " " + className); Path testSrcDir = Paths.get(System.getProperty("test.src")); Path testClassesDir = Paths.get(System.getProperty("test.classes")); Path classes = Paths.get("classes." + count); classes.createDirectory(); Context ctx = new Context(); PathFileManager fm = new JavacPathFileManager(ctx, true, null); JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler(); List<String> options = new ArrayList<String>(); options.addAll(Arrays.asList(opts)); options.addAll(Arrays.asList("-verbose", "-XDverboseCompilePolicy", "-d", classes.toString())); Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject> compilationUnits = fm.getJavaFileObjects(testSrcDir.resolve(className + ".java")); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(sw); JavaCompiler.CompilationTask t = compiler.getTask(out, fm, null, options, null, compilationUnits); boolean ok = t.call(); System.err.println(sw.toString()); if (!ok) { throw new Exception("compilation failed"); } File expect = new File("classes." + count + "/" + className + ".class"); if (!expect.exists()) throw new Exception("expected file not found: " + expect); long expectedSize = new File(testClassesDir.toString(), className + ".class").length(); long actualSize = expect.length(); if (expectedSize != actualSize) throw new Exception("wrong size found: " + actualSize + "; expected: " + expectedSize); }
@Override public boolean loadLibrary(String libname, boolean ignoreError, ClassLoader cl) { try { for (Entry<String, String> nativeEntry : platformNativeIndex.entrySet()) { if (nativeEntry.getKey().contains(libname)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug( "Loading mapped entry: [{}] [{}] [{}]", libname, nativeEntry.getKey(), nativeEntry.getValue()); } File nativeLibCopy = extractJarEntry( nativeEntry.getValue(), nativeEntry.getKey(), System.getProperty(JAVA_TMP_DIR), String.format("%s.jni", libname)); System.load(nativeLibCopy.getAbsolutePath()); return true; } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Unable to load native library [{}] - {}", libname, e); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("No mapped library match for [{}]", libname); } return false; }
/** * Main Method * * @param args command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { // init logging try { Logging.init("lucane.log", "ALL"); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.err.println("Unable to init logging, exiting."); System.exit(1); } Server server = null; ServerConfig config = null; try { config = new ServerConfig(CONFIG_FILE); } catch (Exception e) { Logging.getLogger().severe("Unable to read or parse the config file."); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } // Server creation server = new Server(config); server.generateKeys(); Logging.getLogger().info("Server is ready."); server.run(); }
/** Creates a new JAR file. */ void create(OutputStream out, Manifest manifest) throws IOException { ZipOutputStream zos = new JarOutputStream(out); if (flag0) { zos.setMethod(ZipOutputStream.STORED); } if (manifest != null) { if (vflag) { output(getMsg("out.added.manifest")); } ZipEntry e = new ZipEntry(MANIFEST_DIR); e.setTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); e.setSize(0); e.setCrc(0); zos.putNextEntry(e); e = new ZipEntry(MANIFEST_NAME); e.setTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); if (flag0) { crc32Manifest(e, manifest); } zos.putNextEntry(e); manifest.write(zos); zos.closeEntry(); } for (File file : entries) { addFile(zos, file); } zos.close(); }
private void addCreatedBy(Manifest m) { Attributes global = m.getMainAttributes(); if (global.getValue(new Attributes.Name("Created-By")) == null) { String javaVendor = System.getProperty("java.vendor"); String jdkVersion = System.getProperty("java.version"); global.put(new Attributes.Name("Created-By"), jdkVersion + " (" + javaVendor + ")"); } }
// -creatediff -applydiff -debug -output file public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { boolean diff = true; boolean minimal = true; String outputFile = "out.jardiff"; for (int counter = 0; counter < args.length; counter++) { // for backward compatibilty with 1.0.1/1.0 if (args[counter].equals("-nonminimal") || args[counter].equals("-n")) { minimal = false; } else if (args[counter].equals("-creatediff") || args[counter].equals("-c")) { diff = true; } else if (args[counter].equals("-applydiff") || args[counter].equals("-a")) { diff = false; } else if (args[counter].equals("-debug") || args[counter].equals("-d")) { _debug = true; } else if (args[counter].equals("-output") || args[counter].equals("-o")) { if (++counter < args.length) { outputFile = args[counter]; } } else if (args[counter].equals("-applydiff") || args[counter].equals("-a")) { diff = false; } else { if ((counter + 2) != args.length) { showHelp(); System.exit(0); } if (diff) { try { OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(outputFile); JarDiff.createPatch(args[counter], args[counter + 1], os, minimal); os.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { try { System.out.println(getResources().getString("jardiff.error.create") + " " + ioe); } catch (MissingResourceException mre) { } } } else { try { OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(outputFile); new JarDiffPatcher().applyPatch(null, args[counter], args[counter + 1], os); os.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { try { System.out.println(getResources().getString("jardiff.error.apply") + " " + ioe); } catch (MissingResourceException mre) { } } } System.exit(0); } } showHelp(); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { if (args.length != 2) { System.err.println("Usage: java -jar jar2jad [jarfile] [jadfile]"); System.exit(1); } if (!extractJarDir(args[0], args[1])) { System.out.println("Error: Could not find manifest in Jar."); System.exit(1); } else { System.out.println("Jad created."); } }
public static void ensureJavaVersion() { Class<?> nio; try { nio = Util.class.getClassLoader().loadClass("java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets"); if (nio == null) { System.out.println( "Could not load NIO! Are we running on Java 7 or greater? Sorry, exiting..."); System.exit(1); } } catch (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e) { System.out.println( "Could not load NIO! Are we running on Java 7 or greater? Sorry, exiting..."); System.exit(1); } }
private void updateLinuxServiceInstaller() { try { File dir = new File(directory, "CTP"); if (suppressFirstPathElement) dir = dir.getParentFile(); Properties props = new Properties(); String ctpHome = dir.getAbsolutePath(); cp.appendln(Color.black, "...CTP_HOME: " + ctpHome); ctpHome = ctpHome.replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\"); props.put("CTP_HOME", ctpHome); File javaHome = new File(System.getProperty("java.home")); String javaBin = (new File(javaHome, "bin")).getAbsolutePath(); cp.appendln(Color.black, "...JAVA_BIN: " + javaBin); javaBin = javaBin.replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\"); props.put("JAVA_BIN", javaBin); File linux = new File(dir, "linux"); File install = new File(linux, "ctpService-ubuntu.sh"); cp.appendln(Color.black, "Linux service installer:"); cp.appendln(Color.black, "...file: " + install.getAbsolutePath()); String bat = getFileText(install); bat = replace(bat, props); // do the substitutions bat = bat.replace("\r", ""); setFileText(install, bat); // If this is an ISN installation, put the script in the correct place. String osName = System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase(); if (programName.equals("ISN") && !osName.contains("windows")) { install = new File(linux, "ctpService-red.sh"); cp.appendln(Color.black, "ISN service installer:"); cp.appendln(Color.black, "...file: " + install.getAbsolutePath()); bat = getFileText(install); bat = replace(bat, props); // do the substitutions bat = bat.replace("\r", ""); File initDir = new File("/etc/init.d"); File initFile = new File(initDir, "ctpService"); if (initDir.exists()) { setOwnership(initDir, "edge", "edge"); setFileText(initFile, bat); initFile.setReadable(true, false); // everybody can read //Java 1.6 initFile.setWritable(true); // only the owner can write //Java 1.6 initFile.setExecutable(true, false); // everybody can execute //Java 1.6 } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("Unable to update the Linux service ctpService.sh file"); } }
private static void setupJurisdictionPolicies() throws Exception { String javaHomeDir = System.getProperty("java.home"); String sep = File.separator; String pathToPolicyJar = javaHomeDir + sep + "lib" + sep + "security" + sep; File exportJar = new File(pathToPolicyJar, "US_export_policy.jar"); File importJar = new File(pathToPolicyJar, "local_policy.jar"); URL jceCipherURL = ClassLoader.getSystemResource("javax/crypto/Cipher.class"); if ((jceCipherURL == null) || !exportJar.exists() || !importJar.exists()) { throw new SecurityException("Cannot locate policy or framework files!"); } // Read jurisdiction policies. CryptoPermissions defaultExport = new CryptoPermissions(); CryptoPermissions exemptExport = new CryptoPermissions(); loadPolicies(exportJar, defaultExport, exemptExport); CryptoPermissions defaultImport = new CryptoPermissions(); CryptoPermissions exemptImport = new CryptoPermissions(); loadPolicies(importJar, defaultImport, exemptImport); // Merge the export and import policies for default applications. if (defaultExport.isEmpty() || defaultImport.isEmpty()) { throw new SecurityException("Missing mandatory jurisdiction " + "policy files"); } defaultPolicy = defaultExport.getMinimum(defaultImport); // Merge the export and import policies for exempt applications. if (exemptExport.isEmpty()) { exemptPolicy = exemptImport.isEmpty() ? null : exemptImport; } else { exemptPolicy = exemptExport.getMinimum(exemptImport); } }
protected InputStream getManifest() throws IOException { String m = "Manifest-Version: 1.0\n" + "Created-By: " + System.getProperty("java.runtime.version") + " (" + System.getProperty("java.vm.specification.vendor") + ")\n" + "Built-By: " + System.getProperty("user.name") + " (WSC-" + VersionInfo.VERSION + ")\n"; return new ByteArrayInputStream(m.getBytes("UTF-8")); }
private JarFile getCachedJarFile(URL url) { JarFile result = (JarFile) fileCache.get(url); /* if the JAR file is cached, the permission will always be there */ if (result != null) { Permission perm = getPermission(result); if (perm != null) { SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager(); if (sm != null) { try { sm.checkPermission(perm); } catch (SecurityException se) { // fallback to checkRead/checkConnect for pre 1.2 // security managers if ((perm instanceof java.io.FilePermission) && perm.getActions().indexOf("read") != -1) { sm.checkRead(perm.getName()); } else if ((perm instanceof java.net.SocketPermission) && perm.getActions().indexOf("connect") != -1) { sm.checkConnect(url.getHost(), url.getPort()); } else { throw se; } } } } } return result; }
public void run() throws Exception { File rtDir = new File("rt.dir"); File javaHome = new File(System.getProperty("java.home")); if (javaHome.getName().equals("jre")) javaHome = javaHome.getParentFile(); File rtJar = new File(new File(new File(javaHome, "jre"), "lib"), "rt.jar"); expand(rtJar, rtDir); String[] rtDir_opts = { "-bootclasspath", rtDir.toString(), "-classpath", "", "-sourcepath", "", "-extdirs", "" }; test(rtDir_opts, "HelloPathWorld"); if (isJarFileSystemAvailable()) { String[] rtJar_opts = { "-bootclasspath", rtJar.toString(), "-classpath", "", "-sourcepath", "", "-extdirs", "" }; test(rtJar_opts, "HelloPathWorld"); String[] default_opts = {}; test(default_opts, "HelloPathWorld"); // finally, a non-trivial program test(default_opts, "CompileTest"); } else System.err.println("jar file system not available: test skipped"); }
public GLBootstrap() throws Exception { System.setProperty("jogamp.gluegen.UseTempJarCache", "false"); log.info( "Initializing native JOGL jar dependencies for platform [{}]. Temp jar cache disabled.", PlatformPropsImpl.os_and_arch); String nativeJarName = String.format("%s-%s", NATIVES, PlatformPropsImpl.os_and_arch); String[] classpathEntries = System.getProperty(JAVA_CLASSPATH).split(System.getProperty(JAVA_SEPARATOR)); for (String jarPath : classpathEntries) { if (jarPath.contains(nativeJarName)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Applicable platform jar: [{}]", jarPath); } JarFile jf = new JarFile(jarPath); try { Enumeration<JarEntry> jarEntries = jf.entries(); while (jarEntries.hasMoreElements()) { JarEntry je = jarEntries.nextElement(); if (!je.isDirectory() && !je.getName().contains(JAVA_META_INF)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Mapping jar entry [{}] -> [{}]", je.getName(), jarPath); } if (log.isDebugEnabled() && platformNativeIndex.containsKey(je.getName())) { log.debug("Duplicate jar entry: [{}]", je.getName()); log.debug("Mapped at: [{}]", platformNativeIndex.get(je.getName())); log.debug("Also at: [{}]", jarPath); } platformNativeIndex.put(je.getName(), jarPath); } } } finally { closeJar(jf); } } } }
public static void premain(String args, Instrumentation inst) throws Exception { try { String[] agentArgs; if (args == null) agentArgs = new String[] {""}; else agentArgs = args.split(","); if (!agentArgs[0].equals("instrumenting")) jarFileName = agentArgs[0]; BaseClassTransformer rct = null; rct = new BaseClassTransformer(); if (agentArgs[0].equals("instrumenting")) { initVMClasses = new HashSet<String>(); for (Class<?> c : inst.getAllLoadedClasses()) { ((Set<String>) initVMClasses).add(c.getName()); } } if (!agentArgs[0].equals("instrumenting")) { inst.addTransformer(rct); Tracer.setLocals(new CounterThreadLocal()); Tracer.overrideAll(true); for (Class<?> c : inst.getAllLoadedClasses()) { try { if (c.isInterface()) continue; if (c.isArray()) continue; byte[] bytes = rct.getBytes(c.getName()); if (bytes == null) { continue; } inst.redefineClasses(new ClassDefinition[] {new ClassDefinition(c, bytes)}); } catch (Throwable e) { synchronized (System.err) { System.err.println("" + c + " failed..."); e.printStackTrace(); } } } Runtime.getRuntime() .addShutdownHook( new Thread() { public void run() { Tracer.mark(); try { PrintStream ps = new PrintStream("bailout.txt"); ps.println("Bailouts: " + Tracer.getBailoutCount()); ps.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } Tracer.unmark(); } }); if ("true".equals(System.getProperty("bci.observerOn"))) Tracer.overrideAll(false); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
protected static Object[] extractMockArguments(Object[] args) { int i = 7; if (args.length > i) { Object[] mockArgs = new Object[args.length - i]; System.arraycopy(args, i, mockArgs, 0, mockArgs.length); return mockArgs; } return EMPTY_ARGS; }
private void addIndex(JarIndex index, ZipOutputStream zos) throws IOException { ZipEntry e = new ZipEntry(INDEX_NAME); e.setTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); if (flag0) { CRC32OutputStream os = new CRC32OutputStream(); index.write(os); os.updateEntry(e); } zos.putNextEntry(e); index.write(zos); zos.closeEntry(); }
public String getClasspath() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean firstPass = true; final Enumeration<File> componentEnum = this.pathComponents.elements(); while (componentEnum.hasMoreElements()) { if (!firstPass) { sb.append(System.getProperty("path.separator")); } else { firstPass = false; } sb.append(componentEnum.nextElement().getAbsolutePath()); } return sb.toString(); }
/** Generates server's keys for signature */ public void generateKeys() { Logging.getLogger().info("Generating keypair"); try { String[] pair = KeyGenerator.generateKeyPair(); myConnectInfo = new ConnectInfo("server", this.serverIp, this.serverIp, this.port, pair[1], "Server"); this.connections.add(myConnectInfo); this.signer = new Signer(pair[0]); } catch (SignatureException e) { Logging.getLogger().severe("Unable to generate keypair : " + e); System.exit(1); } }
public static void unzipInteralZip( ClassLoader classLoader, String resourcePath, File libDir, boolean debug) { if (debug) System.out.println("Extracting " + resourcePath); libDir.mkdir(); URL resource = classLoader.getResource(resourcePath); if (resource == null) { System.err.println("Could not find the " + resourcePath + " on classpath!"); System.exit(1); } class PrintDot extends TimerTask { public void run() { System.out.print("."); } } Timer timer = new Timer(); PrintDot task = new PrintDot(); timer.schedule(task, 0, 2000); try { BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(resource.openStream()); JarInputStream jis = new JarInputStream(bis); JarEntry je = null; while ((je = jis.getNextJarEntry()) != null) { java.io.File f = new java.io.File(libDir.toString() + java.io.File.separator + je.getName()); if (je.isDirectory()) { f.mkdir(); continue; } File parentDir = new File(f.getParent()); if (!parentDir.exists()) { parentDir.mkdir(); } FileOutputStream fileOutStream = new FileOutputStream(f); writeStreamTo(jis, fileOutStream, 8 * KB); if (f.getPath().endsWith("pack.gz")) { unpack(f); fileOutStream.close(); f.delete(); } } } catch (Exception exc) { task.cancel(); exc.printStackTrace(); } task.cancel(); }
public AppFrame() { super(); GlobalData.oFrame = this; this.setSize(this.width, this.height); this.toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Dimension w = toolkit.getScreenSize(); int fx = (int) w.getWidth(); int fy = (int) w.getHeight(); int wx = (fx - this.width) / 2; int wy = (fy - this.getHeight()) / 2; setLocation(wx, wy); this.tracker = new MediaTracker(this); String sHost = ""; try { localAddr = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); if (localAddr.isLoopbackAddress()) { localAddr = LinuxInetAddress.getLocalHost(); } sHost = localAddr.getHostAddress(); } catch (UnknownHostException ex) { sHost = "你的IP地址错误"; } // this.textLines[0] = "服务器正在运行."; this.textLines[1] = ""; this.textLines[2] = "你的IP地址: " + sHost; this.textLines[3] = ""; this.textLines[4] = "请打开你的手机客户端"; this.textLines[5] = ""; this.textLines[6] = "输入屏幕上显示的IP地址."; // try { URL fileURL = this.getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation(); String sBase = fileURL.toString(); if ("jar".equals(sBase.substring(sBase.length() - 3, sBase.length()))) { jar = new JarFile(new File(fileURL.toURI())); } else { basePath = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "\\res\\"; } } catch (Exception ex) { this.textLines[1] = "exception: " + ex.toString(); } }
private void fixRSNAROOT(Element server) { if (programName.equals("ISN")) { Element ssl = getFirstNamedChild(server, "SSL"); if (ssl != null) { if (System.getProperty("os.name").contains("Windows")) { ssl.setAttribute( "keystore", ssl.getAttribute("keystore").replace("RSNA_HOME", "RSNA_ROOT")); ssl.setAttribute( "truststore", ssl.getAttribute("truststore").replace("RSNA_HOME", "RSNA_ROOT")); } else { ssl.setAttribute("keystore", "${RSNA_ROOT}/conf/keystore.jks"); ssl.setAttribute("truststore", "${RSNA_ROOT}/conf/truststore.jks"); } } } }
/** Loads internal services */ private void loadInternalServices() { try { Iterator services; String servicename; String baseURL = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/" + APPLICATIONS_DIRECTORY; LucaneClassLoader loader = LucaneClassLoader.getInstance(); services = store.getServiceStore().getAllServices(); while (services.hasNext()) { ServiceConcept service = (ServiceConcept) services.next(); servicename = service.getName(); try { loader.addUrl(new URL("jar:file:///" + baseURL + servicename + ".jar!/")); String className = (new JarFile(baseURL + servicename + ".jar")) .getManifest() .getMainAttributes() .getValue("Service-Class"); if (className == null) continue; Service serv = (Service) Class.forName(className, true, loader).newInstance(); this.services.add(serv); serv.init(this); if (!service.isInstalled()) { serv.install(); service.setInstalled(); store.getServiceStore().updateService(service); } Logging.getLogger().info("Service '" + servicename + "' loaded."); this.connections.add( new ConnectInfo(servicename, serverIp, serverIp, port, "nokey", "service")); } catch (Exception e) { Logging.getLogger().warning("Unable to load service '" + servicename); } } } catch (Exception e) { Logging.getLogger().warning("Unable to load internal services : " + e); e.printStackTrace(); } }
private void adjustConfiguration(Element root, File dir) { // If this is an ISN installation and the Edge Server // keystore and truststore files do not exist, then set the configuration // to use the keystore.jks and truststore.jks files instead of the ones // in the default installation. If the Edge Server files do exist, then // delete the keystore.jks and truststore.jks files, just to avoid // confusion. if (programName.equals("ISN")) { Element server = getFirstNamedChild(root, "Server"); Element ssl = getFirstNamedChild(server, "SSL"); String rsnaroot = System.getenv("RSNA_ROOT"); rsnaroot = (rsnaroot == null) ? "/usr/local/edgeserver" : rsnaroot.trim(); String keystore = rsnaroot + "/conf/keystore.jks"; String truststore = rsnaroot + "/conf/truststore.jks"; File keystoreFile = new File(keystore); File truststoreFile = new File(truststore); cp.appendln(Color.black, "Looking for " + keystore); if (keystoreFile.exists() || truststoreFile.exists()) { cp.appendln(Color.black, "...found it [This is an EdgeServer installation]"); // Delete the default files, just to avoid confusion File ks = new File(dir, "keystore.jks"); File ts = new File(dir, "truststore.jks"); boolean ksok = ks.delete(); boolean tsok = ts.delete(); if (ksok && tsok) cp.appendln(Color.black, "...Unused default SSL files were removed"); else { if (!ksok) cp.appendln(Color.black, "...Unable to delete " + ks); if (!tsok) cp.appendln(Color.black, "...Unable to delete " + ts); } } else { cp.appendln(Color.black, "...not found [OK, this is a non-EdgeServer installation]"); ssl.setAttribute("keystore", "keystore.jks"); ssl.setAttribute("keystorePassword", "edge1234"); ssl.setAttribute("truststore", "truststore.jks"); ssl.setAttribute("truststorePassword", "edge1234"); cp.appendln( Color.black, "...SSL attributes were updated for a non-EdgeServer installation"); } } }
// If this is a new installation, ask the user for a // port for the server; otherwise, return the negative // of the configured port. If the user selects an illegal // port, return zero. private int getPort() { // Note: directory points to the parent of the CTP directory. File ctp = new File(directory, "CTP"); if (suppressFirstPathElement) ctp = ctp.getParentFile(); File config = new File(ctp, "config.xml"); if (!config.exists()) { // No config file - must be a new installation. // Figure out whether this is Windows or something else. String os = System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase(); int defPort = ((os.contains("windows") && !programName.equals("ISN")) ? 80 : 1080); int userPort = 0; while (userPort == 0) { String port = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( null, "This is a new " + programName + " installation.\n\n" + "Select a port number for the web server.\n\n", Integer.toString(defPort)); try { userPort = Integer.parseInt(port.trim()); } catch (Exception ex) { userPort = -1; } if ((userPort < 80) || (userPort > 32767)) userPort = 0; } return userPort; } else { try { Document doc = getDocument(config); Element root = doc.getDocumentElement(); Element server = getFirstNamedChild(root, "Server"); String port = server.getAttribute("port"); return -Integer.parseInt(port); } catch (Exception ex) { } } return 0; }
private boolean updateManifest(Manifest m, ZipOutputStream zos) throws IOException { addVersion(m); addCreatedBy(m); if (ename != null) { addMainClass(m, ename); } if (pname != null) { if (!addProfileName(m, pname)) { return false; } } ZipEntry e = new ZipEntry(MANIFEST_NAME); e.setTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); if (flag0) { crc32Manifest(e, m); } zos.putNextEntry(e); m.write(zos); if (vflag) { output(getMsg("out.update.manifest")); } return true; }
public static void testOutofDate() throws Exception { Workspace ws = Workspace.getWorkspace(new File("test/ws")); Project project = ws.getProject("p3"); File bnd = new File("test/ws/p3/bnd.bnd"); assertTrue(bnd.exists()); project.clean(); File pt = project.getTarget(); if (!pt.exists() && !pt.mkdirs()) { throw new IOException("Could not create directory " + pt); } try { // Now we build it. File[] files = project.build(); System.err.println(project.getErrors()); System.err.println(project.getWarnings()); assertTrue(project.isOk()); assertNotNull(files); assertEquals(1, files.length); // Now we should not rebuild it long lastTime = files[0].lastModified(); files = project.build(); assertEquals(1, files.length); assertTrue(files[0].lastModified() == lastTime); Thread.sleep(2000); project.updateModified(System.currentTimeMillis(), "Testing"); files = project.build(); assertEquals(1, files.length); assertTrue("Must have newer files now", files[0].lastModified() > lastTime); } finally { project.clean(); } }
/** * Class constructor; creates a new Installer object, displays a JFrame introducing the program, * allows the user to select an install directory, and copies files from the jar into the * directory. */ public Installer(String args[]) { // Inputs are --install-dir INSTALL_DIR for (int k = 0; k < args.length; k = k + 2) { switch (args[k]) { case "--install-dir": directory = new File(args[k + 1]); System.out.println(directory); break; case "--port": port = Integer.parseInt(args[k + 1]); break; } } cp = new Stream(); // Find the installer program so we can get to the files. installer = getInstallerProgramFile(); String name = installer.getName(); programName = (name.substring(0, name.indexOf("-"))).toUpperCase(); // Get the installation information thisJava = System.getProperty("java.version"); thisJavaBits = System.getProperty("sun.arch.data.model") + " bits"; // Find the ImageIO Tools and get the version String javaHome = System.getProperty("java.home"); File extDir = new File(javaHome); extDir = new File(extDir, "lib"); extDir = new File(extDir, "ext"); File clib = getFile(extDir, "clibwrapper_jiio", ".jar"); File jai = getFile(extDir, "jai_imageio", ".jar"); imageIOTools = (clib != null) && clib.exists() && (jai != null) && jai.exists(); if (imageIOTools) { Hashtable<String, String> jaiManifest = getManifestAttributes(jai); imageIOVersion = jaiManifest.get("Implementation-Version"); } // Get the CTP.jar parameters Hashtable<String, String> manifest = getJarManifestAttributes("/CTP/libraries/CTP.jar"); programDate = manifest.get("Date"); buildJava = manifest.get("Java-Version"); // Get the util.jar parameters Hashtable<String, String> utilManifest = getJarManifestAttributes("/CTP/libraries/util.jar"); utilJava = utilManifest.get("Java-Version"); // Get the MIRC.jar parameters (if the plugin is present) Hashtable<String, String> mircManifest = getJarManifestAttributes("/CTP/libraries/MIRC.jar"); if (mircManifest != null) { mircJava = mircManifest.get("Java-Version"); mircDate = mircManifest.get("Date"); mircVersion = mircManifest.get("Version"); } // Set up the installation information for display if (imageIOVersion.equals("")) { imageIOVersion = "<b><font color=\"red\">not installed</font></b>"; } else if (imageIOVersion.startsWith("1.0")) { imageIOVersion = "<b><font color=\"red\">" + imageIOVersion + "</font></b>"; } if (thisJavaBits.startsWith("64")) { thisJavaBits = "<b><font color=\"red\">" + thisJavaBits + "</font></b>"; } boolean javaOK = (thisJava.compareTo(buildJava) >= 0); javaOK &= (thisJava.compareTo(utilJava) >= 0); javaOK &= (thisJava.compareTo(mircJava) >= 0); if (!javaOK) { thisJava = "<b><font color=\"red\">" + thisJava + "</font></b>"; } if (directory == null) exit(); // Point to the parent of the directory in which to install the program. // so the copy process works correctly for directory trees. // // If the user has selected a directory named "CTP", // then assume that this is the directory in which // to install the program. // // If the directory is not CTP, see if it is called "RSNA" and contains // the Launcher program, in which case we can assume that it is an // installation that was done with Bill Weadock's all-in-one installer for Windows. // // If neither of those cases is true, then this is already the parent of the // directory in which to install the program if (directory.getName().equals("CTP")) { directory = directory.getParentFile(); } else if (directory.getName().equals("RSNA") && (new File(directory, "Launcher.jar")).exists()) { suppressFirstPathElement = true; } // Cleanup old releases cleanup(directory); // Get a port for the server. if (port < 0) { if (checkServer(-port, false)) { System.err.println( "CTP appears to be running.\nPlease stop CTP and run the installer again."); System.exit(0); } } // Now install the files and report the results. int count = unpackZipFile(installer, "CTP", directory.getAbsolutePath(), suppressFirstPathElement); if (count > 0) { // Create the service installer batch files. updateWindowsServiceInstaller(); updateLinuxServiceInstaller(); // If this was a new installation, set up the config file and set the port installConfigFile(port); // Make any necessary changes in the config file to reflect schema evolution fixConfigSchema(); System.out.println("Installation complete."); System.out.println(programName + " has been installed successfully."); System.out.println(count + " files were installed."); } else { System.err.println("Installation failed."); System.err.println(programName + " could not be fully installed."); } if (!programName.equals("ISN") && startRunner(new File(directory, "CTP"))) System.exit(0); }
private static void exit() { System.exit(0); }