Exemplo n.º 1
 private Filter newInstance(API api) throws Exception {
   for (Constructor c : api.filter().getDeclaredConstructors()) {
     Class[] ps = c.getParameterTypes();
     if (ps.length == 1 && RequestArguments.class.isAssignableFrom(ps[0]))
       return (Filter) c.newInstance(this);
   for (Constructor c : api.filter().getDeclaredConstructors()) {
     Class[] ps = c.getParameterTypes();
     if (ps.length == 0) return (Filter) c.newInstance();
   throw new Exception("Class " + api.filter().getName() + " must have an empty constructor");
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Add at least the first sentence from a doc block to the API. This is used by the report
  * generator if no comment is provided. Need to make sure that HTML tags are not confused with XML
  * tags. This could be done by stuffing the < character to another string or by handling HTML
  * in the parser. This second option seems neater. Note that XML expects all element tags to have
  * either a closing "/>" or a matching end element tag. Due to the difficulties of converting
  * incorrect HTML to XHTML, the first option is used.
 public void addDocumentation(ProgramElementDoc ped, int indent) {
   String rct = ((Doc) ped).getRawCommentText();
   if (rct != null) {
     rct = stripNonPrintingChars(rct, (Doc) ped);
     rct = rct.trim();
     if (rct.compareTo("") != 0
         && rct.indexOf(Comments.placeHolderText) == -1
         && rct.indexOf("InsertOtherCommentsHere") == -1) {
       int idx = endOfFirstSentence(rct);
       if (idx == 0) return;
       for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) outputFile.print(" ");
       for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) outputFile.print(" ");
       String firstSentence = null;
       if (idx == -1) firstSentence = rct;
       else firstSentence = rct.substring(0, idx + 1);
       boolean checkForAts = false;
       if (checkForAts
           && firstSentence.indexOf("@") != -1
           && firstSentence.indexOf("@link") == -1) {
         System.out.println("Warning: @ tag seen in comment: " + firstSentence);
       String firstSentenceNoTags = API.stuffHTMLTags(firstSentence);
       for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) outputFile.print(" ");
Exemplo n.º 3
 private Validator newValidator(API api) throws Exception {
   for (Constructor c : api.validator().getDeclaredConstructors()) {
     Class[] ps = c.getParameterTypes();
     return (Validator) c.newInstance();
   return null;
Exemplo n.º 4
   * Add qualifiers for the program element as attributes.
   * @param ped The given program element.
  public void addCommonModifiers(ProgramElementDoc ped, int indent) {
    addSourcePosition(ped, indent);
    // Static and final and visibility on one line
    for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) outputFile.print(" ");
    outputFile.print("static=\"" + ped.isStatic() + "\"");
    outputFile.print(" final=\"" + ped.isFinal() + "\"");
    // Visibility
    String visibility = null;
    if (ped.isPublic()) visibility = "public";
    else if (ped.isProtected()) visibility = "protected";
    else if (ped.isPackagePrivate()) visibility = "package";
    else if (ped.isPrivate()) visibility = "private";
    outputFile.println(" visibility=\"" + visibility + "\"");

    // Deprecation on its own line
    for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) outputFile.print(" ");
    boolean isDeprecated = false;
    Tag[] ta = ((Doc) ped).tags("deprecated");
    if (ta.length != 0) {
      isDeprecated = true;
    if (ta.length > 1) {
          "JDiff: warning: multiple @deprecated tags found in comments for "
              + ped.name()
              + ". Using the first one only.");
      System.out.println("Text is: " + ((Doc) ped).getRawCommentText());
    if (isDeprecated) {
      String text = ta[0].text(); // Use only one @deprecated tag
      if (text != null && text.compareTo("") != 0) {
        int idx = endOfFirstSentence(text);
        if (idx == 0) {
          // No useful comment
          outputFile.print("deprecated=\"deprecated, no comment\"");
        } else {
          String fs = null;
          if (idx == -1) fs = text;
          else fs = text.substring(0, idx + 1);
          String st = API.hideHTMLTags(fs);
          outputFile.print("deprecated=\"" + st + "\"");
      } else {
        outputFile.print("deprecated=\"deprecated, no comment\"");
    } else {
      outputFile.print("deprecated=\"not deprecated\"");
  } // addQualifiers()
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Add at least the first sentence from a doc block for a package to the API. This is used by the
  * report generator if no comment is provided. The default source tree may not include the
  * package.html files, so this may be unavailable in many cases. Need to make sure that HTML tags
  * are not confused with XML tags. This could be done by stuffing the &lt; character to another
  * string or by handling HTML in the parser. This second option is neater. Note that XML expects
  * all element tags to have either a closing "/>" or a matching end element tag. Due to the
  * difficulties of converting incorrect HTML to XHTML, the first option is used.
 public void addPkgDocumentation(RootDoc root, PackageDoc pd, int indent) {
   String rct = null;
   String filename = pd.name();
   try {
     // See if the source path was specified as part of the
     // options and prepend it if it was.
     String srcLocation = null;
     String[][] options = root.options();
     for (int opt = 0; opt < options.length; opt++) {
       if ((options[opt][0]).compareTo("-sourcepath") == 0) {
         srcLocation = options[opt][1];
     filename = filename.replace('.', JDiff.DIR_SEP.charAt(0));
     if (srcLocation != null) {
       // Make a relative location absolute
       if (srcLocation.startsWith("..")) {
         String curDir = System.getProperty("user.dir");
         while (srcLocation.startsWith("..")) {
           srcLocation = srcLocation.substring(3);
           int idx = curDir.lastIndexOf(JDiff.DIR_SEP);
           curDir = curDir.substring(0, idx + 1);
         srcLocation = curDir + srcLocation;
       filename = srcLocation + JDiff.DIR_SEP + filename;
     // Try both ".htm" and ".html"
     filename += JDiff.DIR_SEP + "package.htm";
     File f2 = new File(filename);
     if (!f2.exists()) {
       filename += "l";
     FileInputStream f = new FileInputStream(filename);
     BufferedReader d = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(f));
     String str = d.readLine();
     // Ignore everything except the lines between <body> elements
     boolean inBody = false;
     while (str != null) {
       if (!inBody) {
         if (str.toLowerCase().trim().startsWith("<body")) {
           inBody = true;
         str = d.readLine(); // Get the next line
         continue; // Ignore the line
       } else {
         if (str.toLowerCase().trim().startsWith("</body")) {
           inBody = false;
           continue; // Ignore the line
       if (rct == null) rct = str + "\n";
       else rct += str + "\n";
       str = d.readLine();
   } catch (java.io.FileNotFoundException e) {
     // If it doesn't exist, that's fine
     if (trace) System.out.println("No package level documentation file at '" + filename + "'");
   } catch (java.io.IOException e) {
     System.out.println("Error reading file \"" + filename + "\": " + e.getMessage());
   if (rct != null) {
     rct = stripNonPrintingChars(rct, (Doc) pd);
     rct = rct.trim();
     if (rct.compareTo("") != 0
         && rct.indexOf(Comments.placeHolderText) == -1
         && rct.indexOf("InsertOtherCommentsHere") == -1) {
       int idx = endOfFirstSentence(rct);
       if (idx == 0) return;
       for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) outputFile.print(" ");
       for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) outputFile.print(" ");
       String firstSentence = null;
       if (idx == -1) firstSentence = rct;
       else firstSentence = rct.substring(0, idx + 1);
       String firstSentenceNoTags = API.stuffHTMLTags(firstSentence);
       for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) outputFile.print(" ");
Exemplo n.º 6
 static boolean isInput(API api) {
   return api.filter() != Filter.class || api.filters().length != 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
  /** Iterates over fields and their annotations, and creates argument handlers. */
  protected void registered(API_VERSION version) {
    try {
      ArrayList<Class> classes = new ArrayList<Class>();
        Class c = getClass();
        while (c != null) {
          c = c.getSuperclass();
      // Fields from parent classes first
      ArrayList<Field> fields = new ArrayList<Field>();
      for (Class c : classes)
        for (Field field : c.getDeclaredFields())
          if (!Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers())) fields.add(field);

      // TODO remove map, response field already processed specifically
      HashMap<String, FrameClassVec> classVecs = new HashMap<String, FrameClassVec>();
      for (Field f : fields) {
        Annotation[] as = f.getAnnotations();
        API api = find(as, API.class);

        if (api != null && Helper.isInput(api)) {
          Object defaultValue = f.get(this);

          // Create an Argument instance to reuse existing Web framework for now
          Argument arg = null;

          // Simplest case, filter is an Argument
          if (Argument.class.isAssignableFrom(api.filter())) {
            arg = (Argument) newInstance(api);

          else if (ColumnSelect.class.isAssignableFrom(api.filter())) {
            ColumnSelect name = (ColumnSelect) newInstance(api);
            H2OHexKey key = null;
            for (Argument a : _arguments)
              if (a instanceof H2OHexKey && name._ref.equals(((H2OHexKey) a)._name))
                key = (H2OHexKey) a;
            arg = new HexAllColumnSelect(f.getName(), key);

          else if (Dependent.class.isAssignableFrom(api.filter())) {
            Dependent d = (Dependent) newInstance(api);
            Argument ref = find(d._ref);
            if (d instanceof VecSelect) arg = new FrameKeyVec(f.getName(), (TypeaheadKey) ref);
            else if (d instanceof VecClassSelect) {
              arg = new FrameClassVec(f.getName(), (TypeaheadKey) ref);
              classVecs.put(d._ref, (FrameClassVec) arg);
            } else if (d instanceof MultiVecSelect) {
              FrameClassVec response = classVecs.get(d._ref);
              boolean names = ((MultiVecSelect) d)._namesOnly;
              arg =
                  new FrameKeyMultiVec(
                      f.getName(), (TypeaheadKey) ref, response, api.help(), names);
            } else if (d instanceof DoClassBoolean) {
              FrameClassVec response = classVecs.get(d._ref);
              arg = new ClassifyBool(f.getName(), response);

          // String
          else if (f.getType() == String.class) arg = new Str(f.getName(), (String) defaultValue);

          // Real
          else if (f.getType() == float.class || f.getType() == double.class) {
            double val = ((Number) defaultValue).doubleValue();
            arg = new Real(f.getName(), api.required(), val, api.dmin(), api.dmax(), api.help());

          // LongInt
          else if (f.getType() == int.class || f.getType() == long.class) {
            long val = ((Number) defaultValue).longValue();
            arg = new LongInt(f.getName(), api.required(), val, api.lmin(), api.lmax(), api.help());

          // RSeq
          else if (f.getType() == int[].class) {
            int[] val = (int[]) defaultValue;
            double[] ds = null;
            if (val != null) {
              ds = new double[val.length];
              for (int i = 0; i < ds.length; i++) ds[i] = val[i];
            arg =
                new RSeq(
                    new NumberSequence(ds, null, true),

          // RSeq
          else if (f.getType() == double[].class) {
            double[] val = (double[]) defaultValue;
            arg =
                new RSeq(
                    new NumberSequence(val, null, false),

          // Bool
          else if (f.getType() == boolean.class && api.filter() == Default.class) {
            boolean val = (Boolean) defaultValue;
            arg = new Bool(f.getName(), val, api.help());

          // Enum
          else if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(f.getType())) {
            Enum val = (Enum) defaultValue;
            arg = new EnumArgument(f.getName(), val);

          // Key
          else if (f.getType() == Key.class) {
            TypeaheadKey t = new TypeaheadKey();
            t._defaultValue = (Key) defaultValue;
            arg = t;

          // Generic Freezable field
          else if (Freezable.class.isAssignableFrom(f.getType()))
            arg = new TypeaheadKey(f.getType(), api.required());

          if (arg != null) {
            arg._name = f.getName();
            arg._displayName = api.displayName().length() > 0 ? api.displayName() : null;
            arg._required = api.required();
            arg._field = f;
            arg._hideInQuery = api.hide();
            arg._gridable = api.gridable();
            arg._mustExist = api.mustExist();
            arg._validator = newValidator(api);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);