public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { if (ae.getSource() == b1) { try { Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"); Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe", "system", "123"); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("select * from LoginForm where username=? and password=?"); String UserName = t1.getText(); String Password = jp1.getText(); ps.setString(1, UserName); ps.setString(2, Password); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); boolean flag =; if (flag) { new Main(); f.setVisible(false); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Please Enter valid Name And Password"); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error:" + e); } } else if (ae.getSource() == b2) { t1.setText(""); jp1.setText(""); } else if (ae.getSource() == b3) { f.setVisible(false); } }
public String getText() { if (this.getComponentCount() >= 2) { if (this.getComponent(2) != null) { JTextField temp = (JTextField) this.getComponent(2); return (temp.getText()); } else { return (""); } } else return (""); }
void this_keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { // debug // javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"pre"); JTextField tex = (JTextField) this.getComponent(2); this.selText = tex.getSelectedText(); // debug // System.out.println("selText:"+selText); }
/** Display the file in the text area */ private void showFile() { Scanner input = null; try { // Use a Scanner to read text from the file input = new Scanner(new File(jtfFilename.getText().trim())); // Read a line and append the line to the text area while (input.hasNext()) jtaFile.append(input.nextLine() + '\n'); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { System.out.println("File not found: " + jtfFilename.getText()); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (input != null) input.close(); } }
public void display(ResultSet rs) { try { boolean recordNumber =; if (recordNumber) { payNo = rs.getString(1); pasNo = rs.getString(2); pasName = rs.getString(3); mode = rs.getString(4); dt = rs.getString(5); amount = rs.getString(6); rev = rs.getString(7); text1.setText(payNo); combo1.setSelectedItem(pasNo); combo2.setSelectedItem(pasName); combo4.setSelectedItem(mode); p_date.setText(dt); combo8.setSelectedItem(amount); combo3.setSelectedItem(rev); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Record Not found", "ERROR", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION); } } catch (SQLException sqlex) { sqlex.printStackTrace(); } }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Object source = e.getSource(); if (source == bRes) { tname.setText(""); textra.setText(""); } else { if (it.isSelected()) field = 1; else if (civil.isSelected()) field = 2; else if (mech.isSelected()) field = 3; if (tname.getText().equals("") | textra.getText().equals("") | field == 0) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Please Fill in All Entries!!"); else { String sal = (String) cbsal.getSelectedItem(); try { // Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); // Connection conn=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:go"); Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance(); Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql:///go", "root", ""); Statement pst = conn.createStatement(); pst.executeUpdate( "Insert into company values('" + tname.getText() + "','" + textra.getText() + "','" + (String) sal + "','" + field + "','" + tusr.getText() + "','" + tpwd.getText() + "')"); conn.close(); String msg = "Your Details are Stored. Login again to View Related applicants! Thank You!!"; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, msg); setVisible(false); login ab = new login(); } catch (Exception exc) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, tname.getText() + " : " + exc); System.exit(0); } } } }
@Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // TODO action Object obj = e.getSource(); if (obj.equals(jtf) || obj.equals(textin)) { // name.setText(" 메시지 입력 "); pw.println(jtf.getText()); jtf.setText(""); } else if (obj.equals(serveropen)) { ServerOpen(); } else if (obj.equals(clientin) || obj.equals(pi)) { ClientIn(); } else if (obj.equals(conf)) { login(); } }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { try { if (ae.getSource() == b7) { rs = st.executeQuery("select count(*) from employeemaster"); if ( { t6.setText(rs.getString(1)); } rs = st.executeQuery("select * from Head"); if ( { t1.setText(rs.getString(1)); t2.setText(rs.getString(2)); t7.setText(rs.getString(3)); t4.setText(rs.getString(4)); t5.setText(rs.getString(5)); t3.setText(rs.getString(6)); } } else if (ae.getSource() == b6) { dispose(); } } catch (Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Error is" + e); } }
// Вид формы при изменении сотрудника public void sotrDiaUpdate(Sotrudnik s) { label_id_hidden.setText(Integer.toString(s.getId_sotrudnika())); textField_familiya.setText(s.getFamiliya()); textField_imya.setText(s.getImya()); textField_otchestvo.setText(s.getOtchestvo()); textField_phone.setText(s.getPhone()); textField_date.setText(s.getData_priema().toString()); comboBox_doljnost.removeAllItems(); comboBox_kvalification.removeAllItems(); try { DBClass db = new DBClass(); ArrayList<Doljnost> d = db.doljnostFromDB(); DBClass db2 = new DBClass(); Doljnost dd = db2.doljnostFromDB(s); for (int i = 0; i < d.size(); i++) { comboBox_doljnost.addItem(d.get(i)); Doljnost ddd = (Doljnost) comboBox_doljnost.getItemAt(i); if (dd.getNazvanie_doljnosti().equals(ddd.getNazvanie_doljnosti())) dd = ddd; } comboBox_doljnost.setSelectedItem(dd); DBClass db3 = new DBClass(); ArrayList<Kvalification> k = db3.kvalificationFromDB(); DBClass db4 = new DBClass(); Kvalification kk = db4.kvalificationFromDB(s); for (int i = 0; i < k.size(); i++) { comboBox_kvalification.addItem(k.get(i)); Kvalification kkk = (Kvalification) comboBox_kvalification.getItemAt(i); if (kk.getNazvanie_kvalification().equals(kkk.getNazvanie_kvalification())) kk = kkk; } comboBox_kvalification.setSelectedItem(kk); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(panelException, e.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(panelException, ee.getMessage()); } }
private void generator() { try { ResultSet rst = DBConnection.getDBConnection() .createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE) .executeQuery("SELECT Payment_No FROM Payment"); text1.setText("1000"); while ( { String s; int number = rst.getInt(1); number = number + 1; s = "" + number; text1.setText(s); int x; } } catch (Exception n) { n.printStackTrace(); } }
public void login() { String driver = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"; String url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl"; Connection con = null; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; String id, pw, sql; try { Class.forName(driver); con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "hr", "hr"); stmt = con.createStatement(); sql = "select * from chatuser where id = '" + lid.getText() + "'"; rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); if ( { pw = rs.getString(2); nick = rs.getString(3); if (lpw.getText().equals(pw)) { jd.setVisible(false); setVisible(true); } else { lpw.setText("일치하지 않습니다."); } } else { lid.setText("일치하지 않습니다."); } } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("데이터 베이스 연결 실패!!"); } finally { try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); if (con != null) con.close(); } catch (Exception e1) { System.out.println(e1.getMessage()); } } }
// --------初始化界面的方法--------- public void init() { JPanel top = new JPanel(); top.add(new JLabel("输入查询语句:")); top.add(sqlField); top.add(execBn); // 为执行按钮、单行文本框添加事件监听器 execBn.addActionListener(new ExceListener()); sqlField.addActionListener(new ExceListener()); jf.add(top, BorderLayout.NORTH); jf.setSize(680, 480); jf.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); jf.setVisible(true); }
private void copyFile() throws Exception { // Load the JDBC driver Class.forName(((String) jcboDriver.getSelectedItem()).trim()); System.out.println("Driver loaded"); // Establish a connection Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection( ((String) jcboURL.getSelectedItem()).trim(), jtfUsername.getText().trim(), String.valueOf(jtfPassword.getPassword()).trim()); System.out.println("Database connected"); // Read each line from the text file and insert it to the table insertRows(conn); }
Jf() { j.setBounds(500, 40, 500, 500); j.setVisible(true); j.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); j.setLayout(null); ImageIcon image = new ImageIcon("im1.jpg"); JLabel l = new JLabel(image); int m = image.getIconWidth(); int m1 = image.getIconHeight(); j.setResizable(false); // frame resize nahi hoga l.setBounds(0, 0, m, m1); j.add(l); l.add(linfo); l.add(lid); l.add(fid); l.add(lpass); l.add(fpass); fpass.setEchoChar('*'); l.add(blogin); l.add(bnewaccount); l.add(bforget); ImageIcon image1 = new ImageIcon("logo1.png"); JLabel limage = new JLabel(image1); l.add(limage); limage.setBounds(10, 50, 190, 130); Font f = new Font("ALGERIAN", Font.BOLD, 20); linfo.setFont(f); linfo.setBounds(40, 10, 420, 30); lid.setBounds(210, 50, 70, 30); fid.setBounds(290, 50, 150, 30); lpass.setBounds(210, 90, 70, 30); fpass.setBounds(290, 90, 150, 30); blogin.setBounds(210, 130, 100, 50); bnewaccount.setBounds(320, 130, 160, 20); bforget.setBounds(320, 160, 160, 20); blogin.setBackground(; bnewaccount.setBackground(Color.cyan); bforget.setBackground(; blogin.addActionListener(new Login()); bnewaccount.addActionListener(new Account()); bforget.addActionListener(new Forget()); }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { String str = ae.getActionCommand(); if (str.equals("Ok")) { String str1 = (String) jcmname.getSelectedItem(); Connection con = null; Statement stat = null; if (str1.equals("Pulsar") || str1.equals("CT 100") || str1.equals("Discover DTS-i") || str1.equals("Wave DTS-i")) { try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); con = DriverManager.getConnection("Jdbc:Odbc:showroom"); System.out.println("Got Connection :" + con); stat = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery("select * from vehicle"); System.out.println("chk1"); while ( { if (str1.equals(rs.getString(1))) { tfcap.setText("" + rs.getInt(2)); tfeng.setText("" + rs.getInt(3)); tfbhp.setText("" + rs.getInt(4)); tfvolt.setText("" + rs.getInt(5)); tfrpm.setText("" + rs.getInt(6)); tfweight.setText("" + rs.getInt(7)); tfgear.setText("" + rs.getInt(8)); } } stat.close(); con.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Please Choose Model Name", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } if (str.equals("can")) { this.dispose(); // new menu(1); } }
// Вид формы при добавлении нового сотрудника public void sotrDiaInsert() { label_id_hidden.setText("Новый сотрудник"); textField_familiya.setText(""); textField_imya.setText(""); textField_otchestvo.setText(""); textField_phone.setText(""); comboBox_doljnost.removeAllItems(); comboBox_kvalification.removeAllItems(); Calendar calend = Calendar.getInstance(); if (calend.get(Calendar.MONTH) <= 9) { textField_date.setText( String.valueOf( (calend.get(Calendar.YEAR) + "-" + ("0" + (1 + calend.get(Calendar.MONTH))) + "-") + (calend.get(Calendar.DATE)))); } else textField_date.setText( String.valueOf( ((calend.get(Calendar.YEAR)) + "-" + (1 + calend.get(Calendar.MONTH)) + "-") + (calend.get(Calendar.DATE)))); textField_date.setEnabled(false); try { DBClass db = new DBClass(); ArrayList<Doljnost> d = db.doljnostFromDB(); for (int i = 0; i < d.size(); i++) { comboBox_doljnost.addItem(d.get(i)); } DBClass db2 = new DBClass(); ArrayList<Kvalification> k = db2.kvalificationFromDB(); for (int i = 0; i < k.size(); i++) { comboBox_kvalification.addItem(k.get(i)); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(panelException, e.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(panelException, ee.getMessage()); } }
@Override public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Object obj = e.getSource(); if (obj.equals(jtf)) { jtf.setText(""); } else if (obj.equals(hi)) { hi.setText(""); } else if (obj.equals(pi)) { pi.setText(""); } else if (obj.equals(localport)) { localport.setText(""); } else if (obj.equals(lpw)) { lpw.setText(""); } else if (obj.equals(lid)) { lid.setText(""); } }
// event handling public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == btnok) { PreparedStatement pstm; ResultSet rs; String sql; // if no entries has been made and hit ok button throw an error // you can do this step using try clause as well if ((tf1.getText().equals("") && (tf2.getText().equals("")))) { lblmsg.setText("Enter your details "); lblmsg.setForeground(Color.magenta); } else { try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection connect = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:student_base"); System.out.println("Connected to the database"); pstm = connect.prepareStatement("insert into student_base values(?,?)"); pstm.setString(1, tf1.getText()); pstm.setString(2, tf2.getText()); // execute method to execute the query pstm.executeUpdate(); lblmsg.setText("Details have been added to database"); // closing the prepared statement and connection object pstm.close(); connect.close(); } catch (SQLException sqe) { System.out.println("SQl error"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnf) { System.out.println("Class not found error"); } } } // upon clickin button addnew , your textfield will be empty to enternext record if (e.getSource() == btnaddnew) { tf1.setText(""); tf2.setText(""); } if (e.getSource() == btnexit) { System.exit(1); } }
public NewUser() { super("Adding New User"); label1 = new JLabel("Name"); label2 = new JLabel("Category"); username = new JLabel("Username"); password = new JLabel("Password"); confirm = new JLabel("Re-enter Password"); pass1 = new JPasswordField(); pass2 = new JPasswordField(); txtusername = new JTextField(); name = new JTextField(); combo1 = new JComboBox(); button1 = new JButton("Ok", new ImageIcon("Icon/i16x16/ok.png")); button2 = new JButton("Cancel", new ImageIcon("Icon/i16x16/exit.png")); panel1 = new JPanel(new GridLayout(6, 2)); panel1.add(label1); panel1.add(name); panel1.add(label2); panel1.add(combo1); panel1.add(username); panel1.add(txtusername); panel1.add(password); panel1.add(pass1); panel1.add(confirm); panel1.add(pass2); panel1.add(button1); panel1.add(button2); combo1.addItem("Manager"); combo1.addItem("Booking Clerk"); combo1.addItem("Supervisor"); panel2 = new JPanel(); panel2.add(panel1); getContentPane().add(panel2); setSize(350, 195); setVisible(true); setLocation((screen.width - 500) / 2, ((screen.height - 350) / 2)); setResizable(false); name.addKeyListener( new KeyAdapter() { public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { char c = e.getKeyChar(); if (!(Character.isLetter(c) || (c == KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE) || (c == KeyEvent.VK_SPACE) || (c == KeyEvent.VK_DELETE))) { getToolkit().beep(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Invalid Character", "ERROR", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION); e.consume(); } } }); txtusername.addKeyListener( new KeyAdapter() { public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { char c = e.getKeyChar(); if (!(Character.isLetter(c) || (c == KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE) || (c == KeyEvent.VK_SPACE) || (c == KeyEvent.VK_DELETE))) { getToolkit().beep(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Invalid Character", "ERROR", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION); e.consume(); } } }); button1.addActionListener( new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e) { if (name.getText() == null || name.getText().equals("")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Enter name", "ERROR", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION); name.requestFocus(); return; } if (txtusername.getText() == null || txtusername.getText().equals("")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Enter username", "ERROR", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION); txtusername.requestFocus(); return; } if (pass1.getText() == null || pass1.getText().equals("")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Enter password", "ERROR", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION); pass1.requestFocus(); return; } if (pass2.getText() == null || pass2.getText().equals("")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Confirm your password", "ERROR", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION); pass2.requestFocus(); return; } if (!pass1.getText().equals(pass2.getText())) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "passwords do not match.", "ERROR", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION); pass2.requestFocus(); return; } try { Statement statement = Connect.getConnection().createStatement(); { String temp = "INSERT INTO users (Name,Category,username, password) VALUES ('" + name.getText() + "', '" + combo1.getSelectedItem() + "', '" + txtusername.getText() + "', '" + pass1.getText() + "')"; int result = statement.executeUpdate(temp); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "User is succesfully added", "SUCCESS", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION); dispose(); } } catch (Exception in) { in.printStackTrace(); } } }); button2.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { dispose(); } }); }
public void setText(String testo) { JTextField temp = (JTextField) this.getComponent(2); temp.setText(testo); }
public EchoAWT() throws UnknownHostException { super("채팅 프로그램"); // 각종 정의 h = new JPanel(new GridLayout(2, 3)); m = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); f = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); s = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); login = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); // name = new JLabel(" 사용자 이름 "); name = new JLabel(" 메세지 입력 "); jta = new JTextArea(); // clientList = new JTextArea(0, 10); clientList = new JList(); jsp = new JScrollPane(jta); list = new JScrollPane(clientList); jtf = new JTextField("입력하세요."); hi = new JTextField("HOST IP 입력"); pi = new JTextField("PORT 입력"); localport = new JTextField("원하는 PORT 입력"); lid = new JTextField("ID를 입력하세요."); lpw = new JTextField("PW를 입력하세요."); serveropen = new JButton("서버 오픈"); textin = new JButton("입력"); clientin = new JButton("서버 접속"); conf = new JButton("로그인"); join = new JButton("회원가입"); addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); // 사용자 해상도 및 창 크기 설정 및 가져오기. Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Dimension screenSize = tk.getScreenSize(); setSize(500, 500); Dimension d = getSize(); // 각종 버튼 및 텍스트 필드 리스너 jtf.addActionListener(this); hi.addActionListener(this); pi.addActionListener(this); localport.addActionListener(this); lid.addActionListener(this); lpw.addActionListener(this); conf.addActionListener(this); join.addActionListener(this); serveropen.addActionListener(this); clientin.addActionListener(this); textin.addActionListener(this); jtf.addFocusListener(this); hi.addFocusListener(this); pi.addFocusListener(this); localport.addFocusListener(this); lid.addFocusListener(this); lpw.addFocusListener(this); // 서버 접속 h.add(hi); h.add(pi); h.add(clientin); // 서버 생성 h.add(new JLabel("IP : " + addr.getHostAddress(), (int) CENTER_ALIGNMENT)); h.add(localport); h.add(serveropen); // 채팅글창 글 작성 막기 jta.setEditable(false); // 접속자 리스트 width 제한 clientList.setFixedCellWidth(d.width / 3); // 입력 창 f.add(name, "West"); f.add(jtf, "Center"); f.add(textin, "East"); // 접속자 확인창 s.add(new JLabel("접속자", (int) CENTER_ALIGNMENT), "North"); s.add(list, "Center"); // clientList.setEditable(false); // 메인 창 m.add(jsp, "Center"); m.add(s, "East"); // 프레임 설정 add(h, "North"); add(m, "Center"); add(f, "South"); // 로그인 다이얼로그 jd = new JDialog(); jd.setTitle("채팅 로그인"); jd.add(login); jd.setSize(200, 200); Dimension dd = jd.getSize(); jd.setLocation(screenSize.width / 2 - (dd.width / 2), screenSize.height / 2 - (dd.height / 2)); jd.setVisible(true); // 로그인창 JPanel lm = new JPanel(new GridLayout(4, 1)); lm.add(lid); lm.add(new Label()); lm.add(lpw); lm.add(new Label()); JPanel bt = new JPanel(); bt.add(conf); bt.add(join); login.add(new Label(), "North"); login.add(new Label(), "West"); login.add(new Label(), "East"); login.add(lm, "Center"); login.add(bt, "South"); // 창의 위치, 보임, EXIT 단추 활성화. setLocation(screenSize.width / 2 - (d.width / 2), screenSize.height / 2 - (d.height / 2)); setVisible(false); setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); }
public patientAdd(String s) { super(s); image = new JLabel() { public void paint(Graphics g) { ImageIcon ic = new ImageIcon(str); Image img = ic.getImage(); g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, 150, 150, this); } }; image.setBounds(670, 270, 300, 300); bu = new JButton("UPLOAD"); bu.setBounds(700, 230, 100, 20); bu.addActionListener(this); // q.add(bu); ldt = new JLabel("Date"); lpid = new JLabel("Patient ID"); lpnm = new JLabel("Patient Name"); lgen = new JLabel("Gender"); lbg = new JLabel("Blood Group"); lage = new JLabel("Age"); lwt = new JLabel("Weight Kg"); ladd = new JLabel("Address"); lcno = new JLabel("Cont. no."); ldnm = new JLabel("Doctor Name Dr."); lsym = new JLabel("Symptoms"); ldig = new JLabel("Diagnosis"); lfee = new JLabel("Fee Rs."); cbg = new CheckboxGroup(); cm = new Checkbox("Male", cbg, false); cm.addItemListener(this); cf = new Checkbox("Female", cbg, false); cf.setState(true); cf.addItemListener(this); tdt = new JTextField(15); tpid = new JTextField(6); tpid.addFocusListener(this); tpfnm = new JTextField("first"); tpmnm = new JTextField("middle"); tplnm = new JTextField("last"); tage = new JTextField(4); tage.addFocusListener(this); tbg = new JTextField(6); twt = new JTextField(5); tadd = new TextArea(patient.addr); tcno = new JTextField(20); tdnm = new JTextField(20); tsym = new TextArea(); tdig = new JTextField(20); tfee = new JTextField(6); tfee.addFocusListener(this); ba = new JButton("ADD"); ba.addActionListener(this); bm = new JButton("CANCEL"); bm.addActionListener(this); bd = new JButton("DELETE"); bd.addActionListener(this); bl = new JButton("DISPLAY"); bl.addActionListener(this); bs = new JButton("SEARCH"); bs.addActionListener(this); JPanel p = new JPanel(); p.add(ba); p.add(bm); // p.add(bd); // p.add(bl); // p.add(bs); add(p, BorderLayout.SOUTH); q = new JPanel(); q.setLayout(null); ldt.setBounds(1015, 20, 60, 20); q.add(ldt); tdt.setBounds(1060, 20, 170, 20); q.add(tdt); lpid.setBounds(70, 60, 80, 20); q.add(lpid); tpid.setBounds(200, 60, 60, 20); q.add(tpid); lpnm.setBounds(70, 100, 80, 20); q.add(lpnm); tpfnm.setBounds(200, 100, 100, 20); q.add(tpfnm); tpmnm.setBounds(320, 100, 100, 20); q.add(tpmnm); tplnm.setBounds(440, 100, 100, 20); q.add(tplnm); lgen.setBounds(70, 140, 60, 20); q.add(lgen); lbg.setBounds(370, 140, 80, 20); q.add(lbg); tbg.setBounds(470, 140, 60, 20); q.add(tbg); cm.setBounds(200, 140, 60, 20); cf.setBounds(280, 140, 60, 20); lage.setBounds(70, 180, 40, 20); q.add(lage); tage.setBounds(200, 180, 50, 20); q.add(tage); lwt.setBounds(370, 180, 200, 20); q.add(lwt); twt.setBounds(470, 180, 60, 20); q.add(twt); ladd.setBounds(70, 220, 60, 20); q.add(ladd); tadd.setBounds(200, 220, 350, 50); q.add(tadd); lcno.setBounds(70, 310, 60, 20); q.add(lcno); tcno.setBounds(200, 310, 120, 20); q.add(tcno); ldnm.setBounds(70, 350, 200, 20); q.add(ldnm); tdnm.setBounds(200, 350, 150, 20); q.add(tdnm); lsym.setBounds(70, 390, 100, 20); q.add(lsym); tsym.setBounds(200, 390, 300, 70); q.add(tsym); ldig.setBounds(70, 480, 60, 20); q.add(ldig); tdig.setBounds(200, 480, 100, 20); q.add(tdig); lfee.setBounds(70, 520, 200, 20); q.add(lfee); tfee.setBounds(200, 520, 40, 20); q.add(tfee); q.add(cm); q.add(cf); q.add(image); q.add(bu); add(q, BorderLayout.CENTER); addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { try { patient.con.close(); System.exit(0); } catch (Exception e8) { } } }); System.out.println(tadd.getText()); setSize(1330, 740); setVisible(true); }
public void ServerOpen() { jd.setSize(100, 100); portin = Integer.parseInt(localport.getText()); server = new ChatServer(portin); }
public void ClientIn() { hostin = hi.getText(); portin = Integer.parseInt(pi.getText()); listener = new Thread(this); listener.start(); }
public void read() { try { // patient.dt=""+tdt.getText(); = Integer.parseInt(tpid.getText()); patient.pfnm = tpfnm.getText(); patient.pmnm = tpmnm.getText(); patient.plnm = tplnm.getText(); patient.gen = cbg.getSelectedCheckbox().getLabel(); try { patient.age = Integer.parseInt(tage.getText()); tage.setText("" + patient.age); } catch (Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Invalid age inputed."); patient.age = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter valid age:")); tage.setText("" + patient.age); } try { int wet = Integer.parseInt(twt.getText()); twt.setText("" + wet); } catch (Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Invalid weight inputed."); int wet = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter valid weight:")); twt.setText("" + wet); } patient.wt = twt.getText(); patient.addr = tadd.getText(); = tadd.getText(); System.out.println(tadd.getText()); while (true) { patient.cno = tcno.getText(); if (patient.cno.length() == 10) break; else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Invalid Phone No."); patient.cno = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter valid 10-digit Phone No.:"); tcno.setText(patient.cno); } } patient.dnm = tdnm.getText(); patient.sym = tsym.getText(); System.out.println(tsym.getText()); patient.dig = tdig.getText(); try { patient.fee = Integer.parseInt(tfee.getText()); tfee.setText("" + patient.fee); } catch (Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Invalid Fee inputed."); patient.fee = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter valid Fee:")); tfee.setText("" + patient.fee); } = tbg.getText(); patient.path = str; } catch (Exception e) { } }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { // if clear button is pressed, clear all fields if (event.getSource() == clear_button) { // erase all fields taskname_field.setText(""); taskdesc_field.setText(""); priority_checkbox.setSelected(false); numberofdays_field.setText(""); // isallocatedcheckbox.setSelected(false); duedate_field.setText(""); } // if submit button is pressed, save all data onto database if (event.getSource() == submit_button) { try { { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTime(new Date()); // set to current date calendar.add( Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, Integer.parseInt(this.numberofdays_field.getText()) - 1); // add days required... then: // ^ subtract one day, because if task is created today and allocated tomorrow for one // day, // then it should be done by end of day tomorrow Date date = calendar.getTime(); // (see next *1) use this date to be the earliest // because of expected task duration /*This is a constraint * the date and the length of days that user expected to take * if not feasible then the program will say so * */ // method compares the current date and the date that was entered by the user if (this.task_idfield.getText().length() != 7 // check chars || this.taskname_field.getText().length() > 50 // check chars || this.taskdesc_field.getText().length() > 50 || ((Date) this.duedate_field.getValue()).compareTo(date) < 0 // check that the date is possible (see last *1) || this.numberofdays_field.getText().length() > 2 || this.numberofdays_field.getText().length() == 0 // check number of digits || Integer.parseInt(this.numberofdays_field.getText()) < 1) // check number of days required for task { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Task ID has to be 7 chars; " + "\n" + "Description <= 50 chars; " + "\n" + "Because the expected duration of the task is " + Integer.parseInt(this.numberofdays_field.getText()) + " days, the due date cannot be earlier than: " + new StringBuffer(new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy").format(date)).toString() + "; " + "\n" + "Task duration must be 2 digit number maximum and must be an integer greater than 0"); } else // check if taskid_field is equals to any of the fields on the database if (task_idfield.equals("")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Please insert an identification number for a task"); } else // add constraint and tell customer to enter 7 values if (taskname_field.equals("")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Please insert a name to identity the task"); } else { // get all inputs from user inputs and store in variables taskid_input = task_idfield.getText(); taskname_input = taskname_field.getText(); taskdesc_input = taskdesc_field.getText(); if (priority_checkbox.isSelected()) { priority_input = 1; } else { priority_input = 0; } // create and store date from user input date = (Date) duedate_field.getValue(); // store number of days input from user numberofdays_input = Integer.parseInt(numberofdays_field.getText()); // String[] column_names = { "Task ID", "Task Name", "Task Description", "Task // Priority", "Due Date", "Number of Days", "Is Allocated" , "Unallocateable" }; task = new Object[8]; task[0] = taskid_input; task[1] = taskname_input; task[2] = taskdesc_input; task[3] = priority_input; task[4] = date; task[5] = numberofdays_input; task[6] = 0; task[7] = 0; try { // SqlConnection.connect(); = SqlConnection.connection.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO TASK VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");, taskid_input);, taskname_input);, taskdesc_input);, priority_input);, new java.sql.Date(date.getTime()));, numberofdays_input);, 0);, 0);; // now enter skills into TASK SKILL database for (int i = 0; i < skill_list.size(); i++) { if (skill_list.get(i).isSelected()) { String skillid = skill_list.get(i).getText(); SqlConnection.statement.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO TASKSKILL VALUES ('" + taskid_input + "', '" + skillid + "')"); } }; } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } //; SqlConnection.closeConnection(); this.setVisible(false); } } } catch (Exception exc) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Check your inputs:" + "\n" + "Priority has to be a 1-digit number;" + "\n" + "Date has to be in the format dd/MM/yyyy;" + "\n" + "Task length has to be 2-digit number"); System.out.println(exc); } } // display dialog box asking task manager if they want to quit, // if task manager does not want to quit, go back to adding more tasks // if customer quits, close the dialog box and the frame // now close the window after saving }
/** Initialize the contents of the frame. */ private void initialize() { JPanel mainPanel = new JPanel(); JButton book = new JButton("Book"); mainPanel.add(book); book.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 80)); JTextField enterFlightNum = new JTextField("Enter Flight Number"); enterFlightNum.setColumns(10); enterFlightNum.setBounds(227, 251, 286, 42); mainPanel.add(enterFlightNum); JButton mainMenu = new JButton("Main Menu"); mainPanel.add(mainMenu); mainMenu.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 80)); mainMenu.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { fFrame.setVisible(false); new MainUI(c1); } }); book.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { c1.bookFlight(Integer.parseInt(enterFlightNum.getText())); ; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } }); JPanel mainPanel2 = new JPanel(); JLabel listFlights = new JLabel(); mainPanel2.add(listFlights); Connection connection; String labelText = "<html>"; try { Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); System.out.println("Driver loaded"); connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/mydb", "CIS3270", "Cis3270"); System.out.println("Connection complete"); Statement statement; statement = connection.createStatement(); String queryString = "select * from flight"; ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(queryString); while ( { labelText = labelText + rs.getString(1) + " " + rs.getString(3) + " " + rs.getString(4) + " " + rs.getString(5) + " " + rs.getString(6) + "<br>"; } } catch (Exception e) { } listFlights.setText(labelText); System.out.println(labelText); JPanel mainCombine = new JPanel(); mainCombine.add(mainPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); mainCombine.add(mainPanel2, BorderLayout.SOUTH); fFrame = new JFrame(); fFrame.setSize(1000, 800); fFrame.add(mainCombine); fFrame.setVisible(true); fFrame.setResizable(false); fFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); fFrame.getContentPane().setLayout(null); }
/** Initialize the contents of the frame. */ private void initialize() { frame = new JFrame(); frame.getContentPane().setBackground(new Color(153, 50, 204)); frame.setBounds(100, 100, 725, 547); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.getContentPane().setLayout(null); JLabel lblNewLabel = new JLabel("Username"); lblNewLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 18)); lblNewLabel.setBounds(119, 113, 146, 36); frame.getContentPane().add(lblNewLabel); textField = new JTextField(); textField.setBounds(355, 122, 153, 22); frame.getContentPane().add(textField); textField.setColumns(10); JLabel lblNewLabel_1 = new JLabel("Password"); lblNewLabel_1.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 18)); lblNewLabel_1.setBounds(119, 213, 87, 22); frame.getContentPane().add(lblNewLabel_1); JButton btnNewButton = new JButton("Back"); btnNewButton.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 22)); btnNewButton.setBounds(124, 313, 121, 36); frame.getContentPane().add(btnNewButton); JButton btnNewButton_1 = new JButton("Login"); btnNewButton_1.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { try { String query = "select * from logindetails where UserName=? and Password=?"; PreparedStatement pst = connect.prepareStatement(query); pst.setString(1, textField.getText()); pst.setString(2, passwordField.getText()); ResultSet rs = pst.executeQuery(); if ( { // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "connection successfull"); ah.setVisible(true); frame.dispose(); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "user credentials are wrong.Try again with correct credentials"); } } catch (Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e); } } }); btnNewButton_1.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 22)); btnNewButton_1.setBounds(424, 314, 97, 35); frame.getContentPane().add(btnNewButton_1); passwordField = new JPasswordField(); passwordField.setBounds(355, 215, 166, 22); frame.getContentPane().add(passwordField); JLabel lblNewLabel_2 = new JLabel("Administrator Login"); lblNewLabel_2.setForeground(new Color(128, 128, 128)); lblNewLabel_2.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 28)); lblNewLabel_2.setBounds(199, 48, 309, 34); frame.getContentPane().add(lblNewLabel_2); }
public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { int id = 0; boolean res = false; JTextField t = (JTextField) e.getSource(); if (t == tpid) { try { id = Integer.parseInt(tpid.getText()); res = patient.psearch(id); } catch (Exception e1) { } if (res) { int no, ag = 0, fee = 0; String pfn = "", bg = "", pmn = "", dt1 = "", pln = "", add = "", sym = "", dn = "", dig = "", cn = "", gender = "", wgt = ""; try { dt1 =; no =; pfn =; pmn =; pln =; gender =; ag =; wgt =; add =; cn =; dn =; sym =; dig =; fee =; bg =; dir =; s = dir; repaint(); j13 = new JLabel("OLD IMAGE"); j13.setBounds(840, 5, 300, 300); JLabel j12 = new JLabel("OLD PHOTO") { public void paint(Graphics g) { ImageIcon ic = new ImageIcon(s); Image img = ic.getImage(); g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, 150, 150, this); } }; // q.flushAll() /*ImageIcon ic=new ImageIcon(dir); JLabel j12=new JLabel("",ic,JLabel.CENTER);*/ j12.setBounds(670, 70, 300, 300); // image.setBounds(700,300,100,100); q.add(j12); q.add(j13); repaint(); System.out.println("8743t32874" + dir); } catch (Exception e2) { } if (gender.equals("Male")) cm.setState(true); else cf.setState(true); tdt.setText(dt1); tpfnm.setText(pfn); tpmnm.setText(pmn); tplnm.setText(pln); tage.setText("" + ag); tfee.setText("" + fee); tadd.setText(add); tdig.setText(dig); tdnm.setText(dn); tsym.setText(sym); tcno.setText(cn); twt.setText(wgt); tbg.setText(bg); // cm.setState(set1State()); // cf.setSelectedCheckbox(gender); ba.setEnabled(false); bm.setEnabled(true); bd.setEnabled(true); } else { if (id == 0) { bl.setEnabled(true); ba.setEnabled(false); } else ba.setEnabled(true); bm.setEnabled(false); bd.setEnabled(false); } } }
private void insertRows(Connection connection) { // Build the SQL INSERT statement String sqlInsert = "insert into " + jtfTableName.getText() + " values ("; // Use a Scanner to read text from the file Scanner input = null; // Get file name from the text field String filename = jtfFilename.getText().trim(); try { // Create a scanner input = new Scanner(new File(filename)); // Create a statement Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); System.out.println( "Driver major version? " + connection.getMetaData().getDriverMajorVersion()); // Determine if batchUpdatesSupported is supported boolean batchUpdatesSupported = false; try { if (connection.getMetaData().supportsBatchUpdates()) { batchUpdatesSupported = true; System.out.println("batch updates supported"); } else { System.out.println( "The driver is of JDBC 2 type, but " + "does not support batch updates"); } } catch (UnsupportedOperationException ex) { System.out.println("The driver does not support JDBC 2"); } // Determine if the driver is capable of batch updates if (batchUpdatesSupported) { // Read a line and add the insert table command to the batch while (input.hasNext()) { statement.addBatch(sqlInsert + input.nextLine() + ")"); } statement.executeBatch(); jlblStatus.setText("Batch updates completed"); } else { // Read a line and execute insert table command while (input.hasNext()) { statement.executeUpdate(sqlInsert + input.nextLine() + ")"); } jlblStatus.setText("Single row update completed"); } } catch (SQLException ex) { System.out.println(ex); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { System.out.println("File not found: " + filename); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (input != null) input.close(); } }