Document parseDocument(String filename) throws Exception {
   FileReader reader = new FileReader(filename);
   String firstLine = new BufferedReader(reader).readLine();
   Document document = null;
   if (firstLine.startsWith("<?xml")) {
     System.err.println("XML detected; using default XML parser.");
   } else {
     try {
       Class nekoParserClass = Class.forName("org.cyberneko.html.parsers.DOMParser");
       Object parser = nekoParserClass.newInstance();
       Method parse = nekoParserClass.getMethod("parse", new Class[] {String.class});
       Method getDocument = nekoParserClass.getMethod("getDocument", new Class[0]);
       parse.invoke(parser, filename);
       document = (Document) getDocument.invoke(parser);
     } catch (Exception e) {
       System.err.println("NekoHTML HTML parser not found; HTML4 support disabled.");
   if (document == null) {
     DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
     try { //
       factory.setFeature("", false);
     } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
       System.err.println("Warning: Could not disable external DTD loading");
     DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
     document = builder.parse(filename);
   return document;
  * @author Neil Rotstan
  * @since 1.0
 static {
   try {
     m_documentCreator = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
   } catch (ParserConfigurationException parserError) {
     throw new RuntimeException(
         "XMLManager: Unable to setup DocumentBuilder: " + parserError.getMessage());
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Performs the actual reading of an XML document and copies the values into a bean. This class uses
 * the DocumentBuilder portion of the Java XML API. It is not as efficient as SAX, but much easier
 * to deal with when copying values into beans.
 * @author Mark Wutka
 * @version 1.0 05/08/2000
 * @version 1.1 05/09/2000
 * @version 1.6 07/30/2000
class JOXBeanInput {
  /** The document builder factory used to instantiate new document builders. */
  protected static DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();

  protected static Hashtable beanCache = new Hashtable();

   * Reads an XML document from an input source and copies its values into the specified object
   * @param ob The object to receive the values
   * @param source The location of the XML document
   * @throws IOException If there is an error reading the document
  public void readObject(Object ob, InputSource source) throws IOException {
    try {
      // Create a document builder to read the document
      DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();

      // Read the document
      Document doc = builder.parse(source);

      // Get the root element
      Element element = doc.getDocumentElement();

      // Copy the root element into the bean
      readObject(ob, element);
    } catch (SAXException exc) {
      throw new IOException("Error parsing XML document: " + exc.toString());
    } catch (ParserConfigurationException exc) {
      throw new IOException("Error parsing XML document: " + exc.toString());

   * Reads the children of an XML element and matches them to properties of a bean.
   * @param ob The bean to receive the values
   * @param element The element the corresponds to the bean
   * @throws IOException If there is an error reading the document
  public void readObject(Object ob, Element element) throws IOException {
    // If the object is null, skip the element
    if (ob == null) {

    try {
      BeanInfo info = (BeanInfo) beanCache.get(ob.getClass());

      if (info == null) {
        // Get the bean info for the object
        info = Introspector.getBeanInfo(ob.getClass(), Object.class);

        beanCache.put(ob.getClass(), info);

      // Get the object's properties
      PropertyDescriptor[] props = info.getPropertyDescriptors();

      // Get the attributes of the node
      NamedNodeMap attrs = element.getAttributes();

      // Get the children of the XML element
      NodeList nodes = element.getChildNodes();

      int numNodes = nodes.getLength();

      for (int i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
        // Treat indexed properties a little differently
        if (props[i] instanceof IndexedPropertyDescriptor) {
          readIndexedProperty(ob, (IndexedPropertyDescriptor) props[i], nodes, attrs);
        } else {
          readProperty(ob, props[i], nodes, attrs);
    } catch (IntrospectionException exc) {
      throw new IOException(
          "Error getting bean info for " + ob.getClass().getName() + ": " + exc.toString());

   * Reads an XML element into a bean property by first locating the XML element corresponding to
   * this property.
   * @param ob The bean whose property is being set
   * @param desc The property that will be set
   * @param nodes The list of XML items that may contain the property
   * @throws IOException If there is an error reading the document
  public void readProperty(Object ob, PropertyDescriptor desc, NodeList nodes, NamedNodeMap attrs)
      throws IOException {
    int numAttrs = attrs.getLength();

    for (int i = 0; i < numAttrs; i++) {
      // See if the attribute name matches the property name
      if (namesMatch(desc.getName(), attrs.item(i).getNodeName())) {
        // Get the method used to set this property
        Method setter = desc.getWriteMethod();

        // If this object has no setter, don't bother writing it
        if (setter == null) continue;

        // Get the value of the property
        Object obValue = getObjectValue(desc, attrs.item(i).getNodeValue());
        if (obValue != null) {
          try {
            // Set the property value
            setter.invoke(ob, new Object[] {obValue});
          } catch (InvocationTargetException exc) {
            throw new IOException(
                "Error setting property " + desc.getName() + ": " + exc.toString());
          } catch (IllegalAccessException exc) {
            throw new IOException(
                "Error setting property " + desc.getName() + ": " + exc.toString());


    int numNodes = nodes.getLength();

    Vector arrayBuild = null;

    for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {
      Node node = nodes.item(i);

      // If this node isn't an element, skip it
      if (!(node instanceof Element)) continue;

      Element element = (Element) node;

      // See if the tag name matches the property name
      if (namesMatch(desc.getName(), element.getTagName())) {
        // Get the method used to set this property
        Method setter = desc.getWriteMethod();

        // If this object has no setter, don't bother writing it
        if (setter == null) continue;

        // Get the value of the property
        Object obValue = getObjectValue(desc, element);

        // 070201 MAW: Modified from change submitted by Steve Poulson
        if (setter.getParameterTypes()[0].isArray()) {
          if (arrayBuild == null) {
            arrayBuild = new Vector();

          // 070201 MAW: Go ahead and read through the rest of the nodes in case
          //             another one matches the array. This has the effect of skipping
          //             over the "return" statement down below

        if (obValue != null) {
          try {
            // Set the property value
            setter.invoke(ob, new Object[] {obValue});
          } catch (InvocationTargetException exc) {
            throw new IOException(
                "Error setting property " + desc.getName() + ": " + exc.toString());
          } catch (IllegalAccessException exc) {
            throw new IOException(
                "Error setting property " + desc.getName() + ": " + exc.toString());

    // If we build a vector of array members, convert the vector into
    // an array and save it in the property
    if (arrayBuild != null) {
      // Get the method used to set this property
      Method setter = desc.getWriteMethod();

      if (setter == null) return;

      Object[] obValues = (Object[]) Array.newInstance(desc.getPropertyType(), arrayBuild.size());


      try {
        setter.invoke(ob, new Object[] {obValues});
      } catch (InvocationTargetException exc) {
        throw new IOException("Error setting property " + desc.getName() + ": " + exc.toString());
      } catch (IllegalAccessException exc) {
        throw new IOException("Error setting property " + desc.getName() + ": " + exc.toString());


   * Reads XML element(s) into an indexed bean property by first locating the XML element(s)
   * corresponding to this property.
   * @param ob The bean whose property is being set
   * @param desc The property that will be set
   * @param nodes The list of XML items that may contain the property
   * @throws IOException If there is an error reading the document
  public void readIndexedProperty(
      Object ob, IndexedPropertyDescriptor desc, NodeList nodes, NamedNodeMap attrs)
      throws IOException {
    // Create a vector to hold the property values
    Vector v = new Vector();

    int numAttrs = attrs.getLength();

    for (int i = 0; i < numAttrs; i++) {
      // See if this attribute matches the property name
      if (namesMatch(desc.getName(), attrs.item(i).getNodeName())) {
        // Get the property value
        Object obValue = getObjectValue(desc, attrs.item(i).getNodeValue());

        if (obValue != null) {
          // Add the value to the list of values to be set

    int numNodes = nodes.getLength();

    for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {
      Node node = nodes.item(i);

      // Skip non-element nodes
      if (!(node instanceof Element)) continue;

      Element element = (Element) node;

      // See if this element tag matches the property name
      if (namesMatch(desc.getName(), element.getTagName())) {
        // Get the property value
        Object obValue = getObjectValue(desc, element);

        if (obValue != null) {
          // Add the value to the list of values to be set

    // Get the method used to set the property value
    Method setter = desc.getWriteMethod();

    // If this property has no setter, don't write it
    if (setter == null) return;

    // Create a new array of property values
    Object propArray = Array.newInstance(desc.getPropertyType().getComponentType(), v.size());

    // Copy the vector into the array
    v.copyInto((Object[]) propArray);

    try {
      // Store the array of property values
      setter.invoke(ob, new Object[] {propArray});
    } catch (InvocationTargetException exc) {
      throw new IOException("Error setting property " + desc.getName() + ": " + exc.toString());
    } catch (IllegalAccessException exc) {
      throw new IOException("Error setting property " + desc.getName() + ": " + exc.toString());

   * Examines a property's type to see which method should be used to parse the property's value.
   * @param desc The description of the property
   * @param element The XML element containing the property value
   * @return The value stored in the element
   * @throws IOException If there is an error reading the document
  public Object getObjectValue(PropertyDescriptor desc, Element element) throws IOException {
    // Find out what kind of property it is
    Class type = desc.getPropertyType();

    // If it's an array, get the base type
    if (type.isArray()) {
      type = type.getComponentType();

    // For native types, object wrappers for natives, and strings, use the
    // basic parse routine
    if (type.equals(Integer.TYPE)
        || type.equals(Long.TYPE)
        || type.equals(Short.TYPE)
        || type.equals(Byte.TYPE)
        || type.equals(Boolean.TYPE)
        || type.equals(Float.TYPE)
        || type.equals(Double.TYPE)
        || Integer.class.isAssignableFrom(type)
        || Long.class.isAssignableFrom(type)
        || Short.class.isAssignableFrom(type)
        || Byte.class.isAssignableFrom(type)
        || Boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(type)
        || Float.class.isAssignableFrom(type)
        || Double.class.isAssignableFrom(type)
        || String.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
      return readBasicType(type, element);
    } else if (java.util.Date.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
      // If it's a date, use the date parser
      return readDate(element);
    } else {
      try {
        // If it's an object, create a new instance of the object (it should
        // be a bean, or there will be trouble)
        Object newOb = type.newInstance();

        // Copy the XML element into the bean
        readObject(newOb, element);

        return newOb;
      } catch (InstantiationException exc) {
        throw new IOException(
            "Error creating object for " + desc.getName() + ": " + exc.toString());
      } catch (IllegalAccessException exc) {
        throw new IOException(
            "Error creating object for " + desc.getName() + ": " + exc.toString());

   * Examines a property's type to see which method should be used to parse the property's value.
   * @param desc The description of the property
   * @param value The value of the XML attribute containing the prop value
   * @return The value stored in the element
   * @throws IOException If there is an error reading the document
  public Object getObjectValue(PropertyDescriptor desc, String value) throws IOException {
    // Find out what kind of property it is
    Class type = desc.getPropertyType();

    // If it's an array, get the base type
    if (type.isArray()) {
      type = type.getComponentType();

    // For native types, object wrappers for natives, and strings, use the
    // basic parse routine
    if (type.equals(Integer.TYPE)
        || type.equals(Long.TYPE)
        || type.equals(Short.TYPE)
        || type.equals(Byte.TYPE)
        || type.equals(Boolean.TYPE)
        || type.equals(Float.TYPE)
        || type.equals(Double.TYPE)
        || Integer.class.isAssignableFrom(type)
        || Long.class.isAssignableFrom(type)
        || Short.class.isAssignableFrom(type)
        || Byte.class.isAssignableFrom(type)
        || Boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(type)
        || Float.class.isAssignableFrom(type)
        || Double.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
      return parseBasicType(type, value);
    } else if (String.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
      return value;
    } else if (java.util.Date.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
      // If it's a date, use the date parser
      return parseDate(value, JOXDateHandler.determineDateFormat());
    } else {
      return null;

   * Reads an XML text element into a basic type
   * @param type The type of the element to read
   * @param element The element containing the value
   * @return The parsed value of the element
  public static Object readBasicType(Class type, Element element) {
    // Get the text corresponding to this element
    String str = getElementString(element);

    // If there isn't any, don't parse
    if (str == null) return null;

    // If it's a string, don't need to do anything else
    if (String.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) return str;

    return parseBasicType(type, str);

   * Reads an string into a basic type
   * @param type The type of the string to read
   * @param str The string containing the value
   * @return The parsed value of the string
  public static Object parseBasicType(Class type, String str) {
    // Parse the text based on the property type

    if (type.equals(Integer.TYPE) || Integer.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
      return new Integer(str);
    } else if (type.equals(Long.TYPE) || Long.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
      return new Long(str);
    } else if (type.equals(Short.TYPE) || Short.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
      return new Short(str);
    } else if (type.equals(Byte.TYPE) || Byte.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
      return new Byte(str);
    } else if (type.equals(Boolean.TYPE) || Boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
      return new Boolean(str);
    } else if (type.equals(Float.TYPE) || Float.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
      return new Float(str);
    } else if (type.equals(Double.TYPE) || Double.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
      return new Double(str);

    return null;

   * Parses an XML element as a date
   * @param element The element containing the date
   * @return The date value parsed from the element
   * @throws IOException If there's an error parsing the date
  public Object readDate(Element element) throws IOException {
    // Get the text corresponding to this element
    String str = getElementString(element);
    String fmt = element.getAttribute("format");
    if ("".equals(fmt)) {
      return parseDate(str, JOXDateHandler.determineDateFormat());
    } else {
      return parseDate(str, new SimpleDateFormat(fmt));

   * Parses a string as a date
   * @param str The string containing the date
   * @return The date value parsed from the string
   * @throws IOException If there's an error parsing the date
  public Object parseDate(String str, DateFormat dateFormat) throws IOException {
    // If there isn't any, don't parse
    if (str == null) return null;

    try {
      return dateFormat.parse(str);
    } catch (ParseException exc) {
      throw new IOException("Error parsing date " + str);

   * Searches the children of an element looking for a Text node. If it finds one, it returns it.
   * @param element The element whose children will be searched
   * @return The text for the element, or null if there is none
  public static String getElementString(Element element) {
    NodeList nodes = element.getChildNodes();

    int numNodes = nodes.getLength();

    for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {
      Node node = nodes.item(i);

      if (node instanceof Text) {
        return ((Text) node).getData();

    return null;

   * Returns true if two names match without regard to case or the presence of '-' or '_'
   * characters.
   * @param beanName The name of the bean property to compare
   * @param elementName The name of the element to compare
   * @return True if the names match
  public static boolean namesMatch(String beanName, String elementName) {
    int beanNameLen = beanName.length();
    int elementNameLen = elementName.length();

    int elementPos = 0;
    int beanPos = 0;

    // Keep looping until you hit the end of either of the strings
    while ((elementPos < elementNameLen) && (beanPos < beanNameLen)) {
      // If the next character in the bean name is a '-' or a '/', skip it
      char beanCh = Character.toLowerCase(beanName.charAt(beanPos));
      if ((beanCh == '-') || (beanCh == '_')) {

      // If the next character in the element name is a '-' or a '/', skip it
      char elementCh = Character.toLowerCase(elementName.charAt(elementPos));
      if ((elementCh == '-') || (elementCh == '_')) {

      // If the characters don't match, the names don't match
      if (elementCh != beanCh) return false;

    // You hit the end of both names at the same time, the names match
    if ((elementPos == elementNameLen) && (beanPos == beanNameLen)) {
      return true;

    return false;
Exemplo n.º 4
public class MetatypeTest extends TestCase {
  static DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
  static XPathFactory xpathf = XPathFactory.newInstance();
  static XPath xpath = xpathf.newXPath();

  static DocumentBuilder db;

  static {
    try {
      db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
          new NamespaceContext() {

            public Iterator<String> getPrefixes(String namespaceURI) {
              return Arrays.asList("md").iterator();

            public String getPrefix(String namespaceURI) {
              return "md";

            public String getNamespaceURI(String prefix) {
              return "";
    } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
      throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(e);

  public static void testOptions() {}

   * Configuration should return null for nonprimitive properties if not defined. Now it returns 0.
   * Testcase: @OCD interface Config {
   * @ad(required = false) Integer port(); } Config config =
   *     Configurable.createConfigurable(Config.class, properties); assert config.port() == null; //
   *     property port is not set Fix: Please delete "||
   *     Number.class.isAssignableFrom(method.getReturnType())" from
   *     aQute/bnd/annotation/metatype/
  static interface C {
    @Meta.AD(required = false)
    Integer port();

  public static void testConfigurableForNonPrimitives() {
    Map<String, String> p = new HashMap<String, String>();
    C config = Configurable.createConfigurable(C.class, p);
    p.put("port", "10");
    config = Configurable.createConfigurable(C.class, p);
    assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(10), config.port()); // property port is
    // not set

  /** Test method naming options with '.' and reserved names */
  public static interface Naming {
    String secret();

    String _secret(); // .secret

    String __secret(); // _secret

    String $new(); // new

    String $$new(); // $new

    String a_b_c(); // a.b.c

    String a__b__c(); // a_b_c

    String _a__b(); // .a_b

    String $$$$$$$$a__b(); // $$$$a_b

    String $$$$$$$$a_b(); // $$$$a.b

    String a$(); // a

    String a$$(); // a$

    String a$$$(); // a$

    String a$$$$(); // a$$

    String a$$_$$(); // a$.$

    String a$$__$$(); // a$_$

    String a_$_(); // a..

    @Meta.AD(id = "secret")
    String xsecret();

    @Meta.AD(id = ".secret")
    String x_secret();

    @Meta.AD(id = "_secret")
    String x__secret(); // _secret

    @Meta.AD(id = "new")
    String x$new(); // new

    @Meta.AD(id = "$new")
    String x$$new(); // $new

    @Meta.AD(id = "a.b.c")
    String xa_b_c(); // a.b.c

    @Meta.AD(id = "a_b_c")
    String xa__b__c(); // a_b_c

    @Meta.AD(id = ".a_b")
    String x_a__b(); // .a_b

    @Meta.AD(id = "$$$$a_b")
    String x$$$$$$$$a__b(); // $$$$a_b

    @Meta.AD(id = "$$$$a.b")
    String x$$$$$$$$a_b(); // $$$$a.b

    @Meta.AD(id = "a")
    String xa$(); // a

    @Meta.AD(id = "a$")
    String xa$$(); // a$

    @Meta.AD(id = "a$")
    String xa$$$(); // a$

    @Meta.AD(id = "a$$")
    String xa$$$$(); // a$$

    @Meta.AD(id = "a$.$")
    String xa$$_$$(); // a$.$

    @Meta.AD(id = "a$_$")
    String xa$$__$$(); // a$_$

    @Meta.AD(id = "a..")
    String xa_$_(); // a..

    String noid();

    @Meta.AD(id = Meta.NULL)
    String nullid();

  public static void testNaming() throws Exception {
    Map<String, Object> map =;

    map.put("_secret", "_secret");
    map.put("_secret", "_secret");
    map.put(".secret", ".secret");
    map.put("$new", "$new");
    map.put("new", "new");
    map.put("secret", "secret");
    map.put("a_b_c", "a_b_c");
    map.put("a.b.c", "a.b.c");
    map.put(".a_b", ".a_b");
    map.put("$$$$a_b", "$$$$a_b");
    map.put("$$$$a.b", "$$$$a.b");
    map.put("a", "a");
    map.put("a$", "a$");
    map.put("a$$", "a$$");
    map.put("a$.$", "a$.$");
    map.put("a$_$", "a$_$");
    map.put("a..", "a..");
    map.put("noid", "noid");
    map.put("nullid", "nullid");

    Naming trt = Configurable.createConfigurable(Naming.class, map);

    // By name
    assertEquals("secret", trt.secret());
    assertEquals("_secret", trt.__secret());
    assertEquals(".secret", trt._secret());
    assertEquals("new", trt.$new());
    assertEquals("$new", trt.$$new());
    assertEquals("a.b.c", trt.a_b_c());
    assertEquals("a_b_c", trt.a__b__c());
    assertEquals(".a_b", trt._a__b());
    assertEquals("$$$$a.b", trt.$$$$$$$$a_b());
    assertEquals("$$$$a_b", trt.$$$$$$$$a__b());
    assertEquals("a", trt.a$());
    assertEquals("a$", trt.a$$());
    assertEquals("a$", trt.a$$$());
    assertEquals("a$.$", trt.a$$_$$());
    assertEquals("a$_$", trt.a$$__$$());
    assertEquals("a..", trt.a_$_());
    assertEquals("noid", trt.noid());
    assertEquals("nullid", trt.nullid());

    // By AD
    assertEquals("secret", trt.xsecret());
    assertEquals("_secret", trt.x__secret());
    assertEquals(".secret", trt.x_secret());
    assertEquals("new", trt.x$new());
    assertEquals("$new", trt.x$$new());
    assertEquals("a.b.c", trt.xa_b_c());
    assertEquals("a_b_c", trt.xa__b__c());
    assertEquals(".a_b", trt.x_a__b());
    assertEquals("$$$$a.b", trt.x$$$$$$$$a_b());
    assertEquals("$$$$a_b", trt.x$$$$$$$$a__b());
    assertEquals("a", trt.xa$());
    assertEquals("a$", trt.xa$$());
    assertEquals("a$", trt.xa$$$());
    assertEquals("a$.$", trt.xa$$_$$());

    Builder b = new Builder();
    b.addClasspath(new File("bin"));
    b.setProperty("Export-Package", "test.metatype");
    b.setProperty("-metatype", "*");;
    assertEquals(0, b.getErrors().size());
    assertEquals(0, b.getWarnings().size());

    Resource r = b.getJar().getResource("OSGI-INF/metatype/test.metatype.MetatypeTest$Naming.xml");
    IO.copy(r.openInputStream(), System.err);
    Document d = db.parse(r.openInputStream(), "UTF-8");
        "", d.getDocumentElement().getNamespaceURI());

  /** Test the special conversions. */
  public static class MyList<T> extends ArrayList<T> {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    public MyList() {

  static interface CollectionsTest {
    Collection<String> collection();

    List<String> list();

    Set<String> set();

    Queue<String> queue();

    // Deque<String> deque();
    Stack<String> stack();

    ArrayList<String> arrayList();

    LinkedList<String> linkedList();

    LinkedHashSet<String> linkedHashSet();

    MyList<String> myList();

  public static void testCollections() throws Exception {
    CollectionsTest trt = set(CollectionsTest.class, new int[] {1, 2, 3});
    List<String> source = Arrays.asList("1", "2", "3");

    assertTrue(trt.collection() instanceof Collection);
    assertEqualList(source, trt.collection());

    assertTrue(trt.list() instanceof List);
    assertEqualList(source, trt.list());
    assertTrue(trt.set() instanceof Set);
    assertEqualList(source, trt.set());
    assertTrue(trt.queue() instanceof Queue);
    assertEqualList(source, trt.queue());
    // assertTrue( trt.deque() instanceof Deque);
    // assertEqualList( source, trt.deque());
    assertTrue(trt.stack() instanceof Stack);
    assertEqualList(source, trt.stack());
    assertTrue(trt.arrayList() instanceof ArrayList);
    assertEqualList(source, trt.arrayList());
    assertTrue(trt.linkedList() instanceof LinkedList);
    assertEqualList(source, trt.linkedList());
    assertTrue(trt.linkedHashSet() instanceof LinkedHashSet);
    assertEqualList(source, trt.linkedHashSet());
    assertTrue(trt.myList() instanceof MyList);
    assertEqualList(source, trt.myList());

  private static void assertEqualList(List<?> a, Collection<?> b) {
    if (a.size() == b.size()) {
      for (Object x : a) {
        if (!b.contains(x))
          throw new AssertionFailedError("expected:<" + a + "> but was: <" + b + ">");
    throw new AssertionFailedError("expected:<" + a + "> but was: <" + b + ">");

  /** Test the special conversions. */
  static interface SpecialConversions {
    enum X {

    X enumv();

    Pattern pattern();

    Class<?> clazz();

    URI constructor();

  public static void testSpecialConversions() throws URISyntaxException {
    Properties p = new Properties();
    p.put("enumv", "A");
    p.put("pattern", ".*");
    p.put("clazz", "java.lang.Object");
    p.put("constructor", "");

    SpecialConversions trt =
        Configurable.createConfigurable(SpecialConversions.class, (Map<Object, Object>) p);
    assertEquals(SpecialConversions.X.A, trt.enumv());
    assertEquals(".*", trt.pattern().pattern());
    assertEquals(Object.class, trt.clazz());
    assertEquals(new URI(""), trt.constructor());

   * Test the converter.
   * @throws URISyntaxException
  public static void testConverter() throws URISyntaxException {
      // Test collections as value
      TestReturnTypes trt = set(TestReturnTypes.class, Arrays.asList(55));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new boolean[] {true}, trt.rpaBoolean()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new byte[] {55}, trt.rpaByte()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new short[] {55}, trt.rpaShort()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new int[] {55}, trt.rpaInt()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new long[] {55}, trt.rpaLong()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new float[] {55}, trt.rpaFloat()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new double[] {55}, trt.rpaDouble()));
      assertEquals(Arrays.asList(true), trt.rBooleans());
      assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new Byte((byte) 55)), trt.rBytes());
      assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new Short((short) 55)), trt.rShorts());
      assertEquals(Arrays.asList(Integer.valueOf(55)), trt.rInts());
      assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new Long(55L)), trt.rLongs());
      assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new Float(55F)), trt.rFloats());
      assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new Double(55D)), trt.rDoubles());
      assertEquals(Arrays.asList("55"), trt.rStrings());
      assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new URI("55")), trt.rURIs());

      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Boolean[] {true}, trt.raBoolean()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Byte[] {55}, trt.raByte()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Short[] {55}, trt.raShort()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Integer[] {55}, trt.raInt()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Long[] {55L}, trt.raLong()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Float[] {55F}, trt.raFloat()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Double[] {55D}, trt.raDouble()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new String[] {"55"}, trt.raString()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new URI[] {new URI("55")}, trt.raURI()));
      // Test primitive arrays as value
      TestReturnTypes trt = set(TestReturnTypes.class, new int[] {55});
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new boolean[] {true}, trt.rpaBoolean()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new byte[] {55}, trt.rpaByte()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new short[] {55}, trt.rpaShort()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new int[] {55}, trt.rpaInt()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new long[] {55}, trt.rpaLong()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new float[] {55}, trt.rpaFloat()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new double[] {55}, trt.rpaDouble()));
      assertEquals(Arrays.asList(true), trt.rBooleans());
      assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new Byte((byte) 55)), trt.rBytes());
      assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new Short((short) 55)), trt.rShorts());
      assertEquals(Arrays.asList(Integer.valueOf(55)), trt.rInts());
      assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new Long(55L)), trt.rLongs());
      assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new Float(55F)), trt.rFloats());
      assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new Double(55D)), trt.rDoubles());
      assertEquals(Arrays.asList("55"), trt.rStrings());
      assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new URI("55")), trt.rURIs());

      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Boolean[] {true}, trt.raBoolean()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Byte[] {55}, trt.raByte()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Short[] {55}, trt.raShort()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Integer[] {55}, trt.raInt()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Long[] {55L}, trt.raLong()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Float[] {55F}, trt.raFloat()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Double[] {55D}, trt.raDouble()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new String[] {"55"}, trt.raString()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new URI[] {new URI("55")}, trt.raURI()));

      // Test single value
      TestReturnTypes trt = set(TestReturnTypes.class, 55);
      assertEquals(true, trt.rpBoolean());
      assertEquals(55, trt.rpByte());
      assertEquals(55, trt.rpShort());
      assertEquals(55, trt.rpInt());
      assertEquals(55L, trt.rpLong());
      assertEquals(55.0D, trt.rpDouble());
      assertEquals(55.0F, trt.rpFloat());
      assertEquals((Boolean) true, trt.rBoolean());
      assertEquals(new Byte((byte) 55), trt.rByte());
      assertEquals(new Short((short) 55), trt.rShort());
      assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(55), trt.rInt());
      assertEquals(new Long(55L), trt.rLong());
      assertEquals(new Float(55F), trt.rFloat());
      assertEquals(new Double(55), trt.rDouble());
      assertEquals("55", trt.rString());
      assertEquals(new URI("55"), trt.rURI());
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new boolean[] {true}, trt.rpaBoolean()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new byte[] {55}, trt.rpaByte()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new short[] {55}, trt.rpaShort()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new int[] {55}, trt.rpaInt()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new long[] {55}, trt.rpaLong()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new float[] {55}, trt.rpaFloat()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new double[] {55}, trt.rpaDouble()));
      assertEquals(Arrays.asList(true), trt.rBooleans());
      assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new Byte((byte) 55)), trt.rBytes());
      assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new Short((short) 55)), trt.rShorts());
      assertEquals(Arrays.asList(Integer.valueOf(55)), trt.rInts());
      assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new Long(55L)), trt.rLongs());
      assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new Float(55F)), trt.rFloats());
      assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new Double(55D)), trt.rDoubles());
      assertEquals(Arrays.asList("55"), trt.rStrings());
      assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new URI("55")), trt.rURIs());

      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Boolean[] {true}, trt.raBoolean()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Byte[] {55}, trt.raByte()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Short[] {55}, trt.raShort()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Integer[] {55}, trt.raInt()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Long[] {55L}, trt.raLong()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Float[] {55F}, trt.raFloat()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Double[] {55D}, trt.raDouble()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new String[] {"55"}, trt.raString()));
      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new URI[] {new URI("55")}, trt.raURI()));

  static <T> T set(Class<T> interf, Object value) {
    Properties p = new Properties();
    Method ms[] = interf.getMethods();

    for (Method m : ms) {
      p.put(m.getName(), value);
    return Configurable.createConfigurable(interf, (Map<Object, Object>) p);

  /** Test enum handling */
  public static interface Enums {
    enum X {

    X r();

    X i();

    X o();

  public static void testEnum() throws Exception {
    Builder b = new Builder();
    b.addClasspath(new File("bin"));
    b.setProperty("Export-Package", "test.metatype");
    b.setProperty("-metatype", "*");;
    assertEquals(0, b.getErrors().size());
    assertEquals(0, b.getWarnings().size());

    Resource r = b.getJar().getResource("OSGI-INF/metatype/test.metatype.MetatypeTest$Enums.xml");
    IO.copy(r.openInputStream(), System.err);

    Document d = db.parse(r.openInputStream());
        "", d.getDocumentElement().getNamespaceURI());

    Properties p = new Properties();
    p.setProperty("r", "requireConfiguration");
    p.setProperty("i", "ignoreConfiguration");
    p.setProperty("o", "optionalConfiguration");
    Enums enums = Configurable.createConfigurable(Enums.class, (Map<Object, Object>) p);
    assertEquals(Enums.X.requireConfiguration, enums.r());
    assertEquals(Enums.X.ignoreConfiguration, enums.i());
    assertEquals(Enums.X.optionalConfiguration, enums.o());

  /** Test the OCD settings */
  public static interface OCDEmpty {}

  @Meta.OCD(description = "description")
  public static interface OCDDescription {}

  public static interface OCDDesignatePidOnly {}

  @Meta.OCD(factory = true)
  public static interface OCDDesignatePidFactory {}

  @Meta.OCD(id = "id")
  public static interface OCDId {}

  @Meta.OCD(id = "id")
  public static interface OCDIdWithPid {}

  @Meta.OCD(localization = "localization")
  public static interface OCDLocalization {}

  @Meta.OCD(name = "name")
  public static interface OCDName {}

  public static void testOCD() throws Exception {
    Builder b = new Builder();
    b.addClasspath(new File("bin"));
    b.setProperty("Export-Package", "test.metatype");
    b.setProperty("-metatype", "*");;
    assertEquals(0, b.getErrors().size());
    assertEquals(0, b.getWarnings().size());

        "Metatype test OCDEmpty",
        "Metatype test OCDDescription",
        "Metatype test OCDDesignate pid only",
        "Metatype test OCDDesignate pid factory",
        "Metatype test OCDId",
        "Metatype test OCDId with pid",
        "Metatype test OCDLocalization",

  static void assertOCD(
      Builder b,
      String cname,
      String id,
      String name,
      String description,
      String designate,
      boolean factory,
      String localization)
      throws Exception {
    Resource r = b.getJar().getResource("OSGI-INF/metatype/" + cname + ".xml");
    IO.copy(r.openInputStream(), System.err);
    Document d = db.parse(r.openInputStream());
    assertEquals(id, xpath.evaluate("//OCD/@id", d, XPathConstants.STRING));
    assertEquals(name, xpath.evaluate("//OCD/@name", d, XPathConstants.STRING));
        localization == null ? cname : localization,
        xpath.evaluate("//OCD/@localization", d, XPathConstants.STRING));
        description == null ? "" : description,
        xpath.evaluate("//OCD/@description", d, XPathConstants.STRING));

    if (designate == null) {
      assertEquals(id, xpath.evaluate("//Designate/@pid", d, XPathConstants.STRING));
      if (factory)
        assertEquals(id, xpath.evaluate("//Designate/@factoryPid", d, XPathConstants.STRING));
    } else {
      assertEquals(designate, xpath.evaluate("//Designate/@pid", d, XPathConstants.STRING));
      if (factory)
            designate, xpath.evaluate("//Designate/@factoryPid", d, XPathConstants.STRING));

    assertEquals(id, xpath.evaluate("//Object/@ocdref", d, XPathConstants.STRING));

  /** Test the AD settings. */
  @Meta.OCD(description = "advariations")
  public static interface TestAD {
    String noSettings();

    @Meta.AD(id = "id")
    String withId();

    @Meta.AD(name = "name")
    String withName();

    @Meta.AD(max = "1")
    String withMax();

    @Meta.AD(min = "-1")
    String withMin();

    @Meta.AD(deflt = "deflt")
    String withDefault();

    @Meta.AD(cardinality = 0)
    String[] withC0();

    @Meta.AD(cardinality = 1)
    String[] withC1();

    @Meta.AD(cardinality = -1)
    Collection<String> withC_1();

    @Meta.AD(cardinality = -1)
    String[] withC_1ButArray();

    @Meta.AD(cardinality = 1)
    Collection<String> withC1ButCollection();

    @Meta.AD(type = Meta.Type.String)
    int withInt();

    @Meta.AD(type = Meta.Type.Integer)
    String withString();

    @Meta.AD(description = "description_xxx\"xxx'xxx")
    String a();

    @Meta.AD(optionValues = {"a", "b"})
    String valuesOnly();

        optionValues = {"a", "b"},
        optionLabels = {"A", "B"})
    String labelsAndValues();

    @Meta.AD(required = true)
    String required();

    @Meta.AD(required = false)
    String notRequired();

  public static void testAD() throws Exception {
    Builder b = new Builder();
    b.addClasspath(new File("bin"));
    b.setProperty("Export-Package", "test.metatype");
    b.setProperty("-metatype", "*");;
    Resource r = b.getJar().getResource("OSGI-INF/metatype/test.metatype.MetatypeTest$TestAD.xml");
    assertEquals(0, b.getErrors().size());
    assertEquals(0, b.getWarnings().size());
    IO.copy(r.openInputStream(), System.err);

    Document d = db.parse(r.openInputStream());

        "No settings",
    assertAD(d, "withId", "With id", "id", null, null, null, 0, "String", null, null, null);
    assertAD(d, "name", "name", "withName", null, null, null, 0, "String", null, null, null);
    assertAD(d, "withMax", "With max", "withMax", null, "1", null, 0, "String", null, null, null);
    assertAD(d, "withMin", "With min", "withMin", "-1", null, null, 0, "String", null, null, null);
    assertAD(d, "withC1", "With c1", "withC1", null, null, null, 1, "String", null, null, null);
        d, "withC0", "With c0", "withC0", null, null, null, 2147483647, "String", null, null, null);
    assertAD(d, "withC_1", "With c 1", "withC.1", null, null, null, -1, "String", null, null, null);
        "With c 1 but array",
        "With c1 but collection",
    assertAD(d, "withInt", "With int", "withInt", null, null, null, 0, "String", null, null, null);
        "With string",
        d, "a", "A", "a", null, null, null, 0, "String", "description_xxx\"xxx'xxx", null, null);
        "Values only",
        new String[] {"a", "b"},
        new String[] {"a", "b"});
        "Labels and values",
        new String[] {"a", "b"},
        new String[] {"A", "A"});

  /** Test the AD inheritance. */
  @Meta.OCD(description = "adinheritance-super-one")
  public static interface TestADWithInheritanceSuperOne {
    String fromSuperOne();

  @Meta.OCD(description = "adinheritance-super")
  public static interface TestADWithInheritanceSuperTwo {
    String fromSuperTwo();

  @Meta.OCD(description = "adinheritance-child")
  public static interface TestADWithInheritanceChild
      extends TestADWithInheritanceSuperOne, TestADWithInheritanceSuperTwo {
    String fromChild();

  public static void testADWithInheritance() throws Exception {
    Builder b = new Builder();
    b.addClasspath(new File("bin"));
    b.setProperty("Export-Package", "test.metatype");
    b.setProperty("-metatype", "*");
    b.setProperty("-metatype-inherit", "true");;
    Resource r =
    assertEquals(0, b.getErrors().size());
    assertEquals(0, b.getWarnings().size());
    IO.copy(r.openInputStream(), System.err);

    Document d = db.parse(r.openInputStream());

        d, "fromChild", "From child", "fromChild", null, null, null, 0, "String", null, null, null);
        "From super one",
        "From super two",

  static void assertAD(
      Document d,
      @SuppressWarnings("unused") String mname,
      String name,
      String id,
      String min,
      String max,
      String deflt,
      int cardinality,
      String type,
      String description,
      @SuppressWarnings("unused") String[] optionvalues,
      @SuppressWarnings("unused") String optionLabels[])
      throws XPathExpressionException {
        name, xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='" + id + "']/@name", d, XPathConstants.STRING));
    assertEquals(id, xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='" + id + "']/@id", d, XPathConstants.STRING));
        min == null ? "" : min,
        xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='" + id + "']/@min", d, XPathConstants.STRING));
        max == null ? "" : max,
        xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='" + id + "']/@max", d, XPathConstants.STRING));
        deflt == null ? "" : deflt,
        xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='" + id + "']/@deflt", d, XPathConstants.STRING));
        cardinality + "",
        xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='" + id + "']/@cardinality", d, XPathConstants.STRING));
        type, xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='" + id + "']/@type", d, XPathConstants.STRING));
        description == null ? "" : description,
        xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='" + id + "']/@description", d, XPathConstants.STRING));

  /** Test all the return types. */
  @Meta.OCD(description = "simple", name = "TestSimple")
  public static interface TestReturnTypes {
    boolean rpBoolean();

    byte rpByte();

    char rpCharacter();

    short rpShort();

    int rpInt();

    long rpLong();

    float rpFloat();

    double rpDouble();

    Boolean rBoolean();

    Byte rByte();

    Character rCharacter();

    Short rShort();

    Integer rInt();

    Long rLong();

    Float rFloat();

    Double rDouble();

    String rString();

    URI rURI();

    boolean[] rpaBoolean();

    byte[] rpaByte();

    char[] rpaCharacter();

    short[] rpaShort();

    int[] rpaInt();

    long[] rpaLong();

    float[] rpaFloat();

    double[] rpaDouble();

    Collection<Boolean> rBooleans();

    Collection<Byte> rBytes();

    Collection<Character> rCharacters();

    Collection<Short> rShorts();

    Collection<Integer> rInts();

    Collection<Long> rLongs();

    Collection<Float> rFloats();

    Collection<Double> rDoubles();

    Collection<String> rStrings();

    Collection<URI> rURIs();

    Boolean[] raBoolean();

    Byte[] raByte();

    Character[] raCharacter();

    Short[] raShort();

    Integer[] raInt();

    Long[] raLong();

    Float[] raFloat();

    Double[] raDouble();

    String[] raString();

    URI[] raURI();

  public static void testReturnTypes() throws Exception {
    Builder b = new Builder();
    b.addClasspath(new File("bin"));
    b.setProperty("Export-Package", "test.metatype");
    b.setProperty("-metatype", "*");;
    Resource r =
    assertEquals(0, b.getErrors().size());
    assertEquals(0, b.getWarnings().size());
    IO.copy(r.openInputStream(), System.err);

    Document d = db.parse(r.openInputStream());
        "", d.getDocumentElement().getNamespaceURI());
    // Primitives
    assertEquals("Boolean", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rpBoolean']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("Byte", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rpByte']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("Character", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rpCharacter']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("Short", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rpShort']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("Integer", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rpInt']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("Long", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rpLong']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("Float", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rpFloat']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("Double", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rpDouble']/@type", d));

    // Primitive Wrappers
    assertEquals("Boolean", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rBoolean']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("Byte", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rByte']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("Character", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rCharacter']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("Short", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rShort']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("Integer", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rInt']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("Long", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rLong']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("Float", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rFloat']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("Double", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rDouble']/@type", d));

    // Primitive Arrays
    assertEquals("Boolean", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rpaBoolean']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("Byte", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rpaByte']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("Character", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rpaCharacter']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("Short", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rpaShort']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("Integer", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rpaInt']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("Long", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rpaLong']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("Float", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rpaFloat']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("Double", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rpaDouble']/@type", d));

    assertEquals("2147483647", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rpaBoolean']/@cardinality", d));
    assertEquals("2147483647", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rpaByte']/@cardinality", d));
    assertEquals("2147483647", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rpaCharacter']/@cardinality", d));
    assertEquals("2147483647", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rpaShort']/@cardinality", d));
    assertEquals("2147483647", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rpaInt']/@cardinality", d));
    assertEquals("2147483647", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rpaLong']/@cardinality", d));
    assertEquals("2147483647", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rpaFloat']/@cardinality", d));
    assertEquals("2147483647", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rpaDouble']/@cardinality", d));

    // Wrapper + Object arrays
    assertEquals("Boolean", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='raBoolean']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("Byte", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='raByte']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("Character", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='raCharacter']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("Short", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='raShort']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("Integer", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='raInt']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("Long", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='raLong']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("Float", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='raFloat']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("Double", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='raDouble']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("String", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='raString']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("String", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='raURI']/@type", d));

    assertEquals("2147483647", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='raBoolean']/@cardinality", d));
    assertEquals("2147483647", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='raByte']/@cardinality", d));
    assertEquals("2147483647", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='raCharacter']/@cardinality", d));
    assertEquals("2147483647", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='raShort']/@cardinality", d));
    assertEquals("2147483647", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='raInt']/@cardinality", d));
    assertEquals("2147483647", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='raLong']/@cardinality", d));
    assertEquals("2147483647", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='raFloat']/@cardinality", d));
    assertEquals("2147483647", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='raDouble']/@cardinality", d));
    assertEquals("2147483647", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='raString']/@cardinality", d));
    assertEquals("2147483647", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='raURI']/@cardinality", d));

    // Wrapper + Object collections
    assertEquals("Boolean", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rBooleans']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("Byte", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rBytes']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("Character", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rCharacter']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("Short", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rShorts']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("Integer", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rInts']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("Long", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rLongs']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("Float", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rFloats']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("Double", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rDoubles']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("String", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rStrings']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("String", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rURIs']/@type", d));

    assertEquals("-2147483648", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rBooleans']/@cardinality", d));
    assertEquals("-2147483648", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rBytes']/@cardinality", d));
    assertEquals("-2147483648", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rCharacters']/@cardinality", d));
    assertEquals("-2147483648", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rShorts']/@cardinality", d));
    assertEquals("-2147483648", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rInts']/@cardinality", d));
    assertEquals("-2147483648", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rLongs']/@cardinality", d));
    assertEquals("-2147483648", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rFloats']/@cardinality", d));
    assertEquals("-2147483648", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rDoubles']/@cardinality", d));
    assertEquals("-2147483648", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rStrings']/@cardinality", d));
    assertEquals("-2147483648", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='rURIs']/@cardinality", d));

   * Test simple
   * @author aqute
  @Meta.OCD(description = "simple", name = "TestSimple")
  public static interface TestSimple {
    String simple();

    String[] notSoSimple();

    Collection<String> stringCollection();

    @Meta.AD(deflt = "true")
    boolean enabled();

  public static void testSimple() throws Exception {
    Builder b = new Builder();
    b.addClasspath(new File("bin"));
    b.setProperty("Export-Package", "test.metatype");
    b.setProperty("-metatype", "*");;
    Resource r =
    assertEquals(0, b.getErrors().size());
    assertEquals(0, b.getWarnings().size());
    IO.copy(r.openInputStream(), System.err);

    Document d = db.parse(r.openInputStream());

    assertEquals("TestSimple", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/@name", d));
    assertEquals("simple", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/@description", d));
    assertEquals("test.metatype.MetatypeTest$TestSimple", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/@id", d));
    assertEquals("test.metatype.MetatypeTest$TestSimple", xpath.evaluate("//Designate/@pid", d));
    assertEquals("test.metatype.MetatypeTest$TestSimple", xpath.evaluate("//Object/@ocdref", d));
    assertEquals("simple", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='simple']/@id", d));
    assertEquals("Simple", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='simple']/@name", d));
    assertEquals("String", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='simple']/@type", d));
    assertEquals("true", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='notSoSimple']/@required", d));
     * <p>Using the Bnd annotations library (1.52.3), the generated metatype file will have
     * required='false' for all fields annotated with @Meta.AD(). When this annotation is omitted,
     * or when the required property is explicitly set, the field is correctly marked as required.
     * Taking a glance at the code, the bug appears to be due to aQute.bnd.osgi.Annotation using
     * aQute.bnd.annotation.metatype.Configurable internally for bridging Bnd-annotations to
     * Java-annotations. This configurable only obtains the values from the Bnd-annotation, omitting
     * the defaults defined in the Java annotation. The workaround is to explicitly mention the
     * required property on each field annotated with @Meta.AD.
    assertEquals("true", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='simple']/@required", d));
        Integer.MAX_VALUE + "", xpath.evaluate("//OCD/AD[@id='notSoSimple']/@cardinality", d));

   * Example Configuration:
   * <pre>
   *  @Meta.AD(required = false, type = Type.Boolean, deflt = "false")
   *  boolean enabled();
   * It appears that in the configurable class that this logic
   * if (resultType == boolean.class || resultType == Boolean.class) {
   *         if ( actualType == boolean.class || actualType ==   Boolean.class)
   *             return o;
   *         if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(actualType)) {
   *             double b = ((Number) o).doubleValue();
   *             if (b == 0)
   *                 return false;
   *             else
   *                 return true;
   *         }
   *         return true;
   * </pre>
   * Does not perform as expected. The deflt value from the configuration interface will always be a
   * string, and the value is never parsed, therefore the third if statement is basically
   * unreachable for a default value. Additionally the default behavior of returning true is
   * unexpected because default values for booleans is false, configuration admin would use false
   * for anything NOT equal, ignore case "true", so why would this be true, and how could that
   * assumption even be made when, at least in the aforementioned case of the default value, the
   * incoming value isn't processed(parsed, or in someway checked for actual content). Note that per
   * documentation available an number value was tried for the deflt, ie "0", but again the value
   * isn't processed so this had no effect.
  static interface DefaultBoolean {
    @Meta.AD(deflt = "true", required = false)
    boolean istrue();

    @Meta.AD(deflt = "FALSE", required = false)
    boolean isfalse();

    @Meta.AD(required = false)
    boolean isAlsoFalse();

  public static void testConfigurable() {
    Map<String, Object> ht = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
    DefaultBoolean db = Configurable.createConfigurable(DefaultBoolean.class, ht);