Exemplo n.º 1
 public void cropAndCopy(
     Picture sourcePicture,
     int startSourceRow,
     int endSourceRow,
     int startSourceCol,
     int endSourceCol,
     int startDestRow,
     int startDestCol) {
   Pixel leftPixel = null;
   Pixel rightPixel = null;
   Pixel[][] pixels = this.getPixels2D();
   Color rightColor = null;
   Pixel[][] fromPixels = sourcePicture.getPixels2D();
   Pixel[][] toPixels = this.getPixels2D();
   Pixel fromPixel = null;
   Pixel toPixel = null;
   for (int fromRow = startSourceRow, toRow = endSourceRow;
       fromRow < fromPixels.length && toRow < toPixels.length;
       fromRow++, toRow++) {
     for (int fromCol = startSourceCol, toCol = endSourceCol;
         fromCol < fromPixels[0].length && toCol < toPixels[0].length;
         fromCol++, toCol++) {
       fromPixel = fromPixels[fromRow][fromCol];
       toPixel = toPixels[toRow][toCol];
Exemplo n.º 2
 /** Method to set the blue to 0 */
 public void zeroBlue() {
   Pixel[][] pixels = this.getPixels2D();
   for (Pixel[] rowArray : pixels) {
     for (Pixel pixelObj : rowArray) {
Exemplo n.º 3
 public void keepOnlyBlue() {
   Pixel[][] pixels = this.getPixels2D();
   for (Pixel[] rowArray : pixels) {
     for (Pixel pixelObj : rowArray) {
Exemplo n.º 4
  // set green 255
  public void maxGreen() {
    Pixel[][] pixels = this.getPixels2D();
    for (Pixel[] rowArray : pixels) {
      for (Pixel pixelObj : rowArray) {

Exemplo n.º 5
 public void fixUnderwater() {
   Pixel[][] pixels = this.getPixels2D();
   for (Pixel[] rowArray : pixels) {
     for (Pixel pixelObj : rowArray) {
       if (pixelObj.getBlue() > 160 && pixelObj.getRed() < 25) {
         pixelObj.setBlue(pixelObj.getBlue() + 35);
Exemplo n.º 6
  // changes the image to a Grayscale
  public void Grayscale() {
    Pixel[][] pixels = this.getPixels2D();
    for (Pixel[] rowArray : pixels) {
      for (Pixel pixelObj : rowArray) {

        int average = (int) pixelObj.getAverage();
Exemplo n.º 7
 public void mirrorVerticalRightToLeft() {
   Pixel[][] pixels = this.getPixels2D();
   Pixel leftPixel = null;
   Pixel rightPixel = null;
   int pictureWidth = pixels[0].length;
   for (int row = 0; row < pixels.length; row++) {
     for (int col = pixels[0].length - 1; col > pictureWidth / 2; col--) {
       rightPixel = pixels[row][col];
       leftPixel = pixels[row][(pictureWidth / 2) - (col - pictureWidth / 2)];
Exemplo n.º 8
 public void mirrorArms() {
   int mirrorPoint = 205;
   Pixel leftPixel = null;
   Pixel rightPixel = null;
   Pixel[][] pixels = this.getPixels2D();
   for (int row = 152; row < 200; row++) {
     for (int col = 92; col < mirrorPoint; col++) {
       leftPixel = pixels[row][col];
       rightPixel = pixels[row][mirrorPoint - col + mirrorPoint];
Exemplo n.º 9
 public void mirrorGull() {
   int mirrorPoint = 352;
   Pixel leftPixel = null;
   Pixel rightPixel = null;
   Pixel[][] pixels = this.getPixels2D();
   for (int row = 233; row < 323; row++) {
     for (int col = 235; col < mirrorPoint; col++) {
       leftPixel = pixels[row][col];
       rightPixel = pixels[row][mirrorPoint - col + mirrorPoint];
Exemplo n.º 10
  ****************** CHECKLIST ******************************
  [x] change the colors within the box specified by the parameters
  [x] the new Color in each Pixel MUST depend BOTH (a) on that particular Pixel's previous Color and (b) on the value of the amount parameter

  public boolean ManipBoxUniformly(int xMin, int yMin, int xMax, int yMax, double amount) {
    for (int x = xMin; x < xMax - 1; x++) {
      for (int y = yMin; y < yMax - 1; y++) {

        amount -= 0.0000001;
        if (amount < 0.1) amount = 0.2;
        Pixel p = this.getPixel(x, y);
        int B = (int) (p.getGreen() * (amount));
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 11
 // implements max red to only the right side of the image
 public void rightRed() {
   Pixel[][] pixels = this.getPixels2D();
   Pixel leftPixel = null;
   Pixel rightPixel = null;
   int width = pixels[0].length;
   for (int row = 0; row < pixels.length; row++) {
     for (int col = 0; col < width / 2; col++) {
       leftPixel = pixels[row][col];
       rightPixel = pixels[row][width - 1 - col];
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Method that mirrors the picture around a vertical mirror in the center of the picture from left
  * to right
 public void mirrorVertical() {
   Pixel[][] pixels = this.getPixels2D();
   Pixel leftPixel = null;
   Pixel rightPixel = null;
   int width = pixels[0].length;
   for (int row = 0; row < pixels.length; row++) {
     for (int col = 0; col < width / 2; col++) {
       leftPixel = pixels[row][col];
       rightPixel = pixels[row][width - 1 - col];
Exemplo n.º 13
 public void mirrorHorizontalBotToTop() {
   Pixel[][] pixels = this.getPixels2D();
   Pixel topPixel = null;
   Pixel bottomPixel = null;
   int width = pixels[0].length;
   for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) {
     for (int row = 0; row < pixels.length / 2; row++) {
       topPixel = pixels[row][col];
       bottomPixel = pixels[(pixels.length) - 1 - row][col];
Exemplo n.º 14
 public void mirrorVerticalBottomToTop() {
   Pixel[][] pixels = this.getPixels2D();
   Pixel topPixel = null;
   Pixel bottomPixel = null;
   int width = pixels[0].length;
   int height = pixels.length;
   for (int row = 0; row < pixels.length; row++) {
     for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) {
       topPixel = pixels[height - 1 - row][col];
       bottomPixel = pixels[row][col];
Exemplo n.º 15
  public void randomColor() {
    Pixel[][] pixels = this.getPixels2D();
    for (Pixel[] row : pixels) {
      for (Pixel currentPixel : row) {
        int randomRed, randomBlue, randomGreen;
        randomRed = (int) (Math.random() * 256);
        randomBlue = (int) (Math.random() * 256);
        randomGreen = (int) (Math.random() * 256);

Exemplo n.º 16
  * copy from the passed fromPic to the specified startRow and startCol in the current picture
  * @param fromPic the picture to copy from
  * @param startRow the start row to copy to
  * @param startCol the start col to copy to
 public void copy(Picture fromPic, int startRow, int startCol) {
   Pixel fromPixel = null;
   Pixel toPixel = null;
   Pixel[][] toPixels = this.getPixels2D();
   Pixel[][] fromPixels = fromPic.getPixels2D();
   for (int fromRow = 0, toRow = startRow;
       fromRow < fromPixels.length && toRow < toPixels.length;
       fromRow++, toRow++) {
     for (int fromCol = 0, toCol = startCol;
         fromCol < fromPixels[0].length && toCol < toPixels[0].length;
         fromCol++, toCol++) {
       fromPixel = fromPixels[fromRow][fromCol];
       toPixel = toPixels[toRow][toCol];
   * Method to display pixel information for the passed x and y
   * @param pictureX the x value in the picture
   * @param pictureY the y value in the picture
  private void displayPixelInformation(int pictureX, int pictureY) {
    // check that this x and y are in range
    if (isLocationInPicture(pictureX, pictureY)) {
      // save the current x and y index
      colIndex = pictureX;
      rowIndex = pictureY;

      // get the pixel at the x and y
      Pixel pixel = new Pixel(picture, colIndex, rowIndex);

      // set the values based on the pixel
      colValue.setText(Integer.toString(colIndex + numberBase));
      rowValue.setText(Integer.toString(rowIndex + numberBase));
      rValue.setText("R: " + pixel.getRed());
      gValue.setText("G: " + pixel.getGreen());
      bValue.setText("B: " + pixel.getBlue());
      colorPanel.setBackground(new Color(pixel.getRed(), pixel.getGreen(), pixel.getBlue()));

    } else {

    // notify the image display of the current x and y
    imageDisplay.setCurrentX((int) (colIndex * zoomFactor));
    imageDisplay.setCurrentY((int) (rowIndex * zoomFactor));
Exemplo n.º 18
  public void mirrorArms() {
    int mirrorPoint = 298;
    Pixel leftPixel = null;
    Pixel rightPixel = null;
    int count = 0;
    Pixel[][] pixels = this.getPixels2D();

    // loop through the rows
    for (int row = 153; row < 192; row++) {
      // loop from 13 to just before the mirror point
      for (int col = 100; col < mirrorPoint; col++) {

        leftPixel = pixels[row][col];
        rightPixel = pixels[mirrorPoint - row][col];
Exemplo n.º 19
   * Method that will copy all of the passed source picture into the current picture object
   * @param sourcePicture the picture object to copy
  public void copyPicture(SimplePicture sourcePicture) {
    Pixel sourcePixel = null;
    Pixel targetPixel = null;

    // loop through the columns
    for (int sourceX = 0, targetX = 0;
        sourceX < sourcePicture.getWidth() && targetX < this.getWidth();
        sourceX++, targetX++) {
      // loop through the rows
      for (int sourceY = 0, targetY = 0;
          sourceY < sourcePicture.getHeight() && targetY < this.getHeight();
          sourceY++, targetY++) {
        sourcePixel = sourcePicture.getPixel(sourceX, sourceY);
        targetPixel = this.getPixel(targetX, targetY);
Exemplo n.º 20
  /** Mirror just part of a picture of a temple */
  public void mirrorTemple() {
    int mirrorPoint = 276;
    Pixel leftPixel = null;
    Pixel rightPixel = null;
    int count = 0;
    Pixel[][] pixels = this.getPixels2D();

    // loop through the rows
    for (int row = 27; row < 97; row++) {
      // loop from 13 to just before the mirror point
      for (int col = 13; col < mirrorPoint; col++) {

        leftPixel = pixels[row][col];
        rightPixel = pixels[row][mirrorPoint - col + mirrorPoint];
Exemplo n.º 21
  public boolean compareImages(Image image1, Image image2, Rectangle rect, String attach) {
    if (image1 == null || image2 == null) return false;

    boolean matched = false;

    Iterator iter1 = handlePixels(image1, rect);
    Iterator iter2 = handlePixels(image2, rect);

    while (iter1.hasNext() && iter2.hasNext()) {
      Pixel pixel = (Pixel) iter1.next();
      if (pixel.equals((Pixel) iter2.next())) {
        matched = true;
      } else {
        matched = false;
    if (matched) return true;
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 22
 public void negate() {
   Pixel[][] pixels = this.getPixels2D();
   for (Pixel[] rowArray : pixels) {
     for (Pixel pixelObj : rowArray) {
       pixelObj.setRed(255 - pixelObj.getRed());
       pixelObj.setGreen(255 - pixelObj.getGreen());
       pixelObj.setBlue(255 - pixelObj.getBlue());
Exemplo n.º 23
 public void grayscale() {
   Pixel[][] pixels = this.getPixels2D();
   for (Pixel[] rowArray : pixels) {
     for (Pixel pixelObj : rowArray) {
       int ave = (pixelObj.getRed() + pixelObj.getGreen() + pixelObj.getBlue()) / 3;
   * Create the color information panel
   * @param labelFont the font to use for labels
   * @return the color information panel
  private JPanel createColorInfoPanel(Font labelFont) {
    // create a color info panel
    JPanel colorInfoPanel = new JPanel();
    colorInfoPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());

    // get the pixel at the x and y
    Pixel pixel = new Pixel(picture, colIndex, rowIndex);

    // create the labels
    rValue = new JLabel("R: " + pixel.getRed());
    gValue = new JLabel("G: " + pixel.getGreen());
    bValue = new JLabel("B: " + pixel.getBlue());

    // create the sample color panel and label
    colorLabel = new JLabel("Color at location: ");
    colorPanel = new JPanel();
    colorPanel.setBorder(new LineBorder(Color.black, 1));

    // set the color sample to the pixel color

    // set the font
    colorPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(25, 25));

    // add items to the color information panel

    return colorInfoPanel;
Exemplo n.º 25
 public void negate() {
   Pixel[][] pixels = this.getPixels2D();
   for (Pixel[] rowArray : pixels) {
     for (Pixel pixelObj : rowArray) {
       int a = pixelObj.getRed();
       int b = pixelObj.getBlue();
       int c = pixelObj.getGreen();
       pixelObj.setRed(255 - a);
       pixelObj.setBlue(255 - b);
       pixelObj.setGreen(255 - c);
Exemplo n.º 26
  // TODO how to calculate minimum-difference pixels?
  protected void changeQueue(Pixel p) {
    // recalculate neighbors
    for (Pixel np : p.neighbors) {
      if (np.isEmpty) {
        int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, n = 0;
        for (Pixel nnp : np.neighbors) {
          if (!nnp.isEmpty) {
            r += nnp.color.getRed();
            g += nnp.color.getGreen();
            b += nnp.color.getBlue();


        r /= n;
        g /= n;
        b /= n;

        Color avg = new Color(r, g, b);

        Color newBlock =
            new Color(
                r >> blockOffset & blockMask,
                g >> blockOffset & blockMask,
                b >> blockOffset & blockMask);
        int blockIndex =
            newBlock.getRed() * rOffset
                + newBlock.getGreen() * gOffset
                + newBlock.getBlue() * bOffset;

        if (!np.inQueue) {
          np.block = blockIndex;
          np.inQueue = true;
        } else if (blockIndex != np.block) {
          if (!pixelBlocks[np.block].remove(np)) {
                "Couldn't remove pixel "
                    + np
                    + ", even though it should be in block "
                    + blockIndex
                    + " !");

          np.inQueue = true;
          np.block = blockIndex;

        np.avg = avg;
Exemplo n.º 27
 public void copy(
     Picture fromPic,
     int fromStartRow,
     int fromStartCol,
     int toStartRow,
     int toStartCol,
     int fromEndRow,
     int fromEndCol) {
   Pixel fromPixel = null;
   Pixel toPixel = null;
   Pixel[][] toPixels = this.getPixels2D();
   Pixel[][] fromPixels = fromPic.getPixels2D();
   for (int fromRow = fromStartRow, toRow = toStartRow;
       fromRow <= fromEndRow && toRow < toPixels.length;
       fromRow++, toRow++) {
     for (int fromCol = fromStartCol, toCol = toStartCol;
         fromCol <= fromEndCol && toCol < toPixels.length;
         fromCol++, toCol++) {
       fromPixel = fromPixels[fromRow][fromCol];
       toPixel = toPixels[toRow][toCol];
Exemplo n.º 28
 public void greyscale() {
   Pixel[][] pixels = this.getPixels2D();
   for (Pixel[] rowArray : pixels) {
     for (Pixel pixelObj : rowArray) {
       int a = pixelObj.getRed();
       int b = pixelObj.getBlue();
       int c = pixelObj.getGreen();
       int d = (a + b + c) / 3;
Exemplo n.º 29
  * Method to show large changes in color
  * @param edgeDist the distance for finding edges
 public void edgeDetection(int edgeDist) {
   Pixel leftPixel = null;
   Pixel rightPixel = null;
   Pixel[][] pixels = this.getPixels2D();
   Color rightColor = null;
   for (int row = 0; row < pixels.length; row++) {
     for (int col = 0; col < pixels[0].length - 1; col++) {
       leftPixel = pixels[row][col];
       rightPixel = pixels[row][col + 1];
       rightColor = rightPixel.getColor();
       if (leftPixel.colorDistance(rightColor) > edgeDist
           || (row + 1 > pixels.length
               && leftPixel.colorDistance(pixels[row + 1][col].getColor()) > edgeDist))
       else leftPixel.setColor(Color.WHITE);
Exemplo n.º 30
  * Method to show large changes in color
  * @param edgeDist the distance for finding edges
 public void edgeDetection(int edgeDist) {
   Pixel leftPixel = null;
   Pixel rightPixel = null;
   Pixel[][] pixels = this.getPixels2D();
   Color rightColor = null;
   for (int row = 0; row < pixels.length; row++) {
     for (int col = 0; col < pixels[0].length - 1; col++) {
       leftPixel = pixels[row][col];
       rightPixel = pixels[row][col + 1];
       rightColor = rightPixel.getColor();
       if (leftPixel.colorDistance(rightColor) > edgeDist) leftPixel.setColor(Color.BLACK);
       else leftPixel.setColor(Color.WHITE);
   // code to improve edge detection
   Pixel topPixel = null;
   Pixel bottomPixel = null;
   Color bottomColor = null;
   for (int col = 0; col < pixels[0].length; col++) {
     for (int row = 0; row < pixels.length - 1; row++) {
       topPixel = pixels[row][col];
       bottomPixel = pixels[row + 1][col];
       bottomColor = bottomPixel.getColor();
       if (topPixel.colorDistance(bottomColor) > edgeDist) {
       } else {