Exemplo n.º 1
 public int read(byte[] b, int st, int len) throws IOException {
   if (owner.chunkLength <= 0) if (!owner.getData()) return -1;
   if (owner.chunkLength < len) len = owner.chunkLength;
   System.arraycopy(owner.inbuf, owner.chunkStart, b, st, len);
   owner.chunkLength -= len;
   owner.chunkStart += len;
   return len;
Exemplo n.º 2
  /** Print the HTML tag. */
  public static void printTag(PrintStream out, Hashtable atts) {

    String v = (String) atts.get("codebase");
    if (v != null) {
      out.print(" codebase=\"" + v + "\"");

    v = (String) atts.get("code");
    if (v == null) {
      v = "applet.class";
    out.print(" code=\"" + v + "\"");
    v = (String) atts.get("width");
    if (v == null) {
      v = "150";
    out.print(" width=" + v);

    v = (String) atts.get("height");
    if (v == null) {
      v = "100";
    out.print(" height=" + v);

    v = (String) atts.get("name");
    if (v != null) {
      out.print(" name=\"" + v + "\"");

    // A very slow sorting algorithm
    int len = atts.size();
    String params[] = new String[len];
    len = 0;
    for (Enumeration e = atts.keys(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
      String param = (String) e.nextElement();
      int i = 0;
      for (; i < len; i++) {
        if (params[i].compareTo(param) >= 0) {
      System.arraycopy(params, i, params, i + 1, len - i);
      params[i] = param;

    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      String param = params[i];
      if (systemParam.get(param) == null) {
        out.println("<param name=" + param + " value=\"" + atts.get(param) + "\">");
Exemplo n.º 3
 private static void checkConnect(URL url) {
   SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
   if (security != null) {
     try {
       j86.java.security.Permission perm = url.openConnection().getPermission();
       if (perm != null) security.checkPermission(perm);
       else security.checkConnect(url.getHost(), url.getPort());
     } catch (j86.java.io.IOException ioe) {
       security.checkConnect(url.getHost(), url.getPort());
Exemplo n.º 4
 private boolean need(int n) throws IOException {
   if (limit - pos >= n) return true;
   if (limit - pos >= n) return true;
   if (seenEOF) return false;
   byte nin[] = new byte[n + 100];
   System.arraycopy(inbuf, pos, nin, 0, limit - pos);
   limit = limit - pos;
   pos = 0;
   inbuf = nin;
   return limit - pos >= n;
Exemplo n.º 5
  /** Return an enumeration of all the accessible applets on this page. */
  public Enumeration getApplets() {
    AppletSecurity security = (AppletSecurity) System.getSecurityManager();
    Vector v = new Vector();
    SocketPermission panelSp = new SocketPermission(panel.getCodeBase().getHost(), "connect");

    for (Enumeration e = appletPanels.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
      AppletPanel p = (AppletPanel) e.nextElement();
      if (p.getDocumentBase().equals(panel.getDocumentBase())) {

        SocketPermission sp = new SocketPermission(p.getCodeBase().getHost(), "connect");
        if (panelSp.implies(sp)) {
    return v.elements();
Exemplo n.º 6
 private void fill() throws IOException {
   if (!seenEOF) {
     if (pos > 0 && pos < limit) {
       System.arraycopy(inbuf, pos, inbuf, 0, limit - pos);
       limit = limit - pos;
       pos = 0;
     } else if (pos >= limit) {
       pos = 0;
       limit = 0;
     int bsize = inbuf.length;
     while (limit < bsize) {
       int n = underlyingInputStream.read(inbuf, limit, bsize - limit);
       if (n <= 0) {
         seenEOF = true;
       limit += n;
Exemplo n.º 7
  /** Get an applet by name. */
  public Applet getApplet(String name) {
    AppletSecurity security = (AppletSecurity) System.getSecurityManager();
    name = name.toLowerCase();
    SocketPermission panelSp = new SocketPermission(panel.getCodeBase().getHost(), "connect");
    for (Enumeration e = appletPanels.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
      AppletPanel p = (AppletPanel) e.nextElement();
      String param = p.getParameter("name");
      if (param != null) {
        param = param.toLowerCase();
      if (name.equals(param) && p.getDocumentBase().equals(panel.getDocumentBase())) {

        SocketPermission sp = new SocketPermission(p.getCodeBase().getHost(), "connect");

        if (panelSp.implies(sp)) {
          return p.applet;
    return null;
Exemplo n.º 8
   * Send the initial set of events to the appletviewer event queue. On start-up the current
   * behaviour is to load the applet and call Applet.init() and Applet.start().
  private void initEventQueue() {
    // appletviewer.send.event is an undocumented and unsupported system
    // property which is used exclusively for testing purposes.
    String eventList = System.getProperty("appletviewer.send.event");

    if (eventList == null) {
      // Add the standard events onto the event queue.
    } else {
      // We're testing AppletViewer.  Force the specified set of events
      // onto the event queue, wait for the events to be processed, and
      // exit.

      // The list of events that will be executed is provided as a
      // ","-separated list.  No error-checking will be done on the list.
      String[] events = splitSeparator(",", eventList);

      for (int i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
        System.out.println("Adding event to queue: " + events[i]);
        if (events[i].equals("dispose")) panel.sendEvent(AppletPanel.APPLET_DISPOSE);
        else if (events[i].equals("load")) panel.sendEvent(AppletPanel.APPLET_LOAD);
        else if (events[i].equals("init")) panel.sendEvent(AppletPanel.APPLET_INIT);
        else if (events[i].equals("start")) panel.sendEvent(AppletPanel.APPLET_START);
        else if (events[i].equals("stop")) panel.sendEvent(AppletPanel.APPLET_STOP);
        else if (events[i].equals("destroy")) panel.sendEvent(AppletPanel.APPLET_DESTROY);
        else if (events[i].equals("quit")) panel.sendEvent(AppletPanel.APPLET_QUIT);
        else if (events[i].equals("error")) panel.sendEvent(AppletPanel.APPLET_ERROR);
          // non-fatal error if we get an unrecognized event
          System.out.println("Unrecognized event name: " + events[i]);

      while (!panel.emptyEventQueue()) ;
Exemplo n.º 9
   * Parse a keystore domain configuration file and associated collection
   * of keystore passwords to create a collection of KeyStore.Builder.
  private List<KeyStoreBuilderComponents> getBuilders(
      URI configuration, Map<String, KeyStore.ProtectionParameter> passwords) throws IOException {

    PolicyParser parser = new PolicyParser(true); // expand properties
    Collection<PolicyParser.DomainEntry> domains = null;
    List<KeyStoreBuilderComponents> builders = new ArrayList<>();
    String uriDomain = configuration.getFragment();

    try (InputStreamReader configurationReader =
        new InputStreamReader(PolicyUtil.getInputStream(configuration.toURL()), "UTF-8")) {
      domains = parser.getDomainEntries();

    } catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
      throw new IOException(mue);

    } catch (PolicyParser.ParsingException pe) {
      throw new IOException(pe);

    for (PolicyParser.DomainEntry domain : domains) {
      Map<String, String> domainProperties = domain.getProperties();

      if (uriDomain != null && (!uriDomain.equalsIgnoreCase(domain.getName()))) {
        continue; // skip this domain

      if (domainProperties.containsKey(ENTRY_NAME_SEPARATOR)) {
        this.entryNameSeparator = domainProperties.get(ENTRY_NAME_SEPARATOR);
        // escape any regex meta characters
        char ch = 0;
        StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < this.entryNameSeparator.length(); i++) {
          ch = this.entryNameSeparator.charAt(i);
          if (REGEX_META.indexOf(ch) != -1) {
        this.entryNameSeparatorRegEx = s.toString();

      Collection<PolicyParser.KeyStoreEntry> keystores = domain.getEntries();
      for (PolicyParser.KeyStoreEntry keystore : keystores) {
        String keystoreName = keystore.getName();
        Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<>(domainProperties);

        String keystoreType = DEFAULT_KEYSTORE_TYPE;
        if (properties.containsKey(KEYSTORE_TYPE)) {
          keystoreType = properties.get(KEYSTORE_TYPE);

        Provider keystoreProvider = null;
        if (properties.containsKey(KEYSTORE_PROVIDER_NAME)) {
          String keystoreProviderName = properties.get(KEYSTORE_PROVIDER_NAME);
          keystoreProvider = Security.getProvider(keystoreProviderName);
          if (keystoreProvider == null) {
            throw new IOException("Error locating JCE provider: " + keystoreProviderName);

        File keystoreFile = null;
        if (properties.containsKey(KEYSTORE_URI)) {
          String uri = properties.get(KEYSTORE_URI);

          try {
            if (uri.startsWith("file://")) {
              keystoreFile = new File(new URI(uri));
            } else {
              keystoreFile = new File(uri);

          } catch (URISyntaxException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
            throw new IOException(
                "Error processing keystore property: " + "keystoreURI=\"" + uri + "\"", e);

        KeyStore.ProtectionParameter keystoreProtection = null;
        if (passwords.containsKey(keystoreName)) {
          keystoreProtection = passwords.get(keystoreName);

        } else if (properties.containsKey(KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_ENV)) {
          String env = properties.get(KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_ENV);
          String pwd = System.getenv(env);
          if (pwd != null) {
            keystoreProtection = new KeyStore.PasswordProtection(pwd.toCharArray());
          } else {
            throw new IOException(
                "Error processing keystore property: " + "keystorePasswordEnv=\"" + env + "\"");
        } else {
          keystoreProtection = new KeyStore.PasswordProtection(null);

            new KeyStoreBuilderComponents(
                keystoreName, keystoreType, keystoreProvider, keystoreFile, keystoreProtection));
      break; // skip other domains
    if (builders.isEmpty()) {
      throw new IOException("Error locating domain configuration data " + "for: " + configuration);

    return builders;
Exemplo n.º 10
 protected boolean handleChunk(int key, byte[] buf, int st, int len) throws IOException {
   switch (key) {
     case bKGDChunk:
       Color c = null;
       switch (colorType) {
         case COLOR:
         case COLOR | ALPHA:
           pngassert(len == 6);
           c = new Color(buf[st] & 0xff, buf[st + 2] & 0xff, buf[st + 4] & 0xff);
         case COLOR | PALETTE:
         case COLOR | PALETTE | ALPHA:
           pngassert(len == 1);
           int ix = buf[st] & 0xFF;
           pngassert(red_map != null && ix < red_map.length);
           c = new Color(red_map[ix] & 0xff, green_map[ix] & 0xff, blue_map[ix] & 0xff);
         case GRAY:
         case GRAY | ALPHA:
           pngassert(len == 2);
           int t = buf[st] & 0xFF;
           c = new Color(t, t, t);
       if (c != null) property("background", c);
     case cHRMChunk:
           new Chromaticities(
               getInt(st + 4),
               getInt(st + 8),
               getInt(st + 12),
               getInt(st + 16),
               getInt(st + 20),
               getInt(st + 24),
               getInt(st + 28)));
     case gAMAChunk:
       if (len != 4) throw new PNGException("bogus gAMA");
       gamma = getInt(st);
       if (gamma != 100000) property("gamma", gamma / 100000.0f);
     case hISTChunk:
     case IDATChunk:
       return false;
     case IENDChunk:
     case IHDRChunk:
       if (len != 13 || (width = getInt(st)) == 0 || (height = getInt(st + 4)) == 0)
         throw new PNGException("bogus IHDR");
       bitDepth = getByte(st + 8);
       colorType = getByte(st + 9);
       compressionMethod = getByte(st + 10);
       filterMethod = getByte(st + 11);
       interlaceMethod = getByte(st + 12);
       /* this is not needed
       if(target!=null) target.setDimensions(width,height);
     case PLTEChunk:
         int tsize = len / 3;
         red_map = new byte[tsize];
         green_map = new byte[tsize];
         blue_map = new byte[tsize];
         for (int i = 0, j = st; i < tsize; i++, j += 3) {
           red_map[i] = buf[j];
           green_map[i] = buf[j + 1];
           blue_map[i] = buf[j + 2];
     case pHYsChunk:
     case sBITChunk:
     case tEXtChunk:
       int klen = 0;
       while (klen < len && buf[st + klen] != 0) klen++;
       if (klen < len) {
         String tkey = new String(buf, st, klen);
         String tvalue = new String(buf, st + klen + 1, len - klen - 1);
         property(tkey, tvalue);
     case tIMEChunk:
           new GregorianCalendar(
                   getShort(st + 0),
                   getByte(st + 2) - 1,
                   getByte(st + 3),
                   getByte(st + 4),
                   getByte(st + 5),
                   getByte(st + 6))
     case tRNSChunk:
       switch (colorType) {
         case PALETTE | COLOR:
         case PALETTE | COLOR | ALPHA:
           int alen = len;
           if (red_map != null) alen = red_map.length;
           alpha_map = new byte[alen];
           System.arraycopy(buf, st, alpha_map, 0, len < alen ? len : alen);
           while (--alen >= len) alpha_map[alen] = (byte) 0xFF;
         case COLOR: // doesn't deal with 16 bit colors properly
         case COLOR | ALPHA: // doesn't deal with 16 bit colors properly
           pngassert(len == 6);
           if (bitDepth == 16) {
             transparentPixel_16 = new byte[6];
             for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
               transparentPixel_16[i] = (byte) getByte(st + i);
           } else {
             transparentPixel =
                 ((getShort(st + 0) & 0xFF) << 16)
                     | ((getShort(st + 2) & 0xFF) << 8)
                     | ((getShort(st + 4) & 0xFF));
         case GRAY: // doesn't deal with 16 bit colors properly
         case GRAY | ALPHA: // doesn't deal with 16 bit colors properly
           pngassert(len == 2);
           /* REMIND: Discarding the LSB for 16 bit depth here
            * means that the all pixels which match the MSB
            * will be treated as transparent.
           int t = getShort(st);
           t = 0xFF & ((bitDepth == 16) ? (t >> 8) : t);
           transparentPixel = (t << 16) | (t << 8) | t;
     case zTXtChunk:
   return true;
Exemplo n.º 11
 /** Exit the program. Exit from the program (if not stand alone) - do no clean-up */
 private void appletSystemExit() {
   if (factory.isStandalone()) System.exit(0);