Exemplo n.º 1
 private void chkFPS() {
   if (fpsCount == 0) {
     fpsTime = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
   long time = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
   if (time != fpsTime) {
     lastFPS = fpsCount;
     fpsCount = 1;
     fpsTime = time;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   try {
     // The image is loaded either from this
     //   default filename or the first command-
     //   line argument.
     // The second command-line argument specifies
     //   what string will be displayed. The third
     //   specifies at what point in the string the
     //   background color will change.
     String filename = "Raphael.jpg";
     String message = "Java2D";
     int split = 4;
     if (args.length > 0) filename = args[0];
     if (args.length > 1) message = args[1];
     if (args.length > 2) split = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
     ApplicationFrame f = new ApplicationFrame("ShowOff v1.0");
     f.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
     ShowOff showOff = new ShowOff(filename, message, split);
     f.add(showOff, BorderLayout.CENTER);
   } catch (Exception e) {
Exemplo n.º 3
  public boolean play() {

    try {
      if (playState != STOPPED) playStop();

      if (audioBytes == null) return false;

      DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(Clip.class, format);

      clip = (Clip) AudioSystem.getLine(info);
      clip.addLineListener(new ClipListener());

      long clipStart = (long) (audioBytes.length * getStartTime() / (getDuration() * 1000.0));
      long clipEnd = (long) (audioBytes.length * getEndTime() / (getDuration() * 1000.0));
      if ((clipEnd - clipStart) > MAX_CLIP_LENGTH) clipEnd = clipStart + MAX_CLIP_LENGTH;
      byte[] clipBytes = new byte[(int) (clipEnd - clipStart)];
      System.arraycopy(audioBytes, (int) clipStart, clipBytes, 0, clipBytes.length);
      clip.open(format, clipBytes, 0, clipBytes.length);

      FloatControl panControl = (FloatControl) clip.getControl(FloatControl.Type.PAN);

      panControl.setValue((float) panSetting / 100.0f);

      double value = (double) gainSetting;

      FloatControl gainControl = (FloatControl) clip.getControl(FloatControl.Type.MASTER_GAIN);
      float dB = (float) (Math.log(value == 0.0 ? 0.0001 : value) / Math.log(10.0) * 20.0);
      double playStartTime = (player.getSeekTime() / 100) * (playGetLength());
      clip.setMicrosecondPosition((long) playStartTime);


      playState = PLAYING;

      return true;

    } catch (Exception ex) {
      playState = STOPPED;
      clip = null;
      return false;
Exemplo n.º 4
  public boolean writeSequence(NoteList noteList) {

    this.noteList = noteList;

    toneMap = toneMapFrame.getToneMap();
    timeSet = toneMap.getTimeSet();
    pitchSet = toneMap.getPitchSet();
    timeRange = timeSet.getRange();
    pitchRange = pitchSet.getRange();

    if (!buildNoteSequence()) return false;

    try {
      sequence = new Sequence(Sequence.PPQ, 10);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      return false;

    track = sequence.createTrack();
    startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

    // add a program change right at the beginning of
    // the track for the current instrument

    createEvent(PROGRAM, cc.program + 1, 1);

    for (int i = 0; i < noteSequence.size(); i++) {
      noteSequenceElement = noteSequence.get(i);
      if (noteSequenceElement.state == ON)
        if (!createEvent(NOTEON, noteSequenceElement.note, noteSequenceElement.tick)) return false;
      if (noteSequenceElement.state == OFF)
        if (!createEvent(NOTEOFF, noteSequenceElement.note, noteSequenceElement.tick)) return false;
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
 * a View for rendering Text's based on bitmaps (when available) or TextLayout (when image not
 * available)
public class TextViewHybrid extends LeafElementView implements Runnable {

  boolean wantToComputeLatexDimensions =
      true; // from preferences: do we want to run LateX to compute preferences
  boolean wantToGetBitMap =
      true; // from preferences: do we want to run LateX+pstoimg to get a bitmap.
  //   wantToGetBitMap=true should Imply wantToComputeLatexDimensions=true

  protected double strx, stry; // TextLayout/Image location with respect to PicText's anchor point
  // [pending] pas joli. A enlever sous peu (utilise juste dans HitInfo que je ne comprends pas, je
  // laisse donc en attendant)

  protected TextLayout
      textLayout; // the TextLayout that renders the text string of this TextEditable
  // [inherited] shape; But here it's the frame box !!! (not textLayout !)
  protected AffineTransform text2ModelTr =
      new AffineTransform();; // maps text coordinates to Model coordinates
  protected BufferedImage image; // bitmap (if null, we rely on TextLayout)
  protected boolean areDimensionsComputed; // has the real dimensions been read from the log file ?
  protected int fileDPI =
      300; // Dot Per Inch of the file (for image resizing) [pending] gerer les preferences de ce
           // parametre
  // il faut passer la valeur en DPI en argument a create_bitmap.sh

  /** pattern used for parsing log file */
  private static final Pattern LogFilePattern =
      Pattern.compile("JPICEDT INFO:\\s*([0-9.]*)pt,\\s*([0-9.]*)pt,\\s*([0-9.]*)pt");

  private static final String CR_LF = System.getProperty("line.separator");

  private PicPoint ptBuf = new PicPoint();

  /** construct a new View for the given PicRectangle */
  public TextViewHybrid(PicText te, AttributesViewFactory f) {
    super(te, f);
    areDimensionsComputed = false;

  public PicText getElement() {
    return (PicText) element;

   * Returns the text rotation in radians : subclassers that don't support rotating text may return
   * 0 here. Used by TextLayout only.
  protected double getRotation() {
    //			debug(set.getAttribute(TEXT_ROTATION).toString());
    return Math.toRadians(element.getAttribute(TEXT_ROTATION).doubleValue());

   * Give notification from the model that a change occured to the text this view is responsible for
   * rendering.
   * <p>
  public void changedUpdate(DrawingEvent.EventType eventType) {
    PicText text = (PicText) element;
    if (textLayout == null) {
      // new *************************** begin (by ss & bp)
      textLayout =
          new TextLayout(
              text.getText(text.getTextMode()).length() == 0
                  ? " "
                  : text.getText(text.getTextMode()),
              // new *************************** end (by ss & bp)
              DefaultViewFactory.textFont, // static field
              new FontRenderContext(null, false, false));
    if (eventType == DrawingEvent.EventType.TEXT_CHANGE) {
      // new *************************** begin (by ss & bp)
      textLayout =
          new TextLayout(
              text.getText(text.getTextMode()).length() == 0
                  ? " "
                  : text.getText(text.getTextMode()),
              // new *************************** end (by ss & bp)
              new FontRenderContext(null, false, false));

      // first try to create a bitmap
      image =
          null; // aka "reset" image => we might temporarily resort to TextLayout until the image is
                // ready
      areDimensionsComputed = false;
      // reset dimensions to the textlayout dimensions
          textLayout.getBounds().getWidth(), textLayout.getAscent(), textLayout.getDescent());

      // new *************************** begin (by ss & bp)
      if (wantToComputeLatexDimensions && text.getText(text.getTextMode()).length() > 0) {
        // new *************************** end (by ss & bp)
        // don't produce a bitmap for an empty string (LaTeX might not like it)
        // [pending] this should be made dependent on a preference's option
        new Thread(this).start();
      if (image == null) super.changedUpdate(null); // ie resort to TextLayout (update all)
    } else {

  // Thread's run method aimed at creating a bitmap asynchronously
  public void run() {
    Drawing drawing = new Drawing();
    PicText rawPicText = new PicText();
    String s = ((PicText) element).getText();
        rawPicText); // bug fix: we must add a CLONE of the PicText, otherwise it loses it former
                     // parent... (then pb with the view )
            + s
            + "}"
            + CR_LF
            + "\\newlength{\\jpicheight}\\settoheight{\\jpicheight}{"
            + s
            + "}"
            + CR_LF
            + "\\newlength{\\jpicdepth}\\settodepth{\\jpicdepth}{"
            + s
            + "}"
            + CR_LF
            + "\\typeout{JPICEDT INFO: \\the\\jpicwidth, \\the\\jpicheight,  \\the\\jpicdepth }"
            + CR_LF);
    RunExternalCommand.Command commandToRun = RunExternalCommand.Command.BITMAP_CREATION;
    // RunExternalCommand command = new RunExternalCommand(drawing, contentType,commandToRun);
    boolean isWriteTmpTeXfile = true;
    String bitmapExt = "png"; // [pending] preferences
    String cmdLine =
        "{i}/unix/tetex/create_bitmap.sh {p} {f} "
            + bitmapExt
            + " "
            + fileDPI; // [pending] preferences
    ContentType contentType = getContainer().getContentType();
    RunExternalCommand.isGUI = false; // System.out, no dialog box // [pending] debug
    RunExternalCommand command =
        new RunExternalCommand(drawing, contentType, cmdLine, isWriteTmpTeXfile);
        .run(); // synchronous in an async. thread => it's ok (anyway, we must way until the LaTeX
                // process has completed)

    if (wantToComputeLatexDimensions) {
      // load size of text:
      try {
        File logFile = new File(command.getTmpPath(), command.getTmpFilePrefix() + ".log");
        BufferedReader reader = null;
        try {
          reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(logFile));
        } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
          System.out.println("Cannot find log file! " + fnfe.getMessage());
        } catch (IOException ioex) {
          System.out.println("Log file IO exception");
        } // utile ?
        System.out.println("Log file created! file=" + logFile);
        getDimensionsFromLogFile(reader, (PicText) element);
        syncStringLocation(); // update dimensions
            new Thread() {
              public void run() {
        // repaint(null); // now that dimensions are available, we force a repaint() [pending]
        // smart-repaint ?
      } catch (Exception e) {

    if (wantToGetBitMap) {
      // load image:
      try {
        File bitmapFile =
            new File(command.getTmpPath(), command.getTmpFilePrefix() + "." + bitmapExt);
        this.image = ImageIO.read(bitmapFile);
            "Bitmap created! file="
                + bitmapFile
                + ", width="
                + image.getWidth()
                + "pixels, height="
                + image.getHeight()
                + "pixels");
        if (image == null) return;
        syncStringLocation(); // sets strx, stry, and dimensions of text
        // update the AffineTransform that will be applied to the bitmap before displaying on screen
        PicText te = (PicText) element;
        text2ModelTr.setToIdentity(); // reset
        PicPoint anchor = te.getCtrlPt(TextEditable.P_ANCHOR, ptBuf);
        text2ModelTr.rotate(getRotation(), anchor.x, anchor.y); // rotate along P_ANCHOR !
        text2ModelTr.translate(te.getLeftX(), te.getTopY());
            te.getWidth() / image.getWidth(),
            -(te.getHeight() + te.getDepth()) / image.getHeight());
        // [pending]  should do something special to avoid dividing by 0 or setting a rescaling
        // factor to 0 [non invertible matrix] (java will throw an exception)
            new Thread() {
              public void run() {
        // repaint(null); // now that bitmap is available, we force a repaint() [pending]
        // smart-repaint ?
      } catch (Exception e) {

   * update strx stry = location of TextLayout's bottom-Left corner with respect to PicText's
   * anchor-point
  protected void syncStringLocation() {
    PicText te = (PicText) element;
    PicPoint anchor = te.getCtrlPt(TextEditable.P_ANCHOR, ptBuf);
    if (image == null) {
      if (!areDimensionsComputed) {
            textLayout.getBounds().getWidth(), textLayout.getAscent(), textLayout.getDescent());
      strx = te.getLeftX() - anchor.x;
      stry = te.getBaseLineY() - anchor.y;
    } else { // image not null
      strx = te.getLeftX() - anchor.x;
      stry = te.getBottomY() - anchor.y;

   * Synchronize the textLayout and the shape (=frame box, by calling syncFrame) with the model When
   * <code>TextLayout</code> is used, this delegates to <code>getRotation()</code> where computing
   * rotation angle is concerned, and updates the AffineTransform returned by <code>
   * getTextToModelTransform()</code>.
  protected void syncShape() {
    PicText te = (PicText) element;

    //			textLayout = new TextLayout(te.getText().length()==0 ? " " : te.getText(),
    //			    textFont,
    //			    new FontRenderContext(null,false,false));

    text2ModelTr.setToIdentity(); // reset
    PicPoint anchor = te.getCtrlPt(TextEditable.P_ANCHOR, ptBuf);
    text2ModelTr.rotate(getRotation(), anchor.x, anchor.y); // rotate along P_ANCHOR !
    // the reference point of an image is the top-left one, but the refpoint of a text layout is on
    // the baseline
    if (image != null) {
      text2ModelTr.translate(te.getLeftX(), te.getTopY());
      if (te.getWidth() != 0
          && image.getWidth() != 0
          && (te.getDepth() + te.getHeight()) != 0
          && image.getHeight() != 0)
            te.getWidth() / image.getWidth(),
            -(te.getHeight() + te.getDepth()) / image.getHeight());
    } else {
      // Hack ? Just cheating a little bit ? Ou juste ruse ?
      // we want here to use the dimensions of the textLayout instead of latex dimensions if
      // areDimensionsComputed
      // sinon on va aligner le textlayout en fonction des parametres latex, et l'Utilisateur (qui
      // est bien bete) ne va rien comprendre.
      double latexH = 0;
      double latexD = 0;
      double latexW = 0;
      if (areDimensionsComputed) { // store latex dimensions, and setDimensions to textLayout ones
        latexH = te.getHeight();
        latexD = te.getDepth();
        latexW = te.getWidth();
            textLayout.getBounds().getWidth(), textLayout.getAscent(), textLayout.getDescent());
      text2ModelTr.translate(te.getLeftX(), te.getBaseLineY());
      if (areDimensionsComputed) { // restore latex dimensions
        te.setDimensions(latexW, latexH, latexD);
      // Autre possibilite= comprimer le texte pour qu'il rentre dans la boite (evite le hack
      // ci-dessus):
      // text2ModelTr.scale(te.getWidth()/textLayout.getWidth(),-(te.getHeight()+te.getDepth())/textLayout.getHeight());
      text2ModelTr.scale(1.0, -1.0);

   * synchronize frame shape and location (TextLayout only) ; this is called by syncShape(), so that
   * subclasser might override easily when only rectangular shapes are availables.
  protected void syncFrame() {
    PicText te = (PicText) element;
    if (!te.isFramed()) {
    AffineTransform tr =
        new AffineTransform(); // maps Image coordinates to Model coordinates (see paint)
    tr.setToIdentity(); // reset
    PicPoint anchor = te.getCtrlPt(TextEditable.P_ANCHOR, ptBuf);
    tr.rotate(getRotation(), anchor.x, anchor.y); // rotate along P_ANCHOR !
    shape = tr.createTransformedShape(te.getShapeOfFrame());

  protected void getDimensionsFromLogFile(BufferedReader reader, PicText text) {
    if (reader == null) {
    String line = ""; // il rale si j'initialise pas ...
    boolean finished = false;
    while (!finished) {
      try {
        line = reader.readLine();
      } catch (IOException ioex) {
      if (line == null) {
        System.out.println("Size of text not found in log file...");

      Matcher matcher = LogFilePattern.matcher(line);

      if (line != null && matcher.find()) {
        System.out.println("FOUND :" + line);
        finished = true;
        try {
              0.3515 * Double.parseDouble(matcher.group(1)), // height, pt->mm (1pt=0.3515 mm)
              0.3515 * Double.parseDouble(matcher.group(2)), // width
              0.3515 * Double.parseDouble(matcher.group(3))); // depth
          areDimensionsComputed = true;
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
          System.out.println("Logfile number format problem: $line" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
          System.out.println("Logfile regexp problem: $line" + e.getMessage());

  /** Synchronizes bounding box with the model ; */
  protected void syncBounds() {
    PicText te = (PicText) element;
    // [pending] Il faut tenir compte de la rotation !

    Rectangle2D latexBB =
        null; // BB relative to latex dimensions (including rotation) (without frame)
    Rectangle2D textLayoutBB =
        null; // BB relative to textLayout dimensions (including rotation) (without frame)
    Rectangle2D textBB = null; // BB of the text (including rotation), without frame

    if (areDimensionsComputed) { // compute latexBB
      Rectangle2D nonRotated =
          new Rectangle2D.Double(
              te.getLeftX(), te.getBottomY(), te.getWidth(), te.getHeight() + te.getDepth());
      AffineTransform tr =
          new AffineTransform(); // maps Image coordinates to Model coordinates (see paint)
      tr.setToIdentity(); // reset
      PicPoint anchor = te.getCtrlPt(TextEditable.P_ANCHOR, ptBuf);
      tr.rotate(getRotation(), anchor.x, anchor.y); // rotate along P_ANCHOR !
      latexBB = tr.createTransformedShape(nonRotated).getBounds2D();

    if (image == null) { // compute textLayoutBB
      Rectangle2D nonRotated = textLayout.getBounds();
      textLayoutBB = text2ModelTr.createTransformedShape(nonRotated).getBounds2D();

    // use textLayoutBB or latexBB or their union
    if (image != null) textBB = latexBB;
    else {
      if (!areDimensionsComputed) textBB = textLayoutBB;
      else {
        textBB = latexBB.createUnion(textLayoutBB);

    // union with frame BB
    if (te.isFramed()) {
      super.syncBounds(); // update bounds of the frame if necessary
      Rectangle2D.union(super.bounds, textBB, this.bounds);
    } else this.bounds = textBB;

   * Render the View to the given graphic context. This implementation render the interior first,
   * then the outline.
  public void paint(Graphics2D g, Rectangle2D a) {
    if (!a.intersects(getBounds())) return;
    if (image != null) { // paint bitmap
      g.drawImage(image, text2ModelTr, null);
      // debug:
      super.paint(g, a); // possibly paint framebox if non-null
    } else { // paint textlayout
      super.paint(g, a); // possibly paint framebox if non-null

      AffineTransform oldAT = g.getTransform();
      // paint text in black
      // from now on, we work in Y-direct (<0) coordinates to avoid inextricable problems with font
      // being mirrored...
      g.transform(text2ModelTr); // also include rotation
      textLayout.draw(g, 0.0f, 0.0f);
      // [pending] ajouter un cadre si areDimensionsComputed (wysiwyg du pauvre)
      // get back to previous transform
      if (DEBUG) {

   * This implementation calls <code>super.hitTest</code> and returns the result if non-null (this
   * should be a HitInfo.Point), then returns a HitInfo.Interior if the mouse-click occured inside
   * the text bound (as defined by text layout)
   * @return a HitInfo corresponding to the given mouse-event
  public HitInfo hitTest(PEMouseEvent e) {

    // from Bitmap:
    if (image != null) {
      if (getBounds().contains(e.getPicPoint())) {
        return new HitInfo.Interior((PicText) element, e);
      return null;

    // from TextLayout:
    if (!getBounds().contains(e.getPicPoint())) return null;

    PicText te = (PicText) element;
    // recompute textlayout b-box, but store it in a temporary field !
    Rectangle2D tb = textLayout.getBounds();
    Shape text_bounds = text2ModelTr.createTransformedShape(tb);
    if (text_bounds.contains(e.getPicPoint())) {
      // [SR:pending] for the hitInfo to be reliable, getPicPoint() should first be transformed by
      //              inverse text2ModelTr ! (especially when rotationAngle != 0)
      TextHitInfo thi =
              (float) (e.getPicPoint().x - strx),
              (float) (e.getPicPoint().y - stry)); // guaranteed to return a non-null thi
      return new HitInfo.Text((PicText) element, thi, e);
    // test hit on textlayout's bounding rectangle :
    // else if (bounds.contains(e.getPicPoint())) return new HitInfo.Interior(element,e);
    return null;

   * [SR:pending] make this view implement aka TextEditableView interface (or something like it),
   * where TextEditableView is a subinterface of View with text-editing specific capabilities.
   * <p>Returns the TextLayout which is responsible for painting the textual content of this element
  public TextLayout getTextLayout() {
    return textLayout;

   * Return an affine transform which translat b/w the TextLayout coordinate system and the
   * jpicedt.graphic.model coordinate system. [SR:pending] refactor method name to something more
   * explanatory
  public AffineTransform getTextToModelTransform() {
    return text2ModelTr;
} // TextView