@Override public void adoptElement(SceneElement elem) { if (!(elem instanceof NenyaImageSceneElement || elem instanceof NenyaTileSceneElement || elem instanceof NenyaComponentSceneElement)) { enableEditor(false); return; } DefaultComboBoxModel dcm = (DefaultComboBoxModel) itemList.getModel(); // Important: Work on a copy, not on the original. Otherwise we mess up the undomanager sceneElement = elem.copy(); if ((sceneElement instanceof NenyaImageSceneElement) && !locked) { dcm.removeAllElements(); String[] tmp = ((NenyaImageSceneElement) sceneElement).getPath(); dcm.addElement(tmp[tmp.length - 1]); } if ((sceneElement instanceof NenyaTileSceneElement) && !locked) { dcm.removeAllElements(); dcm.addElement(((NenyaTileSceneElement) sceneElement).getTileName()); } if ((sceneElement instanceof NenyaComponentSceneElement) && !locked) { dcm.removeAllElements(); NenyaComponentItem[] ni = ((NenyaComponentSceneElement) sceneElement).getComponents(); for (NenyaComponentItem element : ni) { dcm.addElement(element); } } try { ClassedItem[] cols = null; if (elem instanceof NenyaTileSceneElement) cols = ((NenyaTileSceneElement) elem).getColorList(); if (elem instanceof NenyaImageSceneElement) cols = ((NenyaImageSceneElement) elem).getColorList(); if (elem instanceof NenyaComponentSceneElement) { NenyaComponentItem nci = (NenyaComponentItem) dcm.getSelectedItem(); cols = nci.getColorList(); } Vector<TreePath> collect = new Vector<TreePath>(); TreeNode root = (TreeNode) colors.getModel().getRoot(); for (ClassedItem col : cols) { String[] tmp = {root.toString(), col.getClassName(), col.getItemName()}; collect.add(TreeUtil.findPath(root, tmp)); } TreePath[] path = collect.toArray(new TreePath[0]); colors.getSelectionModel().setSelectionPaths(path); } catch (Exception e) { // Either the tree is filtered away or the selected item is not colorized. } enableEditor(true); itemList.setEnabled(elem instanceof NenyaComponentSceneElement); }
@Override public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == colors && !locked) { TreeSelectionModel tsm = colors.getSelectionModel(); TreePath tp[] = tsm.getSelectionPaths(); if (tp == null) return; Vector<ClassedItem> tmp = new Vector<ClassedItem>(); for (TreePath element : tp) { try { Object[] path = element.getPath(); ClassedItem ci = new ClassedItem(path[1].toString(), path[2].toString()); tmp.add(ci); } catch (Exception exp) { // User did not select a leafnode } } if (sceneElement instanceof NenyaImageSceneElement) { ((NenyaImageSceneElement) sceneElement).setColorList(tmp.toArray(new ClassedItem[0])); } if (sceneElement instanceof NenyaTileSceneElement) { ((NenyaTileSceneElement) sceneElement).setColorList(tmp.toArray(new ClassedItem[0])); } if (sceneElement instanceof NenyaComponentSceneElement) { ((NenyaComponentSceneElement) sceneElement) .getComponents()[itemList.getSelectedIndex()].setColorList( tmp.toArray(new ClassedItem[0])); } submitElement(sceneElement, null); } else { super.valueChanged(e); } }
@Override public void setSystemManager(SystemManager sm) { super.setSystemManager(sm); sm.getIoService().addIOServiceListener(this); filter.addCaretListener(lumberjack); filter.setAction(lumberjackAction); colors.addTreeSelectionListener(this); itemList.addActionListener(this); sceneElement = null; }
private TreeModel buildModel(Object[] resolvers) { TreeModel fullModel = null; DefaultMutableTreeNode top = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(Tr.t("root")); try { cpos = null; for (Object resolver : resolvers) { if (resolver instanceof ColorPository) { cpos = (ColorPository) resolver; GraphCellRenderer graphCellRenderer = new GraphCellRenderer(cpos); colors.setCellRenderer(graphCellRenderer); break; } } Collection<ColorPository.ClassRecord> classes = cpos.getClasses(); String[] classNames = new String[classes.size()]; Iterator<ColorPository.ClassRecord> it = classes.iterator(); int count = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { classNames[count] = it.next().name; count++; } Arrays.sort(classNames); for (String className : classNames) { ColorPository.ColorRecord[] colors = cpos.enumerateColors(className); String[] colorNames = new String[colors.length]; for (int a = 0; a < colorNames.length; a++) { colorNames[a] = colors[a].name; } Arrays.sort(colorNames); DefaultMutableTreeNode tn = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(className); top.add(tn); for (String colorName : colorNames) { tn.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode(colorName)); } } fullModel = new DefaultTreeModel(top); } catch (Exception e) { fullModel = new DefaultTreeModel(new DefaultMutableTreeNode(Tr.t("root.failed"))); // e.printStackTrace(); } return fullModel; }
private void enableEditor(boolean enable) { colors.setEnabled(enable); lumberjackAction.setEnabled(enable); itemList.setEnabled(enable); }