/** Paint it. */ public void paint(Graphics g) { Dimension d = getSize(); if (!inited || buff == null || d.width != buffSize.width || d.height != buffSize.height) { buffSize.width = d.width; buffSize.height = d.height; buff = createImage(d.width + 4, d.height + 4); if (buff == null) return; buffG = buff.getGraphics(); inited = true; } buffG.setColor(Color.lightGray); buffG.fillRect(0, 0, prefSize.width, prefSize.height); PressedRect(buffG, 0, 0, prefSize.width - 2, prefSize.height - 2); buffG.setColor(Color.lightGray); buffG.fillRect(0, 0, prefSize.width + 2, prefSize.height + 2); if (!gameover) if ((gameover = is_game_over())) end_game(); for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) { drawBlock(buffG, i, j, status(i, j)); } } // PressedRect(buffG,0,0,prefSize.width + 2,prefSize.height + 2); if (buff != null) g.drawImage(buff, 0, 0, null); }
/** Is called when the applet wants to be resized. */ @Override public void appletResize(int width, int height) { currentAppletSize.width = width; currentAppletSize.height = height; final Dimension currentSize = new Dimension(currentAppletSize.width, currentAppletSize.height); if (loader != null) { AppContext appCtxt = loader.getAppContext(); if (appCtxt != null) appEvtQ = (java.awt.EventQueue) appCtxt.get(AppContext.EVENT_QUEUE_KEY); } final AppletPanel ap = this; if (appEvtQ != null) { appEvtQ.postEvent( new InvocationEvent( Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (ap != null) { ap.dispatchAppletEvent(APPLET_RESIZE, currentSize); } } })); } }
public void restart(int rows, int cols, int nummines) { this.rows = rows; this.cols = cols; this.nummines = nummines; prefSize.width = cols * wt; prefSize.height = rows * ht; minerowlist = new int[nummines]; minecollist = new int[nummines]; restart(); }
/** * Prepare a buffer for the image, return if the canvas is ready Only need to call this when the * size of the canvas is changed, Since we automatically detect the size change in paint() only * call this on start */ public boolean newImgBuf() { Dimension sz = getSize(); if (sz.width == 0 || sz.height == 0) return false; // quit if the current image already has the right size if (img != null && imgG != null && sz.equals(imgSize)) return true; img = createImage(sz.width, sz.height); if (imgG != null) imgG.dispose(); imgG = img.getGraphics(); imgSize = sz; return true; }
public void sizeToText() { Dimension d = new Dimension(0, 0); Dimension di; for (int i = 0; i < nLists; i++) { fm = getFontMetrics(list[i].getFont()); di = list[i].preferredSize(); d.height += di.height; for (int j = 0; j < list[i].countItems(); j++) { d.width = Math.max(d.width, fm.stringWidth(list[i].getItem(j) + " ")); } } for (int i = 0; i < nLists; i++) { list[i].resize(d.width + hSpace / 3, list[i].preferredSize().height); } panel.resize(d.width + hSpace / 3, list[1].preferredSize().height); this.resize(d.width + hSpace, d.height + vSpace); panel.invalidate(); validate(); }
public static void openFrame(Object frame) { boolean packFrame = false; if (packFrame) { ((JFrame) frame).pack(); } else { ((JFrame) frame).validate(); } // Center the window Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); Dimension frameSize = ((JFrame) frame).getSize(); if (frameSize.height > screenSize.height) { frameSize.height = screenSize.height; } if (frameSize.width > screenSize.width) { frameSize.width = screenSize.width; } ((JFrame) frame) .setLocation( (screenSize.width - frameSize.width) / 2, (screenSize.height - frameSize.height) / 2); ((JFrame) frame).setVisible(true); }
/** Construct an applet viewer and start the applet. */ public void init() { try { // Get the width (if any) defaultAppletSize.width = getWidth(); currentAppletSize.width = defaultAppletSize.width; // Get the height (if any) defaultAppletSize.height = getHeight(); currentAppletSize.height = defaultAppletSize.height; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // Turn on the error flag and let TagAppletPanel // do the right thing. status = APPLET_ERROR; showAppletStatus("badattribute.exception"); showAppletLog("badattribute.exception"); showAppletException(e); } setLayout(new BorderLayout()); createAppletThread(); }
/** * Method declaration * * @param ev */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { String s = ev.getActionCommand(); if (s == null) { if (ev.getSource() instanceof MenuItem) { MenuItem i; s = ((MenuItem) ev.getSource()).getLabel(); } } if (s.equals("Execute")) { execute(); } else if (s.equals("Exit")) { windowClosing(null); } else if (s.equals("Transfer")) { Transfer.work(null); } else if (s.equals("Dump")) { Transfer.work(new String[] {"-d"}); /* NB - 26052002 Restore is not implemented yet in the transfer tool */ /* } else if (s.equals("Restore")) { Transfer.work(new String[]{"-r"}); */ } else if (s.equals("Logging on")) { jdbcSystem.setLogToSystem(true); } else if (s.equals("Logging off")) { jdbcSystem.setLogToSystem(false); } else if (s.equals("Refresh Tree")) { refreshTree(); } else if (s.startsWith("#")) { int i = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(1)); txtCommand.setText(sRecent[i]); } else if (s.equals("Connect...")) { connect(ConnectionDialog.createConnection(fMain, "Connect")); refreshTree(); } else if (s.equals("Results in Grid")) { iResult = 0; pResult.removeAll(); pResult.add("Center", gResult); pResult.doLayout(); } else if (s.equals("Open Script...")) { FileDialog f = new FileDialog(fMain, "Open Script", FileDialog.LOAD); // (ulrivo): set default directory if set from command line if (defDirectory != null) { f.setDirectory(defDirectory); } f.show(); String file = f.getFile(); if (file != null) { txtCommand.setText(DatabaseManagerCommon.readFile(f.getDirectory() + file)); } } else if (s.equals("Save Script...")) { FileDialog f = new FileDialog(fMain, "Save Script", FileDialog.SAVE); // (ulrivo): set default directory if set from command line if (defDirectory != null) { f.setDirectory(defDirectory); } f.show(); String file = f.getFile(); if (file != null) { DatabaseManagerCommon.writeFile(f.getDirectory() + file, txtCommand.getText()); } } else if (s.equals("Save Result...")) { FileDialog f = new FileDialog(fMain, "Save Result", FileDialog.SAVE); // (ulrivo): set default directory if set from command line if (defDirectory != null) { f.setDirectory(defDirectory); } f.show(); String file = f.getFile(); if (file != null) { showResultInText(); DatabaseManagerCommon.writeFile(f.getDirectory() + file, txtResult.getText()); } } else if (s.equals("Results in Text")) { iResult = 1; pResult.removeAll(); pResult.add("Center", txtResult); pResult.doLayout(); showResultInText(); } else if (s.equals("AutoCommit on")) { try { cConn.setAutoCommit(true); } catch (SQLException e) { } } else if (s.equals("AutoCommit off")) { try { cConn.setAutoCommit(false); } catch (SQLException e) { } } else if (s.equals("Enlarge Tree")) { Dimension d = tTree.getMinimumSize(); d.width += 20; tTree.setMinimumSize(d); fMain.pack(); } else if (s.equals("Shrink Tree")) { Dimension d = tTree.getMinimumSize(); d.width -= 20; if (d.width >= 0) { tTree.setMinimumSize(d); } fMain.pack(); } else if (s.equals("Enlarge Command")) { txtCommand.setRows(txtCommand.getRows() + 1); fMain.pack(); } else if (s.equals("Shrink Command")) { int i = txtCommand.getRows() - 1; txtCommand.setRows(i < 1 ? 1 : i); fMain.pack(); } else if (s.equals("Commit")) { try { cConn.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } else if (s.equals("Insert test data")) { insertTestData(); } else if (s.equals("Rollback")) { try { cConn.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } else if (s.equals("Disable MaxRows")) { try { sStatement.setMaxRows(0); } catch (SQLException e) { } } else if (s.equals("Set MaxRows to 100")) { try { sStatement.setMaxRows(100); } catch (SQLException e) { } } else if (s.equals("SELECT")) { showHelp(DatabaseManagerCommon.selectHelp); } else if (s.equals("INSERT")) { showHelp(DatabaseManagerCommon.insertHelp); } else if (s.equals("UPDATE")) { showHelp(DatabaseManagerCommon.updateHelp); } else if (s.equals("DELETE")) { showHelp(DatabaseManagerCommon.deleteHelp); } else if (s.equals("CREATE TABLE")) { showHelp(DatabaseManagerCommon.createTableHelp); } else if (s.equals("DROP TABLE")) { showHelp(DatabaseManagerCommon.dropTableHelp); } else if (s.equals("CREATE INDEX")) { showHelp(DatabaseManagerCommon.createIndexHelp); } else if (s.equals("DROP INDEX")) { showHelp(DatabaseManagerCommon.dropIndexHelp); } else if (s.equals("CHECKPOINT")) { showHelp(DatabaseManagerCommon.checkpointHelp); } else if (s.equals("SCRIPT")) { showHelp(DatabaseManagerCommon.scriptHelp); } else if (s.equals("SHUTDOWN")) { showHelp(DatabaseManagerCommon.shutdownHelp); } else if (s.equals("SET")) { showHelp(DatabaseManagerCommon.setHelp); } else if (s.equals("Test Script")) { showHelp(DatabaseManagerCommon.testHelp); } }
public Dimension getPreferredSize() { prefSize.width = 4 + cols * ht; prefSize.height = 4 + rows * ht; return prefSize; }
@Override public void setBounds(int x, int y, int width, int height) { super.setBounds(x, y, width, height); currentAppletSize.width = width; currentAppletSize.height = height; }