public void updateDB(String[] al) { for (int i = 0; i < al.length; i++) { String s = al[i]; File f = new File(s); Status.getStatus().setStringStatus("Updating folder " + s); if (f.exists()) { Logger.getLogger().log("MediaIndexer.updateDB updating " + s); processMTRoot(s); } else { System.out.println("MediaIndexer.updateDB path " + s + " not reachable, ignoring"); } } Status.getStatus().setStringStatus(Status.IDLE); }
private Tweet getTweetObjectFromStatus(Status status) { Tweet tweet = new Tweet(); tweet.setId(Long.toString(status.getId())); tweet.setText(status.getText()); tweet.setCreatedAt(status.getCreatedAt()); tweet.setFavCount(status.getFavoriteCount()); User user = status.getUser(); tweet.setUserId(user.getId()); tweet.setUserName(user.getName()); tweet.setUserScreenName(user.getScreenName()); HashtagEntity[] hashtagEntities = status.getHashtagEntities(); List<String> hashtags = new ArrayList<String>(); for (HashtagEntity hashtagEntity : hashtagEntities) { hashtags.add(hashtagEntity.getText()); } tweet.setHashTags(hashtags.toArray(new String[hashtags.size()])); GeoLocation geoLocation = status.getGeoLocation(); if (geoLocation != null) { double[] coordinates = {geoLocation.getLongitude(), geoLocation.getLatitude()}; tweet.setCoordinates(coordinates); } return tweet; }
public void analyseData(ByteBuffer bb) { byte[] buff = new byte[bb.remaining()]; bb.get(buff); String receiveData = new String(buff); String so1 = receiveData.substring(0, 1); String so2 = receiveData.substring(1, 2); int o1 = Integer.parseInt(so1); int o2 = Integer.parseInt(so2); switch (o1) { case 1: switch (o2) { case 0: Status.printStatus(receiveData.substring(2)); break; case 1: Commentary.analyseCommentary(receiveData.substring(2)); } break; case 2: switch (o2) { case 0: System.out.println(receiveData.substring(2)); Friends.analyseFriendsRequest(receiveData.substring(2)); break; case 1: // Réponse amis + envoi liste d'amis + status break; case 2: // Refus break; case 3: // Demande liste d'amis break; case 4: // Envoi liste d'amis break; } break; case 3: switch (o2) { case 0: // Demande status break; case 1: // Envoi status break; } break; case 4: switch (o2) { case 0: // image status break; case 1: // image profile break; } break; } }
/** * Post a file to the server. The different elements of the post are encoded in the specified * message. * * @param message The message that contains the post information. * @throws SWORDClientException if there is an error during the post operation. */ public DepositResponse postFile(PostMessage message) throws SWORDClientException { if (message == null) { throw new SWORDClientException("Message cannot be null."); } PostMethod httppost = new PostMethod(message.getDestination()); if (doAuthentication) { setBasicCredentials(username, password); httppost.setDoAuthentication(true); } DepositResponse response = null; String messageBody = ""; try { if (message.isUseMD5()) { String md5 = ChecksumUtils.generateMD5(message.getFilepath()); if (message.getChecksumError()) { md5 = "1234567890"; } log.debug("checksum error is: " + md5); if (md5 != null) { httppost.addRequestHeader(new Header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_MD5, md5)); } } String filename = message.getFilename(); if (!"".equals(filename)) { httppost.addRequestHeader( new Header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, " filename=" + filename)); } if (containsValue(message.getSlug())) { httppost.addRequestHeader(new Header(HttpHeaders.SLUG, message.getSlug())); } if (message.getCorruptRequest()) { // insert a header with an invalid boolean value httppost.addRequestHeader(new Header(HttpHeaders.X_NO_OP, "Wibble")); } else { httppost.addRequestHeader( new Header(HttpHeaders.X_NO_OP, Boolean.toString(message.isNoOp()))); } httppost.addRequestHeader( new Header(HttpHeaders.X_VERBOSE, Boolean.toString(message.isVerbose()))); String packaging = message.getPackaging(); if (packaging != null && packaging.length() > 0) { httppost.addRequestHeader(new Header(HttpHeaders.X_PACKAGING, packaging)); } String onBehalfOf = message.getOnBehalfOf(); if (containsValue(onBehalfOf)) { httppost.addRequestHeader(new Header(HttpHeaders.X_ON_BEHALF_OF, onBehalfOf)); } String userAgent = message.getUserAgent(); if (containsValue(userAgent)) { httppost.addRequestHeader(new Header(HttpHeaders.USER_AGENT, userAgent)); } FileRequestEntity requestEntity = new FileRequestEntity(new File(message.getFilepath()), message.getFiletype()); httppost.setRequestEntity(requestEntity); client.executeMethod(httppost); status = new Status(httppost.getStatusCode(), httppost.getStatusText());"Checking the status code: " + status.getCode()); if (status.getCode() == HttpStatus.SC_ACCEPTED || status.getCode() == HttpStatus.SC_CREATED) { messageBody = readResponse(httppost.getResponseBodyAsStream()); response = new DepositResponse(status.getCode()); response.setLocation(httppost.getResponseHeader("Location").getValue()); // added call for the status code. lastUnmarshallInfo = response.unmarshall(messageBody, new Properties()); } else { messageBody = readResponse(httppost.getResponseBodyAsStream()); response = new DepositResponse(status.getCode()); response.unmarshallErrorDocument(messageBody); } return response; } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nex) { throw new SWORDClientException("Unable to use MD5. " + nex.getMessage(), nex); } catch (HttpException ex) { throw new SWORDClientException(ex.getMessage(), ex); } catch (IOException ioex) { throw new SWORDClientException(ioex.getMessage(), ioex); } catch (UnmarshallException uex) { throw new SWORDClientException(uex.getMessage() + "(<pre>" + messageBody + "</pre>)", uex); } finally { httppost.releaseConnection(); } }
/** * Retrieve the service document. The service document is located at the specified URL. This calls * getServiceDocument(url,onBehalfOf). * * @param url The location of the service document. * @return The ServiceDocument, or <code>null</code> if there was a problem accessing the * document. e.g. invalid access. * @throws SWORDClientException If there is an error accessing the resource. */ public ServiceDocument getServiceDocument(String url, String onBehalfOf) throws SWORDClientException { URL serviceDocURL = null; try { serviceDocURL = new URL(url); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // Try relative URL URL baseURL = null; try { baseURL = new URL("http", server, Integer.valueOf(port), "/"); serviceDocURL = new URL(baseURL, (url == null) ? "" : url); } catch (MalformedURLException e1) { // No dice, can't even form base URL... throw new SWORDClientException( url + " is not a valid URL (" + e1.getMessage() + "), and could not form a relative one from: " + baseURL + " / " + url, e1); } } GetMethod httpget = new GetMethod(serviceDocURL.toExternalForm()); if (doAuthentication) { // this does not perform any check on the username password. It // relies on the server to determine if the values are correct. setBasicCredentials(username, password); httpget.setDoAuthentication(true); } Properties properties = new Properties(); if (containsValue(onBehalfOf)) { log.debug("Setting on-behalf-of: " + onBehalfOf); httpget.addRequestHeader(new Header(HttpHeaders.X_ON_BEHALF_OF, onBehalfOf)); properties.put(HttpHeaders.X_ON_BEHALF_OF, onBehalfOf); } if (containsValue(userAgent)) { log.debug("Setting userAgent: " + userAgent); httpget.addRequestHeader(new Header(HttpHeaders.USER_AGENT, userAgent)); properties.put(HttpHeaders.USER_AGENT, userAgent); } ServiceDocument doc = null; try { client.executeMethod(httpget); // store the status code status = new Status(httpget.getStatusCode(), httpget.getStatusText()); if (status.getCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { String message = readResponse(httpget.getResponseBodyAsStream()); log.debug("returned message is: " + message); doc = new ServiceDocument(); lastUnmarshallInfo = doc.unmarshall(message, properties); } else { throw new SWORDClientException("Received error from service document request: " + status); } } catch (HttpException ex) { throw new SWORDClientException(ex.getMessage(), ex); } catch (IOException ioex) { throw new SWORDClientException(ioex.getMessage(), ioex); } catch (UnmarshallException uex) { throw new SWORDClientException(uex.getMessage(), uex); } finally { httpget.releaseConnection(); } return doc; }
public void setStatus(int status) { setStatus(Status.forValue(status)); }
public static void main(String[] args) { try { meet myobj = new meet(); // load jsiconfig.txt ArrayList<String> myconfiglist = new ArrayList<String>(); myconfiglist = myobj.loadArray("jsiconfig.txt"); // The text uri // "mongodb://*****:*****"; String textUri = myconfiglist.get(0); // Create MongoClientURI object from which you get MongoClient obj MongoClientURI uri = new MongoClientURI(textUri); // Connect to that uri MongoClient m = new MongoClient(uri); // get the database named sample String DBname = myconfiglist.get(1); DB d = m.getDB(DBname); // get the collection mycollection in sample String collectionName = myconfiglist.get(2); DBCollection collection = d.getCollection(collectionName); // System.out.println("Config: "+textUri+":"+DBname+":"+collectionName); // twitter4j // Twitter twitter = new TwitterFactory().getInstance(); Twitter twitter = new TwitterFactory().getSingleton(); User user = twitter.verifyCredentials(); // Twitter collection of latest tweets into the home account - defaulted to latest 20 tweets// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ArrayList<String> mylatesttweetslist = new ArrayList<String>(); // get list of tweets from a user or the next tweet listed try { long actid = 0; // twitter.createFriendship(actid); // The factory instance is re-useable and thread safe. // Twitter twitter = TwitterFactory.getSingleton(); List<Status> statuses = twitter.getHomeTimeline(); System.out.println("Showing home timeline."); for (Status status : statuses) { // System.out.println(status.getUser().getName() + ":" +status.getText()); // Addes timeline to an array String mytweets = status.getUser().getName() + ":" + status.getText(); mylatesttweetslist.add(mytweets); } ; } catch (TwitterException te) { te.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Failed to get timeline: " + te.getMessage()); System.exit(-1); } // MongoDB Insert Below // ////////////////////////// // System Date Date sd = new Date(); String sysdate = sd.toString(); // Toggle the below to display and insert the transactions as required boolean showtrans = true; boolean inserttrans = true; // checkArray - loads args to a text string to allow the contains function String checkString = ""; for (int ck = 0; ck < args.length; ck++) { checkString = checkString + args[ck]; } ; // display transactions flag on runnning jsimongo eg: java jsimongo -d will NOT display // transactions // insert transactions flag on runnning jsimongo eg: java jsimongo -i will NOT insert // transactions if (args.length > 0) { if (checkString.contains("-d")) showtrans = false; if (checkString.contains("-i")) inserttrans = false; } ; int x = 0; for (String atweet : mylatesttweetslist) { x++; // Display tweets to console if (showtrans == true) { System.out.println("tweet : " + atweet); System.out.println("Created_DateTime : " + sysdate); // was sysdate } ; // Insert JSON into MongoDB if (inserttrans == true) { BasicDBObject b = new BasicDBObject(); System.out.println("tweet : " + atweet); System.out.println("Created_DateTime : " + sysdate); // was sysdate // Insert the JSON object into the chosen collection collection.insert(b); } ; Thread.sleep(1); } ; System.out.println("End, the number of tweets inserted at this time was: " + x); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void testRetweetStatusAsJSON() throws Exception { // single Status HttpClientImpl http = new HttpClientImpl(); Status status = new StatusJSONImpl( http.get(""), conf); Assert.assertEquals(new Date(1259078050000l), status.getCreatedAt()); Assert.assertEquals(6011259778l, status.getId()); Assert.assertEquals(null, status.getInReplyToScreenName()); Assert.assertEquals(-1l, status.getInReplyToStatusId()); Assert.assertEquals(-1, status.getInReplyToUserId()); Assert.assertNull(status.getGeoLocation()); Assert.assertEquals( "<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">API</a>", status.getSource()); Assert.assertEquals( "RT @yusukey: この前取材受けた奴 -> 次世代のシステム環境を見据えたアプリケーションサーバー製品の選択 ITpro:", status.getText()); Assert.assertEquals(6358482, status.getUser().getId()); Assert.assertTrue(status.isRetweet()); assertDeserializedFormIsEqual(status); }
public void testStatusAsJSON() throws Exception { // single Status HttpClientImpl http = new HttpClientImpl(); List<Status> statuses = StatusJSONImpl.createStatusList( http.get(""), conf); Status status = statuses.get(0); Assert.assertEquals(new Date(1259041785000l), status.getCreatedAt()); Assert.assertEquals(6000554383l, status.getId()); Assert.assertEquals("G_Shock22", status.getInReplyToScreenName()); Assert.assertEquals(6000444309l, status.getInReplyToStatusId()); Assert.assertEquals(20159829, status.getInReplyToUserId()); Assert.assertNull(status.getGeoLocation()); Assert.assertEquals("web", status.getSource()); Assert.assertEquals( "@G_Shock22 I smelled a roast session coming when yu said that shyt about @2koolNicia lol....", status.getText()); Assert.assertEquals(23459577, status.getUser().getId()); Assert.assertFalse(status.isRetweet()); assertDeserializedFormIsEqual(statuses); }