Exemplo n.º 1
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
  // the UserCanvas constructor
      ForcesMaster f,
      int p,
      int m,
      int pM,
      String w,
      String an,
      String ac,
      String cS,
      ProblemCanvas v) {

    problemNo = p;
    maxTriesEachForce = m;
    problemMode = pM;
    cgiScript = cS;
    problemCanvas = v;
    forcesMaster = f;
    weightIn = w;
    angleIn = an;
    accelerationIn = ac;
    problemSelector = new ProblemSelector(problemNo, angleIn, weightIn, accelerationIn);

    numForces = problemSelector.getNumForces();
    matchForceComps = problemSelector.getMatchForceComps();
    numEquations = problemSelector.getNumEquations();
    units = problemSelector.getUnits();
    scale = problemSelector.getScale();
    // if (!weightIn.equals("none")) {scale = 18 * scale /(double)(Integer.parseInt(weightIn));}
    forceTolerance = (int) Math.round(scale * userTolerance);
    resultsSpacingStrings = problemSelector.getResultsSpacingStrings();
    blinkerStrings = problemSelector.getBlinkerStrings();
    messageStrings = problemSelector.getMessageStrings();
    forceNames = problemSelector.getForceNames();
    truAnsX = problemSelector.getTruAnsX();
    truAnsY = problemSelector.getTruAnsY();
    tailPosX = problemSelector.getTailPosX();
    tailPosY = problemSelector.getTailPosY();
    cosSin = problemSelector.getCosSin();
    truHdsX = problemSelector.getTruHdsX();
    truHdsY = problemSelector.getTruHdsY();
    cost = cosSin[0];
    sint = cosSin[1];

    // initialize the force variables
    maxForceNumber = numForces - 1;
    mouseUpsString = "";
    for (int n = 0; n <= numForces; n++) {
      mouseUpsString += "0";

    ifBrowserPaint = false;

    // initialize to the "see data" message
    ifDataMessage = true;
    forceNumber = -1;
    fInit = mUp = mDown = mDrag = false;
Exemplo n.º 2
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
  // initialize the canvas contents or judge the user's mouse events and respond
  public void paint(Graphics g) {

    // if forceNumber < 0 and !mUp: do nothing until mUp

    // if forceNumber < 0 and mUp (click): start the forces
    if (forceNumber < 0 && mUp) {
      fInit = true;
      mDown = false;
      // next line added 4/17/08 (correction for case of zero force true answer)
      mUp = false;
      forceNumber = 0;
      forceName = forceNames[forceNumber];
      userPosX = tailPosX;
      userPosY = tailPosY;
      numTries = 0;
      // create the force equation and vector objects
      canvasEquation = new CanvasEquation(g);
      canvasVector = new CanvasVector(g);

    // if mouseDown and all forces finished: do end game
    if (mDown && (forceNumber == maxForceNumber + 1)) {
      endGame("OK", cgiScript, problemNo, mouseUpsString);

    // if mouseDown or mouseDrag and really a force:
    //     erase user's old vector & eqn, update position
    if ((mDown || mDrag) && (forceNumber >= 0) && (forceNumber <= maxForceNumber)) {
      eraseUserStuff(g, forceX[0], forceY[0], 0);
      if (numEquations == 2) {
        eraseUserStuff(g, forceX[1], forceY[1], 1);
      userPosX = newUserPosX;
      userPosY = newUserPosY;

    // if browserPaint or forceInit or mouseDown or mouseDrag and really a force:
    //     plot fixed & user's new stuff
    if ((ifBrowserPaint || fInit || mDown || mDrag)
        && (forceNumber >= 0)
        && (forceNumber <= maxForceNumber)) {

      // redraw the userCanvas bounding box and the apparatus
      g.drawRect(0, 0, userFrameX, userFrameY);

      // draw the user's previously-done correct vectors
      if (forceNumber > 0) {
        drawDoneVectors(forceNumber - 1, g);

      // draw the user's new vector and equation
      canvasVector.plotVector(tailPosX, tailPosY, userPosX, userPosY, g);
      forceX[0] = p2fX(userPosX, userPosY);
      forceY[0] = p2fY(userPosX, userPosY);
      canvasEquation.plotEquation(g, forceName, units, forceX[0], forceY[0], 0);
      if (numEquations == 2) {
        forceX[1] = (int) Math.round(cost * forceX[0] - sint * forceY[0]);
        forceY[1] = (int) Math.round(sint * forceX[0] + cost * forceY[0]);
        canvasEquation.plotEquation(g, forceName, units, forceX[1], forceY[1], 1);

      // get ready up for new input
      fInit = mDown = mDrag = false;
      if (ifBrowserPaint) {
        ifBrowserPaint = false;

    // if mouseUp, evaluate the user's answer
    if (mUp && (forceNumber >= 0) && (forceNumber < numForces)) {

      // keep track of the mouse ups
      String leftStr = "";
      String rightStr = "";
      String midStr = mouseUpsString.substring(forceNumber, forceNumber + 1);
      if (forceNumber > 0) {
        leftStr = mouseUpsString.substring(0, forceNumber);
      if (forceNumber < numForces - 1) {
        rightStr = mouseUpsString.substring(forceNumber + 1, numForces);
      int numTries = Integer.parseInt(midStr);
      if (numTries <= 9) {
        midStr = Integer.toString(numTries);
      } else {
        midStr = "9";
      mouseUpsString = leftStr + midStr + rightStr;

      // if correct, cycle to the next force or to the trailer message
      int matchIndex = matchForceComps[forceNumber] - 1;

      int depX = Math.abs(forceX[matchIndex] - truAnsX[forceNumber][matchIndex]);
      int depY = Math.abs(forceY[matchIndex] - truAnsY[forceNumber][matchIndex]);
      if ((depX <= forceTolerance) && (depY <= forceTolerance)) {

        // erase the user's stuff
        for (int n = 0; n <= numEquations - 1; n++) {
          eraseUserStuff(g, forceX[n], forceY[n], n);

        // draw the apparatus

        // draw the set of correctly done vectors
        drawDoneVectors(forceNumber, g);

        // notify the resultsCanvas of the user's correctly drawn force
        boolean ifResultsDone = false;
        if (forceNumber == maxForceNumber) {
          ifResultsDone = true;

        // cycle the force or do the end game
        if (forceNumber < maxForceNumber) {
          numTries = 0;
          forceName = forceNames[forceNumber];
          userPosX = tailPosX;
          userPosY = tailPosY;
          forceX[0] = forceY[0] = forceX[1] = forceY[1] = 0;
          // draw the equation and message for the *next* force
          for (int n = 0; n <= numEquations - 1; n++) {
            canvasEquation.plotEquation(g, forceName, units, forceX[n], forceY[n], n);
          // notify the messageCanvas that there is a new force
        } else {
          g.drawString(userTrailer, userTrailerPosX, userTrailerPosY);
          // notify the messageCanvas that we are all done
      // if not correct and mode > 1, check # of tries
      else {
        if (problemMode > 1 && numTries >= maxTriesEachForce) {
          endGame("notOK", cgiScript, problemNo, mouseUpsString);
      fInit = mUp = mDown = false;