public SIGBase( Name name, int type, int dclass, long ttl, int covered, int alg, long origttl, Date expire, Date timeSigned, int footprint, Name signer, byte[] signature) { super(name, type, dclass, ttl); Type.check(covered); checkU8("alg", alg); checkU8("labels", labels); TTL.check(origttl); checkU16("footprint", footprint); this.covered = covered; this.alg = alg; this.labels = name.labels(); this.origttl = origttl; this.expire = expire; this.timeSigned = timeSigned; this.footprint = footprint; if (!signer.isAbsolute()) throw new RelativeNameException(signer); this.signer = signer; this.signature = signature; }
/** Parses the output of winipcfg or ipconfig. */ private static void findWin(InputStream in) { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); try { List lserver = new ArrayList(); List lsearch = new ArrayList(); String line = null; boolean readingServers = false; boolean readingSearches = false; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line); if (!st.hasMoreTokens()) { readingServers = false; readingSearches = false; continue; } String s = st.nextToken(); if (line.indexOf(":") != -1) { readingServers = false; readingSearches = false; } if (line.indexOf("Host Name") != -1) { while (st.hasMoreTokens()) s = st.nextToken(); Name name; try { name = Name.fromString(s, null); } catch (TextParseException e) { continue; } if (name.labels() == 1) continue; addSearch(s, lsearch); } else if (line.indexOf("Primary Dns Suffix") != -1) { while (st.hasMoreTokens()) s = st.nextToken(); if (s.equals(":")) continue; addSearch(s, lsearch); readingSearches = true; } else if (readingSearches || line.indexOf("DNS Suffix") != -1) { while (st.hasMoreTokens()) s = st.nextToken(); if (s.equals(":")) continue; addSearch(s, lsearch); readingSearches = true; } else if (readingServers || line.indexOf("DNS Servers") != -1) { while (st.hasMoreTokens()) s = st.nextToken(); if (s.equals(":")) continue; addServer(s, lserver); readingServers = true; } } if (servers == null && lserver.size() > 0) servers = (String[]) lserver.toArray(new String[lserver.size()]); } catch (IOException e) { } finally { try { br.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } return; }
@Test public void convertToSequence() { Folder c = db.createFolder("/top"); c.documents().build(Name.create(db, "one")).elem("test").end("test").commit(); XMLDocument doc = c.documents().build(Name.create(db, "two")).elem("test").end("test").commit(); assertEquals(2, c.query().all("/test").size()); assertEquals(1, c.query().all("$_1/test", new Object[] {doc}).size()); }
@Test public void query4() { Folder c1 = db.createFolder("/c1"); XMLDocument doc = c1.documents().build(Name.create(db, "original")).elem("test").end("test").commit(); c1.documents().build(Name.create(db, "another")).elem("test").end("test").commit(); doc.query().single("/test"); assertEquals(2, c1.query().all("/test").size()); }
void rrToWire(DNSOutput out, Compression c, boolean canonical) { host.toWire(out, c, canonical); admin.toWire(out, c, canonical); out.writeU32(serial); out.writeU32(refresh); out.writeU32(retry); out.writeU32(expire); out.writeU32(minimum); }
private final void maybeAddRecord(Record record) throws IOException { int rtype = record.getType(); Name name = record.getName(); if (rtype == Type.SOA && !name.equals(origin)) { throw new IOException("SOA owner " + name + " does not match zone origin " + origin); } if (name.subdomain(origin)) addRecord(record); }
/** * Gets the next token from a tokenizer and converts it to a name. * * @param origin The origin to append to relative names. * @return The next token in the stream, as a name. * @throws TextParseException The input was invalid or not a valid name. * @throws IOException An I/O error occurred. * @throws RelativeNameException The parsed name was relative, even with the origin. * @see Name */ public Name getName(Name origin) throws IOException { try { Name name = Name.fromString(getIdentifier(), origin); if (!name.isAbsolute()) throw new RelativeNameException(name); return name; } catch (TextParseException e) { throw exception(e.getMessage()); } }
@Test public void copy1() { Folder c1 = db.createFolder("/c1"), c2 = db.createFolder("/c2"); XMLDocument original = c1.documents().build(Name.create(db, "original")).elem("test").end("test").commit(); XMLDocument copy = original.copy(c2, Name.keepCreate(db)); assertEquals(1, c1.documents().size()); c1.query().single("/test"); assertEquals(1, c2.documents().size()); c2.query().single("/test"); copy.query().single("/test"); }
@Test public void move1() { Folder c1 = db.createFolder("/c1"), c2 = db.createFolder("/c2"); XMLDocument doc = c1.documents().build(Name.create(db, "original")).elem("test").end("test").commit(); doc.move(c2, Name.keepCreate(db)); assertEquals(0, c1.documents().size()); assertFalse(c1.query().exists("/test")); assertEquals(1, c2.documents().size()); c2.query().single("/test"); doc.query().single("/test"); assertEquals("/c2/original", doc.path()); }
@Test public void query2() { Folder c1 = db.createFolder("/c1"); c1.documents().build(Name.create(db, "original")).elem("test").end("test").commit(); XMLDocument doc = c1.documents().get("original").xml(); doc.query().single("/test"); }
private synchronized void addRRset(Name name, RRset rrset) { if (!hasWild && name.isWild()) hasWild = true; Object types = data.get(name); if (types == null) { data.put(name, rrset); return; } int rtype = rrset.getType(); if (types instanceof List) { List list = (List) types; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { RRset set = (RRset) list.get(i); if (set.getType() == rtype) { list.set(i, rrset); return; } } list.add(rrset); } else { RRset set = (RRset) types; if (set.getType() == rtype) data.put(name, rrset); else { LinkedList list = new LinkedList(); list.add(set); list.add(rrset); data.put(name, list); } } }
@Test public void nameAndPathFromLoad() { XMLDocument doc = db.createFolder("/top").documents().load(Name.create(db, "foo"), Source.xml("<root/>")); assertEquals("foo",; assertEquals("/top/foo", doc.path()); }
/** * Builds a new Record from its textual representation * * @param name The owner name of the record. * @param type The record's type. * @param dclass The record's class. * @param ttl The record's time to live. * @param st A tokenizer containing the textual representation of the rdata. * @param origin The default origin to be appended to relative domain names. * @return The new record * @throws IOException The text format was invalid. */ public static Record fromString( Name name, int type, int dclass, long ttl, Tokenizer st, Name origin) throws IOException { Record rec; if (!name.isAbsolute()) throw new RelativeNameException(name); Type.check(type); DClass.check(dclass); TTL.check(ttl); Tokenizer.Token t = st.get(); if (t.type == Tokenizer.IDENTIFIER && t.value.equals("\\#")) { int length = st.getUInt16(); byte[] data = st.getHex(); if (data == null) { data = new byte[0]; } if (length != data.length) throw st.exception("invalid unknown RR encoding: " + "length mismatch"); DNSInput in = new DNSInput(data); return newRecord(name, type, dclass, ttl, length, in); } st.unget(); rec = getEmptyRecord(name, type, dclass, ttl, true); rec.rdataFromString(st, origin); t = st.get(); if (t.type != Tokenizer.EOL && t.type != Tokenizer.EOF) { throw st.exception("unexpected tokens at end of record"); } return rec; }
/** * Constructs and returns the next record in the expansion. * * @throws IOException The name or rdata was invalid after substitutions were performed. */ public Record nextRecord() throws IOException { if (current > end) return null; String namestr = substitute(namePattern, current); Name name = Name.fromString(namestr, origin); String rdata = substitute(rdataPattern, current); current += step; return Record.fromString(name, type, dclass, ttl, rdata, origin); }
@Test public void delete1() { Folder c1 = db.createFolder("/c1"); XMLDocument doc = c1.documents().build(Name.create(db, "original")).elem("test").end("test").commit(); doc.delete(); assertEquals(0, c1.documents().size()); }
void rrToWire(DNSOutput out, Compression c, boolean canonical) { out.writeU16(order); out.writeU16(preference); out.writeCountedString(flags); out.writeCountedString(service); out.writeCountedString(regexp); replacement.toWire(out, null, canonical); }
/** * Determines if an RRset with the given name and type is already present in the given section. * * @see RRset * @see Section */ public boolean findRRset(Name name, int type, int section) { if (sections[section] == null) return false; for (int i = 0; i < sections[section].size(); i++) { Record r = (Record) sections[section].get(i); if (r.getType() == type && name.equals(r.getName())) return true; } return false; }
private final void maybeAddRecord(Record record, Cache cache, Object source) throws IOException { int type = record.getType(); Name name = record.getName(); if (type == Type.SOA) { if (!name.equals(origin)) throw new IOException("SOA owner " + name + " does not match zone origin " + origin); else { setOrigin(origin); dclass = record.getDClass(); } } if (origin == null && type != Type.SOA) throw new IOException("non-SOA record seen at " + name + " with no origin set"); if (name.subdomain(origin)) addRecord(record); else if (cache != null) cache.addRecord(record, Credibility.GLUE, source); }
protected boolean skipName(Name definedName) { String namename = definedName.getNameName(); if (namename == null) { return true; } // ignore defined name of functions, they are macro functions that we don't support if (definedName.isFunctionName()) { return true; } if (definedName.getRefersToFormula() == null) { // ignore defined name with null formula, don't know when will have this case return true; } return false; }
/** * Determines if two Records are identical. This compares the name, type, class, and rdata (with * names canonicalized). The TTLs are not compared. * * @param arg The record to compare to * @return true if the records are equal, false otherwise. */ public boolean equals(Object arg) { if (arg == null || !(arg instanceof Record)) return false; Record r = (Record) arg; if (type != r.type || dclass != r.dclass || !name.equals( return false; byte[] array1 = rdataToWireCanonical(); byte[] array2 = r.rdataToWireCanonical(); return Arrays.equals(array1, array2); }
/** * Creates a new empty record, with the given parameters. * * @param name The owner name of the record. * @param type The record's type. * @param dclass The record's class. * @param ttl The record's time to live. * @return An object of a subclass of Record */ public static Record newRecord(Name name, int type, int dclass, long ttl) { if (!name.isAbsolute()) throw new RelativeNameException(name); Type.check(type); DClass.check(dclass); TTL.check(ttl); return getEmptyRecord(name, type, dclass, ttl, false); }
/** * Looks up Records in the Zone. This follows CNAMEs and wildcards. * * @param name The name to look up * @param type The type to look up * @return A SetResponse object * @see SetResponse */ public SetResponse findRecords(Name name, short type) { SetResponse zr = null; Object o = findSets(name, type); if (o == null) { /* The name does not exist */ if (name.isWild()) return SetResponse.ofType(SetResponse.NXDOMAIN); int labels = name.labels() - origin.labels(); if (labels == 0) return SetResponse.ofType(SetResponse.NXDOMAIN); if (hasWild) { SetResponse sr; Name tname = name; do { sr = findRecords(tname.wild(1), type); if (!sr.isNXDOMAIN()) return sr; tname = new Name(tname, 1); } while (labels-- >= 1); return sr; } else return SetResponse.ofType(SetResponse.NXDOMAIN); } if (o instanceof TypeMap) { /* The name exists but the type does not. */ return SetResponse.ofType(SetResponse.NXRRSET); } Object[] objects; RRset rrset; if (o instanceof RRset) { objects = null; rrset = (RRset) o; } else { objects = (Object[]) o; rrset = (RRset) objects[0]; } if (name.equals(rrset.getName())) { if (type != Type.CNAME && type != Type.ANY && rrset.getType() == Type.CNAME) zr = new SetResponse(SetResponse.CNAME, rrset); else if (rrset.getType() == Type.NS && !name.equals(origin)) zr = new SetResponse(SetResponse.DELEGATION, rrset); else { zr = new SetResponse(SetResponse.SUCCESSFUL); zr.addRRset(rrset); if (objects != null) { for (int i = 1; i < objects.length; i++) zr.addRRset((RRset) objects[i]); } } } else { if (rrset.getType() == Type.CNAME) return SetResponse.ofType(SetResponse.NXDOMAIN); else if (rrset.getType() == Type.DNAME) { zr = new SetResponse(SetResponse.DNAME, rrset); } else if (rrset.getType() == Type.NS) { zr = new SetResponse(SetResponse.DELEGATION, rrset); } } return zr; }
@Test public void writeToOutputStream() throws IOException { XMLDocument doc = db.createFolder("/top").documents().load(Name.create(db, "foo"), Source.xml("<root/>")); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); doc.write(out); out.close(); assertEquals("<root/>", out.toString()); }
/** Returns the contents of the Zone in master file format. */ public String toMasterFile() { Iterator zentries = data.entrySet().iterator(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); nodeToString(sb, originNode); while (zentries.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); if (!origin.equals(entry.getKey())) nodeToString(sb, entry.getValue()); } return sb.toString(); }
Record(Name name, int type, int dclass, long ttl) { if (!name.isAbsolute()) throw new RelativeNameException(name); Type.check(type); DClass.check(dclass); TTL.check(ttl); = name; this.type = type; this.dclass = dclass; this.ttl = ttl; }
/** * Constructs and returns all records in the expansion. * * @throws IOException The name or rdata of a record was invalid after substitutions were * performed. */ public Record[] expand() throws IOException { List list = new ArrayList(); for (long i = start; i < end; i += step) { String namestr = substitute(namePattern, current); Name name = Name.fromString(namestr, origin); String rdata = substitute(rdataPattern, current); list.add(Record.fromString(name, type, dclass, ttl, rdata, origin)); } return (Record[]) list.toArray(new Record[list.size()]); }
private static void addSearch(String search, List list) { Name name; if (Options.check("verbose")) System.out.println("adding search " + search); try { name = Name.fromString(search, Name.root); } catch (TextParseException e) { return; } if (list.contains(name)) return; list.add(name); }
@Test public void contentsAsStringFromCreate() { XMLDocument doc = db.createFolder("/top") .documents() .build(Name.create(db, "foo")) .elem("root") .end("root") .commit(); assertEquals("<root/>", doc.contentsAsString()); }
@Test public void lengthFromCreate() { XMLDocument doc = db.createFolder("/top") .documents() .build(Name.create(db, "foo")) .elem("root") .end("root") .commit(); assertThat(doc.length(), Matchers.greaterThan(0L)); }
@Test public void delete2() { Folder c1 = db.createFolder("/c1"); XMLDocument doc1 = c1.documents() .build(Name.create(db, "doc1")) .elem("test") .attr("xml:id", "a") .end("test") .commit(); XMLDocument doc2 = c1.documents() .build(Name.create(db, "doc2")) .elem("test2") .attr("xml:id", "b") .end("test2") .commit(); doc1.delete(); doc2.delete(); assertEquals(0, c1.documents().size()); }